path: root/examples/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/')
1 files changed, 641 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..54a340e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+'''Expands an unclosed UFO stroke font into monoline forms with a fixed width'''
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2017 SIL International (, based on outlinerRoboFontExtension Copyright (c) 2016 Frederik Berlaen'
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'Victor Gaultney'
+# Usage: psfexpandstroke ifont ofont expansion
+# expansion is the number of units added to each side of the stroke
+# To Do
+# - Simplify to assume round caps and corners
+# main input, output, and execution handled by pysilfont framework
+from silfont.core import execute
+from fontTools.pens.basePen import BasePen
+from fontTools.misc.bezierTools import splitCubicAtT
+from import OpenFont
+from robofab.pens.pointPen import AbstractPointPen
+from robofab.pens.reverseContourPointPen import ReverseContourPointPen
+from robofab.pens.adapterPens import PointToSegmentPen
+from defcon import Glyph
+from math import sqrt, cos, sin, acos, asin, degrees, radians, pi
+suffix = '_expanded'
+argspec = [
+ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input font file'}, {'type': 'filename'}),
+ ('ofont',{'help': 'Output font file','nargs': '?' }, {'type': 'filename', 'def': "_"+suffix}),
+ ('thickness',{'help': 'Stroke thickness'}, {}),
+ ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.log'})]
+# The following functions are straight from outlinerRoboFontExtension
+def roundFloat(f):
+ error = 1000000.
+ return round(f*error)/error
+def checkSmooth(firstAngle, lastAngle):
+ if firstAngle is None or lastAngle is None:
+ return True
+ error = 4
+ firstAngle = degrees(firstAngle)
+ lastAngle = degrees(lastAngle)
+ if int(firstAngle) + error >= int(lastAngle) >= int(firstAngle) - error:
+ return True
+ return False
+def checkInnerOuter(firstAngle, lastAngle):
+ if firstAngle is None or lastAngle is None:
+ return True
+ dirAngle = degrees(firstAngle) - degrees(lastAngle)
+ if dirAngle > 180:
+ dirAngle = 180 - dirAngle
+ elif dirAngle < -180:
+ dirAngle = -180 - dirAngle
+ if dirAngle > 0:
+ return True
+ if dirAngle <= 0:
+ return False
+def interSect((seg1s, seg1e), (seg2s, seg2e)):
+ denom = (seg2e.y - seg2s.y)*(seg1e.x - seg1s.x) - (seg2e.x - seg2s.x)*(seg1e.y - seg1s.y)
+ if roundFloat(denom) == 0:
+ # print 'parallel: %s' % denom
+ return None
+ uanum = (seg2e.x - seg2s.x)*(seg1s.y - seg2s.y) - (seg2e.y - seg2s.y)*(seg1s.x - seg2s.x)
+ ubnum = (seg1e.x - seg1s.x)*(seg1s.y - seg2s.y) - (seg1e.y - seg1s.y)*(seg1s.x - seg2s.x)
+ ua = uanum / denom
+ # ub = ubnum / denom
+ x = seg1s.x + ua*(seg1e.x - seg1s.x)
+ y = seg1s.y + ua*(seg1e.y - seg1s.y)
+ return MathPoint(x, y)
+def pointOnACurve((x1, y1), (cx1, cy1), (cx2, cy2), (x2, y2), value):
+ dx = x1
+ cx = (cx1 - dx) * 3.0
+ bx = (cx2 - cx1) * 3.0 - cx
+ ax = x2 - dx - cx - bx
+ dy = y1
+ cy = (cy1 - dy) * 3.0
+ by = (cy2 - cy1) * 3.0 - cy
+ ay = y2 - dy - cy - by
+ mx = ax*(value)**3 + bx*(value)**2 + cx*(value) + dx
+ my = ay*(value)**3 + by*(value)**2 + cy*(value) + dy
+ return MathPoint(mx, my)
+class MathPoint(object):
+ def __init__(self, x, y=None):
+ if y is None:
+ x, y = x
+ self.x = x
+ self.y = y
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<MathPoint x:%s y:%s>" % (self.x, self.y)
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ if index == 0:
+ return self.x
+ if index == 1:
+ return self.y
+ raise IndexError
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for value in [self.x, self.y]:
+ yield value
+ def __add__(self, p): # p+ p
+ if not isinstance(p, self.__class__):
+ return self.__class__(self.x + p, self.y + p)
+ return self.__class__(self.x + p.x, self.y + p.y)
+ def __sub__(self, p): # p - p
+ if not isinstance(p, self.__class__):
+ return self.__class__(self.x - p, self.y - p)
+ return self.__class__(self.x - p.x, self.y - p.y)
+ def __mul__(self, p): # p * p
+ if not isinstance(p, self.__class__):
+ return self.__class__(self.x * p, self.y * p)
+ return self.__class__(self.x * p.x, self.y * p.y)
+ def __div__(self, p):
+ if not isinstance(p, self.__class__):
+ return self.__class__(self.x / p, self.y / p)
+ return self.__class__(self.x / p.x, self.y / p.y)
+ def __eq__(self, p): # if p == p
+ if not isinstance(p, self.__class__):
+ return False
+ return roundFloat(self.x) == roundFloat(p.x) and roundFloat(self.y) == roundFloat(p.y)
+ def __ne__(self, p): # if p != p
+ return not self.__eq__(p)
+ def copy(self):
+ return self.__class__(self.x, self.y)
+ def round(self):
+ self.x = round(self.x)
+ self.y = round(self.y)
+ def distance(self, p):
+ return sqrt((p.x - self.x)**2 + (p.y - self.y)**2)
+ def angle(self, other, add=90):
+ # returns the angle of a Line in radians
+ b = other.x - self.x
+ a = other.y - self.y
+ c = sqrt(a**2 + b**2)
+ if c == 0:
+ return None
+ if add is None:
+ return b/c
+ cosAngle = degrees(acos(b/c))
+ sinAngle = degrees(asin(a/c))
+ if sinAngle < 0:
+ cosAngle = 360 - cosAngle
+ return radians(cosAngle + add)
+class CleanPointPen(AbstractPointPen):
+ def __init__(self, pointPen):
+ self.pointPen = pointPen
+ self.currentContour = None
+ def processContour(self):
+ pointPen = self.pointPen
+ contour = self.currentContour
+ index = 0
+ prevAngle = None
+ toRemove = []
+ for data in contour:
+ if data["segmentType"] in ["line", "move"]:
+ prevPoint = contour[index-1]
+ if prevPoint["segmentType"] in ["line", "move"]:
+ angle = MathPoint(data["point"]).angle(MathPoint(prevPoint["point"]))
+ if prevAngle is not None and angle is not None and roundFloat(prevAngle) == roundFloat(angle):
+ prevPoint["uniqueID"] = id(prevPoint)
+ toRemove.append(prevPoint)
+ prevAngle = angle
+ else:
+ prevAngle = None
+ else:
+ prevAngle = None
+ index += 1
+ for data in toRemove:
+ contour.remove(data)
+ pointPen.beginPath()
+ for data in contour:
+ pointPen.addPoint(data["point"], **data)
+ pointPen.endPath()
+ def beginPath(self):
+ assert self.currentContour is None
+ self.currentContour = []
+ self.onCurve = []
+ def endPath(self):
+ assert self.currentContour is not None
+ self.processContour()
+ self.currentContour = None
+ def addPoint(self, pt, segmentType=None, smooth=False, name=None, **kwargs):
+ data = dict(point=pt, segmentType=segmentType, smooth=smooth, name=name)
+ data.update(kwargs)
+ self.currentContour.append(data)
+ def addComponent(self, glyphName, transform):
+ assert self.currentContour is None
+ self.pointPen.addComponent(glyphName, transform)
+# The following class has been been adjusted to work around how outline types use closePath() and endPath(),
+# to remove unneeded bits, and hard-code some assumptions.
+class OutlinePen(BasePen):
+ pointClass = MathPoint
+ magicCurve = 0.5522847498
+ def __init__(self, glyphSet, offset=10, contrast=0, contrastAngle=0, connection="round", cap="round", miterLimit=None, optimizeCurve=True):
+ BasePen.__init__(self, glyphSet)
+ self.offset = abs(offset)
+ self.contrast = abs(contrast)
+ self.contrastAngle = contrastAngle
+ self._inputmiterLimit = miterLimit
+ if miterLimit is None:
+ miterLimit = self.offset * 2
+ self.miterLimit = abs(miterLimit)
+ self.optimizeCurve = optimizeCurve
+ self.connectionCallback = getattr(self, "connection%s" % (connection.title()))
+ self.capCallback = getattr(self, "cap%s" % (cap.title()))
+ self.originalGlyph = Glyph()
+ self.originalPen = self.originalGlyph.getPen()
+ self.outerGlyph = Glyph()
+ self.outerPen = self.outerGlyph.getPen()
+ self.outerCurrentPoint = None
+ self.outerFirstPoint = None
+ self.outerPrevPoint = None
+ self.innerGlyph = Glyph()
+ self.innerPen = self.innerGlyph.getPen()
+ self.innerCurrentPoint = None
+ self.innerFirstPoint = None
+ self.innerPrevPoint = None
+ self.prevPoint = None
+ self.firstPoint = None
+ self.firstAngle = None
+ self.prevAngle = None
+ self.shouldHandleMove = True
+ self.components = []
+ self.drawSettings()
+ def _moveTo(self, (x, y)):
+ if self.offset == 0:
+ self.outerPen.moveTo((x, y))
+ self.innerPen.moveTo((x, y))
+ return
+ self.originalPen.moveTo((x, y))
+ p = self.pointClass(x, y)
+ self.prevPoint = p
+ self.firstPoint = p
+ self.shouldHandleMove = True
+ def _lineTo(self, (x, y)):
+ if self.offset == 0:
+ self.outerPen.lineTo((x, y))
+ self.innerPen.lineTo((x, y))
+ return
+ self.originalPen.lineTo((x, y))
+ currentPoint = self.pointClass(x, y)
+ if currentPoint == self.prevPoint:
+ return
+ self.currentAngle = self.prevPoint.angle(currentPoint)
+ thickness = self.getThickness(self.currentAngle)
+ self.innerCurrentPoint = self.prevPoint - self.pointClass(cos(self.currentAngle), sin(self.currentAngle)) * thickness
+ self.outerCurrentPoint = self.prevPoint + self.pointClass(cos(self.currentAngle), sin(self.currentAngle)) * thickness
+ if self.shouldHandleMove:
+ self.shouldHandleMove = False
+ self.innerPen.moveTo(self.innerCurrentPoint)
+ self.innerFirstPoint = self.innerCurrentPoint
+ self.outerPen.moveTo(self.outerCurrentPoint)
+ self.outerFirstPoint = self.outerCurrentPoint
+ self.firstAngle = self.currentAngle
+ else:
+ self.buildConnection()
+ self.innerCurrentPoint = currentPoint - self.pointClass(cos(self.currentAngle), sin(self.currentAngle)) * thickness
+ self.innerPen.lineTo(self.innerCurrentPoint)
+ self.innerPrevPoint = self.innerCurrentPoint
+ self.outerCurrentPoint = currentPoint + self.pointClass(cos(self.currentAngle), sin(self.currentAngle)) * thickness
+ self.outerPen.lineTo(self.outerCurrentPoint)
+ self.outerPrevPoint = self.outerCurrentPoint
+ self.prevPoint = currentPoint
+ self.prevAngle = self.currentAngle
+ def _curveToOne(self, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)):
+ if self.optimizeCurve:
+ curves = splitCubicAtT(self.prevPoint, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3), .5)
+ else:
+ curves = [(self.prevPoint, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3))]
+ for curve in curves:
+ p1, h1, h2, p2 = curve
+ self._processCurveToOne(h1, h2, p2)
+ def _processCurveToOne(self, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)):
+ if self.offset == 0:
+ self.outerPen.curveTo((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3))
+ self.innerPen.curveTo((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3))
+ return
+ self.originalPen.curveTo((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3))
+ p1 = self.pointClass(x1, y1)
+ p2 = self.pointClass(x2, y2)
+ p3 = self.pointClass(x3, y3)
+ if p1 == self.prevPoint:
+ p1 = pointOnACurve(self.prevPoint, p1, p2, p3, 0.01)
+ if p2 == p3:
+ p2 = pointOnACurve(self.prevPoint, p1, p2, p3, 0.99)
+ a1 = self.prevPoint.angle(p1)
+ a2 = p2.angle(p3)
+ self.currentAngle = a1
+ tickness1 = self.getThickness(a1)
+ tickness2 = self.getThickness(a2)
+ a1bis = self.prevPoint.angle(p1, 0)
+ a2bis = p3.angle(p2, 0)
+ intersectPoint = interSect((self.prevPoint, self.prevPoint + self.pointClass(cos(a1), sin(a1)) * 100),
+ (p3, p3 + self.pointClass(cos(a2), sin(a2)) * 100))
+ self.innerCurrentPoint = self.prevPoint - self.pointClass(cos(a1), sin(a1)) * tickness1
+ self.outerCurrentPoint = self.prevPoint + self.pointClass(cos(a1), sin(a1)) * tickness1
+ if self.shouldHandleMove:
+ self.shouldHandleMove = False
+ self.innerPen.moveTo(self.innerCurrentPoint)
+ self.innerFirstPoint = self.innerPrevPoint = self.innerCurrentPoint
+ self.outerPen.moveTo(self.outerCurrentPoint)
+ self.outerFirstPoint = self.outerPrevPoint = self.outerCurrentPoint
+ self.firstAngle = a1
+ else:
+ self.buildConnection()
+ h1 = None
+ if intersectPoint is not None:
+ h1 = interSect((self.innerCurrentPoint, self.innerCurrentPoint + self.pointClass(cos(a1bis), sin(a1bis)) * tickness1), (intersectPoint, p1))
+ if h1 is None:
+ h1 = p1 - self.pointClass(cos(a1), sin(a1)) * tickness1
+ self.innerCurrentPoint = p3 - self.pointClass(cos(a2), sin(a2)) * tickness2
+ h2 = None
+ if intersectPoint is not None:
+ h2 = interSect((self.innerCurrentPoint, self.innerCurrentPoint + self.pointClass(cos(a2bis), sin(a2bis)) * tickness2), (intersectPoint, p2))
+ if h2 is None:
+ h2 = p2 - self.pointClass(cos(a1), sin(a1)) * tickness1
+ self.innerPen.curveTo(h1, h2, self.innerCurrentPoint)
+ self.innerPrevPoint = self.innerCurrentPoint
+ ########
+ h1 = None
+ if intersectPoint is not None:
+ h1 = interSect((self.outerCurrentPoint, self.outerCurrentPoint + self.pointClass(cos(a1bis), sin(a1bis)) * tickness1), (intersectPoint, p1))
+ if h1 is None:
+ h1 = p1 + self.pointClass(cos(a1), sin(a1)) * tickness1
+ self.outerCurrentPoint = p3 + self.pointClass(cos(a2), sin(a2)) * tickness2
+ h2 = None
+ if intersectPoint is not None:
+ h2 = interSect((self.outerCurrentPoint, self.outerCurrentPoint + self.pointClass(cos(a2bis), sin(a2bis)) * tickness2), (intersectPoint, p2))
+ if h2 is None:
+ h2 = p2 + self.pointClass(cos(a1), sin(a1)) * tickness1
+ self.outerPen.curveTo(h1, h2, self.outerCurrentPoint)
+ self.outerPrevPoint = self.outerCurrentPoint
+ self.prevPoint = p3
+ self.currentAngle = a2
+ self.prevAngle = a2
+ def _closePath(self):
+ if self.shouldHandleMove:
+ return
+ self.originalPen.endPath()
+ self.innerPen.endPath()
+ self.outerPen.endPath()
+ innerContour = self.innerGlyph[-1]
+ outerContour = self.outerGlyph[-1]
+ innerContour.reverse()
+ innerContour[0].segmentType = "line"
+ outerContour[0].segmentType = "line"
+ self.buildCap(outerContour, innerContour)
+ for point in innerContour:
+ outerContour.addPoint((point.x, point.y), segmentType=point.segmentType, smooth=point.smooth)
+ self.innerGlyph.removeContour(innerContour)
+ def _endPath(self):
+ # The current way glyph outlines are processed means that _endPath() would not be called
+ # _closePath() is used instead
+ pass
+ def addComponent(self, glyphName, transform):
+ self.components.append((glyphName, transform))
+ # thickness
+ def getThickness(self, angle):
+ a2 = angle + pi * .5
+ f = abs(sin(a2 + radians(self.contrastAngle)))
+ f = f ** 5
+ return self.offset + self.contrast * f
+ # connections
+ def buildConnection(self, close=False):
+ if not checkSmooth(self.prevAngle, self.currentAngle):
+ if checkInnerOuter(self.prevAngle, self.currentAngle):
+ self.connectionCallback(self.outerPrevPoint, self.outerCurrentPoint, self.outerPen, close)
+ self.connectionInnerCorner(self.innerPrevPoint, self.innerCurrentPoint, self.innerPen, close)
+ else:
+ self.connectionCallback(self.innerPrevPoint, self.innerCurrentPoint, self.innerPen, close)
+ self.connectionInnerCorner(self.outerPrevPoint, self.outerCurrentPoint, self.outerPen, close)
+ def connectionRound(self, first, last, pen, close):
+ angle_1 = radians(degrees(self.prevAngle)+90)
+ angle_2 = radians(degrees(self.currentAngle)+90)
+ tempFirst = first - self.pointClass(cos(angle_1), sin(angle_1)) * self.miterLimit
+ tempLast = last + self.pointClass(cos(angle_2), sin(angle_2)) * self.miterLimit
+ newPoint = interSect((first, tempFirst), (last, tempLast))
+ if newPoint is None:
+ pen.lineTo(last)
+ return
+ distance1 = newPoint.distance(first)
+ distance2 = newPoint.distance(last)
+ if roundFloat(distance1) > self.miterLimit + self.contrast:
+ distance1 = self.miterLimit + tempFirst.distance(tempLast) * .7
+ if roundFloat(distance2) > self.miterLimit + self.contrast:
+ distance2 = self.miterLimit + tempFirst.distance(tempLast) * .7
+ distance1 *= self.magicCurve
+ distance2 *= self.magicCurve
+ bcp1 = first - self.pointClass(cos(angle_1), sin(angle_1)) * distance1
+ bcp2 = last + self.pointClass(cos(angle_2), sin(angle_2)) * distance2
+ pen.curveTo(bcp1, bcp2, last)
+ def connectionInnerCorner(self, first, last, pen, close):
+ if not close:
+ pen.lineTo(last)
+ # caps
+ def buildCap(self, firstContour, lastContour):
+ first = firstContour[-1]
+ last = lastContour[0]
+ first = self.pointClass(first.x, first.y)
+ last = self.pointClass(last.x, last.y)
+ self.capCallback(firstContour, lastContour, first, last, self.prevAngle)
+ first = lastContour[-1]
+ last = firstContour[0]
+ first = self.pointClass(first.x, first.y)
+ last = self.pointClass(last.x, last.y)
+ angle = radians(degrees(self.firstAngle)+180)
+ self.capCallback(lastContour, firstContour, first, last, angle)
+ def capRound(self, firstContour, lastContour, first, last, angle):
+ hookedAngle = radians(degrees(angle)+90)
+ p1 = first - self.pointClass(cos(hookedAngle), sin(hookedAngle)) * self.offset
+ p2 = last - self.pointClass(cos(hookedAngle), sin(hookedAngle)) * self.offset
+ oncurve = p1 + (p2-p1)*.5
+ roundness = .54
+ h1 = first - self.pointClass(cos(hookedAngle), sin(hookedAngle)) * self.offset * roundness
+ h2 = oncurve + self.pointClass(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * self.offset * roundness
+ firstContour[-1].smooth = True
+ firstContour.addPoint((h1.x, h1.y))
+ firstContour.addPoint((h2.x, h2.y))
+ firstContour.addPoint((oncurve.x, oncurve.y), smooth=True, segmentType="curve")
+ h1 = oncurve - self.pointClass(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * self.offset * roundness
+ h2 = last - self.pointClass(cos(hookedAngle), sin(hookedAngle)) * self.offset * roundness
+ firstContour.addPoint((h1.x, h1.y))
+ firstContour.addPoint((h2.x, h2.y))
+ lastContour[0].segmentType = "curve"
+ lastContour[0].smooth = True
+ def drawSettings(self, drawOriginal=False, drawInner=False, drawOuter=True):
+ self.drawOriginal = drawOriginal
+ self.drawInner = drawInner
+ self.drawOuter = drawOuter
+ def drawPoints(self, pointPen):
+ if self.drawInner:
+ reversePen = ReverseContourPointPen(pointPen)
+ self.innerGlyph.drawPoints(CleanPointPen(reversePen))
+ if self.drawOuter:
+ self.outerGlyph.drawPoints(CleanPointPen(pointPen))
+ if self.drawOriginal:
+ if self.drawOuter:
+ pointPen = ReverseContourPointPen(pointPen)
+ self.originalGlyph.drawPoints(CleanPointPen(pointPen))
+ for glyphName, transform in self.components:
+ pointPen.addComponent(glyphName, transform)
+ def draw(self, pen):
+ pointPen = PointToSegmentPen(pen)
+ self.drawPoints(pointPen)
+ def getGlyph(self):
+ glyph = Glyph()
+ pointPen = glyph.getPointPen()
+ self.drawPoints(pointPen)
+ return glyph
+# The following functions have been decoupled from the outlinerRoboFontExtension and
+# effectively de-parameterized, with built-in assumptions
+def calculate(glyph, strokewidth):
+ tickness = strokewidth
+ contrast = 0
+ contrastAngle = 0
+ keepBounds = False
+ optimizeCurve = True
+ miterLimit = None #assumed
+ corner = "round" #assumed - other options not supported
+ cap = "round" #assumed - other options not supported
+ drawOriginal = False
+ drawInner = True
+ drawOuter = True
+ pen = OutlinePen(glyph.getParent(),
+ tickness,
+ contrast,
+ contrastAngle,
+ connection=corner,
+ cap=cap,
+ miterLimit=miterLimit,
+ optimizeCurve=optimizeCurve)
+ glyph.draw(pen)
+ pen.drawSettings(drawOriginal=drawOriginal,
+ drawInner=drawInner,
+ drawOuter=drawOuter)
+ result = pen.getGlyph()
+ return result
+def expandGlyph(glyph, strokewidth):
+ defconGlyph = glyph
+ outline = calculate(defconGlyph, strokewidth)
+ glyph.clearContours()
+ outline.drawPoints(glyph.getPointPen())
+ glyph.round()
+def expandFont(targetfont, strokewidth):
+ font = targetfont
+ for glyph in font:
+ expandGlyph(glyph, strokewidth)
+def doit(args):
+ infont = OpenFont(args.ifont)
+ outfont = args.ofont
+ # add try to catch bad input
+ strokewidth = int(args.thickness)
+ expandFont(infont, strokewidth)
+ return infont
+def cmd() : execute(None,doit,argspec)
+if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()