import pytest from .env import H2Conf class TestUpgrade: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='class') def _class_scope(self, env): H2Conf(env).add_vhost_test1().add_vhost_test2().add_vhost_noh2( ).start_vhost(domains=[f"test3.{env.http_tld}"], port=env.https_port, doc_root="htdocs/test1" ).add( """ Protocols h2 http/1.1 Header unset Upgrade""" ).end_vhost( ).start_vhost(domains=[f"test1b.{env.http_tld}"], port=env.http_port, doc_root="htdocs/test1" ).add( """ Protocols h2c http/1.1 H2Upgrade off H2Upgrade on """ ).end_vhost( ).install() assert env.apache_restart() == 0 # accessing http://test1, will not try h2 and advertise h2 in the response def test_h2_103_01(self, env): url = env.mkurl("http", "test1", "/index.html") r = env.curl_get(url) assert 0 == r.exit_code assert r.response assert "upgrade" in r.response["header"] assert "h2c" == r.response["header"]["upgrade"] # accessing http://noh2, will not advertise, because noh2 host does not have it enabled def test_h2_103_02(self, env): url = env.mkurl("http", "noh2", "/index.html") r = env.curl_get(url) assert 0 == r.exit_code assert r.response assert "upgrade" not in r.response["header"] # accessing http://test2, will not advertise, because h2 has less preference than http/1.1 def test_h2_103_03(self, env): url = env.mkurl("http", "test2", "/index.html") r = env.curl_get(url) assert 0 == r.exit_code assert r.response assert "upgrade" not in r.response["header"] # accessing https://noh2, will not advertise, because noh2 host does not have it enabled def test_h2_103_04(self, env): url = env.mkurl("https", "noh2", "/index.html") r = env.curl_get(url) assert 0 == r.exit_code assert r.response assert "upgrade" not in r.response["header"] # accessing https://test2, will not advertise, because h2 has less preference than http/1.1 def test_h2_103_05(self, env): url = env.mkurl("https", "test2", "/index.html") r = env.curl_get(url) assert 0 == r.exit_code assert r.response assert "upgrade" not in r.response["header"] # accessing https://test1, will advertise h2 in the response def test_h2_103_06(self, env): url = env.mkurl("https", "test1", "/index.html") r = env.curl_get(url, options=["--http1.1"]) assert 0 == r.exit_code assert r.response assert "upgrade" in r.response["header"] assert "h2" == r.response["header"]["upgrade"] # accessing https://test3, will not send Upgrade since it is suppressed def test_h2_103_07(self, env): url = env.mkurl("https", "test3", "/index.html") r = env.curl_get(url, options=["--http1.1"]) assert 0 == r.exit_code assert r.response assert "upgrade" not in r.response["header"] # upgrade to h2c for a request, where h2c is preferred def test_h2_103_20(self, env): url = env.mkurl("http", "test1", "/index.html") r = env.nghttp().get(url, options=["-u"]) assert r.response["status"] == 200 # upgrade to h2c for a request where http/1.1 is preferred, but the clients upgrade # wish is honored nevertheless def test_h2_103_21(self, env): url = env.mkurl("http", "test2", "/index.html") r = env.nghttp().get(url, options=["-u"]) assert 404 == r.response["status"] # ugrade to h2c on a host where h2c is not enabled will fail def test_h2_103_22(self, env): url = env.mkurl("http", "noh2", "/index.html") r = env.nghttp().get(url, options=["-u"]) assert not r.response # ugrade to h2c on a host where h2c is preferred, but Upgrade is disabled def test_h2_103_23(self, env): url = env.mkurl("http", "test1b", "/index.html") r = env.nghttp().get(url, options=["-u"]) assert not r.response # ugrade to h2c on a host where h2c is preferred, but Upgrade is disabled on the server, # but allowed for a specific location def test_h2_103_24(self, env): url = env.mkurl("http", "test1b", "/006.html") r = env.nghttp().get(url, options=["-u"]) assert r.response["status"] == 200