path: root/grpc
diff options
authorRenato Westphal <>2019-01-25 21:54:16 +0100
committerRenato Westphal <>2019-04-26 23:15:32 +0200
commitec2ac5f28a83c39b2df02279482494129ddaea28 (patch)
treea3a52ab9d5e4d47c810b275b54c61dbdb7ece835 /grpc
parentlib: introduce a read-write lock for northbound configurations (diff)
lib: add new gRPC-based northbound plugin
This is an experimental plugin for now. Full documentation will come later. Signed-off-by: Renato Westphal <>
Diffstat (limited to 'grpc')
3 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/grpc/Makefile b/grpc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..874828662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grpc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+all: ALWAYS
+ @$(MAKE) -s -C .. grpc/
+ @$(MAKE) -s -C .. grpc/$@
+ #nothing
+.PHONY: ALWAYS makefiles
diff --git a/grpc/frr-northbound.proto b/grpc/frr-northbound.proto
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d070d715e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grpc/frr-northbound.proto
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2019 NetDEF, Inc.
+// Renato Westphal
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+// Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+// ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+// more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; see the file COPYING; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+syntax = "proto3";
+package frr;
+// Service specification for the FRR northbound interface.
+service Northbound {
+ // Retrieve the capabilities supported by the target.
+ rpc GetCapabilities(GetCapabilitiesRequest) returns (GetCapabilitiesResponse) {}
+ // Retrieve configuration data, state data or both from the target.
+ rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (stream GetResponse) {}
+ // Create a new candidate configuration and return a reference to it. The
+ // created candidate is a copy of the running configuration.
+ rpc CreateCandidate(CreateCandidateRequest) returns (CreateCandidateResponse) {}
+ // Delete a candidate configuration.
+ rpc DeleteCandidate(DeleteCandidateRequest) returns (DeleteCandidateResponse) {}
+ // Update a candidate configuration by rebasing the changes on top of the
+ // latest running configuration. Resolve conflicts automatically by giving
+ // preference to the changes done in the candidate configuration.
+ rpc UpdateCandidate(UpdateCandidateRequest) returns (UpdateCandidateResponse) {}
+ // Edit a candidate configuration. All changes are discarded if any error
+ // happens.
+ rpc EditCandidate(EditCandidateRequest) returns (EditCandidateResponse) {}
+ // Load configuration data into a candidate configuration. Both merge and
+ // replace semantics are supported.
+ rpc LoadToCandidate(LoadToCandidateRequest) returns (LoadToCandidateResponse) {}
+ // Create a new configuration transaction using a two-phase commit protocol.
+ rpc Commit(CommitRequest) returns (CommitResponse) {}
+ // List the metadata of all configuration transactions recorded in the
+ // transactions database.
+ rpc ListTransactions(ListTransactionsRequest) returns (stream ListTransactionsResponse) {}
+ // Fetch a configuration (identified by its transaction ID) from the
+ // transactions database.
+ rpc GetTransaction(GetTransactionRequest) returns (GetTransactionResponse) {}
+ // Lock the running configuration, preventing other users from changing it.
+ rpc LockConfig(LockConfigRequest) returns (LockConfigResponse) {}
+ // Unlock the running configuration.
+ rpc UnlockConfig(UnlockConfigRequest) returns (UnlockConfigResponse) {}
+ // Execute a YANG RPC.
+ rpc Execute(ExecuteRequest) returns (ExecuteResponse) {}
+// ----------------------- Parameters and return types -------------------------
+// RPC: GetCapabilities()
+message GetCapabilitiesRequest {
+ // Empty.
+message GetCapabilitiesResponse {
+ // Return values:
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::OK: Success.
+ // FRR version.
+ string frr_version = 1;
+ // Indicates whether FRR was compiled with support for configuration
+ // rollbacks or not (--enable-config-rollbacks).
+ bool rollback_support = 2;
+ // Supported schema modules.
+ repeated ModuleData supported_modules = 3;
+ // Supported encodings.
+ repeated Encoding supported_encodings = 4;
+// RPC: Get()
+message GetRequest {
+ // Type of elements within the data tree.
+ enum DataType {
+ // All data elements.
+ ALL = 0;
+ // Config elements.
+ CONFIG = 1;
+ // State elements.
+ STATE = 2;
+ }
+ // The type of data being requested.
+ DataType type = 1;
+ // Encoding to be used.
+ Encoding encoding = 2;
+ // Include implicit default nodes.
+ bool with_defaults = 3;
+ // Paths requested by the client.
+ repeated string path = 4;
+message GetResponse {
+ // Return values:
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::OK: Success.
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT: Invalid YANG data path.
+ // Timestamp in nanoseconds since Epoch.
+ int64 timestamp = 1;
+ // The requested data.
+ DataTree data = 2;
+// RPC: CreateCandidate()
+message CreateCandidateRequest {
+ // Empty.
+message CreateCandidateResponse {
+ // Return values:
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::OK: Success.
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: can't create candidate
+ // configuration.
+ // Handle to the new created candidate configuration.
+ uint32 candidate_id = 1;
+// RPC: DeleteCandidate()
+message DeleteCandidateRequest {
+ // Candidate configuration to delete.
+ uint32 candidate_id = 1;
+message DeleteCandidateResponse {
+ // Return values:
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::OK: Success.
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND: Candidate wasn't found.
+// RPC: UpdateCandidate()
+message UpdateCandidateRequest {
+ // Candidate configuration to update.
+ uint32 candidate_id = 1;
+message UpdateCandidateResponse {
+ // Return values:
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::OK: Success.
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND: Candidate wasn't found.
+// RPC: EditCandidate()
+message EditCandidateRequest {
+ // Candidate configuration that is going to be edited.
+ uint32 candidate_id = 1;
+ // Data elements to be created or updated.
+ repeated PathValue update = 2;
+ // Paths to be deleted from the data tree.
+ repeated PathValue delete = 3;
+message EditCandidateResponse {
+ // Return values:
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::OK: Success.
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND: Candidate wasn't found.
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT: An error occurred while editing the
+ // candidate configuration.
+// RPC: LoadToCandidate()
+message LoadToCandidateRequest {
+ enum LoadType {
+ // Merge the data tree into the candidate configuration.
+ MERGE = 0;
+ // Replace the candidate configuration by the provided data tree.
+ REPLACE = 1;
+ }
+ // Candidate configuration that is going to be edited.
+ uint32 candidate_id = 1;
+ // Load operation to apply.
+ LoadType type = 2;
+ // Configuration data.
+ DataTree config = 3;
+message LoadToCandidateResponse {
+ // Return values:
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::OK: Success.
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT: An error occurred while performing
+ // the load operation.
+// RPC: Commit()
+message CommitRequest {
+ enum Phase {
+ // Validate if the configuration changes are valid (phase 0).
+ // Prepare resources to apply the configuration changes (phase 1).
+ PREPARE = 1;
+ // Release previously allocated resources (phase 2).
+ ABORT = 2;
+ // Apply the configuration changes (phase 2).
+ APPLY = 3;
+ // All of the above (VALIDATE + PREPARE + ABORT/APPLY).
+ //
+ // This option can't be used to implement network-wide transactions,
+ // since they require the manager entity to take into account the results
+ // of the preparation phase of multiple managed devices.
+ ALL = 4;
+ }
+ // Candidate configuration that is going to be committed.
+ uint32 candidate_id = 1;
+ // Transaction phase.
+ Phase phase = 2;
+ // Assign a comment to this commit.
+ string comment = 3;
+message CommitResponse {
+ // Return values:
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::OK: Success.
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::FAILED_PRECONDITION: misuse of the two-phase commit
+ // protocol.
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT: Validation error.
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED: Failure to allocate resource.
+ // ID of the created configuration transaction (when the phase is APPLY
+ // or ALL).
+ uint32 transaction_id = 1;
+// RPC: ListTransactions()
+message ListTransactionsRequest {
+ // Empty.
+message ListTransactionsResponse {
+ // Return values:
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::OK: Success.
+ // Transaction ID.
+ uint32 id = 1;
+ // Client that committed the transaction.
+ string client = 2;
+ // Date and time the transaction was committed.
+ string date = 3;
+ // Comment assigned to the transaction.
+ string comment = 4;
+// RPC: GetTransaction()
+message GetTransactionRequest {
+ // Transaction to retrieve.
+ uint32 transaction_id = 1;
+ // Encoding to be used.
+ Encoding encoding = 2;
+ // Include implicit default nodes.
+ bool with_defaults = 3;
+message GetTransactionResponse {
+ // Return values:
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::OK: Success.
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND: Transaction wasn't found in the transactions
+ // database.
+ DataTree config = 1;
+// RPC: LockConfig()
+message LockConfigRequest {
+ // Empty.
+message LockConfigResponse {
+ // Return values:
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::OK: Success.
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::FAILED_PRECONDITION: Running configuration is
+ // locked already.
+// RPC: UnlockConfig()
+message UnlockConfigRequest {
+ // Empty.
+message UnlockConfigResponse {
+ // Return values:
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::OK: Success.
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::FAILED_PRECONDITION: Running configuration isn't
+ // locked.
+// RPC: Execute()
+message ExecuteRequest {
+ // Path of the YANG RPC or YANG Action.
+ string path = 1;
+ // Input parameters.
+ repeated PathValue input = 2;
+message ExecuteResponse {
+ // Return values:
+ // - grpc::StatusCode::OK: Success.
+ // Output parameters.
+ repeated PathValue output = 1;
+// -------------------------------- Definitions --------------------------------
+// YANG module.
+message ModuleData {
+ // Name of the YANG module;
+ string name = 1;
+ // Organization publishing the module.
+ string organization = 2;
+ // Latest revision of the module;
+ string revision = 3;
+// Supported encodings for YANG instance data.
+enum Encoding {
+ JSON = 0;
+ XML = 1;
+// Path-value pair representing a data element.
+message PathValue {
+ // YANG data path.
+ string path = 1;
+ // Data value.
+ string value = 2;
+// YANG instance data.
+message DataTree {
+ Encoding encoding = 1;
+ string data = 2;
diff --git a/grpc/ b/grpc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fb163fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grpc/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+if GRPC
+lib_LTLIBRARIES += grpc/
+grpc_libfrrgrpc_pb_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 0:0:0
+grpc_libfrrgrpc_pb_la_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(GRPC_CXXFLAGS)
+nodist_grpc_libfrrgrpc_pb_la_SOURCES = \
+ grpc/ \
+ grpc/ \
+ # end
+ grpc/ \
+ grpc/frr-northbound.pb.h \
+ grpc/ \
+ grpc/frr-northbound.grpc.pb.h \
+ # end
+EXTRA_DIST += grpc/frr-northbound.proto
+AM_V_PROTOC = $(am__v_PROTOC_$(V))
+am__v_PROTOC_0 = @echo " PROTOC" $@;
+am__v_PROTOC_1 =
+ $(AM_V_PROTOC)$(PROTOC) -I$(top_srcdir) --cpp_out=$(top_srcdir) $(top_srcdir)/$^
+ $(AM_V_PROTOC)$(PROTOC) -I$(top_srcdir) --grpc_out=$(top_srcdir) --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_cpp_plugin` $(top_srcdir)/$^