Logging Configuration During its operation Kea may produce many messages. They differ in severity (some are more important than others) and source (some are produced by specific components, e.g. hooks). It is useful to understand which log messages are needed and which are not, and configure your logging appropriately. For example, debug level messages can be safely ignored in a typical deployment. They are, however, very useful when debugging a problem. The logging system in Kea is configured through the Logging section in your configuration file. All daemons (e.g. DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 servers) will use the configuration in the Logging section to see what should be logged and to where. This allows for sharing identical logging configuration between daemons.
Loggers Within Kea, a message is logged through an entity called a "logger". Different components log messages through different loggers, and each logger can be configured independently of one another. Some components, in particular the DHCP server processes, may use multiple loggers to log messages pertaining to different logical functions of the component. For example, the DHCPv4 server uses one logger for messages pertaining to packet reception and transmission, another logger for messages related to lease allocation and so on. Some of the libraries used by the Kea servers, e.g. libdhcpsrv, use their own loggers. Users implementing hooks libraries (code attached to the server at runtime) are responsible for creating the loggers used by those libraries. Such loggers should have unique names, different from the logger names used by Kea. In this way the messages output by the hooks library can be distinguished from messages issued by the core Kea code. Unique names also allow the loggers to be configured independently of loggers used by Kea. Whenever it makes sense, a hook library can use multiple loggers to log messages pertaining to different logical parts of the library. In the Logging section of a configuration file you can specify the configuration for zero or more loggers (including loggers used by the proprietary hooks libraries). If there are no loggers specified, the code will use default values: these cause Kea to log messages of INFO severity or greater to standard output. There is also a small time window after Kea has been started, but has not yet read its configuration. Logging in this short period can be controlled using environment variables. For details, see . The three main elements of a logger configuration are: name (the component that is generating the messages), the severity (what to log), and the output_commands (where to log). There is also a debuglevel element, which is only relevant if debug-level logging has been selected.
name (string) Each logger in the system has a name, the name being that of the component binary file using it to log messages. For instance, if you want to configure logging for the DHCPv4 server, you add an entry for a logger named kea-dhcp4. This configuration will then be used by the loggers in the DHCPv4 server, and all the libraries used by it (unless a library defines its own logger and there is specific logger configuration that applies to that logger). When tracking down an issue with the server's operation, use of DEBUG logging is required to obtain the verbose output needed for problems diagnosis. However, the high verbosity is likely to overwhelm the logging system in cases when the server is processing high volume traffic. To mitigate this problem, use can be made of the fact that Kea uses multiple loggers for different functional parts of the server and that each of these can be configured independently. If the user is reasonably confident that a problem originates in a specific function of the server, or that the problem is related to the specific type of operation, they may enable high verbosity only for the relevant logger, so limiting the debug messages to the required minimum. The loggers are associated with a particular library or binary of Kea. However, each library or binary may (and usually does) include multiple loggers. For example, the DHCPv4 server binary contains separate loggers for: packet parsing, for dropped packets, for callouts etc. The loggers form a hierarchy. For each program in Kea, there is a "root" logger, named after the program (e.g. the root logger for kea-dhcp (the DHCPv4 server) is named kea-dhcp4. All other loggers are children of this logger, and are named accordingly, e.g. the the allocation engine in the DHCPv4 server logs messages using a logger called kea-dhcp4.alloc-engine. This relationship is important as each child logger derives its default configuration from its parent root logger. In the typical case, the root logger configuration is the only logging configuration specified in the configuration file and so applies to all loggers. If an entry is made for a given logger, any attributes specified override those of the root logger, whereas any not specified are inherited from it. To illustrate this, suppose you are using the DHCPv4 server with the root logger kea-dhcp4 logging at the INFO level. In order to enable DEBUG verbosity for the DHCPv4 packet drops, you must create configuration entry for the logger called kea-dhcp4.bad-packets and specify severity DEBUG for this logger. All other configuration parameters may be omitted for this logger if the logger should use the default values specified in the root logger's configuration. If there are multiple logger specifications in the configuration that might match a particular logger, the specification with the more specific logger name takes precedence. For example, if there are entries for both kea-dhcp4 and kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv, the DHCPv4 server — and all libraries it uses that are not dhcpsrv — will log messages according to the configuration in the first entry (kea-dhcp4). Currently defined loggers are: kea-ctrl-agent - the root logger for the Control Agent exposing RESTful control API. All components used by the Control Agent inherit the settings from this logger. kea-ctrl-agent.http - a logger which outputs log messages related to receiving, parsing and sending HTTP messages. kea-dhcp4 - the root logger for the DHCPv4 server. All components used by the DHCPv4 server inherit the settings from this logger. kea-dhcp4.alloc-engine - used by the lease allocation engine, which is responsible for managing leases in the lease database, i.e. create, modify and remove DHCPv4 leases as a result of processing messages from the clients. kea-dhcp4.bad-packets - used by the DHCPv4 server daemon for logging inbound client packets that were dropped or to which the server responded with a DHCPNAK. It allows administrators to configure a separate log output that contains only packet drop and reject entries. kea-dhcp4.callouts - used to log messages pertaining to the callouts registration and execution for the particular hook point. kea-dhcp4.commands - used to log messages relating to the handling of commands received by the the DHCPv4 server over the command channel. kea-dhcp4.ddns - used by the DHCPv4 server to log messages related to the Client FQDN and Hostname option processing. It also includes log messages related to the relevant DNS updates. kea-dhcp4.dhcp4 - used by the DHCPv4 server daemon to log basic operations. kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv - the base logger for the libdhcpsrv library. kea-dhcp4.eval - used to log messages relating to the client classification expression evaluation code. kea-dhcp4.hooks - used to log messages related to management of hooks libraries, e.g. registration and deregistration of the libraries, and to the initialization of the callouts execution for various hook points within the DHCPv4 server. kea-dhcp4.hosts - used within the libdhcpsrv and it logs messages related to the management of the DHCPv4 host reservations, i.e. retrieval of the reservations and adding new reservations. kea-dhcp4.leases - used by the DHCPv4 server to log messages related to the lease allocation. The messages include detailed information about the allocated or offered leases, errors during the lease allocation etc. kea-dhcp4.options - used by the DHCPv4 server to log messages related to processing of the options in the DHCPv4 messages, i.e. parsing options, encoding options into on-wire format and packet classification using options contained in the received packets. kea-dhcp4.packets - this logger is mostly used to log messages related to transmission of the DHCPv4 packets, i.e. packet reception and sending a response. Such messages include information about the source and destination IP addresses and interfaces used to transmit packets. The logger is also used to log messages related to subnet selection, as this selection is usually based on the IP addresses and/or interface names, which can be retrieved from the received packet, even before the DHCPv4 message carried in the packet is parsed. kea-dhcp4.stat-cmds-hooks - this logger is used to log messages related to operation of the Stats Cmds hooks library. In general these will pertain to loading and unloading the library and the execution of commands by the library. kea-dhcp6 - the root logger for the DHCPv6 server. All components used by the DHCPv6 server inherit the settings from this logger if there is no specialized logger provided. kea-dhcp6.alloc-engine - used used by the lease allocation engine, which is responsible for managing leases in the lease database, i.e. create, modify and remove DHCPv6 leases as a result of processing messages from the clients. kea-dhcp6.bad-packets - used used by the DHCPv6 server daemon for logging inbound client packets that were dropped. kea-dhcp6.callouts - used to log messages pertaining to the callouts registration and execution for the particular hook point. kea-dhcp6.commands - used to log messages relating to the handling of commands received by the the DHCPv6 server over the command channel. kea-dhcp6.ddns - this logger is used by the DHCPv6 server to log messages related to the Client FQDN option processing. It also includes log messages related to the relevant DNS updates. kea-dhcp6.dhcp6 - used DHCPv6 server daemon to log basic operations. kea-dhcp6.dhcpsrv - the base logger for the libdhcpsrv library. kea-dhcp6.eval - used to log messages relating to the client classification expression evaluation code. kea-dhcp6.hooks - this logger is used to log messages related to management of hooks libraries, e.g. registration and deregistration of the libraries, and to the initialization of the callouts execution for various hook points within the DHCPv6 server. kea-dhcp6.hosts - used within the libdhcpsrv and it logs messages related to the management of the DHCPv6 host reservations, i.e. retrieval of the reservations and adding new reservations. kea-dhcp6.leases - used by the DHCPv6 server to log messages related to the lease allocation. The messages include detailed information about the allocated or offered leases, errors during the lease allocation etc. kea-dhcp6.options - used by the DHCPv6 server to log messages related to processing of the options in the DHCPv6 messages, i.e. parsing options, encoding options into on-wire format and packet classification using options contained in the received packets. kea-dhcp6.packets - this logger is mostly used to log messages related to transmission of the DHCPv6 packets, i.e. packet reception and sending a response. Such messages include the information about the source and destination IP addresses and interfaces used to transmit packets. This logger is also used to log messages related to subnet selection, as this selection is usually based on the IP addresses and/or interface names, which can be retrieved from the received packet, even before the DHCPv6 message carried in the packet is parsed. kea-dhcp6.stat-cmds-hooks - this logger is used to log messages related to operation of the Stats Cmds hooks library. In general these will pertain to loading and unloading the library and the execution of commands by the library. kea-dhcp-ddns - the root logger for the kea-dhcp-ddns daemon. All components used by this daemon inherit the settings from this logger if there is no specialized logger provided. kea-dhcp-ddns.dctl - the logger used by the kea-dhcp-ddns daemon for logging basic information about the process, received signals and triggered reconfigurations. kea-dhcp-ddns.dhcpddns - the logger used by the kea-dhcp-ddns daemon for logging events related to DDNS operations. kea-dhcp-ddns.dhcp-to-d2 - used by the kea-dhcp-ddns daemon for logging information about events dealing with receiving messages from the DHCP servers and adding them to the queue for processing. kea-dhcp-ddns.d2-to-dns - used by the kea-dhcp-ddns daemon for logging information about events dealing with sending and receiving messages with the DNS servers. Note that user-defined hook libraries should not use any of those loggers but should define new loggers with names that correspond to the libraries using them. Suppose that the user created the library called libpacket-capture to dump packets received and transmitted by the server to the file. The appropriate name for the logger could be kea-dhcp4.packet-capture. (Note that the hook library implementor only specifies the second part of this name, i.e. packet-capture. The first part is a root logger name and is prepended by the Kea logging system.) It is also important to note that since this new logger is a child of a root logger, it inherits the configuration from the root logger, something that can be overridden by an entry in the configuration file. The list of loggers above excludes any loggers implemented in hooks libraries. Please consult the documentation for the libraries for the names of the loggers they define. Additional loggers may be defined in future versions of Kea. The easiest way to find out the logger name is to configure all logging to go to a single destination and look for specific logger names. See for details.
severity (string) This specifies the category of messages logged. Each message is logged with an associated severity which may be one of the following (in descending order of severity): FATAL - associated with messages generated by a condition that is so serious that the server cannot continue executing. ERROR- associated with messages generated by an error condition. The server will continue executing, but the results may not be as expected. WARN - indicates an out of the ordinary condition. However, the server will continue executing normally. INFO - an informational message marking some event. DEBUG - messages produced for debugging purposes. When the severity of a logger is set to one of these values, it will only log messages of that severity and above (e.g. setting the logging severity to INFO will log INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL messages). The severity may also be set to NONE, in which case all messages from that logger are inhibited. The keactrl tool, described in , can be configured to start the servers in the verbose mode. If this is the case, the settings of the logging severity in the configuration file will have no effect, i.e. the servers will use logging severity of DEBUG regardless of the logging settings specified in the configuration file. If you need to control severity via configuration file, please make sure that the kea_verbose value is set to "no" within the keactrl configuration.
debuglevel (integer) When a logger's severity is set to DEBUG, this value specifies what level of debug messages should be printed. It ranges from 0 (least verbose) to 99 (most verbose). If severity for the logger is not DEBUG, this value is ignored.
output_options (list) Each logger can have zero or more . These specify where log messages are sent. These are explained in detail below.
output (string) This value determines the type of output. There are several special values allowed here: stdout (messages are printed on standard output), stderr (messages are printed on stderr), syslog (messages are logged to syslog using default name, syslog:name (messages are logged to syslog using specified name). Any other value is interpreted as a filename to which messages should be written.
flush (true of false) Flush buffers after each log message. Doing this will reduce performance but will ensure that if the program terminates abnormally, all messages up to the point of termination are output. The default is "true".
maxsize (integer) Only relevant when the destination is a file. This is maximum size in bytes that a log file may reach. When the maximum size is reached, the file is renamed and a new file opened. For example, a ".1" is appended to the name — if a ".1" file exists, it is renamed ".2", etc. This is referred to as rotation. The default value is 10240000 (10MB). The smallest value that may be specified without disabling rotation is 204800. Any value less than this, including 0, disables rotation. Due to a limitation of the underlying logging library (log4cplus), rolling over the log files (from ".1" to ".2", etc) may show odd results: There can be multiple small files at the timing of roll over. This can happen when multiple processes try to roll over the files simultaneously. Version 1.1.0 of log4cplus solved this problem, so if this version or later of log4cplus is used to build Kea, it should not happen. Even for older versions it is normally expected to happen rarely unless the log messages are produced very frequently by multiple different processes.
maxver (integer) Only relevant when the destination is file and rotation is enabled (i.e. maxsize is large enough). This is maximum number of rotated versions that will be kept. Once that number of files has been reached, the oldest file, "log-name.maxver", will be discarded each time the log rotates. In other words, at most there will be the active log file plus maxver rotated files. The minimum and default value is 1.
Example Logger Configurations In this example we want to set the global logging to write to the console using standard output. "Logging": { "loggers": [ { "name": "kea-dhcp4", "output_options": [ { "output": "stdout" } ], "severity": "WARN" } ] } In this second example, we want to store debug log messages in a file that is at most 2MB and keep up to 8 copies of old logfiles. Once the logfile grows to 2MB, it will be renamed and a new file file be created. "Logging": { "loggers": [ { "name": "kea-dhcp6", "output_options": [ { "output": "/var/log/kea-debug.log", "maxver": 8, "maxsize": 204800, "flush": true } ], "severity": "DEBUG", "debuglevel": 99 } ] }
Logging Message Format Each message written to the configured logging destinations comprises a number of components that identify the origin of the message and, if the message indicates a problem, information about the problem that may be useful in fixing it. Consider the message below logged to a file: 2014-04-11 12:58:01.005 INFO [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv/27456] DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_DB opening memory file lease database: type=memfile universe=4 Note: the layout of messages written to the system logging file (syslog) may be slightly different. This message has been split across two lines here for display reasons; in the logging file, it will appear on one line. The log message comprises a number of components: 2014-04-11 12:58:01.005 The date and time at which the message was generated. INFO The severity of the message. [kea-dhcp4.dhcpsrv/27456] The source of the message. This comprises two elements: the Kea process generating the message (in this case, kea-dhcp4) and the component within the program from which the message originated (dhcpsrv, which is the name of the common library used by DHCP server implementations). The number after the slash is a process id (pid). DHCPSRV_MEMFILE_DB The message identification. Every message in Kea has a unique identification, which can be used as an index into the Kea Messages Manual (http://kea.isc.org/docs/kea-messages.html) from which more information can be obtained. opening memory file lease database: type=memfile universe=4 A brief description. Within this text, information relating to the condition that caused the message to be logged will be included. In this example, the information is logged that the in-memory lease database backend will be used to store DHCP leases.
Logging During Kea Startup The logging configuration is specified in the configuration file. However, when Kea starts, the file is not read until some way into the initialization process. Prior to that, the logging settings are set to default values, although it is possible to modify some aspects of the settings by means of environment variables. Note that in the absence of any logging configuration in the configuration file, the settings of (possibly modified) default configuration will persist while the program is running. The following environment variables can be used to control the behavior of logging during startup: KEA_LOCKFILE_DIR Specifies a directory where the logging system should create its lock file. If not specified, it is prefix/var/run/kea, where prefix defaults to /usr/local. This variable must not end with a slash. There is one special value: "none", which instructs Kea to not create lock file at all. This may cause issues if several processes log to the same file. KEA_LOGGER_DESTINATION Specifies logging output. There are several special values. stdout Log to standard output. stderr Log to standard error. syslog:fac Log via syslog. The optional fac (which is separated from the word "syslog" by a colon) specifies the facility to be used for the log messages. Unless specified, messages will be logged using the facility "local0". Any other value is treated as a name of the output file. If not specified otherwise, Kea will log to standard output.