# # Obtain the global build environment # include $(AP_WORK)/build/NWGNUenvironment.inc # # Define base targets and rules # TARGETS = libs nlms install clobber_libs clobber_nlms clean installdev .PHONY : $(TARGETS) default all help $(NO_LICENSE_FILE) # Here is where we will use the NO_LICENSE_FILE variable to see if we need to # restart the make with it defined ifdef NO_LICENSE_FILE default: NO_LICENSE_FILE all: NO_LICENSE_FILE install :: NO_LICENSE_FILE installdev :: NO_LICENSE_FILE NO_LICENSE_FILE : $(MAKE) $(MAKECMDGOALS) -f NWGNUmakefile RELEASE=$(RELEASE) DEST="$(INSTALL)" LM_LICENSE_FILE="$(METROWERKS)/license.dat" else # LM_LICENSE_FILE must be defined so use the real targets default: $(SUBDIRS) libs nlms all: $(SUBDIRS) libs nlms install $(TARGETS) :: $(SUBDIRS) install :: nlms $(INSTDIRS) installdev :: $(INSTDEVDIRS) $(INSTDIRS) :: $(call MKDIR,$@) $(INSTDEVDIRS) :: $(call MKDIR,$@) endif #NO_LICENSE_FILE check help : @echo $(DL)targets for RELEASE=$(RELEASE): @echo $(DL)(default) . . . . libs nlms$(DL) @echo $(DL)all . . . . . . . does everything (libs nlms install)$(DL) @echo $(DL)libs. . . . . . . builds all libs$(DL) @echo $(DL)nlms. . . . . . . builds all nlms$(DL) @echo $(DL)install . . . . . builds libs and nlms and copies install files to$(DL) @echo $(DL) "$(INSTALL)"$(DL) @echo $(DL)installdev. . . . copies headers and files needed for development to$(DL) @echo $(DL) "$(INSTALL)"$(DL) @echo $(DL)clean . . . . . . deletes $(OBJDIR) dirs, *.err, and *.map$(DL) @echo $(DL)clobber_all . . . deletes all possible output from the make$(DL) @echo $(DL)clobber_install . deletes all files in $(INSTALL)$(DL) @$(ECHONL) @echo $(DL)Multiple targets can be used on a single nmake command line -$(DL) @echo $(DL)(i.e. $(MAKE) clean all)$(DL) @$(ECHONL) @echo $(DL)You can also specify RELEASE=debug, RELEASE=noopt, or RELEASE=optimized$(DL) @echo $(DL)The default is RELEASE=optimized$(DL) clobber_all :: clean clobber_install clobber_prebuild clobber_install :: $(call RMDIR,$(INSTALL)) clobber_prebuild :: $(call RMDIR,$(PREBUILD_INST)) # # build recursive targets # $(SUBDIRS) : FORCE ifneq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "clean" @$(ECHONL) @echo $(DL)Building $(CURDIR)/$@$(DL) endif $(MAKE) -C $@ $(MAKECMDGOALS) -f NWGNUmakefile RELEASE=$(RELEASE) DEST="$(INSTALL)" LM_LICENSE_FILE="$(LM_LICENSE_FILE)" @$(ECHONL) FORCE: # # Standard targets # clean :: $(SUBDIRS) @echo $(DL)Cleaning up $(CURDIR)$(DL) $(call RMDIR,$(OBJDIR)) $(call DEL,*.err) $(call DEL,*.map) $(call DEL,*.tmp) # $(call DEL,*.d) $(OBJDIR) :: $(call MKDIR,$@)