/* * BFD daemon northbound implementation. * * Copyright (C) 2019 Network Device Education Foundation, Inc. ("NetDEF") * Rafael Zalamena * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include "lib/log.h" #include "lib/northbound.h" #include "bfd.h" #include "bfdd_nb.h" /* * Helpers. */ static void bfd_session_get_key(bool mhop, const struct lyd_node *dnode, struct bfd_key *bk) { const char *ifname = NULL, *vrfname = NULL; struct sockaddr_any psa, lsa; /* Required destination parameter. */ strtosa(yang_dnode_get_string(dnode, "./dest-addr"), &psa); /* Get optional source address. */ memset(&lsa, 0, sizeof(lsa)); if (yang_dnode_exists(dnode, "./source-addr")) strtosa(yang_dnode_get_string(dnode, "./source-addr"), &lsa); /* Get optional interface and vrf names. */ if (yang_dnode_exists(dnode, "./interface")) ifname = yang_dnode_get_string(dnode, "./interface"); if (yang_dnode_exists(dnode, "./vrf")) vrfname = yang_dnode_get_string(dnode, "./vrf"); /* Generate the corresponding key. */ gen_bfd_key(bk, &psa, &lsa, mhop, ifname, vrfname); } static int bfd_session_create(enum nb_event event, const struct lyd_node *dnode, union nb_resource *resource, bool mhop) { struct bfd_session *bs; const char *ifname; struct bfd_key bk; struct prefix p; switch (event) { case NB_EV_VALIDATE: /* * When `dest-addr` is IPv6 and link-local we must * require interface name, otherwise we can't figure * which interface to use to send the packets. */ yang_dnode_get_prefix(&p, dnode, "./dest-addr"); /* * To support old FRR versions we must allow empty * interface to be specified, however that should * change in the future. */ if (yang_dnode_exists(dnode, "./interface")) ifname = yang_dnode_get_string(dnode, "./interface"); else ifname = ""; if (p.family == AF_INET6 && IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL(&p.u.prefix6) && strlen(ifname) == 0) { zlog_warn( "%s: when using link-local you must specify " "an interface.", __func__); return NB_ERR_VALIDATION; } break; case NB_EV_PREPARE: bfd_session_get_key(mhop, dnode, &bk); bs = bfd_key_lookup(bk); /* This session was already configured by another daemon. */ if (bs != NULL) { /* Now it is configured also by CLI. */ SET_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_CONFIG); bs->refcount++; resource->ptr = bs; break; } bs = bfd_session_new(); /* Fill the session key. */ bfd_session_get_key(mhop, dnode, &bs->key); /* Set configuration flags. */ bs->refcount = 1; SET_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_CONFIG); if (mhop) SET_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_MH); if (bs->key.family == AF_INET6) SET_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_IPV6); resource->ptr = bs; break; case NB_EV_APPLY: bs = resource->ptr; /* Only attempt to registrate if freshly allocated. */ if (bs->discrs.my_discr == 0 && bs_registrate(bs) == NULL) return NB_ERR_RESOURCE; nb_running_set_entry(dnode, bs); break; case NB_EV_ABORT: bs = resource->ptr; if (bs->refcount <= 1) bfd_session_free(resource->ptr); break; } return NB_OK; } static int bfd_session_destroy(enum nb_event event, const struct lyd_node *dnode, bool mhop) { struct bfd_session *bs; struct bfd_key bk; switch (event) { case NB_EV_VALIDATE: bfd_session_get_key(mhop, dnode, &bk); if (bfd_key_lookup(bk) == NULL) return NB_ERR_INCONSISTENCY; break; case NB_EV_PREPARE: /* NOTHING */ break; case NB_EV_APPLY: bs = nb_running_unset_entry(dnode); /* CLI is not using this session anymore. */ if (CHECK_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_CONFIG) == 0) break; UNSET_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_CONFIG); bs->refcount--; /* There are still daemons using it. */ if (bs->refcount > 0) break; bfd_session_free(bs); break; case NB_EV_ABORT: /* NOTHING */ break; } return NB_OK; } /* * XPath: /frr-bfdd:bfdd/bfd */ int bfdd_bfd_create(enum nb_event event, const struct lyd_node *dnode __attribute__((__unused__)), union nb_resource *resource __attribute__((__unused__))) { /* NOTHING */ return NB_OK; } int bfdd_bfd_destroy(enum nb_event event, const struct lyd_node *dnode) { switch (event) { case NB_EV_VALIDATE: /* NOTHING */ return NB_OK; case NB_EV_PREPARE: /* NOTHING */ return NB_OK; case NB_EV_APPLY: bfd_sessions_remove_manual(); break; case NB_EV_ABORT: /* NOTHING */ return NB_OK; } return NB_OK; } /* * XPath: /frr-bfdd:bfdd/bfd/sessions/single-hop */ int bfdd_bfd_sessions_single_hop_create(enum nb_event event, const struct lyd_node *dnode, union nb_resource *resource) { return bfd_session_create(event, dnode, resource, false); } int bfdd_bfd_sessions_single_hop_destroy(enum nb_event event, const struct lyd_node *dnode) { return bfd_session_destroy(event, dnode, false); } /* * XPath: /frr-bfdd:bfdd/bfd/sessions/single-hop/source-addr */ int bfdd_bfd_sessions_single_hop_source_addr_modify(enum nb_event event __attribute__((__unused__)), const struct lyd_node *dnode __attribute__((__unused__)), union nb_resource *resource __attribute__((__unused__))) { return NB_OK; } int bfdd_bfd_sessions_single_hop_source_addr_destroy( enum nb_event event __attribute__((__unused__)), const struct lyd_node *dnode __attribute__((__unused__))) { return NB_OK; } /* * XPath: /frr-bfdd:bfdd/bfd/sessions/single-hop/detection-multiplier */ int bfdd_bfd_sessions_single_hop_detection_multiplier_modify( enum nb_event event, const struct lyd_node *dnode, union nb_resource *resource __attribute__((__unused__))) { uint8_t detection_multiplier = yang_dnode_get_uint8(dnode, NULL); struct bfd_session *bs; switch (event) { case NB_EV_VALIDATE: break; case NB_EV_PREPARE: /* NOTHING */ break; case NB_EV_APPLY: bs = nb_running_get_entry(dnode, NULL, true); bs->detect_mult = detection_multiplier; break; case NB_EV_ABORT: /* NOTHING */ break; } return NB_OK; } /* * XPath: /frr-bfdd:bfdd/bfd/sessions/single-hop/desired-transmission-interval */ int bfdd_bfd_sessions_single_hop_desired_transmission_interval_modify( enum nb_event event, const struct lyd_node *dnode, union nb_resource *resource __attribute__((__unused__))) { uint32_t tx_interval = yang_dnode_get_uint32(dnode, NULL); struct bfd_session *bs; switch (event) { case NB_EV_VALIDATE: if (tx_interval < 10000 || tx_interval > 60000000) return NB_ERR_VALIDATION; break; case NB_EV_PREPARE: /* NOTHING */ break; case NB_EV_APPLY: bs = nb_running_get_entry(dnode, NULL, true); if (tx_interval == bs->timers.desired_min_tx) return NB_OK; bs->timers.desired_min_tx = tx_interval; bfd_set_polling(bs); break; case NB_EV_ABORT: /* NOTHING */ break; } return NB_OK; } /* * XPath: /frr-bfdd:bfdd/bfd/sessions/single-hop/required-receive-interval */ int bfdd_bfd_sessions_single_hop_required_receive_interval_modify( enum nb_event event, const struct lyd_node *dnode, union nb_resource *resource __attribute__((__unused__))) { uint32_t rx_interval = yang_dnode_get_uint32(dnode, NULL); struct bfd_session *bs; switch (event) { case NB_EV_VALIDATE: if (rx_interval < 10000 || rx_interval > 60000000) return NB_ERR_VALIDATION; break; case NB_EV_PREPARE: /* NOTHING */ break; case NB_EV_APPLY: bs = nb_running_get_entry(dnode, NULL, true); if (rx_interval == bs->timers.required_min_rx) return NB_OK; bs->timers.required_min_rx = rx_interval; bfd_set_polling(bs); break; case NB_EV_ABORT: /* NOTHING */ break; } return NB_OK; } /* * XPath: /frr-bfdd:bfdd/bfd/sessions/single-hop/administrative-down */ int bfdd_bfd_sessions_single_hop_administrative_down_modify( enum nb_event event, const struct lyd_node *dnode, union nb_resource *resource __attribute__((__unused__))) { bool shutdown = yang_dnode_get_bool(dnode, NULL); struct bfd_session *bs; switch (event) { case NB_EV_VALIDATE: case NB_EV_PREPARE: return NB_OK; case NB_EV_APPLY: break; case NB_EV_ABORT: return NB_OK; } bs = nb_running_get_entry(dnode, NULL, true); if (!shutdown) { if (!CHECK_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_SHUTDOWN)) return NB_OK; UNSET_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_SHUTDOWN); /* Change and notify state change. */ bs->ses_state = PTM_BFD_DOWN; control_notify(bs, bs->ses_state); /* Enable all timers. */ bfd_recvtimer_update(bs); bfd_xmttimer_update(bs, bs->xmt_TO); if (CHECK_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_ECHO)) { bfd_echo_recvtimer_update(bs); bfd_echo_xmttimer_update(bs, bs->echo_xmt_TO); } } else { if (CHECK_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_SHUTDOWN)) return NB_OK; SET_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_SHUTDOWN); /* Disable all events. */ bfd_recvtimer_delete(bs); bfd_echo_recvtimer_delete(bs); bfd_xmttimer_delete(bs); bfd_echo_xmttimer_delete(bs); /* Change and notify state change. */ bs->ses_state = PTM_BFD_ADM_DOWN; control_notify(bs, bs->ses_state); ptm_bfd_snd(bs, 0); } return NB_OK; } /* * XPath: /frr-bfdd:bfdd/bfd/sessions/single-hop/echo-mode */ int bfdd_bfd_sessions_single_hop_echo_mode_modify(enum nb_event event, const struct lyd_node *dnode, union nb_resource *resource __attribute__((__unused__))) { bool echo = yang_dnode_get_bool(dnode, NULL); struct bfd_session *bs; switch (event) { case NB_EV_VALIDATE: case NB_EV_PREPARE: return NB_OK; case NB_EV_APPLY: break; case NB_EV_ABORT: return NB_OK; } bs = nb_running_get_entry(dnode, NULL, true); if (!echo) { if (!CHECK_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_ECHO)) return NB_OK; UNSET_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_ECHO); ptm_bfd_echo_stop(bs); } else { if (CHECK_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_ECHO)) return NB_OK; SET_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_ECHO); /* Apply setting immediately. */ if (!CHECK_FLAG(bs->flags, BFD_SESS_FLAG_SHUTDOWN)) bs_echo_timer_handler(bs); } return NB_OK; } /* * XPath: * /frr-bfdd:bfdd/bfd/sessions/single-hop/desired-echo-transmission-interval */ int bfdd_bfd_sessions_single_hop_desired_echo_transmission_interval_modify( enum nb_event event, const struct lyd_node *dnode, union nb_resource *resource __attribute__((__unused__))) { uint32_t echo_interval = yang_dnode_get_uint32(dnode, NULL); struct bfd_session *bs; switch (event) { case NB_EV_VALIDATE: if (echo_interval < 10000 || echo_interval > 60000000) return NB_ERR_VALIDATION; break; case NB_EV_PREPARE: /* NOTHING */ break; case NB_EV_APPLY: bs = nb_running_get_entry(dnode, NULL, true); if (echo_interval == bs->timers.required_min_echo) return NB_OK; bs->timers.required_min_echo = echo_interval; break; case NB_EV_ABORT: /* NOTHING */ break; } return NB_OK; } /* * XPath: /frr-bfdd:bfdd/bfd/sessions/multi-hop */ int bfdd_bfd_sessions_multi_hop_create(enum nb_event event, const struct lyd_node *dnode, union nb_resource *resource) { return bfd_session_create(event, dnode, resource, true); } int bfdd_bfd_sessions_multi_hop_destroy(enum nb_event event, const struct lyd_node *dnode) { return bfd_session_destroy(event, dnode, true); }