This is the source for the development version of BIND 10. BIND is the popular implementation of a DNS server, developer interfaces, and DNS tools. BIND 10 is a rewrite of BIND 9 and ISC DHCP. BIND 10 is written in C++ and Python and provides a modular environment for serving, maintaining, and developing DNS and DHCP. BIND10-devel is new development leading up to the production BIND 10 release. It contains prototype code and experimental interfaces. Nevertheless it is ready to use now for testing the new BIND 10 infrastructure ideas. This release includes the bind10 master process, b10-msgq message bus, b10-auth authoritative DNS server (with SQLite3 and in-memory backends), b10-resolver recursive or forwarding DNS server, b10-cmdctl remote control daemon, b10-cfgmgr configuration manager, b10-xfrin AXFR inbound service, b10-xfrout outgoing AXFR service, b10-zonemgr secondary manager, b10-stats statistics collection and reporting daemon, b10-stats-httpd for HTTP access to XML-formatted stats, b10-host DNS lookup utility, and a new libdns++ library for C++ with a python wrapper. BIND 10 also provides experimental DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 servers, b10-dhcp4 and b10-dhcp6, a portable DHCP library, libdhcp++, and a DHCP benchmarking tool, perfdhcp. Documentation is included with the source. See doc/guide/bind10-guide.txt (or bind10-guide.html) for installation instructions. The documentation is also available via the BIND 10 website at The latest released source tar file may be downloaded from: Users and developers are encouraged to participate on the BIND 10 mailing lists: Bugs may be reported as tickets via the developers website: Simple build and installation instructions: ./configure make make install If building from Git repository, run: autoreconf --install before running ./configure See the Guide for detailed installation directions at doc/guide/bind10-guide.txt. For operating system specific tips see the wiki at: Please see the wiki and the doc/ directory for various documentation.