PYTHON ?= python3 PYTHON_VERSION = $(shell $(PYTHON) -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_version; print(get_python_version())") SITELIB=$(shell $(PYTHON) -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())") OFFICIAL ?= no PACKER ?= packer PACKER_BUILD_OPTS ?= -var 'official=$(OFFICIAL)' -var 'aw_repo_url=$(AW_REPO_URL)' NODE ?= node NPM_BIN ?= npm CHROMIUM_BIN=/tmp/chrome-linux/chrome DEPS_SCRIPT ?= packaging/bundle/ GIT_BRANCH ?= $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) MANAGEMENT_COMMAND ?= awx-manage IMAGE_REPOSITORY_AUTH ?= IMAGE_REPOSITORY_BASE ?= VERSION := $(shell cat VERSION) PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY ?= openssl # NOTE: This defaults the container image version to the branch that's active COMPOSE_TAG ?= $(GIT_BRANCH) COMPOSE_HOST ?= $(shell hostname) VENV_BASE ?= /venv SCL_PREFIX ?= CELERY_SCHEDULE_FILE ?= /var/lib/awx/beat.db DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE ?= # Python packages to install only from source (not from binary wheels) # Comma separated list SRC_ONLY_PKGS ?= cffi,pycparser,psycopg2,twilio,pycurl # These should be upgraded in the AWX and Ansible venv before attempting # to install the actual requirements VENV_BOOTSTRAP ?= pip==19.3.1 setuptools==41.6.0 # Determine appropriate shasum command UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) SHASUM_BIN ?= sha256sum endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) SHASUM_BIN ?= shasum -a 256 endif # Get the branch information from git GIT_DATE := $(shell git log -n 1 --format="%ai") DATE := $(shell date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M) NAME ?= awx GIT_REMOTE_URL = $(shell git config --get remote.origin.url) # TAR build parameters SDIST_TAR_NAME=$(NAME)-$(VERSION) WHEEL_NAME=$(NAME)-$(VERSION) SDIST_COMMAND ?= sdist WHEEL_COMMAND ?= bdist_wheel SDIST_TAR_FILE ?= $(SDIST_TAR_NAME).tar.gz WHEEL_FILE ?= $(WHEEL_NAME)-py2-none-any.whl I18N_FLAG_FILE = .i18n_built .PHONY: awx-link clean clean-tmp clean-venv requirements requirements_dev \ develop refresh adduser migrate dbchange runserver \ receiver test test_unit test_coverage coverage_html \ dev_build release_build release_clean sdist \ ui-docker-machine ui-docker ui-release ui-devel \ ui-test ui-deps ui-test-ci VERSION clean-tmp: rm -rf tmp/ clean-venv: rm -rf venv/ clean-dist: rm -rf dist clean-schema: rm -rf swagger.json rm -rf schema.json rm -rf reference-schema.json clean-languages: rm -f $(I18N_FLAG_FILE) find . -type f -regex ".*\.mo$$" -delete # Remove temporary build files, compiled Python files. clean: clean-ui clean-api clean-awxkit clean-dist rm -rf awx/public rm -rf awx/lib/site-packages rm -rf awx/job_status rm -rf awx/job_output rm -rf reports rm -rf tmp rm -rf $(I18N_FLAG_FILE) mkdir tmp clean-api: rm -rf build $(NAME)-$(VERSION) *.egg-info find . -type f -regex ".*\.py[co]$$" -delete find . -type d -name "__pycache__" -delete rm -f awx/awx_test.sqlite3* rm -rf requirements/vendor rm -rf awx/projects clean-awxkit: rm -rf awxkit/*.egg-info awxkit/.tox awxkit/build/* # convenience target to assert environment variables are defined guard-%: @if [ "$${$*}" = "" ]; then \ echo "The required environment variable '$*' is not set"; \ exit 1; \ fi virtualenv: virtualenv_ansible virtualenv_awx # virtualenv_* targets do not use --system-site-packages to prevent bugs installing packages # but Ansible venvs are expected to have this, so that must be done after venv creation virtualenv_ansible: if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ if [ ! -d "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ mkdir $(VENV_BASE); \ fi; \ if [ ! -d "$(VENV_BASE)/ansible" ]; then \ virtualenv -p python $(VENV_BASE)/ansible && \ $(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) $(VENV_BOOTSTRAP); \ fi; \ fi virtualenv_ansible_py3: if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ if [ ! -d "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ mkdir $(VENV_BASE); \ fi; \ if [ ! -d "$(VENV_BASE)/ansible" ]; then \ virtualenv -p $(PYTHON) $(VENV_BASE)/ansible; \ $(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) $(VENV_BOOTSTRAP); \ fi; \ fi # flit is needed for offline install of certain packages, specifically ptyprocess # it is needed for setup, but not always recognized as a setup dependency # similar to pip, setuptools, and wheel, these are all needed here as a bootstrapping issues virtualenv_awx: if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ if [ ! -d "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ mkdir $(VENV_BASE); \ fi; \ if [ ! -d "$(VENV_BASE)/awx" ]; then \ virtualenv -p $(PYTHON) $(VENV_BASE)/awx; \ $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) $(VENV_BOOTSTRAP); \ fi; \ fi # --ignore-install flag is not used because *.txt files should specify exact versions requirements_ansible: virtualenv_ansible if [[ "$(PIP_OPTIONS)" == *"--no-index"* ]]; then \ cat requirements/requirements_ansible.txt requirements/requirements_ansible_local.txt | PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=$(PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY) $(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) -r /dev/stdin ; \ else \ cat requirements/requirements_ansible.txt requirements/requirements_ansible_git.txt | PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=$(PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY) $(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --no-binary $(SRC_ONLY_PKGS) -r /dev/stdin ; \ fi $(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip uninstall --yes -r requirements/requirements_ansible_uninstall.txt # Same effect as using --system-site-packages flag on venv creation rm $(shell ls -d $(VENV_BASE)/ansible/lib/python* | head -n 1)/no-global-site-packages.txt requirements_ansible_py3: virtualenv_ansible_py3 if [[ "$(PIP_OPTIONS)" == *"--no-index"* ]]; then \ cat requirements/requirements_ansible.txt requirements/requirements_ansible_local.txt | PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=$(PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY) $(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip3 install $(PIP_OPTIONS) -r /dev/stdin ; \ else \ cat requirements/requirements_ansible.txt requirements/requirements_ansible_git.txt | PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY=$(PYCURL_SSL_LIBRARY) $(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip3 install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --no-binary $(SRC_ONLY_PKGS) -r /dev/stdin ; \ fi $(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip3 uninstall --yes -r requirements/requirements_ansible_uninstall.txt # Same effect as using --system-site-packages flag on venv creation rm $(shell ls -d $(VENV_BASE)/ansible/lib/python* | head -n 1)/no-global-site-packages.txt requirements_ansible_dev: if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ $(VENV_BASE)/ansible/bin/pip install pytest mock; \ fi # Install third-party requirements needed for AWX's environment. # this does not use system site packages intentionally requirements_awx: virtualenv_awx if [[ "$(PIP_OPTIONS)" == *"--no-index"* ]]; then \ cat requirements/requirements.txt requirements/requirements_local.txt | $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) -r /dev/stdin ; \ else \ cat requirements/requirements.txt requirements/requirements_git.txt | $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/pip install $(PIP_OPTIONS) --no-binary $(SRC_ONLY_PKGS) -r /dev/stdin ; \ fi $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/pip uninstall --yes -r requirements/requirements_tower_uninstall.txt requirements_awx_dev: $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/pip install -r requirements/requirements_dev.txt requirements_collections: mkdir -p $(COLLECTION_BASE) n=0; \ until [ "$$n" -ge 5 ]; do \ ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements/collections_requirements.yml -p $(COLLECTION_BASE) && break; \ n=$$((n+1)); \ done requirements: requirements_ansible requirements_awx requirements_collections requirements_dev: requirements_awx requirements_ansible_py3 requirements_awx_dev requirements_ansible_dev requirements_test: requirements # "Install" awx package in development mode. develop: @if [ "$(VIRTUAL_ENV)" ]; then \ pip uninstall -y awx; \ $(PYTHON) develop; \ else \ pip uninstall -y awx; \ $(PYTHON) develop; \ fi version_file: mkdir -p /var/lib/awx/; \ if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ python -c "import awx; print(awx.__version__)" > /var/lib/awx/.awx_version; \ # Do any one-time init tasks. comma := , init: if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ $(MANAGEMENT_COMMAND) provision_instance --hostname=$(COMPOSE_HOST); \ $(MANAGEMENT_COMMAND) register_queue --queuename=tower --instance_percent=100;\ if [ "$(AWX_GROUP_QUEUES)" == "tower,thepentagon" ]; then \ $(MANAGEMENT_COMMAND) provision_instance --hostname=isolated; \ $(MANAGEMENT_COMMAND) register_queue --queuename='thepentagon' --hostnames=isolated --controller=tower; \ $(MANAGEMENT_COMMAND) generate_isolated_key > /awx_devel/awx/main/isolated/authorized_keys; \ fi; # Refresh development environment after pulling new code. refresh: clean requirements_dev version_file develop migrate # Create Django superuser. adduser: $(MANAGEMENT_COMMAND) createsuperuser # Create database tables and apply any new migrations. migrate: if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ $(MANAGEMENT_COMMAND) migrate --noinput # Run after making changes to the models to create a new migration. dbchange: $(MANAGEMENT_COMMAND) makemigrations supervisor: @if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ supervisord --pidfile=/tmp/supervisor_pid -n collectstatic: @if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ mkdir -p awx/public/static && $(PYTHON) collectstatic --clear --noinput > /dev/null 2>&1 uwsgi: collectstatic @if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ uwsgi -b 32768 --socket --module=awx.wsgi:application --home=/venv/awx --chdir=/awx_devel/ --vacuum --processes=5 --harakiri=120 --master --no-orphans --py-autoreload 1 --max-requests=1000 --stats /tmp/stats.socket --lazy-apps --logformat "%(addr) %(method) %(uri) - %(proto) %(status)" --hook-accepting1="exec:supervisorctl restart tower-processes:awx-dispatcher tower-processes:awx-receiver" daphne: @if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ daphne -b -p 8051 awx.asgi:channel_layer wsbroadcast: @if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ $(PYTHON) run_wsbroadcast # Run to start the background task dispatcher for development. dispatcher: @if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ $(PYTHON) run_dispatcher # Run to start the zeromq callback receiver receiver: @if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ $(PYTHON) run_callback_receiver nginx: nginx -g "daemon off;" jupyter: @if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ $(MANAGEMENT_COMMAND) shell_plus --notebook reports: mkdir -p $@ pep8: reports @(set -o pipefail && $@ | tee reports/$ flake8: reports @if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ (set -o pipefail && $@ | tee reports/$ pyflakes: reports @(set -o pipefail && $@ | tee reports/$ pylint: reports @(set -o pipefail && $@ | reports/$ genschema: reports $(MAKE) swagger PYTEST_ARGS="--genschema --create-db " mv swagger.json schema.json swagger: reports @if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ (set -o pipefail && py.test $(PYTEST_ARGS) awx/conf/tests/functional awx/main/tests/functional/api awx/main/tests/docs --release=$(VERSION_TARGET) | tee reports/$ check: flake8 pep8 # pyflakes pylint awx-link: [ -d "/awx_devel/awx.egg-info" ] || python3 /awx_devel/ egg_info_dev cp -f /tmp/awx.egg-link /venv/awx/lib/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/site-packages/awx.egg-link TEST_DIRS ?= awx/main/tests/unit awx/main/tests/functional awx/conf/tests awx/sso/tests # Run all API unit tests. test: if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 py.test -p no:cacheprovider -n auto $(TEST_DIRS) cmp VERSION awxkit/VERSION || "VERSION and awxkit/VERSION *must* match" cd awxkit && $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/tox -re py3 awx-manage check_migrations --dry-run --check -n 'missing_migration_file' COLLECTION_TEST_DIRS ?= awx_collection/test/awx COLLECTION_TEST_TARGET ?= COLLECTION_PACKAGE ?= awx COLLECTION_NAMESPACE ?= awx COLLECTION_INSTALL = ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/$(COLLECTION_NAMESPACE)/$(COLLECTION_PACKAGE) test_collection: rm -f $(shell ls -d $(VENV_BASE)/awx/lib/python* | head -n 1)/no-global-site-packages.txt if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ py.test $(COLLECTION_TEST_DIRS) -v # The python path needs to be modified so that the tests can find Ansible within the container # First we will use anything expility set as PYTHONPATH # Second we will load any libraries out of the virtualenv (if it's unspecified that should be ok because python should not load out of an empty directory) # Finally we will add the system path so that the tests can find the ansible libraries flake8_collection: flake8 awx_collection/ # Different settings, in main exclude list test_collection_all: test_collection flake8_collection # WARNING: symlinking a collection is fundamentally unstable # this is for rapid development iteration with playbooks, do not use with other test targets symlink_collection: rm -rf $(COLLECTION_INSTALL) mkdir -p ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/$(COLLECTION_NAMESPACE) # in case it does not exist ln -s $(shell pwd)/awx_collection $(COLLECTION_INSTALL) build_collection: ansible-playbook -i localhost, awx_collection/tools/template_galaxy.yml -e collection_package=$(COLLECTION_PACKAGE) -e collection_namespace=$(COLLECTION_NAMESPACE) -e collection_version=$(VERSION) -e '{"awx_template_version":false}' ansible-galaxy collection build awx_collection_build --force --output-path=awx_collection_build install_collection: build_collection rm -rf $(COLLECTION_INSTALL) ansible-galaxy collection install awx_collection_build/$(COLLECTION_NAMESPACE)-$(COLLECTION_PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz test_collection_sanity: install_collection cd $(COLLECTION_INSTALL) && ansible-test sanity test_collection_integration: install_collection cd $(COLLECTION_INSTALL) && ansible-test integration $(COLLECTION_TEST_TARGET) test_unit: @if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ py.test awx/main/tests/unit awx/conf/tests/unit awx/sso/tests/unit # Run all API unit tests with coverage enabled. test_coverage: @if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ py.test --create-db --cov=awx --cov-report=xml --junitxml=./reports/junit.xml $(TEST_DIRS) # Output test coverage as HTML (into htmlcov directory). coverage_html: coverage html # Run API unit tests across multiple Python/Django versions with Tox. test_tox: tox -v # Make fake data DATA_GEN_PRESET = "" bulk_data: @if [ "$(VENV_BASE)" ]; then \ . $(VENV_BASE)/awx/bin/activate; \ fi; \ $(PYTHON) tools/data_generators/ --preset=$(DATA_GEN_PRESET) # l10n TASKS # -------------------------------------- # check for UI po files HAVE_PO := $(shell ls awx/ui/po/*.po 2>/dev/null) check-po: ifdef HAVE_PO # Should be 'Language: zh-CN' but not 'Language: zh_CN' in zh_CN.po for po in awx/ui/po/*.po ; do \ echo $$po; \ mo="awx/ui/po/`basename $$po .po`.mo"; \ msgfmt --check --verbose $$po -o $$mo; \ if test "$$?" -ne 0 ; then \ exit -1; \ fi; \ rm $$mo; \ name=`echo "$$po" | grep '-'`; \ if test "x$$name" != x ; then \ right_name=`echo $$language | sed -e 's/-/_/'`; \ echo "ERROR: WRONG $$name CORRECTION: $$right_name"; \ exit -1; \ fi; \ language=`grep '^"Language:' "$$po" | grep '_'`; \ if test "x$$language" != x ; then \ right_language=`echo $$language | sed -e 's/_/-/'`; \ echo "ERROR: WRONG $$language CORRECTION: $$right_language in $$po"; \ exit -1; \ fi; \ done; else @echo No PO files endif # UI TASKS # -------------------------------------- awx/ui_next/node_modules: $(NPM_BIN) --prefix awx/ui_next install clean-ui: rm -rf node_modules rm -rf awx/ui_next/node_modules rm -rf awx/ui_next/build ui-release: ui-devel ui-devel: awx/ui_next/node_modules $(NPM_BIN) --prefix awx/ui_next run extract-strings $(NPM_BIN) --prefix awx/ui_next run compile-strings $(NPM_BIN) --prefix awx/ui_next run build git checkout awx/ui_next/src/locales mkdir -p awx/public/static/css mkdir -p awx/public/static/js mkdir -p awx/public/static/media cp -r awx/ui_next/build/static/css/* awx/public/static/css cp -r awx/ui_next/build/static/js/* awx/public/static/js cp -r awx/ui_next/build/static/media/* awx/public/static/media ui-zuul-lint-and-test: $(NPM_BIN) --prefix awx/ui_next install $(NPM_BIN) run --prefix awx/ui_next lint $(NPM_BIN) run --prefix awx/ui_next prettier-check $(NPM_BIN) run --prefix awx/ui_next test # Build a pip-installable package into dist/ with a timestamped version number. dev_build: $(PYTHON) dev_build # Build a pip-installable package into dist/ with the release version number. release_build: $(PYTHON) release_build dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE): ui-release VERSION $(PYTHON) $(SDIST_COMMAND) dist/$(WHEEL_FILE): ui-release $(PYTHON) $(WHEEL_COMMAND) sdist: dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) @echo "#############################################" @echo "Artifacts:" @echo dist/$(SDIST_TAR_FILE) @echo "#############################################" wheel: dist/$(WHEEL_FILE) @echo "#############################################" @echo "Artifacts:" @echo dist/$(WHEEL_FILE) @echo "#############################################" # Build setup bundle tarball setup-bundle-build: mkdir -p $@ docker-auth: @if [ "$(IMAGE_REPOSITORY_AUTH)" ]; then \ echo "$(IMAGE_REPOSITORY_AUTH)" | docker login -u oauth2accesstoken --password-stdin $(IMAGE_REPOSITORY_BASE); \ fi; # This directory is bind-mounted inside of the development container and # needs to be pre-created for permissions to be set correctly. Otherwise, # Docker will create this directory as root. awx/projects: @mkdir -p $@ # Docker isolated rampart docker-compose-isolated: awx/projects CURRENT_UID=$(shell id -u) TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE=$(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE) docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose.yml -f tools/docker-isolated-override.yml up COMPOSE_UP_OPTS ?= # Docker Compose Development environment docker-compose: docker-auth awx/projects CURRENT_UID=$(shell id -u) OS="$(shell docker info | grep 'Operating System')" TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE=$(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE) docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose.yml $(COMPOSE_UP_OPTS) up --no-recreate awx docker-compose-cluster: docker-auth awx/projects CURRENT_UID=$(shell id -u) TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE=$(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE) docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose-cluster.yml up docker-compose-credential-plugins: docker-auth awx/projects echo -e "\033[0;31mTo generate a CyberArk Conjur API key: docker exec -it tools_conjur_1 conjurctl account create quick-start\033[0m" CURRENT_UID=$(shell id -u) TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE=$(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE) docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose.yml -f tools/docker-credential-plugins-override.yml up --no-recreate awx docker-compose-test: docker-auth awx/projects cd tools && CURRENT_UID=$(shell id -u) OS="$(shell docker info | grep 'Operating System')" TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE=$(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE) docker-compose run --rm --service-ports awx /bin/bash docker-compose-runtest: awx/projects cd tools && CURRENT_UID=$(shell id -u) TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE=$(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE) docker-compose run --rm --service-ports awx / docker-compose-build-swagger: awx/projects cd tools && CURRENT_UID=$(shell id -u) TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE=$(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE) docker-compose run --rm --service-ports --no-deps awx / swagger detect-schema-change: genschema curl -o reference-schema.json # Ignore differences in whitespace with -b diff -u -b reference-schema.json schema.json docker-compose-clean: awx/projects cd tools && TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE=$(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE) docker-compose rm -sf # Base development image build docker-compose-build: ansible localhost -m template -a "src=installer/roles/image_build/templates/Dockerfile.j2 dest=tools/docker-compose/Dockerfile" -e build_dev=True docker build -t ansible/awx_devel -f tools/docker-compose/Dockerfile \ --cache-from=$(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE)/awx_devel:$(COMPOSE_TAG) . docker tag ansible/awx_devel $(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE)/awx_devel:$(COMPOSE_TAG) #docker push $(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE)/awx_devel:$(COMPOSE_TAG) # For use when developing on "isolated" AWX deployments docker-compose-isolated-build: docker-compose-build docker build -t ansible/awx_isolated -f tools/docker-isolated/Dockerfile . docker tag ansible/awx_isolated $(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE)/awx_isolated:$(COMPOSE_TAG) #docker push $(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE)/awx_isolated:$(COMPOSE_TAG) docker-clean: $(foreach container_id,$(shell docker ps -f name=tools_awx -aq),docker stop $(container_id); docker rm -f $(container_id);) docker images | grep "awx_devel" | awk '{print $$1 ":" $$2}' | xargs docker rmi docker-clean-volumes: docker-compose-clean docker volume rm tools_awx_db docker-refresh: docker-clean docker-compose # Docker Development Environment with Elastic Stack Connected docker-compose-elk: docker-auth awx/projects CURRENT_UID=$(shell id -u) TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE=$(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE) docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose.yml -f tools/elastic/docker-compose.logstash-link.yml -f tools/elastic/docker-compose.elastic-override.yml up --no-recreate docker-compose-cluster-elk: docker-auth awx/projects TAG=$(COMPOSE_TAG) DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE=$(DEV_DOCKER_TAG_BASE) docker-compose -f tools/docker-compose-cluster.yml -f tools/elastic/docker-compose.logstash-link-cluster.yml -f tools/elastic/docker-compose.elastic-override.yml up --no-recreate prometheus: docker run -u0 --net=tools_default --link=`docker ps | egrep -o "tools_awx(_run)?_([^ ]+)?"`:awxweb --volume `pwd`/tools/prometheus:/prometheus --name prometheus -d -p prom/prometheus --web.enable-lifecycle --config.file=/prometheus/prometheus.yml clean-elk: docker stop tools_kibana_1 docker stop tools_logstash_1 docker stop tools_elasticsearch_1 docker rm tools_logstash_1 docker rm tools_elasticsearch_1 docker rm tools_kibana_1 psql-container: docker run -it --net tools_default --rm postgres:10 sh -c 'exec psql -h "postgres" -p "5432" -U postgres' VERSION: @echo "awx: $(VERSION)"