path: root/src/silfont/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/silfont/')
1 files changed, 754 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/silfont/ b/src/silfont/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4b3efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silfont/
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+'General classes and functions for use in pysilfont scripts'
+__url__ = ''
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2014-2023 SIL International ('
+__license__ = 'Released under the MIT License ('
+__author__ = 'David Raymond'
+from glob import glob
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import sys, os, argparse, datetime, shutil, csv, configparser
+import silfont
+class loggerobj(object):
+ # For handling log messages.
+ # Use S for severe errors caused by data, parameters supplied by user etc
+ # Use X for severe errors caused by bad code to get traceback exception
+ def __init__(self, logfile=None, loglevels="", leveltext="", loglevel="W", scrlevel="P"):
+ self.logfile = logfile
+ self.loglevels = loglevels
+ self.leveltext = leveltext
+ self.errorcount = 0
+ self.warningcount = 0
+ if not self.loglevels: self.loglevels = {'X': 0, 'S': 1, 'E': 2, 'P': 3, 'W': 4, 'I': 5, 'V': 6}
+ if not self.leveltext: self.leveltext = ('Exception ', 'Severe: ', 'Error: ', 'Progress: ', 'Warning: ', 'Info: ', 'Verbose: ')
+ super(loggerobj, self).__setattr__("loglevel", "E") # Temp values so invalid log levels can be reported
+ super(loggerobj, self).__setattr__("scrlevel", "E") #
+ self.loglevel = loglevel
+ self.scrlevel = scrlevel
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ if name in ("loglevel", "scrlevel"):
+ if value in self.loglevels:
+ (minlevel, minnum) = ("E",2) if name == "loglevel" else ("S", 1)
+ if self.loglevels[value] < minnum:
+ value = minlevel
+ self.log(name + " increased to minimum level of " + minlevel, "E")
+ else:
+ self.log("Invalid " + name + " value: " + value, "S")
+ super(loggerobj, self).__setattr__(name, value)
+ if name == "scrlevel" : self._basescrlevel = value # Used by resetscrlevel
+ def log(self, logmessage, msglevel="W"):
+ levelval = self.loglevels[msglevel]
+ message ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ") + self.leveltext[levelval] + str(logmessage)
+ #message ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")[0:22] +" "+ self.leveltext[levelval] + logmessage ## added milliseconds for timing tests
+ if levelval <= self.loglevels[self.scrlevel]: print(message)
+ if self.logfile and levelval <= self.loglevels[self.loglevel]: self.logfile.write(message + "\n")
+ if msglevel == "S":
+ print("\n **** Fatal error - exiting ****")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if msglevel == "X": assert False, message
+ if msglevel == "E": self.errorcount += 1
+ if msglevel == "W": self.warningcount += 1
+ def raisescrlevel(self, level): # Temporarily increase screen logging
+ if level not in self.loglevels or level == "X" : self.log("Invalid scrlevel: " + level, "X")
+ if self.loglevels[level] > self.loglevels[self.scrlevel]:
+ current = self.scrlevel
+ self.scrlevel = level
+ self._basescrlevel = current
+ self.log("scrlevel raised to " + level, "I")
+ def resetscrlevel(self):
+ self.scrlevel = self._basescrlevel
+class parameters(object):
+ # Object for holding parameters information, organised by class (eg logging)
+ # Default parameters for use in pysilfont modules
+ # Names must be case-insensitively unique across all parameter classes
+ # Parameter types are deduced from the default values
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Default parameters for all modules
+ defparams = {}
+ defparams['system'] = {'version': silfont.__version__, 'copyright': silfont.__copyright__} # Code treats these as read-only
+ defparams['logging'] = {'scrlevel': 'P', 'loglevel': 'W'}
+ defparams['backups'] = {'backup': True, 'backupdir': 'backups', 'backupkeep': 5}
+ # Default parameters for UFO module
+ defparams['outparams'] = OrderedDict([ # Use ordered dict so parameters show in logical order with -h p
+ ("UFOversion", ""), # UFOversion - defaults to existing unless a value is supplied
+ ("indentIncr", " "), # XML Indent increment
+ ("indentFirst", " "), # First XML indent
+ ("indentML", False), # Should multi-line string values be indented?
+ ("plistIndentFirst", ""), # First indent amount for plists
+ ('precision', 6), # Decimal precision to use in XML output - both for real values and for attributes if float
+ ("floatAttribs", ['xScale', 'xyScale', 'yxScale', 'yScale', 'angle']), # Used with precision above
+ ("intAttribs", ['pos', 'width', 'height', 'xOffset', 'yOffset', 'x', 'y']),
+ ("sortDicts", True), # Should dict elements be sorted alphabetically?
+ ("renameGlifs", True), # Rename glifs based on UFO3 suggested algorithm
+ ("format1Glifs", False), # Force output format 1 glifs including UFO2-style anchors (for use with FontForge
+ ("glifElemOrder", ['advance', 'unicode', 'note', 'image', 'guideline', 'anchor', 'outline', 'lib']), # Order to output glif elements
+ ("attribOrders.glif",['pos', 'width', 'height', 'fileName', 'base', 'xScale', 'xyScale', 'yxScale', 'yScale', 'xOffset', 'yOffset',
+ 'x', 'y', 'angle', 'type', 'smooth', 'name', 'format', 'color', 'identifier'])
+ ])
+ defparams['ufometadata'] = {"checkfix": "check"} # Apply metadata fixes when reading UFOs
+ self.paramshelp = {} # Info used when outputting help about parame options
+ self.paramshelp["classdesc"] = {
+ "logging": "controls the level of log messages go to screen or log files.",
+ "backups": "controls backup settings for scripts that output fonts - by default backups are made if the output font is overwriting the input font",
+ "outparams": "Output options for UFOs - cover UFO version and normalization",
+ "ufometadata": "controls if UFO metadata be checked, or checked and fixed"
+ }
+ self.paramshelp["paramsdesc"] = {
+ "scrlevel": "Logging level for screen messages - one of S,E,P.W,I or V",
+ "loglevel": "Logging level for log file messages - one of E,P.W,I or V",
+ "backup": "Should font backups be made",
+ "backupdir": "Directory to use for font backups",
+ "backupkeep": "How many backups to keep",
+ "indentIncr": "XML Indent increment",
+ "indentFirst": "First XML indent",
+ "indentML": "Should multi-line string values be indented?",
+ "plistIndentFirst": "First indent amount for plists",
+ "sortDicts": "Should dict elements be sorted alphabetically?",
+ "precision": "Decimal precision to use in XML output - both for real values and for attributes if numeric",
+ "renameGlifs": "Rename glifs based on UFO3 suggested algorithm",
+ "UFOversion": "UFOversion to output - defaults to version of the input UFO",
+ "format1Glifs": "Force output format 1 glifs including UFO2-style anchors (was used with FontForge; no longer needed)",
+ "glifElemOrder": "Order to output glif elements",
+ "floatAttribs": "List of float attributes - used when setting decimal precision",
+ "intAttribs": "List of attributes that should be integers",
+ "attribOrders.glif": "Order in which to output glif attributes",
+ "checkfix": "Should check & fix tests be done - one of None, Check or Fix"
+ }
+ self.paramshelp["defaultsdesc"] = { # For use where default needs clarifying with text
+ "indentIncr" : "<two spaces>",
+ "indentFirst": "<two spaces>",
+ "plistIndentFirst": "<No indent>",
+ "UFOversion": "<Existing version>"
+ }
+ self.classes = {} # Dictionary containing a list of parameters in each class
+ self.paramclass = {} # Dictionary of class name for each parameter name
+ self.types = {} # Python type for each parameter deduced from initial values supplied
+ self.listtypes = {} # If type is dict, the type of values in the dict
+ self.logger = loggerobj()
+ defset = _paramset(self, "default", "defaults")
+ self.sets = {"default": defset}
+ self.lcase = {} # Lower case index of parameters names
+ for classn in defparams:
+ self.classes[classn] = []
+ for parn in defparams[classn]:
+ value = defparams[classn][parn]
+ self.classes[classn].append(parn)
+ self.paramclass[parn] = classn
+ self.types[parn] = type(value)
+ if type(value) is list: self.listtypes[parn] = type(value[0])
+ super(_paramset, defset).__setitem__(parn, value) # __setitem__ in paramset does not allow new values!
+ self.lcase[parn.lower()] = parn
+ def addset(self, name, sourcedesc=None, inputdict=None, configfile=None, copyset=None):
+ # Create a subset from one of a dict, config file or existing set
+ # Only one option should used per call
+ # sourcedesc should be added for user-supplied data (eg config file) for reporting purposes
+ dict = {}
+ if configfile:
+ config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+ config.read_file(open(configfile, encoding="utf-8"))
+ if sourcedesc is None: sourcedesc = configfile
+ for classn in config.sections():
+ for item in config.items(classn):
+ parn = item[0]
+ if self.paramclass[parn] == "system":
+ self.logger.log("Can't change " + parn + " parameter via config file", "S")
+ val = item[1].strip('"').strip("'")
+ dict[parn] = val
+ elif copyset:
+ if sourcedesc is None: sourcedesc = "Copy of " + copyset
+ for parn in self.sets[copyset]:
+ dict[parn] = self.sets[copyset][parn]
+ elif inputdict:
+ dict = inputdict
+ if sourcedesc is None: sourcedesc = "unspecified source"
+ self.sets[name] = _paramset(self, name, sourcedesc, dict)
+ def printhelp(self):
+ phelp = self.paramshelp
+ print("\nMost pysilfont scripts have -p, --params options which can be used to change default behaviour of scripts. For example '-p scrlevel=w' will log warning messages to screen \n")
+ print("Listed below are all such parameters, grouped by purpose. Not all apply to all scripts - "
+ "in partucular outparams and ufometadata only apply to scripts using pysilfont's own UFO code")
+ for classn in ("logging", "backups", "ufometadata", "outparams"):
+ print("\n" + classn[0].upper() + classn[1:] + " - " + phelp["classdesc"][classn])
+ for param in self.classes[classn]:
+ if param == "format1Glifs": continue # Param due to be phased out
+ paramdesc = phelp["paramsdesc"][param]
+ paramtype = self.types[param].__name__
+ defaultdesc = phelp["defaultsdesc"][param] if param in phelp["defaultsdesc"] else self.sets["default"][param]
+ print(' {:<20}: {}'.format(param, paramdesc))
+ print(' (Type: {:<6} Default: {})'.format(paramtype + ",", defaultdesc))
+ print("\nNote parameter names are case-insensitive\n")
+ print("For more help see\n")
+class _paramset(dict):
+ # Set of parameter values
+ def __init__(self, params, name, sourcedesc, inputdict=None):
+ if inputdict is None: inputdict = {}
+ = name
+ self.sourcedesc = sourcedesc # Description of source for reporting
+ self.params = params # Parent parameters object
+ for parn in inputdict:
+ if params.paramclass[parn] == "system": # system values can't be changed
+ if inputdict[parn] != params.sets["default"][parn]:
+ self.params.logger.log("Can't change " + parn + " - system parameters can't be changed", "X")
+ else:
+ super(_paramset, self).__setitem__(parn, inputdict[parn])
+ else:
+ self[parn] = inputdict[parn]
+ def __setitem__(self, parn, value):
+ origvalue = value
+ origparn = parn
+ parn = parn.lower()
+ if self.params.paramclass[origparn] == "system":
+ self.params.logger.log("Can't change " + parn + " - system parameters are read-only", "X")
+ if parn not in self.params.lcase:
+ self.params.logger.log("Invalid parameter " + origparn + " from " + self.sourcedesc, "S")
+ else:
+ parn = self.params.lcase[parn]
+ ptyp = self.params.types[parn]
+ if ptyp is bool:
+ value = str2bool(value)
+ if value is None: self.params.logger.log(self.sourcedesc+" parameter "+origparn+" must be boolean: " + origvalue, "S")
+ if ptyp is list:
+ if type(value) is not list: value = value.split(",") # Convert csv string into list
+ if len(value) < 2: self.params.logger.log(self.sourcedesc+" parameter "+origparn+" must have a list of values: " + origvalue, "S")
+ valuesOK = True
+ listtype = self.params.listtypes[parn]
+ for i, val in enumerate(value):
+ if listtype is bool:
+ val = str2bool(val)
+ if val is None: self.params.logger.log (self.sourcedesc+" parameter "+origparn+" must contain boolean values: " + origvalue, "S")
+ value[i] = val
+ if type(val) != listtype:
+ valuesOK = False
+ badtype = str(type(val))
+ if not valuesOK: self.params.logger.log("Invalid "+badtype+" parameter type for "+origparn+": "+self.params.types[parn], "S")
+ if parn in ("loglevel", "scrlevel"): # Need to check log level is valid before setting it since otherwise logging will fail
+ value = value.upper()
+ if value not in self.params.logger.loglevels: self.params.logger.log (self.sourcedesc+" parameter "+parn+" invalid", "S")
+ super(_paramset, self).__setitem__(parn, value)
+ def updatewith(self, update, sourcedesc=None, log=True):
+ # Update a set with values from another set
+ if sourcedesc is None: sourcedesc = self.params.sets[update].sourcedesc
+ for parn in self.params.sets[update]:
+ oldval = self[parn] if parn in self else ""
+ self[parn] = self.params.sets[update][parn]
+ if log and oldval != "" and self[parn] != oldval:
+ old = str(oldval)
+ new = str(self[parn])
+ if old != old.strip() or new != new.strip(): # Add quotes if there are leading or trailing spaces
+ old = '"'+old+'"'
+ new = '"'+new+'"'
+ self.params.logger.log(sourcedesc + " parameters: changing "+parn+" from " + old + " to " + new, "I")
+class csvreader(object): # Iterator for csv files, skipping comments and checking number of fields
+ def __init__(self, filename, minfields=0, maxfields=999, numfields=None, logger=None):
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.minfields = minfields
+ self.maxfields = maxfields
+ self.numfields = numfields
+ self.logger = logger if logger else loggerobj() # If no logger supplied, will just log to screen
+ # Open the file and create reader
+ try:
+ file = open(filename, "rt", encoding="utf-8")
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.file = file
+ self.reader = csv.reader(file)
+ # Find the first non-comment line then reset so __iter__ still returns the first line
+ # This is so scripts can analyse first line (eg to look for headers) before starting iterating
+ self.firstline = None
+ self._commentsbeforefirstline = -1
+ while not self.firstline:
+ row = next(self.reader, None)
+ if row is None: logger.log("Input csv is empty or all lines are comments or blank", "S")
+ self._commentsbeforefirstline += 1
+ if row == []: continue # Skip blank lines
+ if row[0].lstrip().startswith("#"): continue # Skip comments - ie lines starting with #
+ self.firstline = row
+ # Reset the csv and skip comments
+ for i in range(self._commentsbeforefirstline): next(self.reader, None)
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ if name == "numfields" and value is not None: # If numfields is changed, reset min and max fields
+ self.minfields = value
+ self.maxfields = value
+ super(csvreader, self).__setattr__(name, value)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for row in self.reader:
+ self.line_num = self.reader.line_num - 1 - self._commentsbeforefirstline # Count is out due to reading first line in __init__
+ if row == []: continue # Skip blank lines
+ if row[0].lstrip().startswith("#"): continue # Skip comments - ie lines starting with #
+ if len(row) < self.minfields or len(row) > self.maxfields:
+ self.logger.log("Invalid number of fields on line " + str(self.line_num) + " in "+self.filename, "E" )
+ continue
+ yield row
+def execute(tool, fn, scriptargspec, chain = None):
+ # Function to handle parameter parsing, font and file opening etc in command-line scripts
+ # Supports opening (and saving) fonts using PysilFont UFO (UFO), fontParts (FP) or fontTools (FT)
+ # Special handling for:
+ # -d variation on -h to print extra info about defaults
+ # -q quiet mode - only output a single line with count of errors (if there are any)
+ # -l opens log file and also creates a logger function to write to the log file
+ # -p other parameters. Includes backup settings and loglevel/scrlevel settings for logger
+ # for UFOlib scripts, also includes all outparams keys and ufometadata settings
+ argspec = list(scriptargspec)
+ chainfirst = False
+ if chain == "first": # If first call to execute has this set, only do the final return part of chaining
+ chainfirst = True
+ chain = None
+ params = chain["params"] if chain else parameters()
+ logger = chain["logger"] if chain else params.logger # paramset has already created a basic logger
+ argv = chain["argv"] if chain else sys.argv
+ if tool == "UFO":
+ from silfont.ufo import Ufont
+ elif tool == "FT":
+ from fontTools import ttLib
+ elif tool == "FP":
+ from import OpenFont
+ elif tool == "" or tool is None:
+ tool = None
+ else:
+ logger.log("Invalid tool in call to execute()", "X")
+ return
+ basemodule = sys.modules[fn.__module__]
+ poptions = {}
+ poptions['prog'] = splitfn(argv[0])[1]
+ poptions['description'] = basemodule.__doc__
+ poptions['formatter_class'] = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
+ epilog = "For more help options use -h ?. For more documentation see" + poptions['prog'] + "\n\n"
+ poptions['epilog'] = epilog + "Version: " + params.sets['default']['version'] + "\n" + params.sets['default']['copyright']
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(**poptions)
+ parser._optionals.title = "other arguments"
+ # Add standard arguments
+ standardargs = {
+ 'quiet': ('-q', '--quiet', {'help': 'Quiet mode - only display severe errors', 'action': 'store_true'}, {}),
+ 'log': ('-l', '--log', {'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile'}),
+ 'params': ('-p', '--params', {'help': 'Other parameters - see for details', 'action': 'append'}, {'type': 'optiondict'}),
+ 'nq': ('--nq', {'help': argparse.SUPPRESS, 'action': 'store_true'}, {})}
+ suppliedargs = []
+ for a in argspec:
+ argn = a[:-2][-1] # [:-2] will give either 1 or 2, the last of which is the full argument name
+ if argn[0:2] == "--": argn = argn[2:] # Will start with -- for options
+ suppliedargs.append(argn)
+ for arg in sorted(standardargs):
+ if arg not in suppliedargs: argspec.append(standardargs[arg])
+ defhelp = False
+ if "-h" in argv: # Look for help option supplied
+ pos = argv.index("-h")
+ if pos < len(argv)-1: # There is something following -h!
+ opt = argv[pos+1]
+ if opt in ("d", "defaults"):
+ defhelp = True # Normal help will be displayed with default info displayed by the epilog
+ deffiles = []
+ defother = []
+ elif opt in ("p", "params"):
+ params.printhelp()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ if opt != "?":
+ print("Invalid -h value")
+ print("-h ? displays help options")
+ print("-h d (or -h defaults) lists details of default values for arguments and parameters")
+ print("-h p (or -h params) gives help on parameters that can be set with -p or --params")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ quiet = True if "-q" in argv and '--nq' not in argv else False
+ if quiet: logger.scrlevel = "S"
+ # Process the supplied argument specs, add args to parser, store other info in arginfo
+ arginfo = []
+ logdef = None
+ for a in argspec:
+ # Process all but last tuple entry as argparse arguments
+ nonkwds = a[:-2]
+ kwds = a[-2]
+ try:
+ parser.add_argument(*nonkwds, **kwds)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(f'nonkwds: {nonkwds}, kwds: {kwds}')
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Create ainfo, a dict of framework keywords using argument name
+ argn = nonkwds[-1] # Find the argument name from first 1 or 2 tuple entries
+ if argn[0:2] == "--": # Will start with -- for options
+ argn = argn[2:].replace("-", "_") # Strip the -- and replace any - in name with _
+ ainfo=dict(a[-1]) #Make a copy so original argspec is not changed
+ for key in ainfo: # Check all keys are valid
+ if key not in ("def", "type", "optlog") : logger.log("Invalid argspec framework key: " + key, "X")
+ ainfo['name']=argn
+ if argn == 'log':
+ logdef = ainfo['def'] if 'def' in ainfo else None
+ optlog = ainfo['optlog'] if 'optlog' in ainfo else False
+ arginfo.append(ainfo)
+ if defhelp:
+ arg = nonkwds[0]
+ if 'def' in ainfo:
+ defval = ainfo['def']
+ if argn == 'log' and logdef: defval += " in logs subdirectory"
+ deffiles.append([arg, defval])
+ elif 'default' in kwds:
+ defother.append([arg, kwds['default']])
+ # if -h d specified, change the help epilog to info about argument defaults
+ if defhelp:
+ if not (deffiles or defother):
+ deftext = "No defaults for parameters/options"
+ else:
+ deftext = "Defaults for parameters/options - see user docs for details\n"
+ if deffiles:
+ deftext = deftext + "\n Font/file names\n"
+ for (param, defv) in deffiles:
+ deftext = deftext + ' {:<20}{}\n'.format(param, defv)
+ if defother:
+ deftext = deftext + "\n Other parameters\n"
+ for (param, defv) in defother:
+ deftext = deftext + ' {:<20}{}\n'.format(param, defv)
+ parser.epilog = deftext + "\n\n" + parser.epilog
+ # Parse the command-line arguments. If errors or -h used, procedure will exit here
+ args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
+ # Process the first positional parameter to get defaults for file names
+ fppval = getattr(args, arginfo[0]['name'])
+ if isinstance(fppval, list): # When nargs="+" or nargs="*" is used a list is returned
+ (fppath, fpbase, fpext) = splitfn(fppval[0])
+ if len(fppval) > 1 : fpbase = "wildcard"
+ else:
+ if fppval is None: fppval = "" # For scripts that can be run with no positional parameters
+ (fppath, fpbase, fpext) = splitfn(fppval) # First pos param use for defaulting
+ # Process parameters
+ if chain:
+ execparams = params.sets["main"]
+ args.params = {} # clparams not used when chaining
+ else:
+ # Read config file from disk if it exists
+ configname = os.path.join(fppath, "pysilfont.cfg")
+ if os.path.exists(configname):
+ params.addset("config file", configname, configfile=configname)
+ else:
+ params.addset("config file") # Create empty set
+ if not quiet and "scrlevel" in params.sets["config file"]: logger.scrlevel = params.sets["config file"]["scrlevel"]
+ # Process command-line parameters
+ clparams = {}
+ if 'params' in args.__dict__:
+ if args.params is not None:
+ for param in args.params:
+ x = param.split("=", 1)
+ if len(x) != 2:
+ logger.log("params must be of the form 'param=value'", "S")
+ if x[1] == "\\t": x[1] = "\t" # Special handling for tab characters
+ clparams[x[0]] = x[1]
+ args.params = clparams
+ params.addset("command line", "command line", inputdict=clparams)
+ if not quiet and "scrlevel" in params.sets["command line"]: logger.scrlevel = params.sets["command line"]["scrlevel"]
+ # Create main set of parameters based on defaults then update with config file values and command line values
+ params.addset("main", copyset="default")
+ params.sets["main"].updatewith("config file")
+ params.sets["main"].updatewith("command line")
+ execparams = params.sets["main"]
+ # Set up logging
+ if chain:
+ setattr(args, 'logger', logger)
+ args.logfile = logger.logfile
+ else:
+ logfile = None
+ logname = args.log if 'log' in args.__dict__ and args.log is not None else ""
+ if 'log' in args.__dict__:
+ if logdef is not None and (logname != "" or optlog == False):
+ (path, base, ext) = splitfn(logname)
+ (dpath, dbase, dext) = splitfn(logdef)
+ if not path:
+ if base and ext: # If both specified then use cwd, ie no path
+ path = ""
+ else:
+ path = (fppath if dpath == "" else os.path.join(fppath, dpath))
+ path = os.path.join(path, "logs")
+ if not base:
+ if dbase == "":
+ base = fpbase
+ elif dbase[0] == "_": # Append to font name if starts with _
+ base = fpbase + dbase
+ else:
+ base = dbase
+ if not ext and dext: ext = dext
+ logname = os.path.join(path, base+ext)
+ if logname == "":
+ logfile = None
+ else:
+ (logname, logpath, exists) = fullpath(logname)
+ if not exists:
+ (parent,subd) = os.path.split(logpath)
+ if subd == "logs" and os.path.isdir(parent): # Create directory if just logs subdir missing
+ logger.log("Creating logs subdirectory in " + parent, "P")
+ os.makedirs(logpath, exist_ok=True)
+ else: # Fails, since missing dir is probably a typo!
+ logger.log("Directory " + parent + " does not exist", "S")
+ logger.log('Opening log file for output: ' + logname, "P")
+ try:
+ logfile = open(logname, "w", encoding="utf-8")
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ args.log = logfile
+ # Set up logger details
+ logger.loglevel = execparams['loglevel'].upper()
+ logger.logfile = logfile
+ if not quiet: logger.scrlevel = "E" # suppress next log message from screen
+ logger.log("Running: " + " ".join(argv), "P")
+ if not quiet: logger.scrlevel = execparams['scrlevel'].upper()
+ setattr(args, 'logger', logger)
+# Process the argument values returned from argparse
+ outfont = None
+ infontlist = []
+ for c, ainfo in enumerate(arginfo):
+ aval = getattr(args, ainfo['name'])
+ if ainfo['name'] in ('params', 'log'): continue # params and log already processed
+ atype = None
+ adef = None
+ if 'type' in ainfo:
+ atype = ainfo['type']
+ if atype not in ('infont', 'outfont', 'infile', 'outfile', 'incsv', 'filename', 'optiondict'):
+ logger.log("Invalid type of " + atype + " supplied in argspec", "X")
+ if atype != 'optiondict': # All other types are file types, so adef must be set, even if just to ""
+ adef = ainfo['def'] if 'def' in ainfo else ""
+ if adef is None and aval is None: # If def explicitly set to None then this is optional
+ setattr(args, ainfo['name'], None)
+ continue
+ if c == 0:
+ if aval is None : logger.log("Invalid first positional parameter spec", "X")
+ if aval[-1] in ("\\","/"): aval = aval[0:-1] # Remove trailing slashes
+ else: #Handle defaults for all but first positional parameter
+ if adef is not None:
+ if not aval: aval = ""
+# if aval == "" and adef == "": # Only valid for output font parameter
+# if atype != "outfont":
+# logger.log("No value suppiled for " + ainfo['name'], "S")
+# ## Not sure why this needs to fail - we need to cope with other optional file or filename parameters
+ (apath, abase, aext) = splitfn(aval)
+ (dpath, dbase, dext) = splitfn(adef) # dpath should be None
+ if not apath:
+ if abase and aext: # If both specified then use cwd, ie no path
+ apath = ""
+ else:
+ apath = fppath
+ if not abase:
+ if dbase == "":
+ abase = fpbase
+ elif dbase[0] == "_": # Append to font name if starts with _
+ abase = fpbase + dbase
+ else:
+ abase = dbase
+ if not aext:
+ if dext:
+ aext = dext
+ elif (atype == 'outfont' or atype == 'infont'): aext = fpext
+ aval = os.path.join(apath, abase+aext)
+ # Open files/fonts
+ if atype == 'infont':
+ if tool is None:
+ logger.log("Can't specify a font without a font tool", "X")
+ infontlist.append((ainfo['name'], aval)) # Build list of fonts to open when other args processed
+ elif atype == 'infile':
+ logger.log('Opening file for input: '+aval, "P")
+ try:
+ aval = open(aval, "r", encoding="utf-8")
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif atype == 'incsv':
+ logger.log('Opening file for input: '+aval, "P")
+ aval = csvreader(aval, logger=logger)
+ elif atype == 'outfile':
+ (aval, path, exists) = fullpath(aval)
+ if not exists:
+ logger.log("Output file directory " + path + " does not exist", "S")
+ logger.log('Opening file for output: ' + aval, "P")
+ try:
+ aval = open(aval, 'w', encoding="utf-8")
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif atype == 'outfont':
+ if tool is None:
+ logger.log("Can't specify a font without a font tool", "X")
+ outfont = aval
+ outfontpath = apath
+ outfontbase = abase
+ outfontext = aext
+ elif atype == 'optiondict': # Turn multiple options in the form ['opt1=a', 'opt2=b'] into a dictionary
+ avaldict={}
+ if aval is not None:
+ for option in aval:
+ x = option.split("=", 1)
+ if len(x) != 2:
+ logger.log("options must be of the form 'param=value'", "S")
+ if x[1] == "\\t": x[1] = "\t" # Special handling for tab characters
+ avaldict[x[0]] = x[1]
+ aval = avaldict
+ setattr(args, ainfo['name'], aval)
+# Open fonts - needs to be done after processing other arguments so logger and params are defined
+ for name, aval in infontlist:
+ if chain and name == 'ifont':
+ aval = chain["font"]
+ else:
+ if tool == "UFO": aval = Ufont(aval, params=params)
+ if tool == "FT" : aval = ttLib.TTFont(aval)
+ if tool == "FP" : aval = OpenFont(aval)
+ setattr(args, name, aval) # Assign the font object to args attribute
+# All arguments processed, now call the main function
+ setattr(args, "paramsobj", params)
+ setattr(args, "cmdlineargs", argv)
+ newfont = fn(args)
+# If an output font is expected and one is returned, output the font
+ if chainfirst: chain = True # Special handling for first call of chaining
+ if newfont:
+ if chain: # return font to be handled by chain()
+ return (args, newfont)
+ else:
+ if outfont:
+ # Backup the font if output is overwriting original input font
+ if outfont == infontlist[0][1]:
+ backupdir = os.path.join(outfontpath, execparams['backupdir'])
+ backupmax = int(execparams['backupkeep'])
+ backup = str2bool(execparams['backup'])
+ if backup:
+ if not os.path.isdir(backupdir): # Create backup directory if not present
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(backupdir)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ backupbase = os.path.join(backupdir, outfontbase+outfontext)
+ # Work out backup name based on existing backups
+ nums = sorted([int(i[len(backupbase)+1-len(i):-1]) for i in glob(backupbase+".*~")]) # Extract list of backup numbers from existing backups
+ newnum = max(nums)+1 if nums else 1
+ backupname = backupbase+"."+str(newnum)+"~"
+ # Backup the font
+ logger.log("Backing up input font to "+backupname, "P")
+ shutil.copytree(outfont, backupname)
+ # Purge old backups
+ for i in range(0, len(nums) - backupmax + 1):
+ backupname = backupbase+"."+str(nums[i])+"~"
+ logger.log("Purging old backup "+backupname, "I")
+ shutil.rmtree(backupname)
+ else:
+ logger.log("No font backup done due to backup parameter setting", "I")
+ # Output the font
+ if tool in ("FT", "FP"):
+ logger.log("Saving font to " + outfont, "P")
+ else: # Must be Pyslifont Ufont
+ newfont.write(outfont)
+ else:
+ logger.log("Font returned to execute() but no output font is specified in arg spec", "X")
+ elif chain: # ) When chaining return just args - the font can be accessed by args.ifont
+ return (args, None) # ) assuming that the script has not changed the input font
+ if logger.errorcount or logger.warningcount:
+ message = "Command completed with " + str(logger.errorcount) + " errors and " + str(logger.warningcount) + " warnings"
+ if logger.scrlevel in ("S", "E") and logname != "":
+ if logger.scrlevel == "S" or logger.warningcount: message = message + " - see " + logname
+ if logger.errorcount:
+ if quiet: logger.raisescrlevel("E")
+ logger.log(message, "E")
+ logger.resetscrlevel()
+ else:
+ logger.log(message, "P")
+ if logger.scrlevel == "P" and logger.warningcount: logger.log("See log file for warning messages or rerun with '-p scrlevel=w'", "P")
+ else:
+ logger.log("Command completed with no warnings", "P")
+ return (args, newfont)
+def chain(argv, function, argspec, font, params, logger, quiet): # Chain multiple command-line scripts using UFO module together without writing font to disk
+ ''' argv is a command-line call to a script in sys.argv format. function and argspec are from the script being called.
+ Although input font name must be supplied for the command line to be parsed correctly by execute() it is not used - instead the supplied
+ font object is used. Similarly -params, logfile and quiet settings in argv are not used by execute() when chaining is used'''
+ if quiet and "-q" not in argv: argv.append("-q")
+ logger.log("Chaining to " + argv[0], "P")
+ font = execute("UFO", function, argspec,
+ {'argv' : argv,
+ 'font' : font,
+ 'params': params,
+ 'logger': logger,
+ 'quiet' : quiet})
+ logger.log("Returning from " + argv[0], "P")
+ return font
+def splitfn(fn): # Split filename into path, base and extension
+ if fn: # Remove trailing slashes
+ if fn[-1] in ("\\","/"): fn = fn[0:-1]
+ (path, base) = os.path.split(fn)
+ (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(base)
+ # Handle special case where just a directory is supplied
+ if ext == "": # If there's an extension, treat as file name, eg a ufo directory
+ if os.path.isdir(fn):
+ path = fn
+ base = ""
+ return (path, base, ext)
+def str2bool(v): # If v is not a boolean, convert from string to boolean
+ if type(v) == bool: return v
+ v = v.lower()
+ if v in ("yes", "y", "true", "t", "1"):
+ v = True
+ elif v in ("no", "n", "false", "f", "0"):
+ v = False
+ else:
+ v = None
+ return v
+def fullpath(filen): # Changes file name to one with full path and checks directory exists
+ fullname = os.path.abspath(filen)
+ (fpath,dummy) = os.path.split(fullname)
+ return fullname, fpath, os.path.isdir(fpath)