# Copyright (c) 2015 Ansible, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # Python import base64 import os import re # noqa import tempfile import socket from datetime import timedelta # python-ldap import ldap from split_settings.tools import include DEBUG = True SQL_DEBUG = DEBUG # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # FIXME: it would be nice to cycle back around and allow this to be # BigAutoField going forward, but we'd have to be explicit about our # existing models. DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = 'django.db.models.AutoField' DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'awx.sqlite3'), 'ATOMIC_REQUESTS': True, 'TEST': { # Test database cannot be :memory: for inventory tests. 'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'awx_test.sqlite3') }, } } # Special database overrides for dispatcher connections listening to pg_notify LISTENER_DATABASES = { 'default': { 'OPTIONS': { 'keepalives': 1, 'keepalives_idle': 5, 'keepalives_interval': 5, 'keepalives_count': 5, }, } } # Whether or not the deployment is a K8S-based deployment # In K8S-based deployments, instances have zero capacity - all playbook # automation is intended to flow through defined Container Groups that # interface with some (or some set of) K8S api (which may or may not include # the K8S cluster where awx itself is running) IS_K8S = False AWX_CONTAINER_GROUP_K8S_API_TIMEOUT = 10 AWX_CONTAINER_GROUP_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = os.getenv('MY_POD_NAMESPACE', 'default') # Timeout when waiting for pod to enter running state. If the pod is still in pending state , it will be terminated. Valid time units are "s", "m", "h". Example : "5m" , "10s". AWX_CONTAINER_GROUP_POD_PENDING_TIMEOUT = "2h" # How much capacity controlling a task costs a hybrid or control node AWX_CONTROL_NODE_TASK_IMPACT = 1 # Internationalization # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/i18n/ # # Local time zone for this installation. Choices can be found here: # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_zones_by_name # although not all choices may be available on all operating systems. # On Unix systems, a value of None will cause Django to use the same # timezone as the operating system. # If running in a Windows environment this must be set to the same as your # system time zone. TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' # Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here: # http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/language-identifiers.html LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' # If you set this to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not # to load the internationalization machinery. USE_I18N = True # If you set this to False, Django will not format dates, numbers and # calendars according to the current locale USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True STATICFILES_DIRS = [ os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'ui', 'build', 'static'), os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'ui_next', 'build'), os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'), ] # Absolute filesystem path to the directory where static file are collected via # the collectstatic command. STATIC_ROOT = '/var/lib/awx/public/static' # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/static-files/ STATIC_URL = '/static/' # Absolute filesystem path to the directory that will hold user-uploaded files. # Example: "/home/media/media.lawrence.com/" MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'public', 'media') # URL that handles the media served from MEDIA_ROOT. Make sure to use a # trailing slash if there is a path component (optional in other cases). # Examples: "http://media.lawrence.com", "http://example.com/media/" MEDIA_URL = '/media/' LOGIN_URL = '/api/login/' LOGOUT_ALLOWED_HOSTS = None # Absolute filesystem path to the directory to host projects (with playbooks). # This directory should not be web-accessible. PROJECTS_ROOT = '/var/lib/awx/projects/' # Absolute filesystem path to the directory for job status stdout (default for # development and tests, default for production defined in production.py). This # directory should not be web-accessible JOBOUTPUT_ROOT = '/var/lib/awx/job_status/' # Absolute filesystem path to the directory to store logs LOG_ROOT = '/var/log/tower/' # Django gettext files path: locale//LC_MESSAGES/django.po, django.mo LOCALE_PATHS = (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'locale'),) # Graph of resources that can have named-url NAMED_URL_GRAPH = {} # Maximum number of the same job that can be waiting to run when launching from scheduler # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. SCHEDULE_MAX_JOBS = 10 # Bulk API related settings # Maximum number of jobs that can be launched in 1 bulk job BULK_JOB_MAX_LAUNCH = 100 # Maximum number of host that can be created in 1 bulk host create BULK_HOST_MAX_CREATE = 100 # Maximum number of host that can be deleted in 1 bulk host delete BULK_HOST_MAX_DELETE = 250 SITE_ID = 1 # Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody. if os.path.exists('/etc/tower/SECRET_KEY'): with open('/etc/tower/SECRET_KEY', 'rb') as f: SECRET_KEY = f.read().strip() else: SECRET_KEY = base64.encodebytes(os.urandom(32)).decode().rstrip() # Hosts/domain names that are valid for this site; required if DEBUG is False # See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#allowed-hosts ALLOWED_HOSTS = [] # HTTP headers and meta keys to search to determine remote host name or IP. Add # additional items to this list, such as "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", if behind a # reverse proxy. REMOTE_HOST_HEADERS = ['REMOTE_ADDR', 'REMOTE_HOST'] # If we are behind a reverse proxy/load balancer, use this setting to # allow the proxy IP addresses from which Tower should trust custom # REMOTE_HOST_HEADERS header values # REMOTE_HOST_HEADERS = ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', ''REMOTE_ADDR', 'REMOTE_HOST'] # PROXY_IP_ALLOWED_LIST = ['', ''] # If this setting is an empty list (the default), the headers specified by # REMOTE_HOST_HEADERS will be trusted unconditionally') PROXY_IP_ALLOWED_LIST = [] # If we are behind a reverse proxy/load balancer, use this setting to # allow the scheme://addresses from which Tower should trust csrf requests from # If this setting is an empty list (the default), we will only trust ourself CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = [] CUSTOM_VENV_PATHS = [] # Warning: this is a placeholder for a database setting # This should not be set via a file. DEFAULT_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT = None # This list is used for creating default EEs when running awx-manage create_preload_data. # Should be ordered from highest to lowest precedence. # The awx-manage register_default_execution_environments command reads this setting and registers the EE(s) # If a registry credential is needed to pull the image, that can be provided to the awx-manage command GLOBAL_JOB_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENTS = [{'name': 'AWX EE (latest)', 'image': 'quay.io/ansible/awx-ee:latest'}] # This setting controls which EE will be used for project updates. # The awx-manage register_default_execution_environments command reads this setting and registers the EE # This image is distinguished from others by having "managed" set to True and users have limited # ability to modify it through the API. # If a registry credential is needed to pull the image, that can be provided to the awx-manage command CONTROL_PLANE_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT = 'quay.io/ansible/awx-ee:latest' # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. STDOUT_MAX_BYTES_DISPLAY = 1048576 # Returned in the header on event api lists as a recommendation to the UI # on how many events to display before truncating/hiding MAX_UI_JOB_EVENTS = 4000 # Returned in index.html, tells the UI if it should make requests # to update job data in response to status changes websocket events UI_LIVE_UPDATES_ENABLED = True # The maximum size of the ansible callback event's res data structure # beyond this limit and the value will be removed MAX_EVENT_RES_DATA = 700000 # Note: These settings may be overridden by database settings. EVENT_STDOUT_MAX_BYTES_DISPLAY = 1024 MAX_WEBSOCKET_EVENT_RATE = 30 # The amount of time before a stdout file is expired and removed locally # Note that this can be recreated if the stdout is downloaded LOCAL_STDOUT_EXPIRE_TIME = 2592000 # The number of processes spawned by the callback receiver to process job # events into the database JOB_EVENT_WORKERS = 4 # The number of seconds to buffer callback receiver bulk # writes in memory before flushing via JobEvent.objects.bulk_create() JOB_EVENT_BUFFER_SECONDS = 1 # The interval at which callback receiver statistics should be # recorded JOB_EVENT_STATISTICS_INTERVAL = 5 # The maximum size of the job event worker queue before requests are blocked JOB_EVENT_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 10000 # The number of job events to migrate per-transaction when moving from int -> bigint JOB_EVENT_MIGRATION_CHUNK_SIZE = 1000000 # The prefix of the redis key that stores metrics SUBSYSTEM_METRICS_REDIS_KEY_PREFIX = "awx_metrics" # Histogram buckets for the callback_receiver_batch_events_insert_db metric SUBSYSTEM_METRICS_BATCH_INSERT_BUCKETS = [10, 50, 150, 350, 650, 2000] # Interval in seconds for sending local metrics to other nodes SUBSYSTEM_METRICS_INTERVAL_SEND_METRICS = 3 # Interval in seconds for saving local metrics to redis SUBSYSTEM_METRICS_INTERVAL_SAVE_TO_REDIS = 2 # Record task manager metrics at the following interval in seconds # If using Prometheus, it is recommended to be => the Prometheus scrape interval SUBSYSTEM_METRICS_TASK_MANAGER_RECORD_INTERVAL = 15 # The maximum allowed jobs to start on a given task manager cycle START_TASK_LIMIT = 100 # Time out task managers if they take longer than this many seconds, plus TASK_MANAGER_TIMEOUT_GRACE_PERIOD # We have the grace period so the task manager can bail out before the timeout. TASK_MANAGER_TIMEOUT = 300 TASK_MANAGER_TIMEOUT_GRACE_PERIOD = 60 # Number of seconds _in addition to_ the task manager timeout a job can stay # in waiting without being reaped JOB_WAITING_GRACE_PERIOD = 60 # Number of seconds after a container group job finished time to wait # before the awx_k8s_reaper task will tear down the pods K8S_POD_REAPER_GRACE_PERIOD = 60 # Disallow sending session cookies over insecure connections SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = True # Seconds before sessions expire. # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 1800 # Option to change userLoggedIn cookie SameSite policy. USER_COOKIE_SAMESITE = 'Lax' # Name of the cookie that contains the session information. # Note: Changing this value may require changes to any clients. SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = 'awx_sessionid' # Maximum number of per-user valid, concurrent sessions. # -1 is unlimited # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. SESSIONS_PER_USER = -1 CSRF_USE_SESSIONS = False # Disallow sending csrf cookies over insecure connections CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = True # Limit CSRF cookies to browser sessions CSRF_COOKIE_AGE = None TEMPLATES = [ { 'NAME': 'default', 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ # NOQA 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 'django.template.context_processors.request', 'django.template.context_processors.i18n', 'django.template.context_processors.media', 'django.template.context_processors.static', 'django.template.context_processors.tz', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', 'awx.ui.context_processors.csp', 'awx.ui.context_processors.version', 'social_django.context_processors.backends', 'social_django.context_processors.login_redirect', ], 'builtins': ['awx.main.templatetags.swagger'], }, 'DIRS': [ os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates'), os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'ui', 'build'), os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'ui', 'public'), os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'ui_next', 'build', 'awx'), ], }, ] ROOT_URLCONF = 'awx.urls' WSGI_APPLICATION = 'awx.wsgi.application' INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', # daphne has to be installed before django.contrib.staticfiles for the app to startup # According to channels 4.0 docs you install daphne instead of channels now 'daphne', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'oauth2_provider', 'rest_framework', 'django_extensions', 'polymorphic', 'social_django', 'django_guid', 'corsheaders', 'awx.conf', 'awx.main', 'awx.api', 'awx.ui', 'awx.sso', 'solo', 'ansible_base.rest_filters', 'ansible_base.jwt_consumer', 'ansible_base.resource_registry', 'ansible_base.rbac', ] INTERNAL_IPS = ('',) MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 200 REST_FRAMEWORK = { 'DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS': 'awx.api.pagination.Pagination', 'PAGE_SIZE': 25, 'DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES': ( 'ansible_base.jwt_consumer.awx.auth.AwxJWTAuthentication', 'awx.api.authentication.LoggedOAuth2Authentication', 'awx.api.authentication.SessionAuthentication', 'awx.api.authentication.LoggedBasicAuthentication', ), 'DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES': ('awx.api.permissions.ModelAccessPermission',), 'DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES': ('awx.api.parsers.JSONParser',), 'DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES': ('awx.api.renderers.DefaultJSONRenderer', 'awx.api.renderers.BrowsableAPIRenderer'), 'DEFAULT_METADATA_CLASS': 'awx.api.metadata.Metadata', 'EXCEPTION_HANDLER': 'awx.api.views.api_exception_handler', 'VIEW_DESCRIPTION_FUNCTION': 'awx.api.generics.get_view_description', 'NON_FIELD_ERRORS_KEY': '__all__', 'DEFAULT_VERSION': 'v2', # For swagger schema generation # see https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework/pull/6532 'DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'rest_framework.schemas.AutoSchema', # 'URL_FORMAT_OVERRIDE': None, } AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'awx.sso.backends.LDAPBackend', 'awx.sso.backends.LDAPBackend1', 'awx.sso.backends.LDAPBackend2', 'awx.sso.backends.LDAPBackend3', 'awx.sso.backends.LDAPBackend4', 'awx.sso.backends.LDAPBackend5', 'awx.sso.backends.RADIUSBackend', 'awx.sso.backends.TACACSPlusBackend', 'social_core.backends.google.GoogleOAuth2', 'social_core.backends.github.GithubOAuth2', 'social_core.backends.github.GithubOrganizationOAuth2', 'social_core.backends.github.GithubTeamOAuth2', 'social_core.backends.github_enterprise.GithubEnterpriseOAuth2', 'social_core.backends.github_enterprise.GithubEnterpriseOrganizationOAuth2', 'social_core.backends.github_enterprise.GithubEnterpriseTeamOAuth2', 'social_core.backends.open_id_connect.OpenIdConnectAuth', 'social_core.backends.azuread.AzureADOAuth2', 'awx.sso.backends.SAMLAuth', 'awx.main.backends.AWXModelBackend', ) # Django OAuth Toolkit settings OAUTH2_PROVIDER_APPLICATION_MODEL = 'main.OAuth2Application' OAUTH2_PROVIDER_ACCESS_TOKEN_MODEL = 'main.OAuth2AccessToken' OAUTH2_PROVIDER_REFRESH_TOKEN_MODEL = 'oauth2_provider.RefreshToken' OAUTH2_PROVIDER_ID_TOKEN_MODEL = "oauth2_provider.IDToken" OAUTH2_PROVIDER = {'ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_SECONDS': 31536000000, 'AUTHORIZATION_CODE_EXPIRE_SECONDS': 600, 'REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRE_SECONDS': 2628000} ALLOW_OAUTH2_FOR_EXTERNAL_USERS = False # LDAP server (default to None to skip using LDAP authentication). # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI = None # Disable LDAP referrals by default (to prevent certain LDAP queries from # hanging with AD). # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. AUTH_LDAP_CONNECTION_OPTIONS = {ldap.OPT_REFERRALS: 0, ldap.OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT: 30} # Radius server settings (default to empty string to skip using Radius auth). # Note: These settings may be overridden by database settings. RADIUS_SERVER = '' RADIUS_PORT = 1812 RADIUS_SECRET = '' # TACACS+ settings (default host to empty string to skip using TACACS+ auth). # Note: These settings may be overridden by database settings. TACACSPLUS_HOST = '' TACACSPLUS_PORT = 49 TACACSPLUS_SECRET = '' TACACSPLUS_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 5 TACACSPLUS_AUTH_PROTOCOL = 'ascii' TACACSPLUS_REM_ADDR = False # Enable / Disable HTTP Basic Authentication used in the API browser # Note: Session limits are not enforced when using HTTP Basic Authentication. # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. AUTH_BASIC_ENABLED = True # If set, specifies a URL that unauthenticated users will be redirected to # when trying to access a UI page that requries authentication. LOGIN_REDIRECT_OVERRIDE = '' # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. ALLOW_METRICS_FOR_ANONYMOUS_USERS = False DEVSERVER_DEFAULT_ADDR = '' DEVSERVER_DEFAULT_PORT = '8013' # Set default ports for live server tests. os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_LIVE_TEST_SERVER_ADDRESS', 'localhost:9013-9199') # heartbeat period can factor into some forms of logic, so it is maintained as a setting here CLUSTER_NODE_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD = 60 # Number of missed heartbeats until a node gets marked as lost CLUSTER_NODE_MISSED_HEARTBEAT_TOLERANCE = 2 RECEPTOR_SERVICE_ADVERTISEMENT_PERIOD = 60 # https://github.com/ansible/receptor/blob/aa1d589e154d8a0cb99a220aff8f98faf2273be6/pkg/netceptor/netceptor.go#L34 EXECUTION_NODE_REMEDIATION_CHECKS = 60 * 30 # once every 30 minutes check if an execution node errors have been resolved # Amount of time dispatcher will try to reconnect to database for jobs and consuming new work DISPATCHER_DB_DOWNTIME_TOLERANCE = 40 BROKER_URL = 'unix:///var/run/redis/redis.sock' CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE = { 'tower_scheduler': {'task': 'awx.main.tasks.system.awx_periodic_scheduler', 'schedule': timedelta(seconds=30), 'options': {'expires': 20}}, 'cluster_heartbeat': { 'task': 'awx.main.tasks.system.cluster_node_heartbeat', 'schedule': timedelta(seconds=CLUSTER_NODE_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD), 'options': {'expires': 50}, }, 'gather_analytics': {'task': 'awx.main.tasks.system.gather_analytics', 'schedule': timedelta(minutes=5)}, 'task_manager': {'task': 'awx.main.scheduler.tasks.task_manager', 'schedule': timedelta(seconds=20), 'options': {'expires': 20}}, 'dependency_manager': {'task': 'awx.main.scheduler.tasks.dependency_manager', 'schedule': timedelta(seconds=20), 'options': {'expires': 20}}, 'k8s_reaper': {'task': 'awx.main.tasks.system.awx_k8s_reaper', 'schedule': timedelta(seconds=60), 'options': {'expires': 50}}, 'receptor_reaper': {'task': 'awx.main.tasks.system.awx_receptor_workunit_reaper', 'schedule': timedelta(seconds=60)}, 'send_subsystem_metrics': {'task': 'awx.main.analytics.analytics_tasks.send_subsystem_metrics', 'schedule': timedelta(seconds=20)}, 'cleanup_images': {'task': 'awx.main.tasks.system.cleanup_images_and_files', 'schedule': timedelta(hours=3)}, 'cleanup_host_metrics': {'task': 'awx.main.tasks.host_metrics.cleanup_host_metrics', 'schedule': timedelta(hours=3, minutes=30)}, 'host_metric_summary_monthly': {'task': 'awx.main.tasks.host_metrics.host_metric_summary_monthly', 'schedule': timedelta(hours=4)}, } # Django Caching Configuration DJANGO_REDIS_IGNORE_EXCEPTIONS = True CACHES = {'default': {'BACKEND': 'awx.main.cache.AWXRedisCache', 'LOCATION': 'unix:///var/run/redis/redis.sock?db=1'}} # Social Auth configuration. SOCIAL_AUTH_STRATEGY = 'social_django.strategy.DjangoStrategy' SOCIAL_AUTH_STORAGE = 'social_django.models.DjangoStorage' SOCIAL_AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'auth.User' ROLE_SINGLETON_USER_RELATIONSHIP = '' ROLE_SINGLETON_TEAM_RELATIONSHIP = '' # We want to short-circuit RBAC methods to get permission to system admins and auditors ROLE_BYPASS_SUPERUSER_FLAGS = ['is_superuser'] ROLE_BYPASS_ACTION_FLAGS = {'view': 'is_system_auditor'} _SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE_BASE = ( 'social_core.pipeline.social_auth.social_details', 'social_core.pipeline.social_auth.social_uid', 'social_core.pipeline.social_auth.auth_allowed', 'social_core.pipeline.social_auth.social_user', 'social_core.pipeline.user.get_username', 'social_core.pipeline.social_auth.associate_by_email', 'social_core.pipeline.user.create_user', 'awx.sso.social_base_pipeline.check_user_found_or_created', 'social_core.pipeline.social_auth.associate_user', 'social_core.pipeline.social_auth.load_extra_data', 'awx.sso.social_base_pipeline.set_is_active_for_new_user', 'social_core.pipeline.user.user_details', 'awx.sso.social_base_pipeline.prevent_inactive_login', ) SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE = _SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE_BASE + ('awx.sso.social_pipeline.update_user_orgs', 'awx.sso.social_pipeline.update_user_teams') SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_PIPELINE = _SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE_BASE + ('awx.sso.saml_pipeline.populate_user', 'awx.sso.saml_pipeline.update_user_flags') SAML_AUTO_CREATE_OBJECTS = True SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_URL = '/' SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/sso/complete/' SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_ERROR_URL = '/sso/error/' SOCIAL_AUTH_INACTIVE_USER_URL = '/sso/inactive/' SOCIAL_AUTH_RAISE_EXCEPTIONS = False SOCIAL_AUTH_USERNAME_IS_FULL_EMAIL = False # SOCIAL_AUTH_SLUGIFY_USERNAMES = True SOCIAL_AUTH_CLEAN_USERNAMES = True SOCIAL_AUTH_SANITIZE_REDIRECTS = True SOCIAL_AUTH_REDIRECT_IS_HTTPS = False # Note: These settings may be overridden by database settings. SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_SECRET = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_SCOPE = ['profile'] SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SECRET = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_SCOPE = ['user:email', 'read:org'] SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ORG_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ORG_SECRET = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ORG_NAME = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ORG_SCOPE = ['user:email', 'read:org'] SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_TEAM_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_TEAM_SECRET = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_TEAM_ID = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_TEAM_SCOPE = ['user:email', 'read:org'] SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_SECRET = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_SCOPE = ['user:email', 'read:org'] SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_ORG_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_ORG_SECRET = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_ORG_NAME = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_ORG_SCOPE = ['user:email', 'read:org'] SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_TEAM_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_TEAM_SECRET = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_TEAM_ID = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_TEAM_SCOPE = ['user:email', 'read:org'] SOCIAL_AUTH_AZUREAD_OAUTH2_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_AZUREAD_OAUTH2_SECRET = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_ENTITY_ID = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_PUBLIC_CERT = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SP_PRIVATE_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_ORG_INFO = {} SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_TECHNICAL_CONTACT = {} SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_SUPPORT_CONTACT = {} SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_ENABLED_IDPS = {} SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_ORGANIZATION_ATTR = {} SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_TEAM_ATTR = {} SOCIAL_AUTH_SAML_USER_FLAGS_BY_ATTR = {} # Any ANSIBLE_* settings will be passed to the task runner subprocess # environment # Do not want AWX to ask interactive questions and want it to be friendly with # reprovisioning ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING = False # RHEL has too old of an SSH so ansible will select paramiko and this is VERY # slow. ANSIBLE_PARAMIKO_RECORD_HOST_KEYS = False # Force ansible in color even if we don't have a TTY so we can properly colorize # output ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR = True # If tmp generated inventory parsing fails (error state), fail playbook fast ANSIBLE_INVENTORY_UNPARSED_FAILED = True # Additional environment variables to be passed to the ansible subprocesses AWX_TASK_ENV = {} # Additional environment variables to apply when running ansible-galaxy commands # to fetch Ansible content - roles and collections GALAXY_TASK_ENV = {'ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR': 'false', 'GIT_SSH_COMMAND': "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"} # Rebuild Host Smart Inventory memberships. AWX_REBUILD_SMART_MEMBERSHIP = False # By default, allow arbitrary Jinja templating in extra_vars defined on a Job Template ALLOW_JINJA_IN_EXTRA_VARS = 'template' # Run project updates with extra verbosity PROJECT_UPDATE_VVV = False # Enable dynamically pulling roles from a requirement.yml file # when updating SCM projects # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. AWX_ROLES_ENABLED = True # Enable dynamically pulling collections from a requirement.yml file # when updating SCM projects # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. AWX_COLLECTIONS_ENABLED = True # Follow symlinks when scanning for playbooks AWX_SHOW_PLAYBOOK_LINKS = False # Applies to any galaxy server GALAXY_IGNORE_CERTS = False # Additional paths to show for jobs using process isolation. # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. AWX_ISOLATION_SHOW_PATHS = [] # The directory in which the service will create new temporary directories for job # execution and isolation (such as credential files and custom # inventory scripts). # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. AWX_ISOLATION_BASE_PATH = tempfile.gettempdir() # User definable ansible callback plugins # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. AWX_ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS = "" # Automatically remove nodes that have missed their heartbeats after some time AWX_AUTO_DEPROVISION_INSTANCES = False # Enable Pendo on the UI, possible values are 'off', 'anonymous', and 'detailed' # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. PENDO_TRACKING_STATE = "off" # Enables Insights data collection. # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. INSIGHTS_TRACKING_STATE = False # Last gather date for Analytics AUTOMATION_ANALYTICS_LAST_GATHER = None # Last gathered entries for expensive Analytics AUTOMATION_ANALYTICS_LAST_ENTRIES = '' # Default list of modules allowed for ad hoc commands. # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. AD_HOC_COMMANDS = [ 'command', 'shell', 'yum', 'apt', 'apt_key', 'apt_repository', 'apt_rpm', 'service', 'group', 'user', 'mount', 'ping', 'selinux', 'setup', 'win_ping', 'win_service', 'win_updates', 'win_group', 'win_user', ] INV_ENV_VARIABLE_BLOCKED = ("HOME", "USER", "_", "TERM", "PATH") # ---------------- # -- Amazon EC2 -- # ---------------- EC2_ENABLED_VAR = 'ec2_state' EC2_ENABLED_VALUE = 'running' EC2_INSTANCE_ID_VAR = 'instance_id' EC2_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_GROUPS = True # ------------ # -- VMware -- # ------------ VMWARE_ENABLED_VAR = 'guest.gueststate' VMWARE_ENABLED_VALUE = 'running' VMWARE_INSTANCE_ID_VAR = 'config.instanceUuid, config.instanceuuid' VMWARE_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_GROUPS = True VMWARE_VALIDATE_CERTS = False # --------------------------- # -- Google Compute Engine -- # --------------------------- GCE_ENABLED_VAR = 'status' GCE_ENABLED_VALUE = 'running' GCE_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_GROUPS = True GCE_INSTANCE_ID_VAR = 'gce_id' # -------------------------------------- # -- Microsoft Azure Resource Manager -- # -------------------------------------- AZURE_RM_ENABLED_VAR = 'powerstate' AZURE_RM_ENABLED_VALUE = 'running' AZURE_RM_INSTANCE_ID_VAR = 'id' AZURE_RM_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_GROUPS = True # --------------------- # ----- OpenStack ----- # --------------------- OPENSTACK_ENABLED_VAR = 'status' OPENSTACK_ENABLED_VALUE = 'ACTIVE' OPENSTACK_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_GROUPS = True OPENSTACK_INSTANCE_ID_VAR = 'openstack.id' # --------------------- # ----- oVirt4 ----- # --------------------- RHV_ENABLED_VAR = 'status' RHV_ENABLED_VALUE = 'up' RHV_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_GROUPS = True RHV_INSTANCE_ID_VAR = 'id' # --------------------- # ----- Controller ----- # --------------------- CONTROLLER_ENABLED_VAR = 'remote_tower_enabled' CONTROLLER_ENABLED_VALUE = 'true' CONTROLLER_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_GROUPS = True CONTROLLER_INSTANCE_ID_VAR = 'remote_tower_id' # --------------------- # ----- Foreman ----- # --------------------- SATELLITE6_ENABLED_VAR = 'foreman_enabled,foreman.enabled' SATELLITE6_ENABLED_VALUE = 'True' SATELLITE6_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_GROUPS = True SATELLITE6_INSTANCE_ID_VAR = 'foreman_id,foreman.id' # SATELLITE6_GROUP_PREFIX and SATELLITE6_GROUP_PATTERNS defined in source vars # ---------------- # -- Red Hat Insights -- # ---------------- # INSIGHTS_ENABLED_VAR = # INSIGHTS_ENABLED_VALUE = INSIGHTS_INSTANCE_ID_VAR = 'insights_id' INSIGHTS_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_GROUPS = False # ---------------- # -- Terraform State -- # ---------------- # TERRAFORM_ENABLED_VAR = # TERRAFORM_ENABLED_VALUE = TERRAFORM_INSTANCE_ID_VAR = 'id' TERRAFORM_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_GROUPS = True # --------------------- # ----- Custom ----- # --------------------- # CUSTOM_ENABLED_VAR = # CUSTOM_ENABLED_VALUE = CUSTOM_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_GROUPS = False # CUSTOM_INSTANCE_ID_VAR = # --------------------- # ----- SCM ----- # --------------------- # SCM_ENABLED_VAR = # SCM_ENABLED_VALUE = SCM_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_GROUPS = False # SCM_INSTANCE_ID_VAR = # ---------------- # -- Constructed -- # ---------------- CONSTRUCTED_INSTANCE_ID_VAR = 'remote_tower_id' CONSTRUCTED_EXCLUDE_EMPTY_GROUPS = False # --------------------- # -- Activity Stream -- # --------------------- # Defaults for enabling/disabling activity stream. # Note: These settings may be overridden by database settings. ACTIVITY_STREAM_ENABLED = True ACTIVITY_STREAM_ENABLED_FOR_INVENTORY_SYNC = False CALLBACK_QUEUE = "callback_tasks" # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. ORG_ADMINS_CAN_SEE_ALL_USERS = True MANAGE_ORGANIZATION_AUTH = True DISABLE_LOCAL_AUTH = False # Note: This setting may be overridden by database settings. TOWER_URL_BASE = "https://towerhost" INSIGHTS_URL_BASE = "https://example.org" INSIGHTS_AGENT_MIME = 'application/example' # See https://github.com/ansible/awx-facts-playbooks INSIGHTS_SYSTEM_ID_FILE = '/etc/redhat-access-insights/machine-id' INSIGHTS_CERT_PATH = "/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem" # Settings related to external logger configuration LOG_AGGREGATOR_ENABLED = False LOG_AGGREGATOR_TCP_TIMEOUT = 5 LOG_AGGREGATOR_VERIFY_CERT = True LOG_AGGREGATOR_LEVEL = 'INFO' LOG_AGGREGATOR_ACTION_QUEUE_SIZE = 131072 LOG_AGGREGATOR_ACTION_MAX_DISK_USAGE_GB = 1 # Action queue LOG_AGGREGATOR_MAX_DISK_USAGE_PATH = '/var/lib/awx' LOG_AGGREGATOR_RSYSLOGD_DEBUG = False LOG_AGGREGATOR_RSYSLOGD_ERROR_LOG_FILE = '/var/log/tower/rsyslog.err' API_400_ERROR_LOG_FORMAT = 'status {status_code} received by user {user_name} attempting to access {url_path} from {remote_addr}' ASGI_APPLICATION = "awx.main.routing.application" CHANNEL_LAYERS = { "default": {"BACKEND": "channels_redis.core.RedisChannelLayer", "CONFIG": {"hosts": [BROKER_URL], "capacity": 10000, "group_expiry": 157784760}} # 5 years } # Logging configuration. LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'filters': { 'require_debug_false': {'()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse'}, 'require_debug_true': {'()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugTrue'}, 'require_debug_true_or_test': {'()': 'awx.main.utils.RequireDebugTrueOrTest'}, 'external_log_enabled': {'()': 'awx.main.utils.filters.ExternalLoggerEnabled'}, 'dynamic_level_filter': {'()': 'awx.main.utils.filters.DynamicLevelFilter'}, 'guid': {'()': 'awx.main.utils.filters.DefaultCorrelationId'}, }, 'formatters': { 'simple': {'format': '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s [%(guid)s] %(name)s %(message)s'}, 'json': {'()': 'awx.main.utils.formatters.LogstashFormatter'}, 'timed_import': {'()': 'awx.main.utils.formatters.TimeFormatter', 'format': '%(relativeSeconds)9.3f %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'}, 'dispatcher': {'format': '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s [%(guid)s] %(name)s PID:%(process)d %(message)s'}, }, # Extended below based on install scenario. You probably don't want to add something directly here. # See 'handler_config' below. 'handlers': { 'console': { '()': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'level': 'DEBUG', 'filters': ['dynamic_level_filter', 'guid'], 'formatter': 'simple', }, 'null': {'class': 'logging.NullHandler'}, 'file': {'class': 'logging.NullHandler', 'formatter': 'simple'}, 'syslog': {'level': 'WARNING', 'filters': ['require_debug_false'], 'class': 'logging.NullHandler', 'formatter': 'simple'}, 'inventory_import': {'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'timed_import'}, 'external_logger': { 'class': 'awx.main.utils.handlers.RSysLogHandler', 'formatter': 'json', 'address': '/var/run/awx-rsyslog/rsyslog.sock', 'filters': ['external_log_enabled', 'dynamic_level_filter', 'guid'], }, 'otel': {'class': 'logging.NullHandler'}, }, 'loggers': { 'django': {'handlers': ['console']}, 'django.request': {'handlers': ['console', 'file', 'tower_warnings'], 'level': 'WARNING'}, 'ansible_base': {'handlers': ['console', 'file', 'tower_warnings']}, 'daphne': {'handlers': ['console', 'file', 'tower_warnings'], 'level': 'INFO'}, 'rest_framework.request': {'handlers': ['console', 'file', 'tower_warnings'], 'level': 'WARNING', 'propagate': False}, 'py.warnings': {'handlers': ['console']}, 'awx': {'handlers': ['console', 'file', 'tower_warnings', 'external_logger'], 'level': 'DEBUG'}, 'awx.conf': {'handlers': ['null'], 'level': 'WARNING'}, 'awx.conf.settings': {'handlers': ['null'], 'level': 'WARNING'}, 'awx.main': {'handlers': ['null']}, 'awx.main.commands.run_callback_receiver': {'handlers': ['callback_receiver'], 'level': 'INFO'}, # very noisey debug-level logs 'awx.main.dispatch': {'handlers': ['dispatcher']}, 'awx.main.consumers': {'handlers': ['console', 'file', 'tower_warnings'], 'level': 'INFO'}, 'awx.main.rsyslog_configurer': {'handlers': ['rsyslog_configurer']}, 'awx.main.cache_clear': {'handlers': ['cache_clear']}, 'awx.main.ws_heartbeat': {'handlers': ['ws_heartbeat']}, 'awx.main.wsrelay': {'handlers': ['wsrelay']}, 'awx.main.commands.inventory_import': {'handlers': ['inventory_import'], 'propagate': False}, 'awx.main.tasks': {'handlers': ['task_system', 'external_logger', 'console'], 'propagate': False}, 'awx.main.analytics': {'handlers': ['task_system', 'external_logger', 'console'], 'level': 'INFO', 'propagate': False}, 'awx.main.scheduler': {'handlers': ['task_system', 'external_logger', 'console'], 'propagate': False}, 'awx.main.access': {'level': 'INFO'}, # very verbose debug-level logs 'awx.main.signals': {'level': 'INFO'}, # very verbose debug-level logs 'awx.api.permissions': {'level': 'INFO'}, # very verbose debug-level logs 'awx.analytics': {'handlers': ['external_logger'], 'level': 'INFO', 'propagate': False}, 'awx.analytics.broadcast_websocket': {'handlers': ['console', 'file', 'wsrelay', 'external_logger'], 'level': 'INFO', 'propagate': False}, 'awx.analytics.performance': {'handlers': ['console', 'file', 'tower_warnings', 'external_logger'], 'level': 'DEBUG', 'propagate': False}, 'awx.analytics.job_lifecycle': {'handlers': ['console', 'job_lifecycle'], 'level': 'DEBUG', 'propagate': False}, 'django_auth_ldap': {'handlers': ['console', 'file', 'tower_warnings'], 'level': 'DEBUG'}, 'social': {'handlers': ['console', 'file', 'tower_warnings'], 'level': 'DEBUG'}, 'system_tracking_migrations': {'handlers': ['console', 'file', 'tower_warnings'], 'level': 'DEBUG'}, 'rbac_migrations': {'handlers': ['console', 'file', 'tower_warnings'], 'level': 'DEBUG'}, }, } # Log handler configuration. Keys are the name of the handler. Be mindful when renaming things here. # People might have created custom settings files that augments the behavior of these. # Specify 'filename' (used if the environment variable AWX_LOGGING_MODE is unset or 'file') # and an optional 'formatter'. If no formatter is specified, 'simple' is used. handler_config = { 'tower_warnings': {'filename': 'tower.log'}, 'callback_receiver': {'filename': 'callback_receiver.log'}, 'dispatcher': {'filename': 'dispatcher.log', 'formatter': 'dispatcher'}, 'wsrelay': {'filename': 'wsrelay.log'}, 'task_system': {'filename': 'task_system.log'}, 'rbac_migrations': {'filename': 'tower_rbac_migrations.log'}, 'job_lifecycle': {'filename': 'job_lifecycle.log'}, 'rsyslog_configurer': {'filename': 'rsyslog_configurer.log'}, 'cache_clear': {'filename': 'cache_clear.log'}, 'ws_heartbeat': {'filename': 'ws_heartbeat.log'}, } # If running on a VM, we log to files. When running in a container, we log to stdout. logging_mode = os.getenv('AWX_LOGGING_MODE', 'file') if logging_mode not in ('file', 'stdout'): raise Exception("AWX_LOGGING_MODE must be 'file' or 'stdout'") for name, config in handler_config.items(): # Common log handler config. Don't define a level here, it's set by settings.LOG_AGGREGATOR_LEVEL LOGGING['handlers'][name] = {'filters': ['dynamic_level_filter', 'guid'], 'formatter': config.get('formatter', 'simple')} if logging_mode == 'file': LOGGING['handlers'][name]['class'] = 'logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler' LOGGING['handlers'][name]['filename'] = os.path.join(LOG_ROOT, config['filename']) if logging_mode == 'stdout': LOGGING['handlers'][name]['class'] = 'logging.NullHandler' # Prevents logging to stdout on traditional VM installs if logging_mode == 'file': LOGGING['handlers']['console']['filters'].insert(0, 'require_debug_true_or_test') # Apply coloring to messages logged to the console COLOR_LOGS = False # https://github.com/django-polymorphic/django-polymorphic/issues/195 # FIXME: Disabling models.E006 warning until we can renamed Project and InventorySource SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS = ['models.E006'] # Use middleware to get request statistics AWX_REQUEST_PROFILE = False # # Optionally, AWX can generate DOT graphs # (http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.html) for per-request profiling # via gprof2dot (https://github.com/jrfonseca/gprof2dot) # # If you set this to True, you must `/var/lib/awx/venv/awx/bin/pip install gprof2dot` # .dot files will be saved in `/var/log/tower/profile/` and can be converted e.g., # # ~ yum install graphviz # ~ dot -o profile.png -Tpng /var/log/tower/profile/some-profile-data.dot # AWX_REQUEST_PROFILE_WITH_DOT = False # Allow profiling callback workers via SIGUSR1 AWX_CALLBACK_PROFILE = False # Delete temporary directories created to store playbook run-time AWX_CLEANUP_PATHS = True # Allow ansible-runner to store env folder (may contain sensitive information) AWX_RUNNER_OMIT_ENV_FILES = True # Allow ansible-runner to save ansible output # (changing to False may cause performance issues) AWX_RUNNER_SUPPRESS_OUTPUT_FILE = True # https://github.com/ansible/ansible-runner/pull/1191/files # Interval in seconds between the last message and keep-alive messages that # ansible-runner will send AWX_RUNNER_KEEPALIVE_SECONDS = 0 # Delete completed work units in receptor RECEPTOR_RELEASE_WORK = True # K8S only. Use receptor_log_level on AWX spec to set this properly RECEPTOR_LOG_LEVEL = 'info' MIDDLEWARE = [ 'django_guid.middleware.guid_middleware', 'awx.main.middleware.SettingsCacheMiddleware', 'awx.main.middleware.TimingMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'awx.main.middleware.MigrationRanCheckMiddleware', 'corsheaders.middleware.CorsMiddleware', 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'awx.main.middleware.DisableLocalAuthMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'awx.main.middleware.OptionalURLPrefixPath', 'awx.sso.middleware.SocialAuthMiddleware', 'crum.CurrentRequestUserMiddleware', 'awx.main.middleware.URLModificationMiddleware', 'awx.main.middleware.SessionTimeoutMiddleware', ] # Secret header value to exchange for websockets responsible for distributing websocket messages. # This needs to be kept secret and randomly generated BROADCAST_WEBSOCKET_SECRET = '' # Port for broadcast websockets to connect to # Note: that the clients will follow redirect responses BROADCAST_WEBSOCKET_PORT = 443 # Whether or not broadcast websockets should check nginx certs when interconnecting BROADCAST_WEBSOCKET_VERIFY_CERT = False # Connect to other AWX nodes using http or https BROADCAST_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL = 'https' # All websockets that connect to the broadcast websocket endpoint will be put into this group BROADCAST_WEBSOCKET_GROUP_NAME = 'broadcast-group_send' # Time wait before retrying connecting to a websocket broadcast tower node BROADCAST_WEBSOCKET_RECONNECT_RETRY_RATE_SECONDS = 5 # How often websocket process will look for changes in the Instance table BROADCAST_WEBSOCKET_NEW_INSTANCE_POLL_RATE_SECONDS = 10 # How often websocket process will generate stats BROADCAST_WEBSOCKET_STATS_POLL_RATE_SECONDS = 5 # How often should web instances advertise themselves? BROADCAST_WEBSOCKET_BEACON_FROM_WEB_RATE_SECONDS = 15 DJANGO_GUID = {'GUID_HEADER_NAME': 'X-API-Request-Id'} # Name of the default task queue DEFAULT_EXECUTION_QUEUE_NAME = 'default' # pod spec used when the default execution queue is a container group, e.g. when deploying on k8s/ocp with the operator DEFAULT_EXECUTION_QUEUE_POD_SPEC_OVERRIDE = '' # Max number of concurrently consumed forks for the default execution queue # Zero means no limit DEFAULT_EXECUTION_QUEUE_MAX_FORKS = 0 # Max number of concurrently running jobs for the default execution queue # Zero means no limit DEFAULT_EXECUTION_QUEUE_MAX_CONCURRENT_JOBS = 0 # Name of the default controlplane queue DEFAULT_CONTROL_PLANE_QUEUE_NAME = 'controlplane' # Extend container runtime attributes. # For example, to disable SELinux in containers for podman # DEFAULT_CONTAINER_RUN_OPTIONS = ['--security-opt', 'label=disable'] DEFAULT_CONTAINER_RUN_OPTIONS = ['--network', 'slirp4netns:enable_ipv6=true'] # Mount exposed paths as hostPath resource in k8s/ocp AWX_MOUNT_ISOLATED_PATHS_ON_K8S = False # This is overridden downstream via /etc/tower/conf.d/cluster_host_id.py CLUSTER_HOST_ID = socket.gethostname() UI_NEXT = True # License compliance for total host count. Possible values: # - '': No model - Subscription not counted from Host Metrics # - 'unique_managed_hosts': Compliant = automated - deleted hosts (using /api/v2/host_metrics/) SUBSCRIPTION_USAGE_MODEL = '' # Host metrics cleanup - last time of the task/command run CLEANUP_HOST_METRICS_LAST_TS = None # Host metrics cleanup - minimal interval between two cleanups in days CLEANUP_HOST_METRICS_INTERVAL = 30 # days # Host metrics cleanup - soft-delete HostMetric records with last_automation < [threshold] (in months) CLEANUP_HOST_METRICS_SOFT_THRESHOLD = 12 # months # Host metrics cleanup # - delete HostMetric record with deleted=True and last_deleted < [threshold] # - also threshold for computing HostMetricSummaryMonthly (command/scheduled task) CLEANUP_HOST_METRICS_HARD_THRESHOLD = 36 # months # Host metric summary monthly task - last time of run HOST_METRIC_SUMMARY_TASK_LAST_TS = None HOST_METRIC_SUMMARY_TASK_INTERVAL = 7 # days # TODO: cmeyers, replace with with register pattern # The register pattern is particularly nice for this because we need # to know the process to start the thread that will be the server. # The registration location should be the same location as we would # call MetricsServer.start() # Note: if we don't get to this TODO, then at least create constants # for the services strings below. # TODO: cmeyers, break this out into a separate django app so other # projects can take advantage. METRICS_SERVICE_CALLBACK_RECEIVER = 'callback_receiver' METRICS_SERVICE_DISPATCHER = 'dispatcher' METRICS_SERVICE_WEBSOCKETS = 'websockets' METRICS_SUBSYSTEM_CONFIG = { 'server': { METRICS_SERVICE_CALLBACK_RECEIVER: { 'port': 8014, }, METRICS_SERVICE_DISPATCHER: { 'port': 8015, }, METRICS_SERVICE_WEBSOCKETS: { 'port': 8016, }, } } # django-ansible-base ANSIBLE_BASE_TEAM_MODEL = 'main.Team' ANSIBLE_BASE_ORGANIZATION_MODEL = 'main.Organization' ANSIBLE_BASE_RESOURCE_CONFIG_MODULE = 'awx.resource_api' ANSIBLE_BASE_PERMISSION_MODEL = 'main.Permission' from ansible_base.lib import dynamic_config # noqa: E402 include(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dynamic_config.__file__), 'dynamic_settings.py')) # Add a postfix to the API URL patterns # example if set to '' API pattern will be /api # example if set to 'controller' API pattern will be /api AND /api/controller OPTIONAL_API_URLPATTERN_PREFIX = '' # Use AWX base view, to give 401 on unauthenticated requests ANSIBLE_BASE_CUSTOM_VIEW_PARENT = 'awx.api.generics.APIView' # Settings for the ansible_base RBAC system # This has been moved to data migration code ANSIBLE_BASE_ROLE_PRECREATE = {} # Name for auto-created roles that give users permissions to what they create ANSIBLE_BASE_ROLE_CREATOR_NAME = '{cls.__name__} Creator' # Use the new Gateway RBAC system for evaluations? You should. We will remove the old system soon. ANSIBLE_BASE_ROLE_SYSTEM_ACTIVATED = True # Permissions a user will get when creating a new item ANSIBLE_BASE_CREATOR_DEFAULTS = ['change', 'delete', 'execute', 'use', 'adhoc', 'approve', 'update', 'view'] # Temporary, for old roles API compatibility, save child permissions at organization level ANSIBLE_BASE_CACHE_PARENT_PERMISSIONS = True # Currently features are enabled to keep compatibility with old system, except custom roles ANSIBLE_BASE_ALLOW_TEAM_ORG_ADMIN = False # ANSIBLE_BASE_ALLOW_CUSTOM_ROLES = True ANSIBLE_BASE_ALLOW_CUSTOM_TEAM_ROLES = False ANSIBLE_BASE_ALLOW_SINGLETON_USER_ROLES = True ANSIBLE_BASE_ALLOW_SINGLETON_TEAM_ROLES = False # System auditor has always been restricted to users ANSIBLE_BASE_ALLOW_SINGLETON_ROLES_API = False # Do not allow creating user-defined system-wide roles # system username for django-ansible-base SYSTEM_USERNAME = None