#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import urllib.parse import requests NAMED_URL_RES_DILIMITER = "--" NAMED_URL_RES_INNER_DILIMITER = "-" NAMED_URL_RES_DILIMITER_ENCODE = "%2D" URL_PATH_RESERVED_CHARSET = {} for c in ';/?:@=&[]': URL_PATH_RESERVED_CHARSET[c] = urllib.parse.quote(c, safe='') def _get_named_url_graph(url, auth): """Get the graph data structure AWX used to manage all named URLs. Args: url: String representing the URL of tower configuration endpoint where to fetch graph information. auth: Tuple of username + password to authenticate connection to AWX. Return: A dict of graph nodes that in ensembly represent the graph structure. Each node is represented as a dict of 'fields' and 'adj_list'. Raises: N/A """ r = requests.get(url, auth=auth, verify=False) ret = r.json()['NAMED_URL_GRAPH_NODES'] return ret def _encode_uri(text): """Properly encode input text to make it satisfy named URL convention. Args: text: the original string to be encoded. Return: The encoded string Raises: N/A """ for c in URL_PATH_RESERVED_CHARSET: if c in text: text = text.replace(c, URL_PATH_RESERVED_CHARSET[c]) text = text.replace(NAMED_URL_RES_INNER_DILIMITER, '[%s]' % NAMED_URL_RES_INNER_DILIMITER) return text def _generate_identifier_component(response, fields): """Generate an individual component of named URL identifier. Args: response: JSON containing the details of a particular resource object. fields: name of resource object fields needed to generate a named URL identifier component. Return: A string representing generated identifier component. Raises: N/A """ ret = [] for field_name in fields: ret.append(_encode_uri(response[field_name])) return NAMED_URL_RES_INNER_DILIMITER.join(ret) def _get_named_url_identifier(url, named_url_graph, resource, tower_host, auth, ret): """DFS the named URL graph structure to generate identifier for a resource object. Args: url: A string used to access a particular resource object to generate identifier component from. named_url_graph: The graph structure used to DFS against. resource: Key name of the current graph node. tower_host: String representing the host name of AWX backend. auth: Tuple of username + password to authenticate connection to AWX. ret: list of strings storing components that would later be joined into the final named URL identifier. Return: None. Note the actual outcome is stored in argument ret due to the recursive nature of this function. Raises: """ r = requests.get(url, auth=auth, verify=False).json() ret.append(_generate_identifier_component(r, named_url_graph[resource]['fields'])) for next_ in named_url_graph[resource]['adj_list']: next_fk, next_res = tuple(next_) if next_fk in r['related']: _get_named_url_identifier(tower_host.strip('/') + r['related'][next_fk], named_url_graph, next_res, tower_host, auth, ret) else: ret.append('') def main(username=None, password=None, tower_host=None, resource=None, pk=None): """Main function for generating and printing named URL of a resource object given its pk. Args: username: String representing the username needed to authenticating AWX. password: String representing the password needed to authenticating AWX. tower_host: String representing the host name of AWX backend. resource: REST API name of a specific resource, e.g. name for resource inventory is 'inventories'. pk: Primary key of the resource object whose named URL will be derived. Returns: None Raises: N/A """ start_url = '%s/api/v2/%s/%s/' % (tower_host.strip('/'), resource.strip('/'), pk) conf_url = '%s/api/v2/settings/named-url/' % tower_host.strip('/') auth = (username, password) named_url_graph = _get_named_url_graph(conf_url, auth) named_url_identifier = [] _get_named_url_identifier(start_url, named_url_graph, resource, tower_host, auth, named_url_identifier) print('%s/api/v2/%s/%s/' % (tower_host.strip('/'), resource.strip('/'), NAMED_URL_RES_DILIMITER.join(named_url_identifier))) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--username', type=str, required=True, help='Name of the user for making requests', dest='username', metavar='STR') parser.add_argument('--password', type=str, required=True, help='Password of the user for making requests', dest='password', metavar='STR') parser.add_argument('--tower-host', type=str, required=True, help='API host name, like ""', dest='tower_host', metavar='STR') parser.add_argument('--resource', type=str, required=True, help='Name of the resource in REST endpoints', dest='resource', metavar='STR') parser.add_argument('--pk', type=int, required=True, help='Primary key of resource object whose named URL will be derived', dest='pk', metavar='INT') main(**vars(parser.parse_args()))