path: root/server/util_expr_parse.y
diff options
authorYann Ylavic <>2017-10-02 23:57:26 +0200
committerYann Ylavic <>2017-10-02 23:57:26 +0200
commit08ddf7ad0a257c1b27b5fdb8e32fcd40b4dbdad1 (patch)
treee851b15724aa86321e5aaae317ec8fa6bacd127a /server/util_expr_parse.y
parentxforms (diff)
ap_expr: open string expressions to the <word>.
Introduces the syntax "%{:<word>:}", borrowed from the <var>'s one, and which likewise can be embedded anywhere in a string expression (the same reserved character ':' gets reused in an unambiguous manner). This allows the two types of expressions (boolean and string) to now share fully the same language set, namely: strings, lists, vars, regexes, backrefs, functions with multiple or complex arguments, and especially combinations thereof. Most of them were reserved to boolean expressions only, while complex string constructions can also benefit to, well, strings. The <word> construct allows that (say the syntax "%{:<word>:}" looks like a temporary variable constructed in a string). Since string expressions may now have to deal with lists (arrays), they also need a way to produce/extract strings from list and vice versa. This can be done with the new "join" and "split" operators, while the new substitution regexes (like "s/<pattern>/<substitute>/<flags>") may be used to manipulate strings in place. All this of course available for both string and boolean expressions. Tests and doc updates upcoming.. git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'server/util_expr_parse.y')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/server/util_expr_parse.y b/server/util_expr_parse.y
index 9e02602139..ce1d6188df 100644
--- a/server/util_expr_parse.y
+++ b/server/util_expr_parse.y
@@ -48,10 +48,15 @@
%token <cpVal> T_DIGIT "number"
%token <cpVal> T_ID "identifier"
-%token <cpVal> T_STRING "cstring"
-%token <cpVal> T_REGEX "regex"
-%token <cpVal> T_REGEX_I "case-indendent regex"
-%token <num> T_REGEX_BACKREF "regex back reference"
+%token <cpVal> T_STRING "string"
+%token T_REGEX "match regex"
+%token T_REGSUB "substitution regex"
+%token <cpVal> T_REG_MATCH "match pattern of the regex"
+%token <cpVal> T_REG_SUBST "substitution pattern of the regex"
+%token <cpVal> T_REG_FLAGS "flags of the regex"
+%token <num> T_REG_REF "regex back reference"
%token <cpVal> T_OP_UNARY "unary operator"
%token <cpVal> T_OP_BINARY "binary operator"
@@ -59,6 +64,8 @@
%token T_STR_END "end of string"
%token T_VAR_BEGIN "start of variable name"
%token T_VAR_END "end of variable name"
+%token T_VAREXP_BEGIN "start of variable expression"
+%token T_VAREXP_END "end of variable expression"
%token T_OP_EQ "integer equal"
%token T_OP_NE "integer not equal"
@@ -75,8 +82,12 @@
%token T_OP_STR_LE "string less or equal"
%token T_OP_STR_GT "string greater than"
%token T_OP_STR_GE "string greater or equal"
%token T_OP_CONCAT "string concatenation"
+%token T_OP_SPLIT "split operator"
+%token T_OP_JOIN "join operator"
%token T_OP_OR "logical or"
%token T_OP_AND "logical and"
%token T_OP_NOT "logical not"
@@ -86,18 +97,21 @@
%right T_OP_NOT
%right T_OP_CONCAT
-%type <exVal> expr
-%type <exVal> comparison
-%type <exVal> strfunccall "function"
-%type <exVal> lstfunccall "listfunction"
-%type <exVal> regex
-%type <exVal> words
-%type <exVal> wordlist
-%type <exVal> word
-%type <exVal> string
-%type <exVal> strpart "stringpart"
-%type <exVal> var "variable"
-%type <exVal> backref "rebackref"
+%type <exVal> cond "condition"
+%type <exVal> comp "comparison"
+%type <exVal> strfunc "string function"
+%type <exVal> lstfunc "list function"
+%type <exVal> wordlist "list of words"
+%type <exVal> words "tuple of words"
+%type <exVal> word "word expression"
+%type <exVal> string "string expression"
+%type <exVal> strany "any string expression"
+%type <exVal> var "variable expression"
+%type <exVal> regex "regular expression match"
+%type <exVal> regsub "regular expression substitution"
+%type <exVal> regsplit "regular expression split"
+%type <exVal> regany "any regular expression"
+%type <exVal> regref "regular expression back reference"
#include "util_expr_private.h"
@@ -109,24 +123,24 @@ int ap_expr_yylex(YYSTYPE *lvalp, void *scanner);
-root : T_EXPR_BOOL expr { ctx->expr = $2; }
+root : T_EXPR_BOOL cond { ctx->expr = $2; }
| T_EXPR_STRING string { ctx->expr = $2; }
-expr : T_TRUE { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_True, NULL, NULL, ctx); }
+cond : T_TRUE { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_True, NULL, NULL, ctx); }
| T_FALSE { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_False, NULL, NULL, ctx); }
- | T_OP_NOT expr { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Not, $2, NULL, ctx); }
- | expr T_OP_OR expr { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Or, $1, $3, ctx); }
- | expr T_OP_AND expr { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_And, $1, $3, ctx); }
- | comparison { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Comp, $1, NULL, ctx); }
+ | T_OP_NOT cond { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Not, $2, NULL, ctx); }
+ | cond T_OP_OR cond { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Or, $1, $3, ctx); }
+ | cond T_OP_AND cond { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_And, $1, $3, ctx); }
+ | comp { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Comp, $1, NULL, ctx); }
| T_OP_UNARY word { $$ = ap_expr_unary_op_make( $1, $2, ctx); }
| word T_OP_BINARY word { $$ = ap_expr_binary_op_make($2, $1, $3, ctx); }
- | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; }
+ | '(' cond ')' { $$ = $2; }
-comparison: word T_OP_EQ word { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_EQ, $1, $3, ctx); }
+comp : word T_OP_EQ word { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_EQ, $1, $3, ctx); }
| word T_OP_NE word { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_NE, $1, $3, ctx); }
| word T_OP_LT word { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_LT, $1, $3, ctx); }
| word T_OP_LE word { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_LE, $1, $3, ctx); }
@@ -143,70 +157,107 @@ comparison: word T_OP_EQ word { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_EQ, $1, $3,
| word T_OP_NRE regex { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_NRE, $1, $3, ctx); }
-wordlist : lstfunccall { $$ = $1; }
+wordlist : lstfunc { $$ = $1; }
+ | word T_OP_REG regsplit { $$ = ap_expr_list_regex_make($1, $3, ctx); }
+ | wordlist T_OP_REG regany { $$ = ap_expr_list_regex_make($1, $3, ctx); }
| '{' words '}' { $$ = $2; }
+ | '(' wordlist ')' { $$ = $2; }
words : word { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_ListElement, $1, NULL, ctx); }
- | words ',' word { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_ListElement, $3, $1, ctx); }
+ | word ',' words { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_ListElement, $1, $3, ctx); }
-string : string strpart { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Concat, $1, $2, ctx); }
- | strpart { $$ = $1; }
+string : strany { $$ = $1; }
+ | string strany { $$ = ap_expr_concat_make($1, $2, ctx); }
-strpart : T_STRING { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_String, $1, NULL, ctx); }
+strany : T_STRING { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_String, $1, NULL, ctx); }
| var { $$ = $1; }
- | backref { $$ = $1; }
+ | regref { $$ = $1; }
var : T_VAR_BEGIN T_ID T_VAR_END { $$ = ap_expr_var_make($2, ctx); }
| T_VAR_BEGIN T_ID ':' string T_VAR_END { $$ = ap_expr_str_func_make($2, $4, ctx); }
+ | T_VAREXP_BEGIN word T_VAREXP_END { $$ = ap_expr_str_word_make($2, ctx); }
+ | T_VAREXP_BEGIN cond T_VAREXP_END { $$ = ap_expr_str_bool_make($2, ctx); }
word : T_DIGIT { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Digit, $1, NULL, ctx); }
+ | T_STR_BEGIN T_STR_END { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_String, "", NULL, ctx); }
+ | T_STR_BEGIN string T_STR_END { $$ = $2; }
| word T_OP_CONCAT word { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Concat, $1, $3, ctx); }
+ | word T_OP_REG regsub { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Regsub, $1, $3, ctx); }
| var { $$ = $1; }
- | backref { $$ = $1; }
- | strfunccall { $$ = $1; }
- | T_STR_BEGIN string T_STR_END { $$ = $2; }
- | T_STR_BEGIN T_STR_END { $$ = ap_expr_make(op_String, "", NULL, ctx); }
+ | regref { $$ = $1; }
+ | strfunc { $$ = $1; }
+ | T_OP_JOIN wordlist {
+ $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Join, $2, NULL, ctx);
+ }
+ | T_OP_JOIN wordlist ',' word {
+ $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Join, $2, $4, ctx);
+ }
+ | T_OP_JOIN '(' wordlist ',' word ')' {
+ $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Join, $3, $5, ctx);
+ }
+ | '(' word ')' { $$ = $2; }
-regex : T_REGEX {
- ap_regex_t *regex;
- if ((regex = ap_pregcomp(ctx->pool, $1,
+ ap_expr_t *e = ap_expr_regex_make($2, $3, NULL, 0, ctx);
+ if (!e) {
ctx->error = "Failed to compile regular expression";
- $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Regex, regex, NULL, ctx);
+ $$ = e;
- | T_REGEX_I {
- ap_regex_t *regex;
- if ((regex = ap_pregcomp(ctx->pool, $1,
+ ;
+regsub : T_REGSUB T_REG_MATCH string T_REG_FLAGS {
+ ap_expr_t *e = ap_expr_regex_make($2, $4, $3, 0, ctx);
+ if (!e) {
+ ctx->error = "Failed to compile regular expression";
+ }
+ $$ = e;
+ }
+ ;
+regsplit : T_OP_SPLIT T_REG_MATCH string T_REG_FLAGS {
+ /* Returns a list:
+ * <word> ~= split/://
+ * => split around ':', replace it with empty
+ * <word> ~= split/:/\n/
+ * => split around ':', replace it with '\n'
+ * <list> ~= split/.*?Ip Address:([^,]+)/$1/
+ * => split around the whole match, replace it with $1
+ */
+ ap_expr_t *e = ap_expr_regex_make($2, $4, $3, 1, ctx);
+ if (!e) {
ctx->error = "Failed to compile regular expression";
- $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Regex, regex, NULL, ctx);
+ $$ = e;
+regany : regex { $$ = $1; }
+ | regsub { $$ = $1; }
+ | regsplit { $$ = $1; }
+ ;
-backref : T_REGEX_BACKREF {
+regref : T_REG_REF {
int *n = apr_palloc(ctx->pool, sizeof(int));
*n = $1;
- $$ = ap_expr_make(op_RegexBackref, n, NULL, ctx);
+ $$ = ap_expr_make(op_Regref, n, NULL, ctx);
- ;
+ ;
-lstfunccall : T_ID '(' word ')' { $$ = ap_expr_list_func_make($1, $3, ctx); }
- ;
+lstfunc : T_ID '(' word ')' { $$ = ap_expr_list_func_make($1, $3, ctx); }
+ /* | T_ID '(' words ')' { $$ = ap_expr_list_func_make($1, $3, ctx); } */
+ ;
-strfunccall : T_ID '(' word ')' { $$ = ap_expr_str_func_make($1, $3, ctx); }
- | T_ID '(' words ')' { $$ = ap_expr_str_func_make($1, $3, ctx); }
- ;
+strfunc : T_ID '(' word ')' { $$ = ap_expr_str_func_make($1, $3, ctx); }
+ | T_ID '(' words ')' { $$ = ap_expr_str_func_make($1, $3, ctx); }
+ ;