Apache HTTP Server Trunk Documentation Status File. Last modified: $Date$ For more information on how to contribute to the Apache Documentation Project, please see http://httpd.apache.org/docs-project/ and http://httpd.apache.org/docs-project/docsformat.html ------------------------------ To Do List ======================= - The following directives of modules included in 2.4.x are not documented: SSLPKCS7CertificateFile (mod_ssl) - Update the http://httpd.apache.org/docs-project/docsformat.html document to be useful. In particular: - Document the translation process. - Generally update it to make it reflect the current reality of how we work. - Improving the documentation of the documentations' build system itself (requirements, procedures) - Continue to enhance the FAQ, which is in the wiki: http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/FAQ - Security docs are unhelpful, and assume that the reader knows nothing. Need something a little more advanced, which either discusses application-level security, or links to something that does. I'm not even sure what to say needs done. Can we get someone to elaborate on what, exactly, needs written? - More content and better organisation - mod_dav resources are owned by the httpd. Perhaps write up the two-httpd dav setup covered in Rich Bowen's DAV Apachecon presentation. - Performance doc "drop-in replace" misc/perf-scaling.xml as well as: http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/PerformanceScalingOut They both need review and updates to reflect the current state of the art. - Windows platform docs are in desperate need of rewrites/updates for 2.x. - Bill Rowe is a good contact for tech questions. - "using apache" has been done, "compiling apache" is still open - hints on uninstalling apache (exit monitor, close directories, registry entries etc) (PR 10154) - FAQ: UTF-8 config and URL encoding for non-ascii characters. - New Auth system - Much clean-up and enhancement of aaa howto (Can someone clarify exactly what needs cleaned up and enhanced?) - Independent note on how to upgrade to new auth system - Discussion of DBD auth, and, in particular, examples of how to set up auth using each of the supported databases. - Expression syntax for , Require expr, SetEnvIfExpr, CustomLog, ... Start is in expr.xml, igalic is working on this - modules docs - the following modules added since 2.2 lack documentation - mod_serf - mpm_simple the list may be incomplete maybe some of the modules will not be included in 2.4 - mod_suexec: very little documentation - mod_substitute and reverse proxies: Add example using mod_filter (see: http://marc.info/?l=apache-httpd-users&m=128830729603423&w=2) - MPM documentation - explain what the following command line options do (perhaps in the developer/debugging docs): -D DEBUG -D ONE_PROCESS -- is this the same as -X, if not, should it be? one-process-mode == no threads, i.e. only one process handling the requests in a single loop? - Identify which documents are grossly out of date, and fix. - platform/ebcdic.xml - needs major rework for 2.0 - SSL docs need serious update and enhancement - compat docs are wrong - A basic how to has been started here: http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/SettingUpModSSL but it needs some work... - http://blag.esotericsystems.at/2011/01/answering-trivial-and-interesting-questions-with-openssl/ looks like a good starting point for overhauling the FAQ, and has been placed at our disposal by the author. - API documentation - Ben Laurie has written some hooks documentation - authn provider API documentation could be useful - How does fit into sections.html? - Missing documentation for the support program checkgid - New user docs: Directory Handling (mod_dir/mod_autoindex/etc) (draft available in wiki) - Enhancements to the DTD/XSL: - New index: directives by context, including listing which directives are available for each AllowOverride setting. - New index: backout modules by type (aaa, mappers, loggers etc.) probably by introducing a element in modulesynopsis - Use a tag like in place of for things like the listing. - in progress - add letter links to glossary and quickreference, perhaps also a term overview (sidebar) - Provide example solutions for the mapping of encodings, especially for .gz etc. (also in regard to our default configuration) - How-To style documents for more of the daily tasks - Logging, log rotation, and log reporting - Secure mod_dav configuration - http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/developer/ is a graveyard, and a profound embarrassment. - Purge all the dead links - Verify links to external resources at least every year - Update the list of translations at http://httpd.apache.org/docs-project/translations.html Some of those are accurate, and others are way outdated. - I'd like to expand the discussion of conditional logging, and add a few more useful exmaples. That would be a good place to document logging of cache hit/miss: https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=48241#c2 - Is it worth having a doc that discusses recommended (what does this mean?) third-party modules like mod_security, mod_php, and so on - the things that we all assume everyone uses, but some folks might not know about. - Clarify which directives only affect requests when they're handled by the default handler. (e.g. ForceType, TraceEnable, etc.) - Add examples using expr to mod_rewrite recipes. Possibly benchmark the different approaches and make intelligent remarks about the comparative value of each. - Fix this error message: Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace. This error message is often returned when a RewriteRule loops, in which case setting LimitInternalRecursion won't do anything towards fixing the problem. However, the error message is already very long. Thoughts? - Examples in Rewrite Flags doc for QSD, Redirect, Chain, DPI, END, NS - Error codes Decide how and where to document the error codes (AH****), and then start on doing it. - If someone has xslt and LaTeX skills, they could consider getting the xml->LaTeX->PDF build chain working again. See specifically https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=45526 for details of what's broken. For the moment, PDF docs are no longer referenced on the docs site. - The "MSIE on Mac" example in the SSI Howto is silly, and needs to be replaced by something actually useful and relevant in this century. - Add example of using -p flag to rotatelogs to do something useful. - Clean up this file, because some of this stuff has already been done. (ApacheCon?)