#!/usr/bin/env python3 '''Write mapping of graphite names to new graphite names based on: - an original ttf font - the gdl file produced by makeGdl when original font was produced - a csv mapping glyph names used in original ttf to those in the new font - pysilfont's gdl library - so assumes pysilfonts makeGdl will be used with new font''' __url__ = 'https://github.com/silnrsi/pysilfont' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016 SIL International (https://www.sil.org)' __license__ = 'Released under the MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)' __author__ = 'David Raymond' from silfont.core import execute import silfont.gdl.psnames as ps import datetime suffix = "_mapGDLnames" argspec = [ ('ifont',{'help': 'Input ttf font file'}, {'type': 'infont'}), ('-g','--gdl',{'help': 'Input gdl file'}, {'type': 'infile', 'def': '.gdl'}), ('-m','--mapping',{'help': 'Mapping csv file'}, {'type': 'incsv', 'def': '_map.csv'}), ('-o','--output',{'help': 'Ouput csv file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.csv'}), ('-l','--log',{'help': 'Log file'}, {'type': 'outfile', 'def': suffix+'.log'}), ('--nocomments',{'help': 'No comments in output files', 'action': 'store_true', 'default': False},{})] def doit(args) : logger = args.paramsobj.logger # Check input font is a ttf fontfile = args.cmdlineargs[1] if fontfile[-3:] != "ttf" : logger.log("Input font needs to be a ttf file", "S") font = args.ifont gdlfile = args.gdl mapping = args.mapping outfile = args.output # Add initial comments to outfile if not args.nocomments : outfile.write("# " + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ") + args.cmdlineargs[0] + "\n") outfile.write("# "+" ".join(args.cmdlineargs[1:])+"\n\n") # Process gdl file oldgrnames = {} for line in args.gdl : # Look for lines of format = glyphid(nnn)... pos = line.find(" = glyphid(") if pos == -1 : continue grname = line[0:pos] gid = line[pos+11:line.find(")")] oldgrnames[int(gid)]=grname # Create map from AGL name to new graphite name newgrnames = {} mapping.numfields = 2 for line in mapping : AGLname = line[1] SILname = line[0] grname = ps.Name(SILname).GDL() newgrnames[AGLname] = grname # Find glyph names in ttf font for glyph in font.glyphs(): gid = glyph.originalgid gname = glyph.glyphname oldgrname = oldgrnames[gid] if gid in oldgrnames else None newgrname = newgrnames[gname] if gname in newgrnames else None outfile.write(oldgrname + "," + newgrname+"\n") outfile.close() return execute("FF",doit, argspec)