Create a new Job Template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. index:: single: job templates; creation A job template combines an Ansible playbook from a project and the settings required to launch it. Review existing job templates by clicking **Templates** from the left navigation bar. |Job templates - home| .. |Job templates - home| image:: ../common/images/qs-job-templates-list-view.png For the purpose of this Quick Start, a Demo Job Template has been created for your initial use. Click **Demo Job Template** to view its details. |Job templates - review demo template| .. |Job templates - review demo template| image:: ../common/images/qs-job-template-demo-details.png For the purpose of this Quick Start Guide, leave the default demo job template as is. But to edit the default template later - from the Details tab, click **Edit**, or from the Templates list view, click the Edit (|edit|) button next to the template name to edit the appropriate details, then save your changes. .. |edit| image:: ../common/images/edit-button.png |Job templates - edit demo| .. |Job templates - edit demo| image:: ../common/images/qs-job-templates-demo-edit.png Click **Cancel** (if no changes were made) or use the breadcrumb navigational links at the top of the |at| browser to return to the Templates list view. Clicking **Save** does not exit the Details dialog.