/* Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ %skeleton "lalr1.cc" /* -*- C++ -*- */ %require "3.0.0" %defines %define parser_class_name {Dhcp6Parser} %define api.prefix {parser6_} %define api.token.constructor %define api.value.type variant %define api.namespace {isc::dhcp} %define parse.assert %code requires { #include #include #include #include #include using namespace isc::dhcp; using namespace isc::data; using namespace std; } // The parsing context. %param { isc::dhcp::Parser6Context& ctx } %locations %define parse.trace %define parse.error verbose %code { #include } %define api.token.prefix {TOKEN_} // Tokens in an order which makes sense and related to the intented use. // Actual regexps for tokens are defined in dhcp6_lexer.ll. %token END 0 "end of file" COMMA "," COLON ":" LSQUARE_BRACKET "[" RSQUARE_BRACKET "]" LCURLY_BRACKET "{" RCURLY_BRACKET "}" NULL_TYPE "null" DHCP6 "Dhcp6" INTERFACES_CONFIG "interfaces-config" INTERFACES "interfaces" RE_DETECT "re-detect" LEASE_DATABASE "lease-database" HOSTS_DATABASE "hosts-database" TYPE "type" MEMFILE "memfile" MYSQL "mysql" POSTGRESQL "postgresql" CQL "cql" USER "user" PASSWORD "password" HOST "host" PORT "port" PERSIST "persist" LFC_INTERVAL "lfc-interval" READONLY "readonly" CONNECT_TIMEOUT "connect-timeout" CONTACT_POINTS "contact-points" KEYSPACE "keyspace" PREFERRED_LIFETIME "preferred-lifetime" VALID_LIFETIME "valid-lifetime" RENEW_TIMER "renew-timer" REBIND_TIMER "rebind-timer" DECLINE_PROBATION_PERIOD "decline-probation-period" SUBNET6 "subnet6" OPTION_DEF "option-def" OPTION_DATA "option-data" NAME "name" DATA "data" CODE "code" SPACE "space" CSV_FORMAT "csv-format" RECORD_TYPES "record-types" ENCAPSULATE "encapsulate" ARRAY "array" POOLS "pools" POOL "pool" PD_POOLS "pd-pools" PREFIX "prefix" PREFIX_LEN "prefix-len" EXCLUDED_PREFIX "excluded-prefix" EXCLUDED_PREFIX_LEN "excluded-prefix-len" DELEGATED_LEN "delegated-len" USER_CONTEXT "user-context" SUBNET "subnet" INTERFACE "interface" INTERFACE_ID "interface-id" ID "id" RAPID_COMMIT "rapid-commit" RESERVATION_MODE "reservation-mode" DISABLED "disabled" OUT_OF_POOL "out-of-pool" ALL "all" MAC_SOURCES "mac-sources" RELAY_SUPPLIED_OPTIONS "relay-supplied-options" HOST_RESERVATION_IDENTIFIERS "host-reservation-identifiers" CLIENT_CLASSES "client-classes" TEST "test" CLIENT_CLASS "client-class" RESERVATIONS "reservations" IP_ADDRESSES "ip-addresses" PREFIXES "prefixes" DUID "duid" HW_ADDRESS "hw-address" HOSTNAME "hostname" FLEX_ID "flex-id" RELAY "relay" IP_ADDRESS "ip-address" HOOKS_LIBRARIES "hooks-libraries" LIBRARY "library" PARAMETERS "parameters" EXPIRED_LEASES_PROCESSING "expired-leases-processing" RECLAIM_TIMER_WAIT_TIME "reclaim-timer-wait-time" FLUSH_RECLAIMED_TIMER_WAIT_TIME "flush-reclaimed-timer-wait-time" HOLD_RECLAIMED_TIME "hold-reclaimed-time" MAX_RECLAIM_LEASES "max-reclaim-leases" MAX_RECLAIM_TIME "max-reclaim-time" UNWARNED_RECLAIM_CYCLES "unwarned-reclaim-cycles" SERVER_ID "server-id" LLT "LLT" EN "EN" LL "LL" IDENTIFIER "identifier" HTYPE "htype" TIME "time" ENTERPRISE_ID "enterprise-id" DHCP4O6_PORT "dhcp4o6-port" CONTROL_SOCKET "control-socket" SOCKET_TYPE "socket-type" SOCKET_NAME "socket-name" DHCP_DDNS "dhcp-ddns" ENABLE_UPDATES "enable-updates" QUALIFYING_SUFFIX "qualifying-suffix" SERVER_IP "server-ip" SERVER_PORT "server-port" SENDER_IP "sender-ip" SENDER_PORT "sender-port" MAX_QUEUE_SIZE "max-queue-size" NCR_PROTOCOL "ncr-protocol" NCR_FORMAT "ncr-format" ALWAYS_INCLUDE_FQDN "always-include-fqdn" OVERRIDE_NO_UPDATE "override-no-update" OVERRIDE_CLIENT_UPDATE "override-client-update" REPLACE_CLIENT_NAME "replace-client-name" GENERATED_PREFIX "generated-prefix" UDP "UDP" TCP "TCP" JSON "JSON" WHEN_PRESENT "when-present" NEVER "never" ALWAYS "always" WHEN_NOT_PRESENT "when-not-present" LOGGING "Logging" LOGGERS "loggers" OUTPUT_OPTIONS "output_options" OUTPUT "output" DEBUGLEVEL "debuglevel" SEVERITY "severity" FLUSH "flush" MAXSIZE "maxsize" MAXVER "maxver" DHCP4 "Dhcp4" DHCPDDNS "DhcpDdns" CONTROL_AGENT "Control-agent" // Not real tokens, just a way to signal what the parser is expected to // parse. TOPLEVEL_JSON TOPLEVEL_DHCP6 SUB_DHCP6 SUB_INTERFACES6 SUB_SUBNET6 SUB_POOL6 SUB_PD_POOL SUB_RESERVATION SUB_OPTION_DEF SUB_OPTION_DATA SUB_HOOKS_LIBRARY SUB_DHCP_DDNS ; %token STRING "constant string" %token INTEGER "integer" %token FLOAT "floating point" %token BOOLEAN "boolean" %type value %type map_value %type db_type %type hr_mode %type duid_type %type ncr_protocol_value %type replace_client_name_value %printer { yyoutput << $$; } <*>; %% // The whole grammar starts with a map, because the config file // consists of Dhcp, Logger and DhcpDdns entries in one big { }. // We made the same for subparsers at the exception of the JSON value. %start start; start: TOPLEVEL_JSON { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.NO_KEYWORD; } sub_json | TOPLEVEL_DHCP6 { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.CONFIG; } syntax_map | SUB_DHCP6 { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.DHCP6; } sub_dhcp6 | SUB_INTERFACES6 { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.INTERFACES_CONFIG; } sub_interfaces6 | SUB_SUBNET6 { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.SUBNET6; } sub_subnet6 | SUB_POOL6 { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.POOLS; } sub_pool6 | SUB_PD_POOL { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.PD_POOLS; } sub_pd_pool | SUB_RESERVATION { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.RESERVATIONS; } sub_reservation | SUB_OPTION_DEF { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.OPTION_DEF; } sub_option_def | SUB_OPTION_DATA { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.OPTION_DATA; } sub_option_data | SUB_HOOKS_LIBRARY { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.HOOKS_LIBRARIES; } sub_hooks_library | SUB_DHCP_DDNS { ctx.ctx_ = ctx.DHCP_DDNS; } sub_dhcp_ddns ; // ---- generic JSON parser --------------------------------- // Note that ctx_ is NO_KEYWORD here // Values rule value: INTEGER { $$ = ElementPtr(new IntElement($1, ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | FLOAT { $$ = ElementPtr(new DoubleElement($1, ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | BOOLEAN { $$ = ElementPtr(new BoolElement($1, ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | STRING { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement($1, ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | NULL_TYPE { $$ = ElementPtr(new NullElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | map2 { $$ = ctx.stack_.back(); ctx.stack_.pop_back(); } | list_generic { $$ = ctx.stack_.back(); ctx.stack_.pop_back(); } ; sub_json: value { // Push back the JSON value on the stack ctx.stack_.push_back($1); }; map2: LCURLY_BRACKET { // This code is executed when we're about to start parsing // the content of the map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } map_content RCURLY_BRACKET { // map parsing completed. If we ever want to do any wrap up // (maybe some sanity checking), this would be the best place // for it. }; map_value: map2 { $$ = ctx.stack_.back(); ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; // Assignments rule map_content: %empty // empty map | not_empty_map ; not_empty_map: STRING COLON value { // map containing a single entry ctx.stack_.back()->set($1, $3); } | not_empty_map COMMA STRING COLON value { // map consisting of a shorter map followed by // comma and string:value ctx.stack_.back()->set($3, $5); } ; list_generic: LSQUARE_BRACKET { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); } list_content RSQUARE_BRACKET { // list parsing complete. Put any sanity checking here }; list_content: %empty // Empty list | not_empty_list ; not_empty_list: value { // List consisting of a single element. ctx.stack_.back()->add($1); } | not_empty_list COMMA value { // List ending with , and a value. ctx.stack_.back()->add($3); } ; // This one is used in syntax parser and is restricted to strings. list_strings: LSQUARE_BRACKET { // List parsing about to start } list_strings_content RSQUARE_BRACKET { // list parsing complete. Put any sanity checking here //ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; list_strings_content: %empty // Empty list | not_empty_list_strings ; not_empty_list_strings: STRING { ElementPtr s(new StringElement($1, ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(s); } | not_empty_list_strings COMMA STRING { ElementPtr s(new StringElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(s); } ; // ---- generic JSON parser ends here ---------------------------------- // ---- syntax checking parser starts here ----------------------------- // Unknown keyword in a map unknown_map_entry: STRING COLON { const std::string& where = ctx.contextName(); const std::string& keyword = $1; error(@1, "got unexpected keyword \"" + keyword + "\" in " + where + " map."); }; // This defines the top-level { } that holds Control-agent, Dhcp6, Dhcp4, // DhcpDdns or Logging objects. syntax_map: LCURLY_BRACKET { // This code is executed when we're about to start parsing // the content of the map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } global_objects RCURLY_BRACKET { // map parsing completed. If we ever want to do any wrap up // (maybe some sanity checking), this would be the best place // for it. }; // This represents top-level entries: Dhcp6, Dhcp4, DhcpDdns, Logging global_objects: global_object | global_objects COMMA global_object ; // This represents a single top level entry, e.g. Dhcp6 or DhcpDdns. global_object: dhcp6_object | logging_object | dhcp4_json_object | dhcpddns_json_object | control_agent_json_object | unknown_map_entry ; dhcp6_object: DHCP6 { // This code is executed when we're about to start parsing // the content of the map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("Dhcp6", m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); ctx.enter(ctx.DHCP6); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET global_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // map parsing completed. If we ever want to do any wrap up // (maybe some sanity checking), this would be the best place // for it. ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; // subparser: similar to the corresponding rule but without parent // so the stack is empty at the rule entry. sub_dhcp6: LCURLY_BRACKET { // Parse the Dhcp6 map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } global_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // parsing completed }; global_params: global_param | global_params COMMA global_param ; // These are the parameters that are allowed in the top-level for // Dhcp6. global_param: preferred_lifetime | valid_lifetime | renew_timer | rebind_timer | decline_probation_period | subnet6_list | interfaces_config | lease_database | hosts_database | mac_sources | relay_supplied_options | host_reservation_identifiers | client_classes | option_def_list | option_data_list | hooks_libraries | expired_leases_processing | server_id | dhcp4o6_port | control_socket | dhcp_ddns | unknown_map_entry ; preferred_lifetime: PREFERRED_LIFETIME COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr prf(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("preferred-lifetime", prf); }; valid_lifetime: VALID_LIFETIME COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr prf(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("valid-lifetime", prf); }; renew_timer: RENEW_TIMER COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr prf(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("renew-timer", prf); }; rebind_timer: REBIND_TIMER COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr prf(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("rebind-timer", prf); }; decline_probation_period: DECLINE_PROBATION_PERIOD COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr dpp(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("decline-probation-period", dpp); }; interfaces_config: INTERFACES_CONFIG { ElementPtr i(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("interfaces-config", i); ctx.stack_.push_back(i); ctx.enter(ctx.INTERFACES_CONFIG); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET interfaces_config_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; sub_interfaces6: LCURLY_BRACKET { // Parse the interfaces-config map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } interfaces_config_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // parsing completed }; interfaces_config_params: interfaces_config_param | interfaces_config_params COMMA interfaces_config_param ; interfaces_config_param: interfaces_list | re_detect ; interfaces_list: INTERFACES { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("interfaces", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON list_strings { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; re_detect: RE_DETECT COLON BOOLEAN { ElementPtr b(new BoolElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("re-detect", b); }; lease_database: LEASE_DATABASE { ElementPtr i(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("lease-database", i); ctx.stack_.push_back(i); ctx.enter(ctx.LEASE_DATABASE); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET database_map_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; hosts_database: HOSTS_DATABASE { ElementPtr i(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("hosts-database", i); ctx.stack_.push_back(i); ctx.enter(ctx.HOSTS_DATABASE); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET database_map_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; database_map_params: database_map_param | database_map_params COMMA database_map_param ; database_map_param: database_type | user | password | host | port | name | persist | lfc_interval | readonly | connect_timeout | contact_points | keyspace | unknown_map_entry ; database_type: TYPE { ctx.enter(ctx.DATABASE_TYPE); } COLON db_type { ctx.stack_.back()->set("type", $4); ctx.leave(); }; db_type: MEMFILE { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("memfile", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | MYSQL { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("mysql", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | POSTGRESQL { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("postgresql", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | CQL { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("cql", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } ; user: USER { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr user(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("user", user); ctx.leave(); }; password: PASSWORD { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr pwd(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("password", pwd); ctx.leave(); }; host: HOST { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr h(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("host", h); ctx.leave(); }; port: PORT COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr p(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("port", p); }; name: NAME { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr name(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("name", name); ctx.leave(); }; persist: PERSIST COLON BOOLEAN { ElementPtr n(new BoolElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("persist", n); }; lfc_interval: LFC_INTERVAL COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr n(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("lfc-interval", n); }; readonly: READONLY COLON BOOLEAN { ElementPtr n(new BoolElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("readonly", n); }; connect_timeout: CONNECT_TIMEOUT COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr n(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("connect-timeout", n); }; contact_points: CONTACT_POINTS { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr cp(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("contact-points", cp); ctx.leave(); }; keyspace: KEYSPACE { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr ks(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("keyspace", ks); ctx.leave(); }; mac_sources: MAC_SOURCES { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("mac-sources", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.MAC_SOURCES); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET mac_sources_list RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; mac_sources_list: mac_sources_value | mac_sources_list COMMA mac_sources_value ; mac_sources_value: duid_id | string_id ; duid_id : DUID { ElementPtr duid(new StringElement("duid", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(duid); }; string_id : STRING { ElementPtr duid(new StringElement($1, ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(duid); }; host_reservation_identifiers: HOST_RESERVATION_IDENTIFIERS { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("host-reservation-identifiers", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.HOST_RESERVATION_IDENTIFIERS); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET host_reservation_identifiers_list RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; host_reservation_identifiers_list: host_reservation_identifier | host_reservation_identifiers_list COMMA host_reservation_identifier ; host_reservation_identifier: duid_id | hw_address_id | flex_id ; hw_address_id : HW_ADDRESS { ElementPtr hwaddr(new StringElement("hw-address", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(hwaddr); }; flex_id : FLEX_ID { ElementPtr flex_id(new StringElement("flex-id", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(flex_id); }; // list_content below accepts any value when options are by name (string) // or by code (number) relay_supplied_options: RELAY_SUPPLIED_OPTIONS { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("relay-supplied-options", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET list_content RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; hooks_libraries: HOOKS_LIBRARIES { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("hooks-libraries", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.HOOKS_LIBRARIES); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET hooks_libraries_list RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; hooks_libraries_list: %empty | not_empty_hooks_libraries_list ; not_empty_hooks_libraries_list: hooks_library | not_empty_hooks_libraries_list COMMA hooks_library ; hooks_library: LCURLY_BRACKET { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } hooks_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; sub_hooks_library: LCURLY_BRACKET { // Parse the hooks-libraries list entry map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } hooks_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // parsing completed }; hooks_params: hooks_param | hooks_params COMMA hooks_param | unknown_map_entry ; hooks_param: library | parameters ; library: LIBRARY { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr lib(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("library", lib); ctx.leave(); }; parameters: PARAMETERS { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON value { ctx.stack_.back()->set("parameters", $4); ctx.leave(); }; // --- expired-leases-processing ------------------------ expired_leases_processing: EXPIRED_LEASES_PROCESSING { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("expired-leases-processing", m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); ctx.enter(ctx.EXPIRED_LEASES_PROCESSING); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET expired_leases_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; expired_leases_params: expired_leases_param | expired_leases_params COMMA expired_leases_param ; expired_leases_param: reclaim_timer_wait_time | flush_reclaimed_timer_wait_time | hold_reclaimed_time | max_reclaim_leases | max_reclaim_time | unwarned_reclaim_cycles ; reclaim_timer_wait_time: RECLAIM_TIMER_WAIT_TIME COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr value(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("reclaim-timer-wait-time", value); }; flush_reclaimed_timer_wait_time: FLUSH_RECLAIMED_TIMER_WAIT_TIME COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr value(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("flush-reclaimed-timer-wait-time", value); }; hold_reclaimed_time: HOLD_RECLAIMED_TIME COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr value(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("hold-reclaimed-time", value); }; max_reclaim_leases: MAX_RECLAIM_LEASES COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr value(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("max-reclaim-leases", value); }; max_reclaim_time: MAX_RECLAIM_TIME COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr value(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("max-reclaim-time", value); }; unwarned_reclaim_cycles: UNWARNED_RECLAIM_CYCLES COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr value(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("unwarned-reclaim-cycles", value); }; // --- subnet6 ------------------------------------------ // This defines subnet6 as a list of maps. // "subnet6": [ ... ] subnet6_list: SUBNET6 { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("subnet6", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.SUBNET6); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET subnet6_list_content RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; // This defines the ... in "subnet6": [ ... ] // It can either be empty (no subnets defined), have one subnet // or have multiple subnets separate by comma. subnet6_list_content: %empty | not_empty_subnet6_list ; not_empty_subnet6_list: subnet6 | not_empty_subnet6_list COMMA subnet6 ; // --- Subnet definitions ------------------------------- // This defines a single subnet, i.e. a single map with // subnet6 array. subnet6: LCURLY_BRACKET { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } subnet6_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // Once we reached this place, the subnet parsing is now complete. // If we want to, we can implement default values here. // In particular we can do things like this: // if (!ctx.stack_.back()->get("interface")) { // ctx.stack_.back()->set("interface", StringElement("loopback")); // } // // We can also stack up one level (Dhcp6) and copy over whatever // global parameters we want to: // if (!ctx.stack_.back()->get("renew-timer")) { // ElementPtr renew = ctx_stack_[...].get("renew-timer"); // if (renew) { // ctx.stack_.back()->set("renew-timer", renew); // } // } ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; sub_subnet6: LCURLY_BRACKET { // Parse the subnet6 list entry map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } subnet6_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // parsing completed }; // This defines that subnet can have one or more parameters. subnet6_params: subnet6_param | subnet6_params COMMA subnet6_param ; // This defines a list of allowed parameters for each subnet. subnet6_param: preferred_lifetime | valid_lifetime | renew_timer | rebind_timer | option_data_list | pools_list | pd_pools_list | subnet | interface | interface_id | id | rapid_commit | client_class | reservations | reservation_mode | relay | unknown_map_entry ; subnet: SUBNET { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr subnet(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("subnet", subnet); ctx.leave(); }; interface: INTERFACE { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr iface(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("interface", iface); ctx.leave(); }; interface_id: INTERFACE_ID { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr iface(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("interface-id", iface); ctx.leave(); }; client_class: CLIENT_CLASS { ctx.enter(ctx.CLIENT_CLASS); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr cls(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("client-class", cls); ctx.leave(); }; reservation_mode: RESERVATION_MODE { ctx.enter(ctx.RESERVATION_MODE); } COLON hr_mode { ctx.stack_.back()->set("reservation-mode", $4); ctx.leave(); }; hr_mode: DISABLED { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("disabled", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | OUT_OF_POOL { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("out-of-pool", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | ALL { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("all", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } ; id: ID COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr id(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("id", id); }; rapid_commit: RAPID_COMMIT COLON BOOLEAN { ElementPtr rc(new BoolElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("rapid-commit", rc); }; // ---- option-def -------------------------- // This defines the "option-def": [ ... ] entry that may appear // at a global option. option_def_list: OPTION_DEF { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("option-def", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.OPTION_DEF); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET option_def_list_content RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; // This defines the content of option-def. It may be empty, // have one entry or multiple entries separated by comma. option_def_list_content: %empty | not_empty_option_def_list ; not_empty_option_def_list: option_def_entry | not_empty_option_def_list COMMA option_def_entry ; // This defines the content of a single entry { ... } within // option-def list. option_def_entry: LCURLY_BRACKET { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } option_def_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; // This defines the top level scope when the parser is told to parse a single // option definition. It's almost exactly the same as option_def_entry, except // that it does leave its value on stack. sub_option_def: LCURLY_BRACKET { // Parse the option-def list entry map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } option_def_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // parsing completed }; // This defines parameters specified inside the map that itself // is an entry in option-def list. option_def_params: %empty | not_empty_option_def_params ; not_empty_option_def_params: option_def_param | not_empty_option_def_params COMMA option_def_param ; option_def_param: option_def_name | option_def_code | option_def_type | option_def_record_types | option_def_space | option_def_encapsulate | option_def_array | unknown_map_entry ; option_def_name: name; code: CODE COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr code(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("code", code); }; option_def_code: code; option_def_type: TYPE { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr prf(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("type", prf); ctx.leave(); }; option_def_record_types: RECORD_TYPES { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr rtypes(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("record-types", rtypes); ctx.leave(); }; space: SPACE { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr space(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("space", space); ctx.leave(); }; option_def_space: space; option_def_encapsulate: ENCAPSULATE { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr encap(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("encapsulate", encap); ctx.leave(); }; option_def_array: ARRAY COLON BOOLEAN { ElementPtr array(new BoolElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("array", array); }; // ---- option-data -------------------------- // This defines the "option-data": [ ... ] entry that may appear // in several places, but most notably in subnet6 entries. option_data_list: OPTION_DATA { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("option-data", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.OPTION_DATA); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET option_data_list_content RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; // This defines the content of option-data. It may be empty, // have one entry or multiple entries separated by comma. option_data_list_content: %empty | not_empty_option_data_list ; // This defines the content of option-data list. It can either // be a single value or multiple entries separated by comma. not_empty_option_data_list: option_data_entry | not_empty_option_data_list COMMA option_data_entry ; // This defines th content of a single entry { ... } within // option-data list. option_data_entry: LCURLY_BRACKET { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } option_data_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; // This defines the top level scope when the parser is told to parse a single // option data. It's almost exactly the same as option_data_entry, except // that it does leave its value on stack. sub_option_data: LCURLY_BRACKET { // Parse the option-data list entry map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } option_data_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // parsing completed }; // This defines parameters specified inside the map that itself // is an entry in option-data list. It can either be empty // or have a non-empty list of parameters. option_data_params: %empty | not_empty_option_data_params ; // Those parameters can either be a single parameter or // a list of parameters separated by comma. not_empty_option_data_params: option_data_param | not_empty_option_data_params COMMA option_data_param ; // Each single option-data parameter can be one of the following // expressions. option_data_param: option_data_name | option_data_data | option_data_code | option_data_space | option_data_csv_format | unknown_map_entry ; option_data_name: name; option_data_data: DATA { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr data(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("data", data); ctx.leave(); }; option_data_code: code; option_data_space: space; option_data_csv_format: CSV_FORMAT COLON BOOLEAN { ElementPtr space(new BoolElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("csv-format", space); }; // ---- pools ------------------------------------ // This defines the "pools": [ ... ] entry that may appear in subnet6. pools_list: POOLS { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("pools", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.POOLS); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET pools_list_content RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; // Pools may be empty, contain a single pool entry or multiple entries // separate by commas. pools_list_content: %empty | not_empty_pools_list ; not_empty_pools_list: pool_list_entry | not_empty_pools_list COMMA pool_list_entry ; pool_list_entry: LCURLY_BRACKET { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } pool_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; sub_pool6: LCURLY_BRACKET { // Parse the pool list entry map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } pool_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // parsing completed }; pool_params: pool_param | pool_params COMMA pool_param ; pool_param: pool_entry | option_data_list | user_context | unknown_map_entry ; pool_entry: POOL { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr pool(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("pool", pool); ctx.leave(); }; user_context: USER_CONTEXT { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON map_value { ctx.stack_.back()->set("user-context", $4); ctx.leave(); }; // --- end of pools definition ------------------------------- // --- pd-pools ---------------------------------------------- pd_pools_list: PD_POOLS { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("pd-pools", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.PD_POOLS); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET pd_pools_list_content RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; // Pools may be empty, contain a single pool entry or multiple entries // separate by commas. pd_pools_list_content: %empty | not_empty_pd_pools_list ; not_empty_pd_pools_list: pd_pool_entry | not_empty_pd_pools_list COMMA pd_pool_entry ; pd_pool_entry: LCURLY_BRACKET { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } pd_pool_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; sub_pd_pool: LCURLY_BRACKET { // Parse the pd-pool list entry map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } pd_pool_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // parsing completed }; pd_pool_params: pd_pool_param | pd_pool_params COMMA pd_pool_param ; pd_pool_param: pd_prefix | pd_prefix_len | pd_delegated_len | option_data_list | excluded_prefix | excluded_prefix_len | user_context | unknown_map_entry ; pd_prefix: PREFIX { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr prf(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("prefix", prf); ctx.leave(); }; pd_prefix_len: PREFIX_LEN COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr prf(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("prefix-len", prf); }; excluded_prefix: EXCLUDED_PREFIX { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr prf(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("excluded-prefix", prf); ctx.leave(); }; excluded_prefix_len: EXCLUDED_PREFIX_LEN COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr prf(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("excluded-prefix-len", prf); }; pd_delegated_len: DELEGATED_LEN COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr deleg(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("delegated-len", deleg); }; // --- end of pd-pools --------------------------------------- // --- reservations ------------------------------------------ reservations: RESERVATIONS { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("reservations", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.RESERVATIONS); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET reservations_list RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; reservations_list: %empty | not_empty_reservations_list ; not_empty_reservations_list: reservation | not_empty_reservations_list COMMA reservation ; reservation: LCURLY_BRACKET { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } reservation_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; sub_reservation: LCURLY_BRACKET { // Parse the reservations list entry map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } reservation_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // parsing completed }; reservation_params: %empty | not_empty_reservation_params ; not_empty_reservation_params: reservation_param | not_empty_reservation_params COMMA reservation_param ; // @todo probably need to add mac-address as well here reservation_param: duid | reservation_client_classes | ip_addresses | prefixes | hw_address | hostname | flex_id_value | option_data_list | unknown_map_entry ; ip_addresses: IP_ADDRESSES { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("ip-addresses", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON list_strings { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; prefixes: PREFIXES { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("prefixes", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON list_strings { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; duid: DUID { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr d(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("duid", d); ctx.leave(); }; hw_address: HW_ADDRESS { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr hw(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("hw-address", hw); ctx.leave(); }; hostname: HOSTNAME { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr host(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("hostname", host); ctx.leave(); }; flex_id_value: FLEX_ID { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr hw(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("flex-id", hw); ctx.leave(); }; reservation_client_classes: CLIENT_CLASSES { ElementPtr c(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("client-classes", c); ctx.stack_.push_back(c); ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON list_strings { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; // --- end of reservations definitions ----------------------- // --- relay ------------------------------------------------- relay: RELAY { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("relay", m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); ctx.enter(ctx.RELAY); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET relay_map RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; relay_map: IP_ADDRESS { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr ip(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("ip-address", ip); ctx.leave(); }; // --- end of relay definitions ------------------------------ // --- client classes ---------------------------------------- client_classes: CLIENT_CLASSES { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("client-classes", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.CLIENT_CLASSES); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET client_classes_list RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; client_classes_list: client_class | client_classes_list COMMA client_class ; client_class: LCURLY_BRACKET { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } client_class_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; client_class_params: %empty | not_empty_client_class_params ; not_empty_client_class_params: client_class_param | not_empty_client_class_params COMMA client_class_param ; client_class_param: client_class_name | client_class_test | option_data_list | unknown_map_entry ; client_class_name: name; client_class_test: TEST { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr test(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("test", test); ctx.leave(); }; // --- end of client classes --------------------------------- // --- server-id --------------------------------------------- server_id: SERVER_ID { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("server-id", m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); ctx.enter(ctx.SERVER_ID); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET server_id_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; server_id_params: server_id_param | server_id_params COMMA server_id_param ; server_id_param: server_id_type | identifier | time | htype | enterprise_id | persist | unknown_map_entry ; server_id_type: TYPE { ctx.enter(ctx.DUID_TYPE); } COLON duid_type { ctx.stack_.back()->set("type", $4); ctx.leave(); }; duid_type: LLT { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("LLT", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | EN { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("EN", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | LL { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("LL", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } ; htype: HTYPE COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr htype(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("htype", htype); }; identifier: IDENTIFIER { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr id(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("identifier", id); ctx.leave(); }; time: TIME COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr time(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("time", time); }; enterprise_id: ENTERPRISE_ID COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr time(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("enterprise-id", time); }; // --- end of server-id -------------------------------------- dhcp4o6_port: DHCP4O6_PORT COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr time(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("dhcp4o6-port", time); }; // --- control socket ---------------------------------------- control_socket: CONTROL_SOCKET { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("control-socket", m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); ctx.enter(ctx.CONTROL_SOCKET); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET control_socket_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; control_socket_params: control_socket_param | control_socket_params COMMA control_socket_param ; control_socket_param: socket_type | socket_name ; socket_type: SOCKET_TYPE { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr stype(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("socket-type", stype); ctx.leave(); }; socket_name: SOCKET_NAME { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr name(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("socket-name", name); ctx.leave(); }; // --- dhcp ddns --------------------------------------------- dhcp_ddns: DHCP_DDNS { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("dhcp-ddns", m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); ctx.enter(ctx.DHCP_DDNS); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET dhcp_ddns_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; sub_dhcp_ddns: LCURLY_BRACKET { // Parse the dhcp-ddns map ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } dhcp_ddns_params RCURLY_BRACKET { // parsing completed }; dhcp_ddns_params: dhcp_ddns_param | dhcp_ddns_params COMMA dhcp_ddns_param ; dhcp_ddns_param: enable_updates | qualifying_suffix | server_ip | server_port | sender_ip | sender_port | max_queue_size | ncr_protocol | ncr_format | always_include_fqdn | override_no_update | override_client_update | replace_client_name | generated_prefix | unknown_map_entry ; enable_updates: ENABLE_UPDATES COLON BOOLEAN { ElementPtr b(new BoolElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("enable-updates", b); }; qualifying_suffix: QUALIFYING_SUFFIX { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr s(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("qualifying-suffix", s); ctx.leave(); }; server_ip: SERVER_IP { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr s(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("server-ip", s); ctx.leave(); }; server_port: SERVER_PORT COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr i(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("server-port", i); }; sender_ip: SENDER_IP { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr s(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("sender-ip", s); ctx.leave(); }; sender_port: SENDER_PORT COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr i(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("sender-port", i); }; max_queue_size: MAX_QUEUE_SIZE COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr i(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("max-queue-size", i); }; ncr_protocol: NCR_PROTOCOL { ctx.enter(ctx.NCR_PROTOCOL); } COLON ncr_protocol_value { ctx.stack_.back()->set("ncr-protocol", $4); ctx.leave(); }; ncr_protocol_value: UDP { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("UDP", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | TCP { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("TCP", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } ; ncr_format: NCR_FORMAT { ctx.enter(ctx.NCR_FORMAT); } COLON JSON { ElementPtr json(new StringElement("JSON", ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("ncr-format", json); ctx.leave(); }; always_include_fqdn: ALWAYS_INCLUDE_FQDN COLON BOOLEAN { ElementPtr b(new BoolElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("always-include-fqdn", b); }; override_no_update: OVERRIDE_NO_UPDATE COLON BOOLEAN { ElementPtr b(new BoolElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("override-no-update", b); }; override_client_update: OVERRIDE_CLIENT_UPDATE COLON BOOLEAN { ElementPtr b(new BoolElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("override-client-update", b); }; replace_client_name: REPLACE_CLIENT_NAME { ctx.enter(ctx.REPLACE_CLIENT_NAME); } COLON replace_client_name_value { ctx.stack_.back()->set("replace-client-name", $4); ctx.leave(); }; replace_client_name_value: WHEN_PRESENT { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("when-present", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | NEVER { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("never", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | ALWAYS { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("always", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | WHEN_NOT_PRESENT { $$ = ElementPtr(new StringElement("when-not-present", ctx.loc2pos(@1))); } | BOOLEAN { error(@1, "boolean values for the replace-client-name are " "no longer supported"); } ; generated_prefix: GENERATED_PREFIX { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr s(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("generated-prefix", s); ctx.leave(); }; // JSON entries for Dhcp4 and DhcpDdns dhcp4_json_object: DHCP4 { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON value { ctx.stack_.back()->set("Dhcp4", $4); ctx.leave(); }; dhcpddns_json_object: DHCPDDNS { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON value { ctx.stack_.back()->set("DhcpDdns", $4); ctx.leave(); }; control_agent_json_object: CONTROL_AGENT { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON value { ctx.stack_.back()->set("Control-agent", $4); ctx.leave(); }; // --- logging entry ----------------------------------------- // This defines the top level "Logging" object. It parses // the following "Logging": { ... }. The ... is defined // by logging_params logging_object: LOGGING { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("Logging", m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); ctx.enter(ctx.LOGGING); } COLON LCURLY_BRACKET logging_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; // This defines the list of allowed parameters that may appear // in the top-level Logging object. It can either be a single // parameter or several parameters separated by commas. logging_params: logging_param | logging_params COMMA logging_param ; // There's currently only one parameter defined, which is "loggers". logging_param: loggers; // "loggers", the only parameter currently defined in "Logging" object, // is "Loggers": [ ... ]. loggers: LOGGERS { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("loggers", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.LOGGERS); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET loggers_entries RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; // These are the parameters allowed in loggers: either one logger // entry or multiple entries separate by commas. loggers_entries: logger_entry | loggers_entries COMMA logger_entry ; // This defines a single entry defined in loggers in Logging. logger_entry: LCURLY_BRACKET { ElementPtr l(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); } logger_params RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; logger_params: logger_param | logger_params COMMA logger_param ; logger_param: name | output_options_list | debuglevel | severity | unknown_map_entry ; debuglevel: DEBUGLEVEL COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr dl(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("debuglevel", dl); }; severity: SEVERITY { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr sev(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("severity", sev); ctx.leave(); }; output_options_list: OUTPUT_OPTIONS { ElementPtr l(new ListElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("output_options", l); ctx.stack_.push_back(l); ctx.enter(ctx.OUTPUT_OPTIONS); } COLON LSQUARE_BRACKET output_options_list_content RSQUARE_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); ctx.leave(); }; output_options_list_content: output_entry | output_options_list_content COMMA output_entry ; output_entry: LCURLY_BRACKET { ElementPtr m(new MapElement(ctx.loc2pos(@1))); ctx.stack_.back()->add(m); ctx.stack_.push_back(m); } output_params_list RCURLY_BRACKET { ctx.stack_.pop_back(); }; output_params_list: output_params | output_params_list COMMA output_params ; output_params: output | flush | maxsize | maxver ; output: OUTPUT { ctx.enter(ctx.NO_KEYWORD); } COLON STRING { ElementPtr sev(new StringElement($4, ctx.loc2pos(@4))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("output", sev); ctx.leave(); }; flush: FLUSH COLON BOOLEAN { ElementPtr flush(new BoolElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("flush", flush); } maxsize: MAXSIZE COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr maxsize(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("maxsize", maxsize); } maxver: MAXVER COLON INTEGER { ElementPtr maxver(new IntElement($3, ctx.loc2pos(@3))); ctx.stack_.back()->set("maxver", maxver); } %% void isc::dhcp::Dhcp6Parser::error(const location_type& loc, const std::string& what) { ctx.error(loc, what); }