mod_env Modifies the environment which is passed to CGI scripts and SSI pages Base mod_env.c env_module

This module allows for control of internal environment variables that are used by various Apache HTTP Server modules. These variables are also provided to CGI scripts as native system environment variables, and available for use in SSI pages. Environment variables may be passed from the shell which invoked the httpd process. Alternatively, environment variables may be set or unset within the configuration process.

Environment Variables SetEnvIf PassEnv Passes environment variables from the shell PassEnv env-variable [env-variable] ... server configvirtual host directory.htaccess FileInfo

Specifies one or more native system environment variables to make available as internal environment variables, which are available to Apache HTTP Server modules as well as propagated to CGI scripts and SSI pages. Values come from the native OS environment of the shell which invoked the httpd process.

SetEnv Sets environment variables SetEnv env-variable [value] server configvirtual host directory.htaccess FileInfo

Sets an internal environment variable, which is then available to Apache HTTP Server modules, and passed on to CGI scripts and SSI pages.

Example SetEnv SPECIAL_PATH /foo/bin

If you omit the value argument, the variable is set to an empty string.

The internal environment variables set by this directive are set after most early request processing directives are run, such as access control and URI-to-filename mapping. If the environment variable you're setting is meant as input into this early phase of processing such as the RewriteRule directive, you should instead set the environment variable with SetEnvIf.

Environment Variables
UnsetEnv Removes variables from the environment UnsetEnv env-variable [env-variable] ... server configvirtual host directory.htaccess FileInfo

Removes one or more internal environment variables from those passed on to CGI scripts and SSI pages.

Example UnsetEnv LD_LIBRARY_PATH