/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ap_config.h" #include "ap_mmn.h" #include "httpd.h" #include "http_config.h" #include "http_connection.h" #include "http_core.h" #include "http_log.h" #include "apr_buckets.h" #include "apr_strings.h" #include "util_filter.h" #include "scoreboard.h" module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA echo_module; typedef struct { int bEnabled; } EchoConfig; static void *create_echo_server_config(apr_pool_t *p, server_rec *s) { EchoConfig *pConfig = apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof *pConfig); pConfig->bEnabled = 0; return pConfig; } static const char *echo_on(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy, int arg) { EchoConfig *pConfig = ap_get_module_config(cmd->server->module_config, &echo_module); pConfig->bEnabled = arg; return NULL; } static apr_status_t brigade_peek(apr_bucket_brigade *bbIn, char *buff, apr_size_t bufflen) { apr_bucket *b; apr_size_t readbytes = 0; if (bufflen--) /* compensate for NULL */ *buff = '\0'; else return APR_EGENERAL; if (APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(bbIn)) return APR_EGENERAL; b = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(bbIn); while ((b != APR_BRIGADE_SENTINEL(bbIn)) && (readbytes < bufflen)) { const char *pos; const char *str; apr_size_t len; apr_status_t rv; if ((rv = apr_bucket_read(b, &str, &len, APR_NONBLOCK_READ)) != APR_SUCCESS) return rv; if ((pos = memchr(str, APR_ASCII_LF, len)) != NULL) len = pos - str; if (len > bufflen - readbytes) len = bufflen - readbytes; memcpy (buff + readbytes, str, len); readbytes += len; buff[readbytes] = '\0'; b = APR_BUCKET_NEXT(b); } return APR_SUCCESS; } static int update_echo_child_status(ap_sb_handle_t *sbh, int status, conn_rec *c, apr_bucket_brigade *last_echoed) { worker_score *ws = ap_get_scoreboard_worker(sbh); int old_status = ws->status; ws->status = status; if (!ap_extended_status) return old_status; ws->last_used = apr_time_now(); /* initial pass only, please - in the name of efficiency */ if (c) { apr_cpystrn(ws->client, ap_get_remote_host(c, c->base_server->lookup_defaults, REMOTE_NOLOOKUP, NULL), sizeof(ws->client)); apr_cpystrn(ws->vhost, c->base_server->server_hostname, sizeof(ws->vhost)); /* Deliberate trailing space - filling in string on WRITE passes */ apr_cpystrn(ws->request, "ECHO ", sizeof(ws->request)); } /* each subsequent WRITE pass, let's update what we echoed */ if (last_echoed) { brigade_peek(last_echoed, ws->request + sizeof("ECHO ") - 1, sizeof(ws->request) - sizeof("ECHO ") + 1); } return old_status; } static int process_echo_connection(conn_rec *c) { apr_bucket_brigade *bb; apr_bucket *b; apr_socket_t *csd = NULL; EchoConfig *pConfig = ap_get_module_config(c->base_server->module_config, &echo_module); if (!pConfig->bEnabled) { return DECLINED; } ap_time_process_request(c->sbh, START_PREQUEST); update_echo_child_status(c->sbh, SERVER_BUSY_READ, c, NULL); bb = apr_brigade_create(c->pool, c->bucket_alloc); for ( ; ; ) { apr_status_t rv; /* Get a single line of input from the client */ if (((rv = ap_get_brigade(c->input_filters, bb, AP_MODE_GETLINE, APR_BLOCK_READ, 0)) != APR_SUCCESS)) { apr_brigade_cleanup(bb); if (!APR_STATUS_IS_EOF(rv) && ! APR_STATUS_IS_TIMEUP(rv)) ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, rv, c->base_server, "ProtocolEcho: Failure reading from %s", c->remote_ip); break; } /* Something horribly wrong happened. Someone didn't block! */ if (APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(bb)) { apr_brigade_cleanup(bb); ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, rv, c->base_server, "ProtocolEcho: Error - read empty brigade from %s!", c->remote_ip); break; } if (!csd) { csd = ap_get_module_config(c->conn_config, &core_module); apr_socket_timeout_set(csd, c->base_server->keep_alive_timeout); } update_echo_child_status(c->sbh, SERVER_BUSY_WRITE, NULL, bb); /* Make sure the data is flushed to the client */ b = apr_bucket_flush_create(c->bucket_alloc); APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(bb, b); rv = ap_pass_brigade(c->output_filters, bb); if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) { ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_INFO, rv, c->base_server, "ProtocolEcho: Failure writing to %s", c->remote_ip); break; } apr_brigade_cleanup(bb); /* Announce our intent to loop */ update_echo_child_status(c->sbh, SERVER_BUSY_KEEPALIVE, NULL, NULL); } apr_brigade_destroy(bb); ap_time_process_request(c->sbh, STOP_PREQUEST); update_echo_child_status(c->sbh, SERVER_CLOSING, c, NULL); return OK; } static const command_rec echo_cmds[] = { AP_INIT_FLAG("ProtocolEcho", echo_on, NULL, RSRC_CONF, "Run an echo server on this host"), { NULL } }; static void register_hooks(apr_pool_t *p) { ap_hook_process_connection(process_echo_connection, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE); } module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA echo_module = { STANDARD20_MODULE_STUFF, NULL, /* create per-directory config structure */ NULL, /* merge per-directory config structures */ create_echo_server_config, /* create per-server config structure */ NULL, /* merge per-server config structures */ echo_cmds, /* command apr_table_t */ register_hooks /* register hooks */ };