path: root/
diff options
authorWilliam A. Rowe Jr <>2000-12-19 00:29:20 +0100
committerWilliam A. Rowe Jr <>2000-12-19 00:29:20 +0100
commit59c4216475c45f9169c0ddcec00e870b7875d145 (patch)
tree20be702c165c8479b9e3cc0bf14accf9d792544d /
parentRemove an IPv4 dependency in do_double_reverse() by calling (diff)
The awk update for Win32 build/install. If awk is not installed, only, httpd.default.conf and httpd.conf are left uncreated. git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index c1f8813cea..501b13f6b7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ _install:
-mkdir $(INSTDIR)\conf
-mkdir $(INSTDIR)\logs
-mkdir $(INSTDIR)\modules
+# -mkdir $(INSTDIR)\proxy
-mkdir $(INSTDIR)\htdocs
-mkdir $(INSTDIR)\htdocs\manual
copy Apache$(SHORT)\Apache.exe $(INSTDIR)
@@ -160,39 +161,33 @@ _install:
copy support\$(LONG)\htdigest.exe $(INSTDIR)\bin
copy support\$(LONG)\logresolve.exe $(INSTDIR)\bin
copy support\$(LONG)\rotatelogs.exe $(INSTDIR)\bin
- if not exist $(INSTDIR)\conf\magic copy docs\conf\magic $(INSTDIR)\conf
- copy docs\conf\magic $(INSTDIR)\conf\magic-default
- if not exist $(INSTDIR)\conf\mime.types copy docs\conf\mime.types $(INSTDIR)\conf
- copy docs\conf\mime.types $(INSTDIR)\conf\mime.types-default
- cd docs\docroot
- for %%a in (*.*) do if not exist $(INSTDIR)\htdocs\%%a copy %%a $(INSTDIR)\htdocs
- cd ..\..
+ xcopy docs\docroot $(INSTDIR)\htdocs /dy
xcopy docs\manual $(INSTDIR)\htdocs\manual /sdy
- perl <<
- my $$serverroot = '$(INSTDIR)';
- $$serverroot =~ s|\\|\/|;
- open(IN, '< docs\conf\httpd-win.conf')
- || die 'Source httpd-win.conf not found in docs\conf';
- open(OUT, '> $(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.conf-default')
- || die 'Create file $(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.conf-default failed';
- while (<IN>) {
- while (s|\@\@ServerRoot\@\@|$$serverroot|) {}
- print OUT $_;
+ copy docs\conf\magic $(INSTDIR)\conf\magic.default
+ if not exist $(INSTDIR)\conf\magic \
+ copy $(INSTDIR)\conf\magic.default $(INSTDIR)\conf\magic
+ copy docs\conf\mime.types $(INSTDIR)\conf\mime.types.default
+ if not exist $(INSTDIR)\conf\mime.types \
+ copy $(INSTDIR)\conf\mime.types.default $(INSTDIR)\conf\mime.types
+ awk -f << docs\conf\httpd-win.conf $(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.default.conf $(INSTDIR)
+ srcfl = ARGV[1];
+ dstfl = ARGV[2];
+ serverroot = ARGV[3];
+ gsub( /\\/, "/", serverroot );
+ print "" > dstfl;
+ while ( ( getline < srcfl ) > 0 ) {
+ gsub( /@@ServerRoot@@/, serverroot );
+ print $$0 >> dstfl;
+ }
- print 'Installed httpd.conf-default in $(INSTDIR)\conf' . "\n";
- close (OUT);
- seek(IN, 0, SEEK_SET);
- if (open(OUT, '< $(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.conf')) {
- print 'Existing $(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.conf preserved' . "\n";
- close(OUT); close(IN); exit;
- }
- open(OUT, '> $(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.conf')
- || die 'Create file $(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.conf failed';
- while (<IN>) {
- while (s|\@\@ServerRoot\@\@|$$serverroot|) {}
- print OUT $_;
+ if not exist $(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.conf \
+ copy $(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.default.conf $(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.conf
+ awk -f << support\dbmmanage >$(INSTDIR)\bin\
+ { if ( $$0 !~ /^#.*-lsdbm/) {
+ gsub( /AnyDBM_File::ISA = qw\(.*\)/, "AnyDBM_File::ISA = qw(SDBM_File)" );
+ print $$0
+ }
- print 'Installed httpd.conf in $(INSTDIR)\conf' . "\n";
- close(OUT); close(IN);