if [ -z $AWX_IGNORE_BLACK ] ; then python_files_changed=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=AM | grep -E '\.py$') if [ "x$python_files_changed" != "x" ] ; then black --check $python_files_changed || \ if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo 'To fix this, run `make black` to auto-format your code prior to commit, or set AWX_IGNORE_BLACK=1' exit 1 fi fi fi if [ -z $AWX_IGNORE_USER ] ; then FAIL=0 export CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=AM) if [ -d ./pre-commit-user ] ; then for SCRIPT in `find ./pre-commit-user -type f` ; do if [ -x $SCRIPT ] ; then echo "Running user pre-commit hook $SCRIPT" $SCRIPT if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "User test $SCRIPT failed" FAIL=1 fi fi done fi if [ $FAIL == 1 ] ; then echo "One or more user tests failed, see messages above" exit 1 fi fi