path: root/src/lib
diff options
authorPiotrek Zadroga <>2023-10-12 22:09:45 +0200
committerPiotrek Zadroga <>2024-01-09 11:38:08 +0100
commit72225055c2795e053e4877864877791923ad4d3e (patch)
tree9a82df76e5cea38bd1c7b5616d85c7c3d38cd7a6 /src/lib
parent[#3074] change option type to binary (diff)
[#3074] unpack reworked
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dhcp/ b/src/lib/dhcp/
index 7de001a846..c2a4c98578 100644
--- a/src/lib/dhcp/
+++ b/src/lib/dhcp/
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
#include <util/strutil.h>
-#include <boost/algorithm/string/erase.hpp>
+#include <asiolink/io_error.h>
#include <option_classless_static_route.h>
using namespace isc::asiolink;
@@ -65,87 +64,143 @@ OptionClasslessStaticRoute::unpack(OptionBufferConstIter begin, OptionBufferCons
if (*begin_copy == '-') {
if (begin_copy == end) {
// no separator found, assuming this is a hex on-wire data
- setData(begin, end); // TODO: do this or parse hex and feed static_routes_
- // TODO: pack(), toText(), len() etc. basing on _data
+ while (begin != end) {
+ // check for truncated data for each static route
+ if (distance(begin, end) < 5) {
+ isc_throw(OutOfRange, "DHCPv4 OptionClasslessStaticRoute "
+ << type_ << " has invalid length=" << distance(begin, end)
+ << ", must be at least 5.");
+ }
+ // 1st octet is a width of subnet mask
+ uint8_t mask_width = *begin;
+ if (mask_width > 32) {
+ isc_throw(BadValue, "DHCPv4 OptionClasslessStaticRoute "
+ << type_ << " has invalid value, provided width of subnet mask "
+ << static_cast<int>(mask_width) << " is not valid.");
+ }
+ uint8_t significant_octets = calcSignificantOctets(mask_width);
+ ++begin;
+ // once we know haw many significant octets there are, check for truncated data again
+ if (distance(begin, end) < (significant_octets + V4ADDRESS_LEN)) {
+ isc_throw(OutOfRange, "DHCPv4 OptionClasslessStaticRoute "
+ << type_ << " is truncated.");
+ }
+ // following octets are significant octets of the subnet nr
+ uint32_t subnet_octets;
+ IOAddress subnet_nr = asiolink::IOAddress::IPV4_ZERO_ADDRESS();
+ switch (significant_octets) {
+ case 0:
+ // no-op - this is subnet
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ subnet_octets = *begin;
+ subnet_nr = IOAddress(subnet_octets << 24);
+ break ;
+ case 2:
+ subnet_octets = readUint16(&(*begin), distance(begin, end));
+ subnet_nr = IOAddress(subnet_octets << 16);
+ break ;
+ case 3:
+ // we are reading one octet too much in this case,
+ // but since we did check for truncated data before,
+ // we are safe do so and mask 4th octet with zeros
+ subnet_octets = readUint32(&(*begin), distance(begin, end));
+ subnet_nr = IOAddress(subnet_octets & 0xFFFFFF00);
+ break ;
+ case 4:
+ subnet_octets = readUint32(&(*begin), distance(begin, end));
+ subnet_nr = IOAddress(subnet_octets);
+ break;
+ }
+ begin += significant_octets;
+ // last comes router IPv4 address
+ IOAddress router_addr = IOAddress(readUint32(&(*begin), distance(begin, end)));
+ begin += V4ADDRESS_LEN;
+ StaticRouteTuple route = std::make_tuple(subnet_nr, mask_width, router_addr);
+ static_routes_.push_back(route);
+ }
} else {
// separator was found, assuming this is option data string from config
std::string buffer_to_str = std::string(begin, end);
// this option allows more than one static route, so let's separate them using comma
- std::vector<std::string> tokens = util::str::tokens(buffer_to_str, std::string(","));
- std::ostringstream stream;
+ std::vector<std::string> tokens = str::tokens(buffer_to_str, std::string(","));
for (const auto& route_str : tokens) {
- std::vector<std::string> parts = util::str::tokens(util::str::trim(route_str), std::string("-"));
+ std::vector<std::string> parts = str::tokens(str::trim(route_str), std::string("-"));
if (parts.size() != 2) {
isc_throw(BadValue, "DHCPv4 OptionClasslessStaticRoute "
<< type_ << " has invalid value, route definition must"
- " have format as in example: -, "
- " -");
+ " have format as in example:"
+ " -");
- std::string txt = parts[0];
- // first let's remove any whitespaces
- boost::erase_all(txt, " "); // space
- boost::erase_all(txt, "\t"); // tabulation
+ std::string txt_prefix = str::trim(parts[0]);
// Is this prefix/len notation?
- size_t pos = txt.find("/");
+ size_t pos = txt_prefix.find('/');
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
isc_throw(BadValue, "DHCPv4 OptionClasslessStaticRoute "
<< type_ << " has invalid value, provided IPv4 prefix "
<< parts[0] << " is not valid.");
- std::string txt_address = txt.substr(0, pos);
- isc::asiolink::IOAddress address = isc::asiolink::IOAddress(txt_address);
- if (!address.isV4()) {
+ std::string txt_subnet_nr = txt_prefix.substr(0, pos);
+ IOAddress subnet_nr = IOAddress("::");
+ try {
+ subnet_nr = IOAddress(txt_subnet_nr);
+ if (!subnet_nr.isV4()) {
+ isc_throw(IOError, "");
+ }
+ } catch (const IOError& e) {
isc_throw(BadValue, "DHCPv4 OptionClasslessStaticRoute "
- << type_ << " has invalid value, provided address "
- << txt_address
- << " is not a valid IPv4 address.");
+ << type_ << " has invalid value, provided subnet_nr "
+ << txt_subnet_nr << " is not a valid IPv4 address.");
- std::string txt_prefix = txt.substr(pos + 1);
- uint8_t len = 0;
+ std::string txt_prefix_len = txt_prefix.substr(pos + 1);
+ int8_t len = 0;
try {
- // start with the first character after /
- len = static_cast<uint8_t>(boost::lexical_cast<int64_t>(txt_prefix));
+ // We should be able to lexically cast IPv4 prefix len to short int,
+ // and then downcast it to signed char. After that len<=32 check is
+ // also required.
+ len = boost::numeric_cast<int8_t>(boost::lexical_cast<int16_t>(txt_prefix_len));
+ if (len > 32) {
+ isc_throw(BadValue, "");
+ }
} catch (...) {
isc_throw(BadValue, "DHCPv4 OptionClasslessStaticRoute "
<< type_ << " has invalid value, provided prefix len "
- << txt_prefix
- << " is not valid.");
+ << txt_prefix_len << " is not valid.");
- stream << route_str << ", ";
- }
- isc_throw(OutOfRange, "DHCPv4 OptionClasslessStaticRoute unpack from string '" + (buffer_to_str) + "' tokens: " + stream.str());
- }
- while (begin != end) {
- // Subnet number IP address e.g.
- const uint8_t* ptr = &(*begin);
- auto subnet_nr = IOAddress(readUint32(ptr, distance(begin, end)));
- begin += V4ADDRESS_LEN;
- // Subnet mask e.g.
- uint32_t subnet_mask = readUint32(ptr + V4ADDRESS_LEN, distance(begin, end));
- uint8_t mask_width = calcMaskWidth(subnet_mask);
- begin += V4ADDRESS_LEN;
- // Router IP address
- auto router_addr = IOAddress(readUint32(ptr + (2 * V4ADDRESS_LEN), distance(begin, end)));
- begin += V4ADDRESS_LEN;
+ IOAddress router_addr = IOAddress("::");
+ try {
+ router_addr = IOAddress(str::trim(parts[1]));
+ if (!router_addr.isV4()) {
+ isc_throw(IOError, "");
+ }
+ } catch (const IOError& e) {
+ isc_throw(BadValue, "DHCPv4 OptionClasslessStaticRoute "
+ << type_ << " has invalid value, provided router address "
+ << parts[1] << " is not a valid IPv4 address.");
+ }
- StaticRouteTuple route = std::make_tuple(subnet_nr, mask_width, router_addr);
- static_routes_.push_back(route);
+ StaticRouteTuple route = std::make_tuple(subnet_nr, len, router_addr);
+ static_routes_.push_back(route);
+ }