path: root/generator/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'generator/src/')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/generator/src/ b/generator/src/
index 556b913..1d07ab4 100644
--- a/generator/src/
+++ b/generator/src/
@@ -7,12 +7,21 @@ pub fn create_structs(spec: &OpenApiV2) -> eyre::Result<String> {
let mut s = String::new();
s.push_str("use structs::*;\n");
s.push_str("pub mod structs {\n");
+ s.push_str("use crate::StructureError;");
if let Some(definitions) = &spec.definitions {
for (name, schema) in definitions {
let strukt = create_struct_for_definition(&spec, name, schema)?;
+ if let Some(responses) = &spec.responses {
+ for (name, response) in responses {
+ if let Some(headers) = &response.headers {
+ let strukt = create_header_struct(name, headers)?;
+ s.push_str(&strukt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
for (_, item) in &spec.paths {
let strukt = create_query_structs_for_path(item)?;
@@ -329,3 +338,119 @@ if !{name}.is_empty() {{
+fn create_header_struct(
+ name: &str,
+ headers: &std::collections::BTreeMap<String, Header>,
+) -> eyre::Result<String> {
+ let ty_name = format!("{name}Headers").to_pascal_case();
+ let mut fields = String::new();
+ let mut imp = String::new();
+ let mut imp_ret = String::new();
+ for (header_name, header) in headers {
+ let ty = header_type(header)?;
+ let field_name = crate::sanitize_ident(header_name);
+ fields.push_str("pub ");
+ fields.push_str(&field_name);
+ fields.push_str(": Option<");
+ fields.push_str(&ty);
+ fields.push_str(">,\n");
+ write!(
+ &mut imp,
+ "
+ let {field_name} = map.get(\"{header_name}\").map(|s| -> Result<_, _> {{
+ let s = s.to_str().map_err(|_| StructureError::HeaderNotAscii)?;
+ "
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ match &header._type {
+ ParameterType::String => imp.push_str("Ok(s.to_string())"),
+ ParameterType::Number => match header.format.as_deref() {
+ Some("float") => {
+ imp.push_str("s.parse::<f32>().map_err(|_| StructureError::HeaderParseFailed)")
+ }
+ Some("double") | _ => {
+ imp.push_str("s.parse::<f64>()).map_err(|_| StructureError::HeaderParseFailed)")
+ }
+ },
+ ParameterType::Integer => match header.format.as_deref() {
+ Some("int64") => {
+ imp.push_str("s.parse::<u64>().map_err(|_| StructureError::HeaderParseFailed)")
+ }
+ Some("int32") | _ => {
+ imp.push_str("s.parse::<u32>().map_err(|_| StructureError::HeaderParseFailed)")
+ }
+ },
+ ParameterType::Boolean => {
+ imp.push_str("s.parse::<bool>().map_err(|_| StructureError::HeaderParseFailed)")
+ }
+ ParameterType::Array => {
+ let sep = match header.collection_format {
+ Some(CollectionFormat::Csv) | None => ",",
+ Some(CollectionFormat::Ssv) => " ",
+ Some(CollectionFormat::Tsv) => "\\t",
+ Some(CollectionFormat::Pipes) => "|",
+ Some(CollectionFormat::Multi) => {
+ eyre::bail!("multi format not supported in headers")
+ }
+ };
+ let items = header
+ .items
+ .as_ref()
+ .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("items property must be set for arrays"))?;
+ if items._type == ParameterType::String {
+ imp.push_str("Ok(");
+ }
+ imp.push_str("s.split(\"");
+ imp.push_str(sep);
+ imp.push_str("\").map(|s| ");
+ imp.push_str(match items._type {
+ ParameterType::String => "s.to_string()).collect::<Vec<_>>())",
+ ParameterType::Number => match items.format.as_deref() {
+ Some("float") => "s.parse::<f32>()).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>().map_err(|_| StructureError::HeaderParseFailed)",
+ Some("double") | _ => "s.parse::<f64>()).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>().map_err(|_| StructureError::HeaderParseFailed)",
+ },
+ ParameterType::Integer => match items.format.as_deref() {
+ Some("int64") => "s.parse::<u64>()).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>().map_err(|_| StructureError::HeaderParseFailed)",
+ Some("int32") | _ => "s.parse::<u32>()).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>().map_err(|_| StructureError::HeaderParseFailed)",
+ },
+ ParameterType::Boolean => "s.parse::<bool>()).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>().map_err(|_| StructureError::HeaderParseFailed)",
+ ParameterType::Array => eyre::bail!("nested arrays not supported in headers"),
+ ParameterType::File => eyre::bail!("files not supported in headers"),
+ });
+ }
+ ParameterType::File => eyre::bail!("files not supported in headers"),
+ }
+ imp.push_str("}).transpose()?;");
+ imp_ret.push_str(&field_name);
+ imp_ret.push_str(", ");
+ }
+ Ok(format!(
+ "
+pub struct {ty_name} {{
+ {fields}
+impl TryFrom<&reqwest::header::HeaderMap> for {ty_name} {{
+ type Error = StructureError;
+ fn try_from(map: &reqwest::header::HeaderMap) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {{
+ {imp}
+ Ok(Self {{ {imp_ret} }})
+ }}
+ ))
+pub fn header_type(header: &Header) -> eyre::Result<String> {
+ crate::methods::param_type_inner(
+ &header._type,
+ header.format.as_deref(),
+ header.items.as_ref(),
+ true,
+ )