// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /* Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 by Juliusz Chroboczek Copyright 2011 by Matthieu Boutier and Juliusz Chroboczek */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/network.h" #include "babel_main.h" #include "babeld.h" #include "util.h" int roughly(int value) { if(value < 0) return -roughly(-value); else if(value <= 1) return value; else return value * 3 / 4 + frr_weak_random() % (value / 2); } /* d = s1 - s2 */ void timeval_minus(struct timeval *d, const struct timeval *s1, const struct timeval *s2) { if(s1->tv_usec >= s2->tv_usec) { d->tv_usec = s1->tv_usec - s2->tv_usec; d->tv_sec = s1->tv_sec - s2->tv_sec; } else { d->tv_usec = s1->tv_usec + 1000000 - s2->tv_usec; d->tv_sec = s1->tv_sec - s2->tv_sec - 1; } } unsigned timeval_minus_msec(const struct timeval *s1, const struct timeval *s2) { if(s1->tv_sec < s2->tv_sec) return 0; /* Avoid overflow. */ if(s1->tv_sec - s2->tv_sec > 2000000) return 2000000000; if(s1->tv_sec > s2->tv_sec) return (unsigned)((unsigned)(s1->tv_sec - s2->tv_sec) * 1000 + ((int)s1->tv_usec - s2->tv_usec) / 1000); if(s1->tv_usec <= s2->tv_usec) return 0; return (unsigned)(s1->tv_usec - s2->tv_usec) / 1000u; } /* d = s + msecs */ void timeval_add_msec(struct timeval *d, const struct timeval *s, int msecs) { int usecs; d->tv_sec = s->tv_sec + msecs / 1000; usecs = s->tv_usec + (msecs % 1000) * 1000; if(usecs < 1000000) { d->tv_usec = usecs; } else { d->tv_usec = usecs - 1000000; d->tv_sec++; } } void set_timeout(struct timeval *timeout, int msecs) { timeval_add_msec(timeout, &babel_now, roughly(msecs)); } /* returns <0 if "s1" < "s2", etc. */ int timeval_compare(const struct timeval *s1, const struct timeval *s2) { if(s1->tv_sec < s2->tv_sec) return -1; else if(s1->tv_sec > s2->tv_sec) return 1; else if(s1->tv_usec < s2->tv_usec) return -1; else if(s1->tv_usec > s2->tv_usec) return 1; else return 0; } /* set d at min(d, s) */ /* {0, 0} represents infinity */ void timeval_min(struct timeval *d, const struct timeval *s) { if(s->tv_sec == 0) return; if(d->tv_sec == 0 || timeval_compare(d, s) > 0) { *d = *s; } } /* set d to min(d, x) with x in [secs, secs+1] */ void timeval_min_sec(struct timeval *d, time_t secs) { if(d->tv_sec == 0 || d->tv_sec > secs) { d->tv_sec = secs; d->tv_usec = frr_weak_random() % 1000000; } } /* parse a float value in second and return the corresponding mili-seconds. For example: parse_msec("12.342345") returns 12342 */ int parse_msec(const char *string) { unsigned int in, fl; int i, j; in = fl = 0; i = 0; while(string[i] == ' ' || string[i] == '\t') i++; while(string[i] >= '0' && string[i] <= '9') { in = in * 10 + string[i] - '0'; i++; } if(string[i] == '.') { i++; j = 0; while(string[i] >= '0' && string[i] <= '9') { fl = fl * 10 + string[i] - '0'; i++; j++; } while(j > 3) { fl /= 10; j--; } while(j < 3) { fl *= 10; j++; } } while(string[i] == ' ' || string[i] == '\t') i++; if(string[i] == '\0') return in * 1000 + fl; return -1; } /* There's no good name for a positive int in C, call it nat. */ int parse_nat(const char *string) { long l; char *end; l = strtol(string, &end, 0); while(*end == ' ' || *end == '\t') end++; if(*end != '\0') return -1; if(l < 0 || l > INT_MAX) return -1; return (int)l; } unsigned char * mask_prefix(unsigned char *restrict ret, const unsigned char *restrict prefix, unsigned char plen) { if (plen >= IPV6_MAX_BITLEN) { memcpy(ret, prefix, IPV6_MAX_BYTELEN); return ret; } memset(ret, 0, 16); memcpy(ret, prefix, plen / 8); if(plen % 8 != 0) ret[plen / 8] = CHECK_FLAG(prefix[plen / 8], CHECK_FLAG((0xFF << (8 - (plen % 8))), 0xFF)); return ret; } const unsigned char v4prefix[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static const unsigned char llprefix[16] = {0xFE, 0x80}; const char * format_address(const unsigned char *address) { static char buf[4][INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; static int i = 0; i = (i + 1) % 4; if(v4mapped(address)) inet_ntop(AF_INET, address + 12, buf[i], INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); else inet_ntop(AF_INET6, address, buf[i], INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); return buf[i]; } const char * format_prefix(const unsigned char *prefix, unsigned char plen) { static char buf[4][INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 4]; static int i = 0; int n; i = (i + 1) % 4; if(plen >= 96 && v4mapped(prefix)) { inet_ntop(AF_INET, prefix + 12, buf[i], INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); n = strlen(buf[i]); snprintf(buf[i] + n, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 4 - n, "/%d", plen - 96); } else { inet_ntop(AF_INET6, prefix, buf[i], INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); n = strlen(buf[i]); snprintf(buf[i] + n, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 4 - n, "/%d", plen); } return buf[i]; } const char * format_eui64(const unsigned char *eui) { static char buf[4][28]; static int i = 0; i = (i + 1) % 4; snprintf(buf[i], 28, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", eui[0], eui[1], eui[2], eui[3], eui[4], eui[5], eui[6], eui[7]); return buf[i]; } const char * format_thousands(unsigned int value) { static char buf[4][15]; static int i = 0; i = (i + 1) % 4; snprintf(buf[i], 15, "%u.%.3u", value / 1000, value % 1000); return buf[i]; } int parse_address(const char *address, unsigned char *addr_r, int *af_r) { struct in_addr ina; struct in6_addr ina6; int rc; rc = inet_pton(AF_INET, address, &ina); if(rc > 0) { v4tov6(addr_r, (const unsigned char *)&ina); if(af_r) *af_r = AF_INET; return 0; } rc = inet_pton(AF_INET6, address, &ina6); if(rc > 0) { memcpy(addr_r, &ina6, IPV6_MAX_BYTELEN); if (af_r) *af_r = AF_INET6; return 0; } return -1; } int parse_eui64(const char *eui, unsigned char *eui_r) { int n; n = sscanf(eui, "%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx", &eui_r[0], &eui_r[1], &eui_r[2], &eui_r[3], &eui_r[4], &eui_r[5], &eui_r[6], &eui_r[7]); if(n == 8) return 0; n = sscanf(eui, "%02hhx-%02hhx-%02hhx-%02hhx-%02hhx-%02hhx-%02hhx-%02hhx", &eui_r[0], &eui_r[1], &eui_r[2], &eui_r[3], &eui_r[4], &eui_r[5], &eui_r[6], &eui_r[7]); if(n == 8) return 0; n = sscanf(eui, "%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx:%02hhx", &eui_r[0], &eui_r[1], &eui_r[2], &eui_r[5], &eui_r[6], &eui_r[7]); if(n == 6) { eui_r[3] = 0xFF; eui_r[4] = 0xFE; return 0; } return -1; } int wait_for_fd(int direction, int fd, int msecs) { fd_set fds; int rc; struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = msecs / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (msecs % 1000) * 1000; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(fd, &fds); if(direction) rc = select(fd + 1, NULL, &fds, NULL, &tv); else rc = select(fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); return rc; } int martian_prefix(const unsigned char *prefix, int plen) { return (plen >= 8 && prefix[0] == 0xFF) || (plen >= 10 && prefix[0] == 0xFE && (CHECK_FLAG(prefix[1], 0xC0) == 0x80)) || (plen >= 128 && memcmp(prefix, zeroes, 15) == 0 && (prefix[15] == 0 || prefix[15] == 1)) || (plen >= 96 && v4mapped(prefix) && ((plen >= 104 && (prefix[12] == 127 || prefix[12] == 0)) || (plen >= 100 && CHECK_FLAG(prefix[12], 0xE0) == 0xE0))); } int linklocal(const unsigned char *address) { return memcmp(address, llprefix, 8) == 0; } int v4mapped(const unsigned char *address) { return memcmp(address, v4prefix, 12) == 0; } void v4tov6(unsigned char *dst, const unsigned char *src) { memcpy(dst, v4prefix, 12); memcpy(dst + 12, src, 4); } void inaddr_to_uchar(unsigned char *dest, const struct in_addr *src) { v4tov6(dest, (const unsigned char *)src); assert(v4mapped(dest)); } void uchar_to_inaddr(struct in_addr *dest, const unsigned char *src) { assert(v4mapped(src)); memcpy(dest, src + 12, 4); } void in6addr_to_uchar(unsigned char *dest, const struct in6_addr *src) { memcpy(dest, src, IPV6_MAX_BYTELEN); } void uchar_to_in6addr(struct in6_addr *dest, const unsigned char *src) { memcpy(dest, src, IPV6_MAX_BYTELEN); } int daemonise(void) { int rc; fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); rc = fork(); if(rc < 0) return -1; if(rc > 0) exit(0); rc = setsid(); if(rc < 0) return -1; return 1; }