# Makefile for Windows NT and Windows 95/98/2000
# Targets are:
# _apacher - build Apache in Release mode
# _apached - build Apache in Debug mode
# installr - build and install a Release build
# installd - build and install a Debug build
# clean - remove (most) generated files
# _cleanr - remove (most) files generated by a Release build
# _cleand - remove (most) files generated by a Debug build
# _browse - build the browse info file
# The following install defaults may be customized;
# Option Default
# INSTDIR \Apache2
# PORT 80
# SERVERNAME localhost
# For example;
# nmake /f Makefile.win PORT=80 INSTDIR="d:\Program Files\Apache" installr
# Be aware that certain awk's will not accept backslahed names,
# so the server root should be given in forward slashes (quoted),
# preferably with the drive designation!
default: _apacher
!IF ("$(CTARGET)" == "") && EXIST("Apache.sln")
!IF !EXIST("srclib\apr") || !EXIST("srclib\apr-util") || !EXIST("srclib\apr-iconv")
!MESSAGE Please check out or download and unpack the Apache Portability Runtime
!MESSAGE sources (apr, apr-iconv and apr-util) into your $(INSTDIR)\srclib dir.
!MESSAGE Apache cannot build without these libraries!
!ERROR Need $(INSTDIR)\srclib\ apr, apr-iconv and apr-util
# Note; _tryssl: is only used by the msvc developer studio environment to 'fix up'
# the build, since conditional dependencies aren't supported.
!IF EXIST("srclib\openssl")
!IF "$(LONG)" == "Debug"
!IF EXIST("modules\ssl\mod_ssl.mak")
cd modules\ssl
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_ssl.mak CFG="mod_ssl - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 .\$(LONG)\mod_ssl.so
cd ..\..
cd support
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f abs.mak CFG="abs - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 .\$(LONG)\abs.exe
cd ..
!ELSEIF EXIST("Apache.sln")
devenv Apache.sln /useenv $(CTARGET) $(LONG) /project mod_ssl
devenv Apache.sln /useenv $(CTARGET) $(LONG) /project abs
@msdev Apache.dsw /USEENV /MAKE \
"mod_ssl - Win32 $(LONG)" \
"abs - Win32 $(LONG)" /NORECURSE $(CTARGET)
# NOT EXIST("srclib\openssl")
@echo -----
@echo mod_ssl and ab/ssl will not build unless openssl is installed
@echo in srclib\openssl. They must be precompiled using the
@echo ms/ntdll.mak file, see srclib\openssl\INSTALL.W32. The most
@echo recent version confirmed to build with mod_ssl and ab is 0.9.6h.
@echo Available from http://www.openssl.org/
!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib")
!IF EXIST("modules\filters\mod_deflate.mak")
cd modules\filters
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_deflate.mak CFG="mod_deflate - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 .\$(LONG)\mod_deflate.so
cd ..\..
!ELSEIF EXIST("Apache.sln")
devenv Apache.sln /useenv $(CTARGET) $(LONG) /project mod_deflate
@msdev Apache.dsw /USEENV /MAKE \
"mod_deflate - Win32 $(LONG)" /NORECURSE $(CTARGET)
# NOT EXIST("srclib\zlib")
@echo -----
@echo mod_deflate will not build unless zlib is installed in srclib\zlib.
@echo zlib does not need to be built, we compile the sources directly.
@echo Available from http://www.gzip.org/zlib/
!IF "$(INSTDIR)" == ""
!IF "$(SERVERNAME)" == ""
!IF "$(PORT)" == ""
!IF "$(LONG)" == ""
!MESSAGE To change these options use 'nmake /f Makefile.win [option=value]'
!MESSAGE Example: nmake /f Makefile.win PORT=8080
# Only default the behavior if MAKEOPT= is omitted
!IF "$(MAKE)" == "NMAKE"
# Microsoft NMake options
!ELSEIF "($MAKE)" == "make"
# Borland make options? Not really supported (yet)
cd Browse
bscmake.exe -nologo -Iu -o Apache.bsc *.sbr
cd ..
@$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Makefile.win SHORT=R LONG=Release _build
@$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Makefile.win SHORT=D LONG=Debug _build
@$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Makefile.win SHORT=R LONG=Release _build _install
@$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Makefile.win SHORT=D LONG=Debug _build _install
clean: _cleanr _cleand
-if exist Browse\. rd /s Browse < << > nul
!IF EXIST("Apache.mak")
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Makefile.win SHORT=R LONG=Release CTARGET=CLEAN _build
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Makefile.win SHORT=D LONG=Debug CTARGET=CLEAN _build
echo Building Win32 $(LONG) targets ($(SHORT) suffixes)
cd srclib\apr
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f apr.mak CFG="apr - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f libapr.mak CFG="libapr - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
cd srclib\apr-iconv
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f apriconv.mak CFG="apriconv - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f libapriconv.mak CFG="libapriconv - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) /f build\modules.mk.win clean \
cd ccs
$(MAKE) /nologo /f Makefile.win all \
cd ..\ces
$(MAKE) /nologo /f Makefile.win all \
cd ..
cd ..\..
cd srclib\apr-util\uri
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f gen_uri_delims.mak CFG="gen_uri_delims - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..\..
cd srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f xml.mak CFG="xml - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..\..
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f aprutil.mak CFG="aprutil - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f libaprutil.mak CFG="libaprutil - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
cd srclib\pcre
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f dftables.mak CFG="dftables - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f pcre.mak CFG="pcre - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f pcreposix.mak CFG="pcreposix - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
cd server
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f gen_test_char.mak CFG="gen_test_char - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f libhttpd.mak CFG="libhttpd - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Apache.mak CFG="Apache - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd modules\aaa
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_auth_basic.mak CFG="mod_auth_basic - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_auth_digest.mak CFG="mod_auth_digest - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_authn_anon.mak CFG="mod_authn_anon - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_authn_dbm.mak CFG="mod_authn_dbm - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_authn_default.mak CFG="mod_authn_default - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_authn_file.mak CFG="mod_authn_file - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_authz_dbm.mak CFG="mod_authz_dbm - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_authz_default.mak CFG="mod_authz_default - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_authz_groupfile.mak CFG="mod_authz_groupfile - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_authz_host.mak CFG="mod_authz_host - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_authz_user.mak CFG="mod_authz_user - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
cd modules\arch\win32
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_isapi.mak CFG="mod_isapi - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..\..
cd modules\cache
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_file_cache.mak CFG="mod_file_cache - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
cd modules\dav\main
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_dav.mak CFG="mod_dav - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..\..
cd modules\dav\fs
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_dav_fs.mak CFG="mod_dav_fs - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..\..
cd modules\experimental
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_cache.mak CFG="mod_cache - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_charset_lite.mak CFG="mod_charset_lite - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_mem_cache.mak CFG="mod_mem_cache - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_disk_cache.mak CFG="mod_disk_cache - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f util_ldap.mak CFG="util_ldap - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_auth_ldap.mak CFG="mod_auth_ldap - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
cd modules\filters
!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib")
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_deflate.mak CFG="mod_deflate - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_ext_filter.mak CFG="mod_ext_filter - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_include.mak CFG="mod_include - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
cd modules\generators
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_asis.mak CFG="mod_asis - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_autoindex.mak CFG="mod_autoindex - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_cgi.mak CFG="mod_cgi - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_info.mak CFG="mod_info - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_status.mak CFG="mod_status - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
cd modules\http
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_mime.mak CFG="mod_mime - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
cd modules\loggers
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_log_config.mak CFG="mod_log_config - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_logio.mak CFG="mod_logio - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
cd modules\mappers
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_actions.mak CFG="mod_actions - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_alias.mak CFG="mod_alias - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_dir.mak CFG="mod_dir - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_imap.mak CFG="mod_imap - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_negotiation.mak CFG="mod_negotiation - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_rewrite.mak CFG="mod_rewrite - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_speling.mak CFG="mod_speling - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_userdir.mak CFG="mod_userdir - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_vhost_alias.mak CFG="mod_vhost_alias - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
cd modules\metadata
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_cern_meta.mak CFG="mod_cern_meta - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_env.mak CFG="mod_env - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_expires.mak CFG="mod_expires - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_headers.mak CFG="mod_headers - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_ident.mak CFG="mod_ident - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_mime_magic.mak CFG="mod_mime_magic - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_setenvif.mak CFG="mod_setenvif - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_unique_id.mak CFG="mod_unique_id - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_usertrack.mak CFG="mod_usertrack - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
cd modules\proxy
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_proxy.mak CFG="mod_proxy - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_proxy_connect.mak CFG="mod_proxy_connect - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_proxy_ftp.mak CFG="mod_proxy_ftp - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_proxy_http.mak CFG="mod_proxy_http - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
!IF EXIST("srclib\openssl")
cd modules\ssl
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f mod_ssl.mak CFG="mod_ssl - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET) .\$(LONG)\mod_ssl.so
cd ..\..
cd support
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f abs.mak CFG="abs - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..
cd support
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f ab.mak CFG="ab - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f htdbm.mak CFG="htdbm - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f htdigest.mak CFG="htdigest - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f htpasswd.mak CFG="htpasswd - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f logresolve.mak CFG="logresolve - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f rotatelogs.mak CFG="rotatelogs - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..
cd support\win32
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f ApacheMonitor.mak CFG="ApacheMonitor - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f wintty.mak CFG="wintty - Win32 $(LONG)" RECURSE=0 $(CTARGET)
cd ..\..
!ELSEIF EXIST("Apache.sln")
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Makefile.win SHORT=R LONG=Release CTARGET="/clean" _build
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Makefile.win SHORT=D LONG=Debug CTARGET="/clean" _build
echo Building Win32 $(LONG) targets ($(SHORT) suffixes)
devenv Apache.sln /useenv $(CTARGET) $(LONG) /project BuildBin
!IF EXIST("srclib\openssl")
devenv Apache.sln /useenv $(CTARGET) $(LONG) /project mod_ssl
devenv Apache.sln /useenv $(CTARGET) $(LONG) /project abs
!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib")
devenv Apache.sln /useenv $(CTARGET) $(LONG) /project mod_deflate
@$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Makefile.win SHORT=R LONG=Release CTARGET="/CLEAN" _build
@$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Makefile.win SHORT=D LONG=Debug CTARGET="/CLEAN" _build
@echo Building Win32 $(LONG) targets ($(SHORT) suffixes)
@msdev Apache.dsw /USEENV /MAKE \
"BuildBin - Win32 $(LONG)" $(CTARGET)
!IF "$(CTARGET)" == "/CLEAN"
@cd srclib\apr-iconv
@$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) /f build\modules.mk.win clean \
@cd ..\..
!IF EXIST("srclib\openssl")
@msdev Apache.dsw /USEENV /MAKE \
"mod_ssl - Win32 $(LONG)" \
"abs - Win32 $(LONG)" /NORECURSE $(CTARGET)
!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib")
@msdev Apache.dsw /USEENV /MAKE \
"mod_deflate - Win32 $(LONG)" /NORECURSE $(CTARGET)
copy $(LONG)\Apache.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
copy $(LONG)\libhttpd.$(src_dll) "$(inst_dll)" <.y
copy srclib\apr\$(LONG)\libapr.$(src_dll) "$(inst_dll)" <.y
copy srclib\apr-iconv\$(LONG)\libapriconv.$(src_dll) "$(inst_dll)" <.y
copy srclib\apr-util\$(LONG)\libaprutil.$(src_dll) "$(inst_dll)" <.y
copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_auth_basic.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_auth_digest.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_authn_anon.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_authn_dbm.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_authn_default.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_authn_file.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_authz_dbm.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_authz_default.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_authz_groupfile.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_authz_host.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\aaa\$(LONG)\mod_authz_user.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\arch\win32\$(LONG)\mod_isapi.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\cache\$(LONG)\mod_file_cache.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\dav\fs\$(LONG)\mod_dav_fs.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\dav\main\$(LONG)\mod_dav.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\experimental\$(LONG)\mod_cache.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\experimental\$(LONG)\mod_charset_lite.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\experimental\$(LONG)\mod_mem_cache.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\experimental\$(LONG)\mod_disk_cache.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\experimental\$(LONG)\util_ldap.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\experimental\$(LONG)\mod_auth_ldap.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib")
copy modules\filters\$(LONG)\mod_deflate.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\filters\$(LONG)\mod_ext_filter.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\filters\$(LONG)\mod_include.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\generators\$(LONG)\mod_asis.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\generators\$(LONG)\mod_autoindex.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\generators\$(LONG)\mod_cgi.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\generators\$(LONG)\mod_info.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\generators\$(LONG)\mod_status.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\http\$(LONG)\mod_mime.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\loggers\$(LONG)\mod_log_config.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\loggers\$(LONG)\mod_logio.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_actions.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_alias.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_dir.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_imap.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_negotiation.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_rewrite.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_speling.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_userdir.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\mappers\$(LONG)\mod_vhost_alias.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_cern_meta.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_env.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_expires.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_headers.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_ident.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_mime_magic.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_setenvif.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_unique_id.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\metadata\$(LONG)\mod_usertrack.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\proxy\$(LONG)\mod_proxy.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\proxy\$(LONG)\mod_proxy_connect.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\proxy\$(LONG)\mod_proxy_ftp.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
copy modules\proxy\$(LONG)\mod_proxy_http.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
!IF EXIST("srclib\openssl")
copy modules\ssl\$(LONG)\mod_ssl.$(src_so) "$(inst_so)" <.y
$(quiet)copy srclib\openssl\$(SSLBIN)\openssl.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
$(quiet)copy srclib\openssl\$(SSLBIN)\libeay32.$(src_dll) "$(inst_dll)" <.y
$(quiet)copy srclib\openssl\$(SSLBIN)\ssleay32.$(src_dll) "$(inst_dll)" <.y
copy support\$(LONG)\abs.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)\ab.$(src_exe)" <.y
copy support\$(LONG)\ab.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
copy support\$(LONG)\htdbm.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
copy support\$(LONG)\htdigest.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
copy support\$(LONG)\htpasswd.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
copy support\$(LONG)\logresolve.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
copy support\$(LONG)\rotatelogs.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
copy support\win32\$(LONG)\ApacheMonitor.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
copy support\win32\$(LONG)\wintty.$(src_exe) "$(inst_exe)" <.y
# First we create the tree and populate the README so that
# whatever happens, all licensing has already propagated.
# Then repeatedly invoke the _copybin build to copy the
# real binaries, then pdb symbols, anf finally dbg syms.
# Then hit docs of various sorts, then includes and libs,
# and finally do the .conf magic.
echo Y >.y
echo A >.A
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\bin"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\bin\iconv"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\cgi-bin"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\conf"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\error"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\htdocs"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\manual"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\icons"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\include"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\lib"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\logs"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\modules"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\proxy"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\symbols"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\symbols\exe"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\symbols\dll"
-mkdir "$(INSTDIR)\symbols\so"
copy README "$(INSTDIR)\README.txt" <.y
!IF EXIST("srclib\openssl")
type << >> "$(INSTDIR)\README.txt"
This binary distribution includes cryptographic software written by
Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com), software written by Tim Hudson
(tjh@cryptsoft.com), and software developed by the OpenSSL Project
for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit .
-awk -f <> "$(INSTDIR)\LICENSE.txt"
print "";
print "For the libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll and certtool.exe components:";
print "";
while ( getline > 0 ) {
print $$0;
copy << + srclib\openssl\NEWS "$(INSTDIR)\OPENSSL-NEWS.txt" <.y
Apache HTTP Server 2.0 Limited OpenSSL Distribution
This binary distribution includes the minimal components of OpenSSL required
to support mod_ssl for Apache HTTP Server version 2.0 (details are listed
in OPENSSL-README.txt.) For the complete list of CHANGES to this and later
versions of OpenSSL, please refer to the definative source,
, or see the CHANGES file in the
full binary or source distribution package from .
These OpenSSL binaries were built for distribution from the U.S. without
support for the patented encryption methods IDEA, MDC-2 or RC5.
copy << + srclib\openssl\README "$(INSTDIR)\OPENSSL-README.txt" <.y
Apache HTTP Server 2.0 Limited OpenSSL Distribution
This binary installation of OpenSSL is a limited distribution of the documents
OPENSSL-LICENSE.txt, OPENSSL-NEWS.txt and OPENSSL-README.txt, and the binaries
These are the minimal libraries and tools required to use mod_ssl as
distributed with Apache HTTP Server version 2.0. No library link files,
headers or sources are distributed with this binary distribution. Please
refer to the site for complete source or binary
These OpenSSL binaries were built for distribution from the U.S. without
support for the patented encryption methods IDEA, MDC-2 or RC5.
The Apache HTTP Project only supports the binary distribution of these files
and development of the mod_ssl module. We cannot provide support assistance
for using or configuring the OpenSSL package or these modules. Please refer
all installation and configuration questions to the appropriate forum,
such as the user supported lists,
the Apache HTTP Server user's list or the
OpenSSL support page.
!IF EXIST("srclib\zlib")
type << >> "$(INSTDIR)\README.txt"
This binary distribution of mod_deflate.so includes zlib compression code
written by Jean-loup Gailly (jloup@gzip.org)
and Mark Adler (madler@alumni.caltech.edu) .
-awk -f <> "$(INSTDIR)\LICENSE.txt"
while ( getline > 0 ) {
if ( $$0 ~ /Copyright notice:/ ) {
print "";
print "For the mod_deflate zlib compression component:";
while ( getline > 0 && $$0 !~ /^[^ ]/ ) {
print $$0;
exit 0;
exit 1;
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Makefile.win SHORT=$(SHORT) LONG=$(LONG) \
_copybin src_exe=exe src_dll=dll src_so=so \
inst_exe="$(INSTDIR)\bin" \
inst_dll="$(INSTDIR)\bin" \
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Makefile.win SHORT=$(SHORT) LONG=$(LONG) \
_copybin src_exe=pdb src_dll=pdb src_so=pdb quiet="-" \
inst_exe="$(INSTDIR)\bin" \
inst_dll="$(INSTDIR)\bin" \
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f Makefile.win SHORT=$(SHORT) LONG=$(LONG) \
_copybin src_exe=dbg src_dll=dbg src_so=dbg quiet="-" \
inst_exe="$(INSTDIR)\symbols\exe" \
inst_dll="$(INSTDIR)\symbols\dll" \
cd srclib\apr-iconv
$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPT) -f build\modules.mk.win install symbols \
INSTALL_DIR="$(INSTDIR)\bin\iconv" \
cd ..\..
copy docs\cgi-examples\printenv "$(INSTDIR)\cgi-bin\printenv.pl" <.y
-awk -f < "$(INSTDIR)\cgi-bin\printenv.pl"
if ( "perl -e \"print $$^X;\"" | getline perlroot ) {
gsub( /\\/, "/", perlroot );
print "#!" perlroot;
if ( $$0 !~ /^#!/ ) {
print $$0;
xcopy docs\error "$(INSTDIR)\error" /s /d < .a
xcopy docs\docroot "$(INSTDIR)\htdocs" /d < .a
xcopy docs\icons "$(INSTDIR)\icons" /s /d < .a
xcopy docs\manual "$(INSTDIR)\manual" /s /d < .a
xcopy srclib\pcre\pcre*.h "$(INSTDIR)\include" /d < .a
xcopy srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\expat.h "$(INSTDIR)\include" /d < .a
xcopy srclib\apr\include\*.h "$(INSTDIR)\include" /d < .a
xcopy srclib\apr-util\include\*.h "$(INSTDIR)\include" /d < .a
xcopy include\*.h "$(INSTDIR)\include" /d < .a
copy srclib\apr\Lib$(SHORT)\apr.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
copy srclib\apr-util\Lib$(SHORT)\aprutil.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
copy srclib\pcre\Lib$(SHORT)\pcre.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
copy srclib\pcre\Lib$(SHORT)\pcreposix.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
# ### until we determine if it's safe to change expat>libexpat and xml>expat
# within our cvs tree... at least remain consistent to our naming conventions;
copy srclib\apr-util\xml\expat\lib\Lib$(SHORT)\xml.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib\expat.lib" <.y
copy srclib\apr\$(LONG)\libapr.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
copy srclib\apr\$(LONG)\libapr.exp "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
copy srclib\apr-iconv\$(LONG)\libapriconv.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
copy srclib\apr-iconv\$(LONG)\libapriconv.exp "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
copy srclib\apr-util\$(LONG)\libaprutil.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
copy srclib\apr-util\$(LONG)\libaprutil.exp "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
copy $(LONG)\libhttpd.exp "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
copy $(LONG)\libhttpd.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
copy modules\dav\main\$(LONG)\mod_dav.exp "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
copy modules\dav\main\$(LONG)\mod_dav.lib "$(INSTDIR)\lib" <.y
copy docs\conf\magic "$(INSTDIR)\conf\magic.default" <.y
if not exist "$(INSTDIR)\conf\magic" \
copy "$(INSTDIR)\conf\magic.default" "$(INSTDIR)\conf\magic"
copy docs\conf\mime.types "$(INSTDIR)\conf\mime.types.default" <.y
if not exist "$(INSTDIR)\conf\mime.types" \
copy "$(INSTDIR)\conf\mime.types.default" "$(INSTDIR)\conf\mime.types"
copy docs\conf\httpd-win.conf "$(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.default.conf" <.y
-awk -f < "$(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.default.conf"
serverroot = ARGV[2];
delete ARGV[2];
gsub( /\\/, "/", serverroot );
"cd" | getline root;
gsub( /^\//, substr( root, 1, 2 ) "/", serverroot );
gsub( /@@ServerRoot@@/, serverroot );
gsub( /@@ServerName@@/, "$(SERVERNAME)" );
gsub( /@@Port@@/, "$(PORT)" );
print $$0;
if not exist "$(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.conf" \
copy "$(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.default.conf" "$(INSTDIR)\conf\httpd.conf"
copy docs\conf\ssl-std.conf "$(INSTDIR)\conf\ssl.default.conf" <.y
-awk -f < "$(INSTDIR)\conf\ssl.default.conf"
serverroot = ARGV[2];
delete ARGV[2];
gsub( /\\/, "/", serverroot );
"cd" | getline root;
gsub( /^\//, substr( root, 1, 2 ) "/", serverroot );
gsub( /@@ServerRoot@@/, serverroot );
print $$0;
if not exist "$(INSTDIR)\conf\ssl.conf" \
copy "$(INSTDIR)\conf\ssl.default.conf" "$(INSTDIR)\conf\ssl.conf"
-awk -f <"$(INSTDIR)\bin\dbmmanage.pl"
{ if ( $$0 ~ /^BEGIN \{ @AnyDBM_File::/ ) {
sub( /ISA = qw\(.*\)/, "ISA = qw(SDBM_File)" );
if ( $$0 !~ /^#!@perlbin@/ )
print $$0;
del .y
del .a