[tox] envlist = api-lint, ui-lint, api, ui, coveralls [testenv] basepython = python2.7 setenv = DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = awx.settings.development_quiet # For OS X to be able to install pycrypto. CFLAGS = -I/opt/local/include HOME = {homedir} USERPROFILE = {homedir} deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements/requirements.txt -r{toxinidir}/requirements/requirements_dev.txt coverage coveralls nodeenv [testenv:api-lint] commands = make flake8 coverage erase [testenv:ui-lint] commands = make jshint [testenv:api] commands = coverage run --parallel -m pytest --create-db --source awx/main/tests {posargs} [testenv:ui] commands = make UI_TEST_MODE=CI test-ui [testenv:coveralls] commands= coverage combine coverage report -m coveralls