use std::ffi::OsString; mod openapi; use eyre::Context; use heck::{ToPascalCase, ToSnakeCase}; use openapi::{ CollectionFormat, Items, MaybeRef, OpenApiV2, Operation, Parameter, ParameterIn, ParameterType, Primitive, Response, Schema, SchemaType, }; use std::fmt::Write; fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> { let spec = get_spec()?; let mut s = String::new(); s.push_str("use crate::ForgejoError;\n"); s.push_str("impl crate::Forgejo {\n"); for (path, item) in &spec.paths { s.push_str(&create_methods_for_path(&spec, path, item).wrap_err_with(|| path.clone())?); } s.push_str("}\n"); s.push_str("use structs::*;\n"); s.push_str("pub mod structs {\n"); s.push_str("use std::fmt::Write;\n"); if let Some(definitions) = &spec.definitions { for (name, schema) in definitions { let strukt = create_struct_for_definition(&spec, name, schema)?; s.push_str(&strukt); } } for (path, item) in &spec.paths { let strukt = create_query_structs_for_path(&spec, path, item)?; s.push_str(&strukt); } s.push_str("\n}"); save_generated(&mut s)?; Ok(()) } fn get_spec() -> eyre::Result { let path = std::env::var_os("FORGEJO_API_SPEC_PATH") .unwrap_or_else(|| OsString::from("./swagger.v1.json")); let file = std::fs::read(path)?; let spec = serde_json::from_slice::(&file)?; Ok(spec) } fn save_generated(contents: &str) -> eyre::Result<()> { let path = std::env::var_os("FORGEJO_API_GENERATED_PATH") .unwrap_or_else(|| OsString::from("./src/")); std::fs::write(path, contents)?; Ok(()) } fn create_methods_for_path( spec: &OpenApiV2, path: &str, item: &openapi::PathItem, ) -> eyre::Result { let mut s = String::new(); if let Some(op) = &item.get { s.push_str(&create_get_method(spec, path, op).wrap_err("GET")?); } if let Some(op) = &item.put { s.push_str(&create_put_method(spec, path, op).wrap_err("PUT")?); } if let Some(op) = & { s.push_str(&create_post_method(spec, path, op).wrap_err("POST")?); } if let Some(op) = &item.delete { s.push_str(&create_delete_method(spec, path, op).wrap_err("DELETE")?); } if let Some(op) = &item.options { s.push_str(&create_options_method(spec, path, op).wrap_err("OPTIONS")?); } if let Some(op) = &item.head { s.push_str(&create_head_method(spec, path, op).wrap_err("HEAD")?); } if let Some(op) = &item.patch { s.push_str(&create_patch_method(spec, path, op).wrap_err("PATCH")?); } Ok(s) } fn fn_signature_from_op(spec: &OpenApiV2, op: &Operation) -> eyre::Result { let name = op .operation_id .as_deref() .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("operation did not have id"))? .to_snake_case() .replace("o_auth2", "oauth2"); let args = fn_args_from_op(spec, op)?; let ty = fn_return_from_op(spec, op)?; Ok(format!( "pub async fn {name}({args}) -> Result<{ty}, ForgejoError>" )) } fn fn_args_from_op(spec: &OpenApiV2, op: &Operation) -> eyre::Result { let mut args = "&self".to_string(); let mut has_query = false; let mut has_headers = false; let mut has_form = false; if let Some(params) = &op.parameters { for param in params { let param = match ¶m { MaybeRef::Value { value } => value, MaybeRef::Ref { _ref } => eyre::bail!("todo: add deref parameters"), }; match param._in { ParameterIn::Path => { let type_name = param_type(¶m, false)?; args.push_str(", "); args.push_str(&sanitize_ident(¶; args.push_str(": "); args.push_str(&type_name); } ParameterIn::Query => has_query = true, ParameterIn::Header => has_headers = true, ParameterIn::Body => { let schema_ref = param.schema.as_ref().unwrap(); let ty = schema_ref_type_name(spec, &schema_ref)?; args.push_str(", "); args.push_str(&sanitize_ident(¶; args.push_str(": "); args.push_str(&ty); } ParameterIn::FormData => { args.push_str(", "); args.push_str(&sanitize_ident(¶; args.push_str(": Vec"); } } } } if has_query { let query_ty = query_struct_name(op)?; args.push_str(", query: "); args.push_str(&query_ty); } Ok(args) } fn query_struct_name(op: &Operation) -> eyre::Result { let mut ty = op .operation_id .as_deref() .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("operation did not have id"))? .to_pascal_case() .replace("o_auth2", "oauth2"); ty.push_str("Query"); Ok(ty) } fn fn_return_from_op(spec: &OpenApiV2, op: &Operation) -> eyre::Result { let mut responses = op .responses .http_codes .iter() .filter(|(k, _)| k.starts_with("2")) .map(|(_, v)| response_ref_type_name(spec, v)) .collect::, _>>()?; let mut iter = responses.into_iter(); let mut response = iter .next() .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("must have at least one response type"))?; for next in iter { response = response.merge(next)?; } Ok(response) } #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct ResponseType { headers: Option, body: Option, } impl ResponseType { fn merge(self, other: Self) -> eyre::Result { let mut new = Self::default(); match (self.headers, other.headers) { (Some(a), Some(b)) if a != b => eyre::bail!("incompatible header types in response"), (Some(a), None) => new.headers = Some(format!("Option<{a}>")), (None, Some(b)) => new.headers = Some(format!("Option<{b}>")), (a, b) => new.headers = a.or(b), }; match (self.body.as_deref(), other.body.as_deref()) { (Some(a), Some(b)) if a != b => eyre::bail!("incompatible header types in response"), (Some(a), Some("()") | None) => new.body = Some(format!("Option<{a}>")), (Some("()") | None, Some(b)) => new.body = Some(format!("Option<{b}>")), (a, b) => new.body = self.body.or(other.body), }; Ok(new) } } impl std::fmt::Display for ResponseType { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let mut tys = Vec::new(); tys.extend(self.headers.as_deref()); tys.extend(self.body.as_deref()); match tys[..] { [single] => f.write_str(single), _ => { write!(f, "(")?; for (i, item) in tys.iter().copied().enumerate() { f.write_str(item)?; if i + 1 < tys.len() { write!(f, ", ")?; } } write!(f, ")")?; Ok(()) } } } } fn response_ref_type_name( spec: &OpenApiV2, schema: &MaybeRef, ) -> eyre::Result { let (_, response) = deref_response(spec, schema)?; let mut ty = ResponseType::default(); if response.headers.is_some() { ty.headers = Some("reqwest::header::HeaderMap".into()); } if let Some(schema) = &response.schema { ty.body = Some(schema_ref_type_name(spec, schema)?); }; Ok(ty) } fn schema_ref_type_name(spec: &OpenApiV2, schema: &MaybeRef) -> eyre::Result { let (name, schema) = deref_definition(spec, &schema)?; schema_type_name(spec, name, schema) } fn schema_type_name( spec: &OpenApiV2, definition_name: Option<&str>, schema: &Schema, ) -> eyre::Result { if let Some(ty) = &schema._type { match ty { SchemaType::One(prim) => { let name = match prim { Primitive::String => match schema.format.as_deref() { Some("date") => "time::Date", Some("date-time") => "time::OffsetDateTime", _ => "String", } .to_string(), Primitive::Number => match schema.format.as_deref() { Some("float") => "f32", Some("double") => "f64", _ => "f64", } .to_string(), Primitive::Integer => match schema.format.as_deref() { Some("int32") => "u32", Some("int64") => "u64", _ => "u32", } .to_string(), Primitive::Boolean => "bool".to_string(), Primitive::Array => { let item_name = match &schema.items { Some(item_schema) => schema_ref_type_name(spec, item_schema)?, None => "serde_json::Value".into(), }; format!("Vec<{item_name}>") } Primitive::Null => "()".to_string(), Primitive::Object => { match (&schema.title, definition_name) { // Some of the titles are actually descriptions; not sure why // Checking for a space filters that out (Some(title), _) if !title.contains(' ') => title.to_string(), (_, Some(definition_name)) => definition_name.to_string(), (_, None) => "serde_json::Map".to_string(), } } }; Ok(name.to_owned()) } SchemaType::List(list) => todo!(), } } else { Ok("()".into()) } } fn param_type(param: &Parameter, owned: bool) -> eyre::Result { let _type = param ._type .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("no type provided for path param"))?; param_type_inner(_type, param.format.as_deref(), param.items.as_ref(), owned) } fn param_type_inner( ty: &ParameterType, format: Option<&str>, items: Option<&Items>, owned: bool, ) -> eyre::Result { let ty_name = match ty { ParameterType::String => match format.as_deref() { Some("date") => "time::Date", Some("date-time") => "time::OffsetDateTime", _ => { if owned { "String" } else { "&str" } } } .into(), ParameterType::Number => match format.as_deref() { Some("float") => "f32", Some("double") => "f64", _ => "f64", } .into(), ParameterType::Integer => match format.as_deref() { Some("int32") => "u32", Some("int64") => "u64", _ => "u32", } .into(), ParameterType::Boolean => "bool".into(), ParameterType::Array => { let item = items .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("array must have item type defined"))?; let item_ty_name = param_type_inner( &item._type, item.format.as_deref(), item.items.as_deref(), owned, )?; if owned { format!("Vec<{item_ty_name}>") } else { format!("&[{item_ty_name}]") } } ParameterType::File => { if owned { format!("Vec") } else { format!("&[u8]") } } }; Ok(ty_name) } fn method_docs(op: &Operation) -> eyre::Result { let mut out = String::new(); let mut prev = false; if let Some(summary) = &op.summary { write!(&mut out, "/// {summary}\n")?; prev = true; } if let Some(params) = &op.parameters { if prev { out.push_str("///\n"); } for param in params { let param = match ¶m { MaybeRef::Value { value } => value, MaybeRef::Ref { _ref } => eyre::bail!("pipis"), }; match param._in { ParameterIn::Path | ParameterIn::Body | ParameterIn::FormData => { write!(&mut out, "/// - `{}`",; if let Some(description) = ¶m.description { write!(&mut out, ": {}", description)?; } writeln!(&mut out)?; } _ => (), } } } Ok(out) } fn deref_response<'a>( spec: &'a OpenApiV2, r: &'a MaybeRef, ) -> eyre::Result<(Option<&'a str>, &'a Response)> { let r = match r { MaybeRef::Value { value } => return Ok((None, value)), MaybeRef::Ref { _ref } => _ref, }; let name = r .strip_prefix("#/responses/") .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("invalid response reference"))?; let global_responses = spec .responses .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("no global responses"))?; let response = global_responses .get(name) .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("referenced response does not exist"))?; Ok((Some(name), response)) } fn deref_definition<'a>( spec: &'a OpenApiV2, r: &'a MaybeRef, ) -> eyre::Result<(Option<&'a str>, &'a Schema)> { let r = match r { MaybeRef::Value { value } => return Ok((None, value)), MaybeRef::Ref { _ref } => _ref, }; let name = r .strip_prefix("#/definitions/") .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("invalid definition reference"))?; let global_definitions = spec .definitions .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("no global definitions"))?; let definition = global_definitions .get(name) .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("referenced definition does not exist"))?; Ok((Some(name), definition)) } fn create_method_body( spec: &OpenApiV2, method: &str, path: &str, op: &Operation, ) -> eyre::Result { let request = create_method_request(spec, method, path, op)?; let response = create_method_response(spec, method, path, op)?; Ok(format!("{request}\n {response}")) } fn create_method_request( spec: &OpenApiV2, method: &str, path: &str, op: &Operation, ) -> eyre::Result { let mut has_query = false; let mut has_headers = false; let mut body_method = String::new(); if let Some(params) = &op.parameters { for param in params { let param = match ¶m { MaybeRef::Value { value } => value, MaybeRef::Ref { _ref } => eyre::bail!("todo: add deref parameters"), }; let name = sanitize_ident(¶; match param._in { ParameterIn::Path => (/* do nothing */), ParameterIn::Query => has_query = true, ParameterIn::Header => has_headers = true, ParameterIn::Body => { if !body_method.is_empty() { eyre::bail!("cannot have more than one body parameter"); } if param_is_string(spec, param)? { body_method = format!(".body({name})"); } else { body_method = format!(".json(&{name})"); } } ParameterIn::FormData => { if !body_method.is_empty() { eyre::bail!("cannot have more than one body parameter"); } body_method = format!(".multipart(reqwest::multipart::Form::new().part(\"attachment\", reqwest::multipart::Part::bytes({name}).file_name(\"file\").mime_str(\"*/*\").unwrap()))"); } } } } let mut fmt_str = sanitize_path_arg(path)?; let mut fmt_args = String::new(); if has_query { fmt_str.push_str("?{}"); fmt_args.push_str(", query.to_string()"); } let path_arg = if fmt_str.contains("{") { format!("&format!(\"{fmt_str}\"{fmt_args})") } else { format!("\"{fmt_str}\"") }; let out = format!("let request = self.{method}({path_arg}){body_method}.build()?;"); Ok(out) } fn sanitize_path_arg(mut path: &str) -> eyre::Result { let mut out = String::new(); loop { let (head, tail) = match path.split_once("{") { Some(i) => i, None => { out.push_str(path); break; } }; path = tail; out.push_str(head); out.push('{'); let (head, tail) = match path.split_once("}") { Some(i) => i, None => { eyre::bail!("unmatched bracket"); } }; path = tail; out.push_str(&head.to_snake_case()); out.push('}'); } if out.starts_with("/") { out.remove(0); } Ok(out) } fn create_method_response( spec: &OpenApiV2, method: &str, path: &str, op: &Operation, ) -> eyre::Result { let mut has_empty = false; let mut only_empty = true; for (code, res) in &op.responses.http_codes { let response = response_ref_type_name(spec, res)?; if !code.starts_with("2") { continue; } if matches!(response.body.as_deref(), Some("()") | None) { has_empty = true; } else { only_empty = false; } } let fn_ret = fn_return_from_op(spec, op)?; let optional = has_empty && !only_empty; let mut out = String::new(); out.push_str("let response = self.execute(request).await?;\n"); out.push_str("match response.status().as_u16() {\n"); for (code, res) in &op.responses.http_codes { let (_, res) = deref_response(spec, res)?; if !code.starts_with("2") { continue; } out.push_str(code); out.push_str(" => Ok("); let mut handlers = Vec::new(); let header_handler = match &res.headers { Some(_) => { if fn_ret .headers .as_ref() .map(|s| s.starts_with("Option<")) .unwrap() { Some("Some(response.headers().clone())") } else { Some("response.headers().clone()") } } None => { if fn_ret.headers.is_some() { dbg!(&fn_ret); panic!(); Some("None") } else { None } } }; handlers.extend(header_handler); let body_handler = match &res.schema { Some(schema) if schema_is_string(spec, schema)? => { if optional { Some("Some(response.text().await?)") } else { Some("response.text().await?") } } Some(_) => { if optional { Some("Some(response.json().await?)") } else { Some("response.json().await?") } } None => { if optional { Some("None") } else { None } } }; handlers.extend(body_handler); match handlers[..] { [single] => out.push_str(single), _ => { out.push('('); for (i, item) in handlers.iter().copied().enumerate() { out.push_str(item); if i + 1 < handlers.len() { out.push_str(", "); } } out.push(')'); } } out.push_str("),\n"); } out.push_str("_ => Err(ForgejoError::UnexpectedStatusCode(response.status()))\n"); out.push_str("}\n"); Ok(out) } fn schema_is_string(spec: &OpenApiV2, schema: &MaybeRef) -> eyre::Result { let (_, schema) = deref_definition(spec, schema)?; let is_str = match schema._type { Some(SchemaType::One(Primitive::String)) => true, _ => false, }; Ok(is_str) } fn param_is_string(spec: &OpenApiV2, param: &Parameter) -> eyre::Result { match param._in { ParameterIn::Body => { let schema_ref = param .schema .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("body param did not have schema"))?; schema_is_string(spec, schema_ref) } _ => { let is_str = match param._type { Some(ParameterType::String) => true, _ => false, }; Ok(is_str) } } } fn create_get_method(spec: &OpenApiV2, path: &str, op: &Operation) -> eyre::Result { let doc = method_docs(op)?; let sig = fn_signature_from_op(spec, op)?; let body = create_method_body(spec, "get", path, op)?; Ok(format!("{doc}{sig} {{\n {body}\n}}\n\n")) } fn create_put_method(spec: &OpenApiV2, path: &str, op: &Operation) -> eyre::Result { let doc = method_docs(op)?; let sig = fn_signature_from_op(spec, op)?; let body = create_method_body(spec, "put", path, op)?; Ok(format!("{doc}{sig} {{\n {body}\n}}\n\n")) } fn create_post_method(spec: &OpenApiV2, path: &str, op: &Operation) -> eyre::Result { let doc = method_docs(op)?; let sig = fn_signature_from_op(spec, op)?; let body = create_method_body(spec, "post", path, op)?; Ok(format!("{doc}{sig} {{\n {body}\n}}\n\n")) } fn create_delete_method(spec: &OpenApiV2, path: &str, op: &Operation) -> eyre::Result { let doc = method_docs(op)?; let sig = fn_signature_from_op(spec, op)?; let body = create_method_body(spec, "delete", path, op)?; Ok(format!("{doc}{sig} {{\n {body}\n}}\n\n")) } fn create_options_method(spec: &OpenApiV2, path: &str, op: &Operation) -> eyre::Result { let doc = method_docs(op)?; let sig = fn_signature_from_op(spec, op)?; let body = create_method_body(spec, "options", path, op)?; Ok(format!("{doc}{sig} {{\n {body}\n}}\n\n")) } fn create_head_method(spec: &OpenApiV2, path: &str, op: &Operation) -> eyre::Result { let doc = method_docs(op)?; let sig = fn_signature_from_op(spec, op)?; let body = create_method_body(spec, "head", path, op)?; Ok(format!("{doc}{sig} {{\n {body}\n}}\n\n")) } fn create_patch_method(spec: &OpenApiV2, path: &str, op: &Operation) -> eyre::Result { let doc = method_docs(op)?; let sig = fn_signature_from_op(spec, op)?; let body = create_method_body(spec, "patch", path, op)?; Ok(format!("{doc}{sig} {{\n {body}\n}}\n\n")) } fn sanitize_ident(s: &str) -> String { let mut s = s.to_snake_case(); let keywords = [ "as", "break", "const", "continue", "crate", "else", "enum", "extern", "false", "fn", "for", "if", "impl", "in", "let", "loop", "match", "mod", "move", "mut", "pub", "ref", "return", "self", "Self", "static", "struct", "super", "trait", "true", "type", "unsafe", "use", "where", "while", "abstract", "become", "box", "do", "final", "macro", "override", "priv", "typeof", "unsized", "virtual", "yield", "async", "await", "dyn", "try", "macro_rules", "union", ]; if s == "self" { s = "this".into(); } if keywords.contains(&&*s) { s.insert_str(0, "r#"); } s } fn create_struct_for_definition( spec: &OpenApiV2, name: &str, schema: &Schema, ) -> eyre::Result { if matches!(schema._type, Some(SchemaType::One(Primitive::Array))) { return Ok(String::new()); } let docs = create_struct_docs(schema)?; let mut fields = String::new(); let required = schema.required.as_deref().unwrap_or_default(); if let Some(properties) = & { for (prop_name, prop_schema) in properties { let prop_ty = schema_ref_type_name(spec, prop_schema)?; let field_name = sanitize_ident(prop_name); let mut field_ty = prop_ty.clone(); if field_name.ends_with("url") && field_name != "ssh_url" && field_ty == "String" { field_ty = "url::Url".into() } if field_ty == name { field_ty = format!("Box<{field_ty}>") } if !required.contains(prop_name) { field_ty = format!("Option<{field_ty}>") } if field_ty == "Option" { fields.push_str("#[serde(deserialize_with = \"crate::none_if_blank_url\")]\n"); } if field_ty == "time::OffsetDateTime" { fields.push_str("#[serde(with = \"time::serde::rfc3339\")]\n"); } if field_ty == "Option" { fields.push_str("#[serde(with = \"time::serde::rfc3339::option\")]\n"); } if &field_name != prop_name { fields.push_str("#[serde(rename = \""); fields.push_str(prop_name); fields.push_str("\")]\n"); } fields.push_str("pub "); fields.push_str(&field_name); fields.push_str(": "); fields.push_str(&field_ty); fields.push_str(",\n"); } } if let Some(additonal_schema) = &schema.additional_properties { let prop_ty = schema_ref_type_name(spec, additonal_schema)?; fields.push_str("#[serde(flatten)]\n"); fields.push_str("pub additional: std::collections::BTreeMap,\n"); } let out = format!("{docs}#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]\npub struct {name} {{\n{fields}}}\n\n"); Ok(out) } fn create_struct_docs(schema: &Schema) -> eyre::Result { let doc = match &schema.description { Some(desc) => { let mut out = String::new(); for line in desc.lines() { out.push_str("/// "); out.push_str(line); out.push_str("\n/// \n"); } out } None => String::new(), }; Ok(doc) } fn create_query_structs_for_path( spec: &OpenApiV2, path: &str, item: &openapi::PathItem, ) -> eyre::Result { let mut s = String::new(); if let Some(op) = &item.get { s.push_str(&create_query_struct(spec, path, op).wrap_err("GET")?); } if let Some(op) = &item.put { s.push_str(&create_query_struct(spec, path, op).wrap_err("PUT")?); } if let Some(op) = & { s.push_str(&create_query_struct(spec, path, op).wrap_err("POST")?); } if let Some(op) = &item.delete { s.push_str(&create_query_struct(spec, path, op).wrap_err("DELETE")?); } if let Some(op) = &item.options { s.push_str(&create_query_struct(spec, path, op).wrap_err("OPTIONS")?); } if let Some(op) = &item.head { s.push_str(&create_query_struct(spec, path, op).wrap_err("HEAD")?); } if let Some(op) = &item.patch { s.push_str(&create_query_struct(spec, path, op).wrap_err("PATCH")?); } Ok(s) } fn create_query_struct(spec: &OpenApiV2, path: &str, op: &Operation) -> eyre::Result { let params = match &op.parameters { Some(params) => params, None => return Ok(String::new()), }; let mut fields = String::new(); let mut imp = String::new(); imp.push_str("let mut s = String::new();\n"); for param in params { let param = match ¶m { MaybeRef::Value { value } => value, MaybeRef::Ref { _ref } => eyre::bail!("todo: add deref parameters"), }; if param._in == ParameterIn::Query { let ty = param_type(param, true)?; let field_name = sanitize_ident(¶; let required = param.required.unwrap_or_default(); fields.push_str("pub "); fields.push_str(&field_name); fields.push_str(": "); if required { fields.push_str(&ty); } else { fields.push_str("Option<"); fields.push_str(&ty); fields.push_str(">"); } fields.push_str(",\n"); let mut handler = String::new(); let ty = param ._type .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("no type provided for query field"))?; if required { writeln!(&mut handler, "let {field_name} = self.{field_name};")?; } else { writeln!( &mut handler, "if let Some({field_name}) = self.{field_name} {{" )?; } match ty { ParameterType::String => match param.format.as_deref() { Some("date-time" | "date") => { writeln!(&mut handler, "s.push_str(\"{}=\");",; writeln!(&mut handler, "s.push_str(&{field_name}.format(&time::format_description::well_known::Rfc3339).unwrap());")?; writeln!(&mut handler, "s.push('&');")?; } _ => { writeln!(&mut handler, "s.push_str(\"{}=\");",; writeln!(&mut handler, "s.push_str(&{field_name});")?; writeln!(&mut handler, "s.push('&');")?; } }, ParameterType::Number | ParameterType::Integer | ParameterType::Boolean => { writeln!( &mut handler, "write!(&mut s, \"{}={{}}&\", {field_name}).unwrap();", )?; } ParameterType::Array => { let format = param.collection_format.unwrap_or(CollectionFormat::Csv); let item = param .items .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("array must have item type defined"))?; let item_pusher = match item._type { ParameterType::String => { match param.format.as_deref() { Some("date-time" | "date") => { "s.push_str(&item.format(&time::format_description::well_known::Rfc3339).unwrap());" }, _ => { "s.push_str(&item);" } } }, ParameterType::Number | ParameterType::Integer | ParameterType::Boolean => { "write!(&mut s, \"{item}\").unwrap();" }, ParameterType::Array => { eyre::bail!("nested arrays not supported in query"); }, ParameterType::File => eyre::bail!("cannot send file in query"), }; match format { CollectionFormat::Csv => { handler.push_str(&simple_query_array( param, item_pusher, &field_name, ",", )?); } CollectionFormat::Ssv => { handler.push_str(&simple_query_array( param, item_pusher, &field_name, " ", )?); } CollectionFormat::Tsv => { handler.push_str(&simple_query_array( param, item_pusher, &field_name, "\\t", )?); } CollectionFormat::Pipes => { handler.push_str(&simple_query_array( param, item_pusher, &field_name, "|", )?); } CollectionFormat::Multi => { writeln!(&mut handler, "")?; writeln!(&mut handler, "if !{field_name}.is_empty() {{")?; writeln!(&mut handler, "for item in {field_name} {{")?; writeln!(&mut handler, "s.push_str(\"{}=\");",; handler.push_str(item_pusher); handler.push('\n'); writeln!(&mut handler, "s.push('&')")?; writeln!(&mut handler, "}}")?; writeln!(&mut handler, "}}")?; } } } ParameterType::File => eyre::bail!("cannot send file in query"), } if !required { writeln!(&mut handler, "}}")?; } imp.push_str(&handler); } } imp.push_str("s\n"); if fields.is_empty() { return Ok(String::new()); } else { let op_name = op .operation_id .as_ref() .ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("no op id found"))? .to_pascal_case(); return Ok(format!("pub struct {op_name}Query {{\n{fields}\n}}\n\nimpl {op_name}Query {{\npub(crate) fn to_string(self) -> String {{\n{imp}\n}}\n}}")); } } fn simple_query_array( param: &Parameter, item_pusher: &str, name: &str, sep: &str, ) -> eyre::Result { let mut out = String::new(); writeln!(&mut out, "s.push_str(\"{}=\");",; writeln!(&mut out, "")?; writeln!(&mut out, "if !{name}.is_empty() {{")?; writeln!(&mut out, "for (i, item) in {name}.iter().enumerate() {{")?; out.push_str(item_pusher); out.push('\n'); writeln!(&mut out, "if i < {name}.len() - 1 {{")?; writeln!(&mut out, "s.push('{sep}')")?; writeln!(&mut out, "}}")?; writeln!(&mut out, "}}")?; writeln!(&mut out, "s.push('&')")?; writeln!(&mut out, "}}")?; Ok(out) }