use forgejo_api::structs::*; mod common; #[tokio::test] async fn user() { let api = common::login(); let user_opt = CreateUserOption { created_at: None, email: "".into(), full_name: None, login_name: None, must_change_password: None, password: Some("userpass".into()), restricted: Some(false), send_notify: Some(true), source_id: None, username: "Pipis".into(), visibility: Some("public".into()), }; let _ = api .admin_create_user(user_opt) .await .expect("failed to create user"); let query = AdminSearchUsersQuery::default(); let users = api .admin_search_users(query) .await .expect("failed to search users"); assert!( users.iter().any(|u| u.login.as_ref().unwrap() == "Pipis"), "could not find new user" ); let query = AdminGetAllEmailsQuery::default(); let users = api .admin_get_all_emails(query) .await .expect("failed to search emails"); assert!( users .iter() .any(|u| == ""), "could not find new user" ); } #[tokio::test] async fn org() { let api = common::login(); let user_opt = CreateUserOption { created_at: None, email: "".into(), full_name: None, login_name: None, must_change_password: None, password: Some("userpass".into()), restricted: Some(false), send_notify: Some(true), source_id: None, username: "OrgOwner".into(), visibility: Some("public".into()), }; let _ = api .admin_create_user(user_opt) .await .expect("failed to create user"); let org_opt = CreateOrgOption { description: None, email: None, full_name: None, location: None, repo_admin_change_team_access: None, username: "test-org".into(), visibility: Some(CreateOrgOptionVisibility::Public), website: None, }; let _ = api .admin_create_org("OrgOwner", org_opt) .await .expect("failed to create org"); let query = AdminGetAllOrgsQuery::default(); assert!( !api.admin_get_all_orgs(query).await.unwrap().is_empty(), "org list empty" ); let rename_opt = RenameUserOption { new_username: "Bepis".into(), }; api.admin_rename_user("Pipis", rename_opt) .await .expect("failed to rename user"); let query = AdminDeleteUserQuery { purge: Some(true) }; api.admin_delete_user("Bepis", query) .await .expect("failed to delete user"); let query = AdminDeleteUserQuery { purge: Some(true) }; assert!( api.admin_delete_user("Ghost", query).await.is_err(), "deleting fake user should fail" ); } #[tokio::test] async fn key() { let api = common::login(); let user_opt = CreateUserOption { created_at: None, email: "".into(), full_name: None, login_name: None, must_change_password: None, password: Some("userpass".into()), restricted: Some(false), send_notify: Some(true), source_id: None, username: "KeyHolder".into(), visibility: Some("public".into()), }; let _ = api .admin_create_user(user_opt) .await .expect("failed to create user"); let key_opt = CreateKeyOption { key: "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIN68ehQAsbGEwlXPa2AxbAh1QxFQrtRel2jeC0hRlPc1".into(), read_only: None, title: "Example Key".into(), }; let key = api .admin_create_public_key("KeyHolder", key_opt) .await .expect("failed to create key"); api.admin_delete_user_public_key("KeyHolder", as u64) .await .expect("failed to delete key"); } #[tokio::test] async fn cron() { let api = common::login(); let query = AdminCronListQuery::default(); let crons = api .admin_cron_list(query) .await .expect("failed to get crons list"); api.admin_cron_run(crons.first().expect("no crons").name.as_ref().unwrap()) .await .expect("failed to run cron"); } #[tokio::test] async fn hook() { let api = common::login(); let hook_opt = CreateHookOption { active: None, authorization_header: None, branch_filter: None, config: CreateHookOptionConfig { content_type: "json".into(), url: url::Url::parse("http://test.local/").unwrap(), additional: Default::default(), }, events: Some(Vec::new()), r#type: CreateHookOptionType::Gitea, }; // yarr har har me matey this is me hook let hook = api .admin_create_hook(hook_opt) .await .expect("failed to create hook"); let edit_hook = EditHookOption { active: Some(true), authorization_header: None, branch_filter: None, config: None, events: None, }; api.admin_edit_hook( as u64, edit_hook) .await .expect("failed to edit hook"); api.admin_delete_hook( as u64) .await .expect("failed to delete hook"); } #[tokio::test] async fn quota_group() { let api = common::login(); let user_opts = CreateUserOption { created_at: None, email: "".into(), full_name: None, login_name: None, must_change_password: None, password: Some("dialtone".into()), restricted: None, send_notify: None, source_id: None, username: "salesman".into(), visibility: None, }; api.admin_create_user(user_opts) .await .expect("failed to create user"); let group = CreateQuotaGroupOptions { name: Some("no doing anything".into()), rules: Some(vec![CreateQuotaRuleOptions { limit: Some(0), name: Some("blah".into()), subjects: Some(vec![CreateQuotaRuleOptionsSubjects::SizeAll]), }]), }; let quota_group = api .admin_create_quota_group(group) .await .expect("failed to create quota group"); api.admin_add_user_to_quota_group("no doing anything", "salesman") .await .expect("failed to add user to quota group"); assert!(quota_group .name .as_ref() .is_some_and(|name| name == "no doing anything")); assert!(quota_group .rules .as_ref() .is_some_and(|rules| rules.len() == 1)); let quota_groups = api .admin_list_quota_groups() .await .expect("failed to list quota groups"); assert_eq!(quota_groups.len(), 1); assert_eq!("a_groups[0], "a_group); let quota_info = api .admin_get_user_quota("salesman") .await .expect("failed to get user quota"); let usage = quota_info .used .expect("quota info missing usage info") .size .expect("quota info missing size info"); assert!(usage .git .is_some_and(|git| git.lfs.is_some_and(|lfs| lfs == 0))); assert!(usage .repos .as_ref() .is_some_and(|repos| repos.public.is_some_and(|lfs| lfs == 0))); assert!(usage .repos .is_some_and(|repos| repos.private.is_some_and(|lfs| lfs == 0))); assert!(usage .assets .is_some_and(|assets| assets.artifacts.is_some_and(|lfs| lfs == 0))); api.admin_remove_rule_from_quota_group("no doing anything", "blah") .await .expect("failed to delete rule from quota group"); api.admin_remove_user_from_quota_group("no doing anything", "salesman") .await .expect("failed to remove user from quota group"); api.admin_delete_quota_group("no doing anything") .await .expect("failed to delete quota group"); }