path: root/docs
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authorMatthew Jones <>2016-10-03 20:50:09 +0200
committerMatthew Jones <>2016-10-03 20:50:54 +0200
commitff4d071be99b69aa681a3d48e1c36f1280dc3c0c (patch)
treec0b03c04b46d85e45197ffeeed7738b05c89437d /docs
parentMerge pull request #3640 from AlanCoding/3597_start_license (diff)
Adding/updating documentation for Cluster/HA Tower
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
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+## Tower Clustering/HA Overview
+Prior to 3.1 the Ansible Tower HA solution was not a true high-availability system. In 3.1 we have rewritten this system entirely with a new focus in mind:
+* Each node should be able to act as an entrypoint for UI and API Access.
+ This should enable Tower administrators to use load balancers in front of as many nodes as they wish
+ and maintain good data visibility.
+* Each node should be able to join the Tower cluster and expand its ability to execute jobs. This is currently
+ a naive system where jobs can and will run anywhere rather than be directed on where to run. *That* work will
+ be done later when building out the Federation/Rampart system.
+* Provisioning new nodes should be as simple as updating the `inventory` file and re-running the setup playbook
+* Nodes can be deprovisioned with a simple management commands
+It's important to point out a few existing things:
+* PostgreSQL is still a standalone instance node and is not clustered. We also won't manage replica configuration or,
+ if the user configures standby replicas, database failover.
+* All nodes should be reachable from all other nodes and they should be able to reach the database. It's also important
+ for the hosts to have a stable address and/or hostname (depending on how you configure the Tower host)
+* RabbitMQ is the cornerstone of Tower's Clustering system. A lot of our configuration requirements and behavior is dictated
+ by its needs. Thus we are pretty inflexible to customization beyond what our setup playbook allows. Each Tower node has a
+ deployment of RabbitMQ that will cluster with the other nodes' RabbitMQ instances.
+* Existing old-style HA deployments will be transitioned automatically to the new HA system during the upgrade process.
+## Important Changes
+* There is no concept of primary/secondary in the new Tower system. *All* systems are primary.
+* Setup playbook changes to configure rabbitmq and give hints to the type of network the hosts are on.
+* The `inventory` file for Tower deployments should be saved/persisted. If new nodes are to be provisioned
+ the passwords and configuration options as well as host names will need to be available to the installer.
+## Concepts and Configuration
+### Installation and the Inventory File
+The current standalone node configuration doesn't change for a 3.1 deploy. The inventory file does change in some important ways:
+* Since there is no primary/secondary configuration those inventory groups go away and are replaced with a
+ single inventory group `tower`. The `database` group remains for specifying an external postgres, however:
+ ```
+ [tower]
+ hostA
+ hostB
+ hostC
+ [database]
+ hostDB
+ ```
+* The `redis_password` field is removed from `[all:vars]`
+* There are various new fields for RabbitMQ:
+ - `rabbitmq_port=5672` - RabbitMQ is installed on each node and is not optional, it's also not possible to externalize. It is
+ possible to configure what port it listens on and this setting controls that.
+ - `rabbitmq_vhost=tower` - Tower configures a rabbitmq virtualhost to isolate itself. This controls that settings.
+ - `rabbitmq_username=tower` and `rabbitmq_password=tower` - Each node will be configured with these values and each node's Tower
+ instance will be configured with it also. This is similar to our other uses of usernames/passwords.
+ - `rabbitmq_cookie=<somevalue>` - This value is unused in a standalone deployment but is critical for clustered deployments.
+ This acts as the secret key that allows RabbitMQ cluster members to identify each other.
+ - `rabbitmq_use_long_names` - RabbitMQ is pretty sensitive to what each node is named. We are flexible enough to allow FQDNs
+ (, short names (host01), or ip addresses ( Depending on what is used to identify each host
+ in the `inventory` file this value may need to be changed. For FQDNs and ip addresses this value needs to be `true`. For short
+ names it should be `false`
+ - `rabbitmq_enable_manager` - Setting this to `true` will expose the RabbitMQ management web console on each node.
+The most important field to point out for variability is `rabbitmq_use_long_name`. That's something we can't detect or provide a reasonable
+default for so it's important to point out when it needs to be changed.
+Other than `rabbitmq_use_long_name` the defaults are pretty reasonable:
+# Needs to be true for fqdns and ip addresses
+### Provisioning and Deprovisioning Nodes
+* Provisioning
+Provisioning Nodes after installation is supported by updating the `inventory` file and re-running the setup playbook. It's important that this file
+contain all passwords and information used when installing the cluster or other nodes may be reconfigured (This could be intentional)
+* Deprovisioning
+Tower does not automatically de-provision nodes since we can't distinguish between a node that was taken offline intentionally or due to failure.
+Instead the procedure for deprovisioning a node is to shut it down (or stop the `ansible-tower-service`) and run the Tower deprovision command:
+$ tower-manage deprovision-node <nodename>
+### Status and Monitoring
+Tower itself reports as much status as it can via the api at `/api/v1/ping` in order to provide validation of the health
+of the Cluster. This includes:
+* The node servicing the HTTP request
+* The last heartbeat time of all other nodes in the cluster
+* The state of the Job Queue, any jobs each node is running
+* The RabbitMQ cluster status
+### Node Services and Failure Behavior
+Each Tower node is made up of several different services working collaboratively:
+* HTTP Services - This includes the Tower application itself as well as external web services.
+* Callback Receiver - Whose job it is to receive job events from running Ansible jobs.
+* Celery - The worker queue, that processes and runs all jobs.
+* RabbitMQ - Message Broker, this is used as a signaling mechanism for Celery as well as any event data propogated to the application.
+* Memcached - local caching service for the node it lives on.
+Tower is configured in such a way that if any of these services or their components fail then all services are restarted. If these fail sufficiently
+often in a short span of time then the entire node will be placed offline in an automated fashion in order to allow remediation without causing unexpected
+### Job Runtime Behavior
+Ideally a regular user of Tower should not notice any semantic difference to the way jobs are run and reported. Behind the scenes its worth
+pointing out the differences in how the system behaves.
+When a job is submitted from the API interface it gets pushed into the Celery queue on RabbitMQ. A single RabbitMQ node is the responsible master for
+individual queues but each Tower node will connect to and receive jobs from that queue using a Fair scheduling algorithm. Any node in the cluster is just
+as likely to receive the work and execute the task. If a node fails while executing jobs then the work is marked as permanently failed.
+As Tower nodes are brought online it effectively expands the work capacity of the Tower system which is measured as one entire unit (the cluster's capacity).
+Conversely de-provisioning a node will remove capacity from the cluster.
+It's important to note that not all nodes are required to be provisioned with an equal capacity.
+Project updates behave differently than they did before. Previously they were ordinary jobs that ran on a single node. It's now important that
+they run successfully on any node that could potentially run a job. Project updates will now fan out to all nodes in the cluster. Success or failure of
+project updates will be conditional upon them succeeding on all nodes.
+## Acceptance Criteria
+When verifying acceptance we should ensure the following statements are true
+* Tower should install as a standalone Node
+* Tower should install in a Clustered fashion
+* Provisioning should be supported via the setup playbook
+* De-provisioning should be supported via a management command
+* All jobs, inventory updates, and project updates should run successfully
+* Jobs should be able to run on all hosts
+* Project updates should manifest their data on all hosts simultaneously
+* Tower should be able to reasonably survive the removal of all nodes in the cluster
+* Tower should behave in a predictable fashiong during network partitioning
+## Testing Considerations
+* Basic testing should be able to demonstrate parity with a standalone node for all integration testing.
+* We should test behavior of large and small clusters. I would envision small clusters as 2 - 3 nodes and large
+ clusters as 10 - 15 nodes
+* Failure testing should involve killing single nodes and killing multiple nodes while the cluster is performing work.
+ Job failures during the time period should be predictable and not catastrophic.
+* Node downtime testing should also include recoverability testing. Killing single services and ensuring the system can
+ return itself to a working state
+* Persistent failure should be tested by killing single services in such a way that the cluster node can not be recovered
+ and ensuring that the node is properly taken offline
+* Network partitioning failures will be important also. In order to test this
+ - Disallow a single node from communicating with the other nodes but allow it to communicate with the database
+ - Break the link between nodes such that it forms 2 or more groups where groupA and groupB can't communicate but all nodes
+ can communicate with the database.
+* Crucially when network partitioning is resolved all nodes should recover into a consistent state
+## Performance Testing
+Performance testing should be twofold.
+* Large volume of simultaneous jobs.
+* Jobs that generate a large amount of output.
+These should also be benchmarked against the same playbooks using the 3.0.X Tower release and a stable Ansible version.
+For a large volume playbook I might recommend a customer provided one that we've seen recently:
+Against 100+ hosts.