module frr-vrrpd { yang-version 1.1; namespace ""; prefix frr-vrrpd; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import frr-interface { prefix frr-interface; } organization "FRRouting"; contact "FRR Users List: FRR Development List: "; description "This module defines a model for managing FRR vrrpd daemon."; revision 2019-09-09 { description "Initial revision."; } grouping ip-vrrp-config { description "Configuration data for VRRP on IP interfaces"; leaf virtual-router-id { type uint8 { range "1..255"; } description "Set the virtual router id for use by the VRRP group. This usually also determines the virtual MAC address that is generated for the VRRP group"; } leaf version { type enumeration { enum "2" { value 2; description "VRRP version 2."; } enum "3" { value 3; description "VRRP version 3."; } } default "3"; } leaf priority { type uint8 { range "1..254"; } default "100"; description "Specifies the sending VRRP interface's priority for the virtual router. Higher values equal higher priority"; } leaf preempt { type boolean; default "true"; description "When set to true, enables preemption by a higher priority backup router of a lower priority master router"; } leaf accept-mode { type boolean; default "true"; description "Configure whether packets destined for virtual addresses are accepted even when the virtual address is not owned by the router interface"; } leaf advertisement-interval { type uint16 { range "1..4095"; } units "centiseconds"; default "100"; description "Sets the interval between successive VRRP advertisements -- RFC 5798 defines this as a 12-bit value expressed as 0.1 seconds, with default 100, i.e., 1 second. Several implementation express this in units of seconds"; } leaf shutdown { type boolean; default "false"; description "Administrative shutdown for this VRRP group."; } } grouping ip-vrrp-state { description "Grouping for operational state data for a virtual router"; leaf current-priority { type uint8; config false; description "Operational value of the priority for the interface in the VRRP group."; } leaf vrrp-interface { type frr-interface:interface-ref; config false; description "The interface used to transmit VRRP traffic."; } leaf source-address { type inet:ip-address; config false; description "The source IP address used for VRRP advertisements."; } leaf state { type enumeration { enum "Initialize" { description "State when virtual router is waiting for a Startup event."; } enum "Master" { description "State when virtual router is functioning as the forwarding router for the virtual addresses."; } enum "Backup" { description "State when virtual router is monitoring the availability and state of the Master router."; } } config false; } leaf master-advertisement-interval { type uint16 { range "0..4095"; } units "centiseconds"; config false; description "Advertisement interval contained in advertisements received from the Master."; } leaf skew-time { type uint16; units "centiseconds"; config false; description "Time to skew Master_Down_Interval."; } container counter { config false; leaf state-transition { type yang:zero-based-counter32; description "Number of state transitions the virtual router has experienced."; } container tx { leaf advertisement { type yang:zero-based-counter32; description "Number of sent VRRP advertisements."; } } container rx { leaf advertisement { type yang:zero-based-counter32; description "Number of received VRRP advertisements."; } } } } grouping ip-vrrp-top { description "Top-level grouping for Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol"; container vrrp { description "Enclosing container for VRRP groups handled by this IP interface"; reference "RFC 5798 - Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Version 3 for IPv4 and IPv6"; list vrrp-group { key "virtual-router-id"; description "List of VRRP groups, keyed by virtual router id"; uses ip-vrrp-config; container v4 { leaf-list virtual-address { type inet:ipv4-address; description "Configure one or more IPv4 virtual addresses for the VRRP group"; } uses ip-vrrp-state { augment "./counter/tx" { leaf gratuitous-arp { type yang:zero-based-counter32; description "Number of sent gratuitous ARP requests."; } } } } container v6 { when "../version = 3"; leaf-list virtual-address { type inet:ipv6-address; description "Configure one or more IPv6 virtual addresses for the VRRP group"; } uses ip-vrrp-state { augment "./counter/tx" { leaf neighbor-advertisement { type yang:zero-based-counter32; description "Number of sent unsolicited Neighbor Advertisements."; } } } } } } } augment "/frr-interface:lib/frr-interface:interface" { uses ip-vrrp-top; } }