/* Copyright 2017 greenbytes GmbH (https://www.greenbytes.de) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef mod_md_md_acme_authz_h #define mod_md_md_acme_authz_h struct apr_array_header_t; struct md_acme_t; struct md_acme_acct_t; struct md_json_t; struct md_store_t; struct md_pkey_spec_t; typedef struct md_acme_challenge_t md_acme_challenge_t; /**************************************************************************************************/ /* authorization request for a specific domain name */ #define MD_AUTHZ_TYPE_HTTP01 "http-01" #define MD_AUTHZ_TYPE_TLSSNI01 "tls-sni-01" typedef enum { MD_ACME_AUTHZ_S_UNKNOWN, MD_ACME_AUTHZ_S_PENDING, MD_ACME_AUTHZ_S_VALID, MD_ACME_AUTHZ_S_INVALID, } md_acme_authz_state_t; typedef struct md_acme_authz_t md_acme_authz_t; struct md_acme_authz_t { const char *domain; const char *location; const char *dir; md_acme_authz_state_t state; apr_time_t expires; struct md_json_t *resource; }; #define MD_FN_HTTP01 "acme-http-01.txt" #define MD_FN_TLSSNI01_CERT "acme-tls-sni-01.cert.pem" #define MD_FN_TLSSNI01_PKEY "acme-tls-sni-01.key.pem" #define MD_FN_AUTHZ "authz.json" md_acme_authz_t *md_acme_authz_create(apr_pool_t *p); struct md_json_t *md_acme_authz_to_json(md_acme_authz_t *a, apr_pool_t *p); md_acme_authz_t *md_acme_authz_from_json(struct md_json_t *json, apr_pool_t *p); /* authz interaction with ACME server */ apr_status_t md_acme_authz_register(struct md_acme_authz_t **pauthz, struct md_acme_t *acme, struct md_store_t *store, const char *domain, apr_pool_t *p); apr_status_t md_acme_authz_update(md_acme_authz_t *authz, struct md_acme_t *acme, struct md_store_t *store, apr_pool_t *p); apr_status_t md_acme_authz_respond(md_acme_authz_t *authz, struct md_acme_t *acme, struct md_store_t *store, apr_array_header_t *challenges, struct md_pkey_spec_t *key_spec, apr_pool_t *p); apr_status_t md_acme_authz_del(md_acme_authz_t *authz, struct md_acme_t *acme, struct md_store_t *store, apr_pool_t *p); /**************************************************************************************************/ /* set of authz data for a managed domain */ typedef struct md_acme_authz_set_t md_acme_authz_set_t; struct md_acme_authz_set_t { struct apr_array_header_t *authzs; }; md_acme_authz_set_t *md_acme_authz_set_create(apr_pool_t *p); md_acme_authz_t *md_acme_authz_set_get(md_acme_authz_set_t *set, const char *domain); apr_status_t md_acme_authz_set_add(md_acme_authz_set_t *set, md_acme_authz_t *authz); apr_status_t md_acme_authz_set_remove(md_acme_authz_set_t *set, const char *domain); struct md_json_t *md_acme_authz_set_to_json(md_acme_authz_set_t *set, apr_pool_t *p); md_acme_authz_set_t *md_acme_authz_set_from_json(struct md_json_t *json, apr_pool_t *p); apr_status_t md_acme_authz_set_load(struct md_store_t *store, md_store_group_t group, const char *md_name, md_acme_authz_set_t **pauthz_set, apr_pool_t *p); apr_status_t md_acme_authz_set_save(struct md_store_t *store, apr_pool_t *p, md_store_group_t group, const char *md_name, md_acme_authz_set_t *authz_set, int create); apr_status_t md_acme_authz_set_purge(struct md_store_t *store, md_store_group_t group, apr_pool_t *p, const char *md_name); #endif /* md_acme_authz_h */