#!/usr/bin/python # coding: utf-8 -*- # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: bulk_job_launch author: "Seth Foster (@fosterseth)" short_description: Bulk job launch in Automation Platform Controller description: - Single-request bulk job launch in Automation Platform Controller. - Creates a workflow where each node corresponds to an item specified in the jobs option. - Any options specified at the top level will inherited by the launched jobs (if prompt on launch is enabled for those fields). - Provides a way to submit many jobs at once to Controller. options: jobs: description: - List of jobs to create. required: True type: list elements: dict suboptions: unified_job_template: description: - Job template ID to use when launching. type: int required: True inventory: description: - Inventory ID applied as a prompt, if job template prompts for inventory type: int execution_environment: description: - Execution environment ID applied as a prompt, if job template prompts for execution environments type: int instance_groups: description: - Instance group IDs applied as a prompt, if job template prompts for instance groups type: list elements: int credentials: description: - Credential IDs applied as a prompt, if job template prompts for credentials type: list elements: int labels: description: - Label IDs to use for the job, if job template prompts for labels type: list elements: int extra_data: description: - Extra variables to apply at launch time, if job template prompts for extra variables type: dict default: {} diff_mode: description: - Show the changes made by Ansible tasks where supported type: bool verbosity: description: - Verbosity level for this ad hoc command run type: int choices: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] scm_branch: description: - SCM branch applied as a prompt, if job template prompts for SCM branch - This is only applicable if the project allows for branch override type: str job_type: description: - Job type applied as a prompt, if job template prompts for job type type: str choices: - 'run' - 'check' job_tags: description: - Job tags applied as a prompt, if job template prompts for job tags type: str skip_tags: description: - Tags to skip, applied as a prompt, if job template prompts for job tags type: str limit: description: - Limit to act on, applied as a prompt, if job template prompts for limit type: str forks: description: - The number of parallel or simultaneous processes to use while executing the playbook, if job template prompts for forks type: int job_slice_count: description: - The number of jobs to slice into at runtime, if job template prompts for job slices. - Will cause the Job Template to launch a workflow if value is greater than 1. type: int default: '1' identifier: description: - Identifier for the resulting workflow node that represents this job type: str timeout: description: - Maximum time in seconds to wait for a job to finish (server-side), if job template prompts for timeout. type: int name: description: - The name of the bulk job that is created required: False type: str description: description: - Optional description of this bulk job. type: str organization: description: - If not provided, will use the organization the user is in. - Required if the user belongs to more than one organization. - Affects who can see the resulting bulk job. type: str inventory: description: - Inventory name, ID, or named URL to use for the jobs ran within the bulk job, only used if prompt for inventory is set. type: str scm_branch: description: - A specific branch of the SCM project to run the template on. - This is only applicable if the project allows for branch override. type: str extra_vars: description: - Any extra vars required to launch the job. - Extends the extra_data field at the individual job level. type: dict limit: description: - Limit to use for the bulk job. type: str job_tags: description: - A comma-separated list of playbook tags to specify what parts of the playbooks should be executed. type: str skip_tags: description: - A comma-separated list of playbook tags to skip certain tasks or parts of the playbooks to be executed. type: str wait: description: - Wait for the bulk job to complete. default: True type: bool interval: description: - The interval to request an update from the controller. required: False default: 2 type: float extends_documentation_fragment: awx.awx.auth ''' RETURN = ''' job_info: description: dictionary containing information about the bulk job executed returned: If bulk job launched type: dict ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Launch bulk jobs bulk_job_launch: name: My Bulk Job Launch jobs: - unified_job_template: 7 skip_tags: foo - unified_job_template: 10 limit: foo extra_data: food: carrot color: orange limit: bar credentials: - "My Credential" - "suplementary cred" extra_vars: # these override / extend extra_data at the job level food: grape animal: owl organization: Default inventory: Demo Inventory - name: Launch bulk jobs with lookup plugin bulk_job_launch: name: My Bulk Job Launch jobs: - unified_job_template: 7 - unified_job_template: "{{ lookup('awx.awx.controller_api', 'job_templates', query_params={'name': 'Demo Job Template'}, return_ids=True, expect_one=True) }}" ''' from ..module_utils.controller_api import ControllerAPIModule def main(): # Any additional arguments that are not fields of the item can be added here argument_spec = dict( jobs=dict(required=True, type='list', elements='dict'), name=dict(), description=dict(), organization=dict(type='str'), inventory=dict(type='str'), limit=dict(), scm_branch=dict(), extra_vars=dict(type='dict'), job_tags=dict(), skip_tags=dict(), wait=dict(required=False, default=True, type='bool'), interval=dict(required=False, default=2.0, type='float'), ) # Create a module for ourselves module = ControllerAPIModule(argument_spec=argument_spec) post_data_names = ( 'jobs', 'name', 'description', 'limit', 'scm_branch', 'extra_vars', 'job_tags', 'skip_tags', ) post_data = {} for p in post_data_names: val = module.params.get(p) if val: post_data[p] = val # Resolve name to ID for related resources # Do not resolve name for "jobs" suboptions, for optimization org_name = module.params.get('organization') if org_name: post_data['organization'] = module.resolve_name_to_id('organizations', org_name) inv_name = module.params.get('inventory') if inv_name: post_data['inventory'] = module.resolve_name_to_id('inventories', inv_name) # Extract our parameters wait = module.params.get('wait') timeout = module.params.get('timeout') interval = module.params.get('interval') name = module.params.get('name') # Launch the jobs result = module.post_endpoint("bulk/job_launch", data=post_data) if result['status_code'] != 201: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to launch bulk jobs, see response for details", response=result) module.json_output['changed'] = True module.json_output['id'] = result['json']['id'] module.json_output['status'] = result['json']['status'] # This is for backwards compatability module.json_output['job_info'] = result['json'] if not wait: module.exit_json(**module.json_output) # Invoke wait function module.wait_on_url(url=result['json']['url'], object_name=name, object_type='Bulk Job Launch', timeout=timeout, interval=interval) module.exit_json(**module.json_output) if __name__ == '__main__': main()