// Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "test_data_files_config.h" #include "test_libraries.h" #include "marker_file.h" #include "dhcp6_test_utils.h" #include "get_config_unittest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace isc; using namespace isc::asiolink; using namespace isc::config; using namespace isc::data; using namespace isc::dhcp; using namespace isc::dhcp::test; using namespace isc::hooks; using namespace std; namespace { const char* PARSER_CONFIGS[] = { // CONFIGURATION 0: one subnet with one pool, no user contexts "{" " \"interfaces-config\": {" " \"interfaces\": [\"*\" ]" " }," " \"valid-lifetime\": 4000," " \"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," " \"rebind-timer\": 2000," " \"renew-timer\": 1000," " \"subnet6\": [ {" " \"pools\": [ " " { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::/64\" }" " ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\"" " } ]" "}", // Configuration 1: one pool with empty user context "{" " \"interfaces-config\": {" " \"interfaces\": [\"*\" ]" " }," " \"valid-lifetime\": 4000," " \"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," " \"rebind-timer\": 2000," " \"renew-timer\": 1000," " \"subnet6\": [ {" " \"pools\": [ " " { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::/64\"," " \"user-context\": {" " }" " }" " ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\"" " } ]" "}", // Configuration 2: one pool with user context containing lw4over6 parameters "{" " \"interfaces-config\": {" " \"interfaces\": [\"*\" ]" " }," " \"valid-lifetime\": 4000," " \"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," " \"rebind-timer\": 2000," " \"renew-timer\": 1000," " \"subnet6\": [ {" " \"pools\": [ " " { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::/64\"," " \"user-context\": {" " \"lw4over6-sharing-ratio\": 64," " \"lw4over6-v4-pool\": \"\"," " \"lw4over6-sysports-exclude\": true," " \"lw4over6-bind-prefix-len\": 56" " }" " }" " ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\"" " } ]" "}", // Configuration 3: one min-max pool with user context containing lw4over6 parameters "{" " \"interfaces-config\": {" " \"interfaces\": [\"*\" ]" " }," " \"valid-lifetime\": 4000," " \"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," " \"rebind-timer\": 2000," " \"renew-timer\": 1000," " \"subnet6\": [ {" " \"pools\": [ " " { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:: - 2001:db8::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff\"," " \"user-context\": {" " \"lw4over6-sharing-ratio\": 64," " \"lw4over6-v4-pool\": \"\"," " \"lw4over6-sysports-exclude\": true," " \"lw4over6-bind-prefix-len\": 56" " }" " }" " ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\"" " } ]" "}", // Configuration 4: pd-pool without any user-context "{" " \"interfaces-config\": {" " \"interfaces\": [\"*\" ]" " }," " \"valid-lifetime\": 4000," " \"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," " \"rebind-timer\": 2000," " \"renew-timer\": 1000," " \"subnet6\": [ {" " \"pd-pools\": [ " " { \"prefix\": \"2001:db8::\"," " \"prefix-len\": 56," " \"delegated-len\": 64 }" " ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\"" " } ]" "}", // Configuration 5: pd-pool with empty user-context "{" " \"interfaces-config\": {" " \"interfaces\": [\"*\" ]" " }," " \"valid-lifetime\": 4000," " \"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," " \"rebind-timer\": 2000," " \"renew-timer\": 1000," " \"subnet6\": [ {" " \"pd-pools\": [ " " { \"prefix\": \"2001:db8::\"," " \"prefix-len\": 56," " \"delegated-len\": 64," " \"user-context\": { }" " }" " ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\"" " } ]" "}", // Configuration 6: pd-pool with user-context with lw4over6 parameters "{" " \"interfaces-config\": {" " \"interfaces\": [\"*\" ]" " }," " \"valid-lifetime\": 4000," " \"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," " \"rebind-timer\": 2000," " \"renew-timer\": 1000," " \"subnet6\": [ {" " \"pd-pools\": [ " " { \"prefix\": \"2001:db8::\"," " \"prefix-len\": 56," " \"delegated-len\": 64," " \"user-context\": {" " \"lw4over6-sharing-ratio\": 64," " \"lw4over6-v4-pool\": \"\"," " \"lw4over6-sysports-exclude\": true," " \"lw4over6-bind-prefix-len\": 56" " }" " }" " ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\"" " } ]" "}", // Configuration 7: two host databases "{" " \"interfaces-config\": {" " \"interfaces\": [\"*\" ]" " }," " \"valid-lifetime\": 4000," " \"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," " \"rebind-timer\": 2000," " \"renew-timer\": 1000," " \"hosts-databases\": [ {" " \"type\": \"mysql\"," " \"name\": \"keatest1\"," " \"user\": \"keatest\"," " \"password\": \"keatest\"" " },{" " \"type\": \"mysql\"," " \"name\": \"keatest2\"," " \"user\": \"keatest\"," " \"password\": \"keatest\"" " }" " ]" "}", // Configuration 8: config control "{ \n" " \"interfaces-config\": { \n" " \"interfaces\": [\"*\" ] \n" " }, \n" " \"valid-lifetime\": 4000, \n" " \"rebind-timer\": 2000, \n" " \"renew-timer\": 1000, \n" " \"config-control\": { \n" " \"config-fetch-wait-time\": 10, \n" " \"config-databases\": [ { \n" " \"type\": \"mysql\", \n" " \"name\": \"keatest1\", \n" " \"user\": \"keatest\", \n" " \"password\": \"keatest\" \n" " },{ \n" " \"type\": \"mysql\", \n" " \"name\": \"keatest2\", \n" " \"user\": \"keatest\", \n" " \"password\": \"keatest\" \n" " } \n" " ] \n" " } \n" "} \n", // Configuration 9 for comments "{" " \"comment\": \"A DHCPv6 server\"," " \"server-id\": {" " \"comment\": \"DHCPv6 specific\"," " \"type\": \"LL\"" " }," " \"interfaces-config\": {" " \"comment\": \"Use wildcard\"," " \"interfaces\": [ \"*\" ] }," " \"option-def\": [ {" " \"comment\": \"An option definition\"," " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"ipv6-address\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " } ]," " \"option-data\": [ {" " \"comment\": \"Set option value\"," " \"name\": \"subscriber-id\"," " \"data\": \"ABCDEF0105\"," " \"csv-format\": false" " } ]," " \"client-classes\": [" " {" " \"comment\": \"match all\"," " \"name\": \"all\"," " \"test\": \"'' == ''\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"none\"" " }," " {" " \"comment\": \"a comment\"," " \"name\": \"both\"," " \"user-context\": {" " \"version\": 1" " }" " }" " ]," " \"control-socket\": {" " \"socket-type\": \"unix\"," " \"socket-name\": \"/tmp/kea6-ctrl-socket\"," " \"user-context\": { \"comment\": \"Indirect comment\" }" " }," " \"shared-networks\": [ {" " \"comment\": \"A shared network\"," " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"subnet6\": [" " { " " \"comment\": \"A subnet\"," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db1::/48\"," " \"id\": 100," " \"pools\": [" " {" " \"comment\": \"A pool\"," " \"pool\": \"2001:db1::/64\"" " }" " ]," " \"pd-pools\": [" " {" " \"comment\": \"A prefix pool\"," " \"prefix\": \"2001:db2::\"," " \"prefix-len\": 48," " \"delegated-len\": 64" " }" " ]," " \"reservations\": [" " {" " \"comment\": \"A host reservation\"," " \"hw-address\": \"AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF\"," " \"hostname\": \"foo.example.com\"," " \"option-data\": [ {" " \"comment\": \"An option in a reservation\"," " \"name\": \"domain-search\"," " \"data\": \"example.com\"" " } ]" " }" " ]" " }" " ]" " } ]," " \"dhcp-ddns\": {" " \"comment\": \"No dynamic DNS\"," " \"enable-updates\": false" " }" "}" }; class Dhcp6ParserTest : public LogContentTest { protected: // Check that no hooks libraries are loaded. This is a pre-condition for // a number of tests, so is checked in one place. As this uses an // ASSERT call - and it is not clear from the documentation that Gtest // predicates can be used in a constructor - the check is placed in SetUp. virtual void SetUp() { std::vector libraries = HooksManager::getLibraryNames(); ASSERT_TRUE(libraries.empty()); } public: Dhcp6ParserTest() :rcode_(-1), srv_(0) { // srv_(0) means to not open any sockets. We don't want to // deal with sockets here, just check if configuration handling // is sane. const IfaceCollection& ifaces = IfaceMgr::instance().getIfaces(); // There must be some interface detected if (ifaces.empty()) { // We can't use ASSERT in constructor ADD_FAILURE() << "No interfaces detected."; } valid_iface_ = (*ifaces.begin())->getName(); bogus_iface_ = "nonexisting0"; if (IfaceMgr::instance().getIface(bogus_iface_)) { ADD_FAILURE() << "The '" << bogus_iface_ << "' exists on this system" << " while the test assumes that it doesn't, to execute" << " some negative scenarios. Can't continue this test."; } // Reset configuration for each test. resetConfiguration(); } ~Dhcp6ParserTest() { // Reset configuration database after each test. resetConfiguration(); // ... and delete the hooks library marker files if present static_cast(remove(LOAD_MARKER_FILE)); static_cast(remove(UNLOAD_MARKER_FILE)); }; // Checks if config_result (result of DHCP server configuration) has // expected code (0 for success, other for failures). // Also stores result in rcode_ and comment_. void checkResult(ConstElementPtr status, int expected_code) { ASSERT_TRUE(status); comment_ = parseAnswer(rcode_, status); EXPECT_EQ(expected_code, rcode_); if (expected_code != rcode_) { cout << "The comment returned was: [" << comment_->stringValue() << "]" << endl; } } // Checks if the result of DHCP server configuration has // expected code (0 for success, other for failures) and // the text part. Also stores result in rcode_ and comment_. void checkResult(ConstElementPtr status, int expected_code, string expected_txt) { ASSERT_TRUE(status); comment_ = parseAnswer(rcode_, status); EXPECT_EQ(expected_code, rcode_) << "error text:" << comment_->stringValue(); ASSERT_TRUE(comment_); ASSERT_EQ(Element::string, comment_->getType()); EXPECT_EQ(expected_txt, comment_->stringValue()); } /// @brief Convenience method for running configuration /// /// This method does not throw, but signals errors using gtest macros. /// /// @param config text to be parsed as JSON /// @param expected_code expected code (see cc/command_interpreter.h) /// @param exp_error expected text error (check skipped if empty) void configure(std::string config, int expected_code, std::string exp_error = "") { ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config, true)); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); int rcode; ConstElementPtr comment = parseAnswer(rcode, status); EXPECT_EQ(expected_code, rcode); string text; ASSERT_NO_THROW(text = comment->stringValue()); if (expected_code != rcode) { std::cout << "Reported status: " << text << std::endl; } if ((rcode != 0)) { if (!exp_error.empty()) { EXPECT_EQ(exp_error, text); } } } /// @brief Checks if specified subnet is part of the collection /// /// @param col collection of subnets to be inspected /// @param subnet text notation (e.g. /// @param t1 expected renew-timer value /// @param t2 expected rebind-timer value /// @param preferred expected preferred-lifetime value /// @param valid expected valid-lifetime value /// @param min_preferred expected min-preferred-lifetime value /// (0 (default) means same as preferred) /// @param max_preferred expected max-preferred-lifetime value /// (0 (default) means same as preferred) /// @param min_valid expected min-valid-lifetime value /// (0 (default) means same as valid) /// @param max_valid expected max-valid-lifetime value /// (0 (default) means same as valid) /// @return the subnet that was examined Subnet6Ptr checkSubnet(const Subnet6Collection& col, std::string subnet, uint32_t t1, uint32_t t2, uint32_t pref, uint32_t valid, uint32_t min_pref = 0, uint32_t max_pref = 0, uint32_t min_valid = 0, uint32_t max_valid = 0) { const auto& index = col.get(); auto subnet_it = index.find(subnet); if (subnet_it == index.cend()) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Unable to find expected subnet " << subnet; return (Subnet6Ptr()); } Subnet6Ptr s = *subnet_it; EXPECT_EQ(t1, s->getT1()); EXPECT_EQ(t2, s->getT2()); EXPECT_EQ(pref, s->getPreferred()); EXPECT_EQ(valid, s->getValid()); EXPECT_EQ(min_pref ? min_pref : pref, s->getPreferred().getMin()); EXPECT_EQ(max_pref ? max_pref : pref, s->getPreferred().getMax()); EXPECT_EQ(min_valid ? min_valid : valid, s->getValid().getMin()); EXPECT_EQ(max_valid ? max_valid : valid, s->getValid().getMax()); return (s); } /// @brief Returns an interface configuration used by the most of the /// unit tests. std::string genIfaceConfig() const { return ("\"interfaces-config\": {" " \"interfaces\": [ \"*\" ]" "}"); } /// @brief Create the simple configuration with single option. /// /// This function allows to set one of the parameters that configure /// option value. These parameters are: "name", "code", "data", /// "csv-format" and "space". /// /// @param param_value string holding option parameter value to be /// injected into the configuration string. /// @param parameter name of the parameter to be configured with /// param value. std::string createConfigWithOption(const std::string& param_value, const std::string& parameter) { std::map params; if (parameter == "name") { params["name"] = param_value; params["space"] = DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE; params["code"] = "38"; params["data"] = "ABCDEF0105"; params["csv-format"] = "false"; } else if (parameter == "space") { params["name"] = "subscriber-id"; params["space"] = param_value; params["code"] = "38"; params["data"] = "ABCDEF0105"; params["csv-format"] = "false"; } else if (parameter == "code") { params["name"] = "subscriber-id"; params["space"] = DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE; params["code"] = param_value; params["data"] = "ABCDEF0105"; params["csv-format"] = "false"; } else if (parameter == "data") { params["name"] = "subscriber-id"; params["space"] = DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE; params["code"] = "38"; params["data"] = param_value; params["csv-format"] = "false"; } else if (parameter == "csv-format") { params["name"] = "subscriber-id"; params["space"] = DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE; params["code"] = "38"; params["data"] = "ABCDEF0105"; params["csv-format"] = param_value; } return (createConfigWithOption(params)); } /// @brief Create simple configuration with single option. /// /// This function creates a configuration for a single option with /// custom values for all parameters that describe the option. /// /// @params params map holding parameters and their values. /// @return configuration string containing custom values of parameters /// describing an option. std::string createConfigWithOption(const std::map& params) { std::ostringstream stream; stream << "{ " << genIfaceConfig() << "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"bool-option\"," " \"code\": 1000," " \"type\": \"boolean\"," " \"space\": \"dhcp6\"" "} ]," "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\", " " \"option-data\": [ {"; bool first = true; typedef std::pair ParamPair; BOOST_FOREACH(ParamPair param, params) { if (!first) { stream << ", "; } else { // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable first = false; } if (param.first == "name") { stream << "\"name\": \"" << param.second << "\""; } else if (param.first == "space") { stream << "\"space\": \"" << param.second << "\""; } else if (param.first == "code") { stream << "\"code\": " << param.second;; } else if (param.first == "data") { stream << "\"data\": \"" << param.second << "\""; } else if (param.first == "csv-format") { stream << "\"csv-format\": " << param.second; } } stream << " } ]" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; return (stream.str()); } /// @brief Returns an option from the subnet. /// /// This function returns an option from a subnet to which the /// specified subnet address belongs. The option is identified /// by its code. /// /// @param subnet_address Address which belongs to the subnet from /// which the option is to be returned. /// @param option_code Code of the option to be returned. /// @param expected_options_count Expected number of options in /// the particular subnet. /// /// @return Descriptor of the option. If the descriptor holds a /// NULL option pointer, it means that there was no such option /// in the subnet. OptionDescriptor getOptionFromSubnet(const IOAddress& subnet_address, const uint16_t option_code, const uint16_t expected_options_count = 1) { Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(subnet_address, classify_); if (!subnet) { ADD_FAILURE() << "A subnet for the specified address " << subnet_address << " does not exist in Config Manager"; return (OptionDescriptor(false)); } OptionContainerPtr options = subnet->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); if (expected_options_count != options->size()) { ADD_FAILURE() << "The number of options in the subnet '" << subnet_address.toText() << "' is different " " than expected number of options '" << expected_options_count << "'"; } // Get the search index. Index #1 is to search using option code. const OptionContainerTypeIndex& idx = options->get<1>(); // Get the options for specified index. Expecting one option to be // returned but in theory we may have multiple options with the same // code so we get the range. std::pair range = idx.equal_range(option_code); if (std::distance(range.first, range.second) > 1) { ADD_FAILURE() << "There is more than one option having the" " option code '" << option_code << "' in a subnet '" << subnet_address.toText() << "'. Expected " " at most one option"; } else if (std::distance(range.first, range.second) == 0) { return (OptionDescriptor(OptionPtr(), false)); } return (*range.first); } /// @brief Parse and Execute configuration /// /// Parses a configuration and executes a configuration of the server. /// If the operation fails, the current test will register a failure. /// /// @param config Configuration to parse /// @param operation Operation being performed. In the case of an error, /// the error text will include the string "unable to .". /// /// @return true if the configuration succeeded, false if not. In the /// latter case, a failure will have been added to the current test. bool executeConfiguration(const std::string& config, const char* operation) { ConstElementPtr json; ConstElementPtr status; try { json = parseJSON(config); status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Unable to " << operation << ". " << "The following configuration was used: " << std::endl << config << std::endl << " and the following error message was returned:" << ex.what() << std::endl; return (false); } // The status object must not be NULL if (!status) { ADD_FAILURE() << "Unable to " << operation << ". " << "The configuration function returned a null pointer."; return (false); } // Store the answer if we need it. // Returned value should be 0 (configuration success) comment_ = parseAnswer(rcode_, status); if (rcode_ != 0) { string reason = ""; if (comment_) { reason = string(" (") + comment_->stringValue() + string(")"); } ADD_FAILURE() << "Unable to " << operation << ". " << "The configuration function returned error code " << rcode_ << reason; return (false); } return (true); } /// @brief Reset configuration database. /// /// This function resets configuration data base by removing all subnets /// option-data, and hooks libraries. The reset must be performed after each /// test to make sure that contents of the database do not affect the /// results of subsequent tests. void resetConfiguration() { string config = "{ \"interfaces-config\": {" " \"interfaces\": [ ]" "}," "\"hooks-libraries\": [ ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000, " "\"subnet6\": [ ], " "\"dhcp-ddns\": { \"enable-updates\" : false }, " "\"option-def\": [ ], " "\"option-data\": [ ] }"; static_cast(executeConfiguration(config, "reset configuration database")); // The default setting is to listen on all interfaces. In order to // properly test interface configuration we disable listening on // all interfaces before each test and later check that this setting // has been overridden by the configuration used in the test. CfgMgr::instance().clear(); } /// @brief Retrieve an option associated with a host. /// /// The option is retrieved from the "dhcp6" option space. /// /// @param host Reference to a host for which an option should be retrieved. /// @param option_code Option code. /// @tparam ReturnType Type of the pointer object returned. /// /// @return Pointer to an option or NULL pointer if not found. template ReturnType retrieveOption(const Host& host, const uint16_t option_code) const { return (retrieveOption(host, DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, option_code)); } /// @brief Retrieve an option associated with a host. /// /// @param host Reference to a host for which an option should be retrieved. /// @param space Option space from which option should be retrieved. /// @param option_code Option code. /// @tparam ReturnType Type of the pointer object returned. /// /// @return Pointer to an option or NULL pointer if not found. template ReturnType retrieveOption(const Host& host, const std::string& space, const uint16_t option_code) const { ConstCfgOptionPtr cfg_option = host.getCfgOption6(); if (cfg_option) { OptionDescriptor opt_desc = cfg_option->get(space, option_code); if (opt_desc.option_) { return (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast< typename ReturnType::element_type>(opt_desc.option_)); } } return (ReturnType()); } /// @brief Test invalid option parameter value. /// /// This test function constructs the simple configuration /// string and injects invalid option configuration into it. /// It expects that parser will fail with provided option code. /// /// @param param_value string holding invalid option parameter value /// to be injected into configuration string. /// @param parameter name of the parameter to be configured with /// param_value (can be any of "name", "code", "data") void testInvalidOptionParam(const std::string& param_value, const std::string& parameter) { ConstElementPtr x; std::string config = createConfigWithOption(param_value, parameter); ConstElementPtr json = parseDHCP6(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(x, "")); CfgMgr::instance().clear(); } /// @brief Test invalid option parameter value. /// /// This test function constructs the simple configuration /// string and injects invalid option configuration into it. /// It expects that parser will fail with provided option code. /// /// @param params Map of parameters defining an option. void testInvalidOptionParam(const std::map& params) { ConstElementPtr x; std::string config = createConfigWithOption(params); ConstElementPtr json = parseDHCP6(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(x, "")); CfgMgr::instance().clear(); } /// @brief Test option against given code and data. /// /// @param option_desc option descriptor that carries the option to /// be tested. /// @param expected_code expected code of the option. /// @param expected_data expected data in the option. /// @param expected_data_len length of the reference data. /// @param extra_data if true extra data is allowed in an option /// after tested data. void testOption(const OptionDescriptor& option_desc, uint16_t expected_code, const uint8_t* expected_data, size_t expected_data_len, bool extra_data = false) { // Check if option descriptor contains valid option pointer. ASSERT_TRUE(option_desc.option_); // Verify option type. EXPECT_EQ(expected_code, option_desc.option_->getType()); // We may have many different option types being created. Some of them // have dedicated classes derived from Option class. In such case if // we want to verify the option contents against expected_data we have // to prepare raw buffer with the contents of the option. The easiest // way is to call pack() which will prepare on-wire data. util::OutputBuffer buf(option_desc.option_->getData().size()); option_desc.option_->pack(buf); if (extra_data) { // The length of the buffer must be at least equal to size of the // reference data but it can sometimes be greater than that. This is // because some options carry suboptions that increase the overall // length. ASSERT_GE(buf.getLength() - option_desc.option_->getHeaderLen(), expected_data_len); } else { ASSERT_EQ(buf.getLength() - option_desc.option_->getHeaderLen(), expected_data_len); } // Verify that the data is correct. Do not verify suboptions and a header. const uint8_t* data = static_cast(buf.getData()); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(expected_data, data + option_desc.option_->getHeaderLen(), expected_data_len)); } /// @brief Test option configuration. /// /// This function creates a configuration for a specified option using /// a map of parameters specified as the argument. The map holds /// name/value pairs which identifies option's configuration parameters: /// - name /// - space /// - code /// - data /// - csv-format. /// This function applies a new server configuration and checks that the /// option being configured is inserted into CfgMgr. The raw contents of /// this option are compared with the binary data specified as expected /// data passed to this function. /// /// @param params Map of parameters defining an option. /// @param option_code Option code. /// @param expected_data Array containing binary data expected to be stored /// in the configured option. /// @param expected_data_len Length of the array holding reference data. void testConfiguration(const std::map& params, const uint16_t option_code, const uint8_t* expected_data, const size_t expected_data_len) { CfgMgr::instance().clear(); std::string config = createConfigWithOption(params); ASSERT_TRUE(executeConfiguration(config, "parse option configuration")); // The subnet should now hold one option with the specified code. OptionDescriptor desc = getOptionFromSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), option_code); ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_); testOption(desc, option_code, expected_data, expected_data_len); CfgMgr::instance().clear(); } /// @brief Tests the Rapid Commit configuration for a subnet. /// /// This test configures the server with a given configuration and /// verifies if the Rapid Commit has been configured successfully /// for a subnet. /// /// @param config Server configuration, possibly including the /// 'rapid-commit' parameter. /// @param exp_rapid_commit Expected value of the Rapid Commit flag /// within a subnet. void testRapidCommit(const std::string& config, const bool exp_rapid_commit) { // Clear any existing configuration. CfgMgr::instance().clear(); // Configure the server. ConstElementPtr json = parseDHCP6(config); // Make sure that the configuration was successful. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(status, 0); // Get the subnet. Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); // Check the Rapid Commit flag for the subnet. EXPECT_EQ(exp_rapid_commit, subnet->getRapidCommit()); // Clear any existing configuration. CfgMgr::instance().clear(); } /// @brief This utility method attempts to configure using specified /// config and then returns requested pool from requested subnet /// /// @param config configuration to be applied /// @param subnet_index index of the subnet to be returned (0 - the first subnet) /// @param pool_index index of the pool within a subnet (0 - the first pool) /// @param type Pool type (TYPE_NA or TYPE_PD) /// @param pool [out] Pool pointer will be stored here (if found) void getPool(const std::string& config, size_t subnet_index, size_t pool_index, Lease::Type type, PoolPtr& pool) { ConstElementPtr status; ConstElementPtr json; EXPECT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config, true)); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); ConstCfgSubnets6Ptr subnets6 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets6); const Subnet6Collection* subnets = subnets6->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets); ASSERT_GE(subnets->size(), subnet_index + 1); auto subnet = subnets->begin(); // std::advance is not available for subnets iterators. for (size_t i = 0; i < subnet_index; ++i) { subnet = std::next(subnet); } const PoolCollection pools = (*subnet)->getPools(type); ASSERT_GE(pools.size(), pool_index + 1); pool = pools.at(pool_index); EXPECT_TRUE(pool); } /// @brief Tests if the current config has a given global parameter value /// @param name name of the global parameter expected to exist /// @param value expected value of the global parameter template void checkGlobal(const std::string name, ValueType value) { ConstElementPtr param; ConstElementPtr exp_value; param = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getConfiguredGlobal(name); ASSERT_TRUE(param) << "global: " << name << ", expected but not found"; ASSERT_NO_THROW(exp_value = Element::create(value)); EXPECT_TRUE(param->equals(*exp_value)) << "global: " << name << isc::data::prettyPrint(param) << " does not match expected: " << isc::data::prettyPrint(exp_value); } int rcode_; ///< Return code (see @ref isc::config::parseAnswer) ControlledDhcpv6Srv srv_; ///< Instance of the ControlledDhcp6Srv used during tests ConstElementPtr comment_; ///< Comment (see @ref isc::config::parseAnswer) string valid_iface_; ///< Valid network interface name (present in system) string bogus_iface_; ///< invalid network interface name (not in system) isc::dhcp::ClientClasses classify_; ///< used in client classification }; /// The goal of this test is to verify that the code accepts only /// valid commands and malformed or unsupported parameters are rejected. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, bogusCommand) { ConstElementPtr x; EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, parseJSON("{\"bogus\": 5}"))); // returned value must be 1 (configuration parse error) checkResult(x, 1); // it should be refused by syntax too EXPECT_THROW(parseDHCP6("{\"bogus\": 5}"), Dhcp6ParseError); } /// The goal of this test is to verify empty interface-config is accepted. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, emptyInterfaceConfig) { ConstElementPtr json; EXPECT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6("{ \"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }")); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 0 (success) checkResult(status, 0); } /// Check that valid-lifetime must be between min-valid-lifetime and /// max-valid-lifetime when a bound is specified, *AND* a subnet is /// specified (boundary check is done when lifetimes are applied). TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, outBoundValidLifetime) { string too_small = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 1000, \"min-valid-lifetime\": 2000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(too_small)); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); string expected = "subnet configuration failed: " "the value of min-valid-lifetime (2000) is not " "less than (default) valid-lifetime (1000)"; checkResult(status, 1, expected); resetConfiguration(); string too_large = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 2000, \"max-valid-lifetime\": 1000 }"; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(too_large)); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); expected = "subnet configuration failed: " "the value of (default) valid-lifetime (2000) is not " "less than max-valid-lifetime (1000)"; checkResult(status, 1, expected); resetConfiguration(); string before = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 1000, \"min-valid-lifetime\": 2000, " "\"max-valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(before)); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); expected = "subnet configuration failed: " "the value of (default) valid-lifetime (1000) is not " "between min-valid-lifetime (2000) and max-valid-lifetime (4000)"; checkResult(status, 1, expected); resetConfiguration(); string after = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 5000, \"min-valid-lifetime\": 1000, " "\"max-valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(after)); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); expected = "subnet configuration failed: " "the value of (default) valid-lifetime (5000) is not " "between min-valid-lifetime (1000) and max-valid-lifetime (4000)"; checkResult(status, 1, expected); resetConfiguration(); string crossed = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 1500, \"min-valid-lifetime\": 2000, " "\"max-valid-lifetime\": 1000 }"; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(crossed)); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); expected = "subnet configuration failed: " "the value of min-valid-lifetime (2000) is not " "less than max-valid-lifetime (1000)"; checkResult(status, 1, expected); } /// Check that preferred-lifetime must be between min-preferred-lifetime and /// max-preferred-lifetime when a bound is specified, *AND* a subnet is /// specified (boundary check is done when lifetimes are applied). TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, outBoundPreferredLifetime) { string too_small = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\" } ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 1000, \"min-preferred-lifetime\": 2000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(too_small)); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); string expected = "subnet configuration failed: " "the value of min-preferred-lifetime (2000) is not " "less than (default) preferred-lifetime (1000)"; checkResult(status, 1, expected); resetConfiguration(); string too_large = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\" } ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 2000, \"max-preferred-lifetime\": 1000 }"; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(too_large)); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); expected = "subnet configuration failed: " "the value of (default) preferred-lifetime (2000) is not " "less than max-preferred-lifetime (1000)"; checkResult(status, 1, expected); resetConfiguration(); string before = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\" } ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 1000, \"min-preferred-lifetime\": 2000, " "\"max-preferred-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(before)); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); expected = "subnet configuration failed: " "the value of (default) preferred-lifetime (1000) is not between " "min-preferred-lifetime (2000) and max-preferred-lifetime (4000)"; checkResult(status, 1, expected); resetConfiguration(); string after = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\" } ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 5000, \"min-preferred-lifetime\": 1000, " "\"max-preferred-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(after)); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); expected = "subnet configuration failed: " "the value of (default) preferred-lifetime (5000) is not between " "min-preferred-lifetime (1000) and max-preferred-lifetime (4000)"; checkResult(status, 1, expected); resetConfiguration(); string crossed = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\" } ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 1500, \"min-preferred-lifetime\": 2000, " "\"max-preferred-lifetime\": 1000 }"; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(crossed)); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); expected = "subnet configuration failed: " "the value of min-preferred-lifetime (2000) is not " "less than max-preferred-lifetime (1000)"; checkResult(status, 1, expected); } /// The goal of this test is to verify if configuration without any /// subnets defined can be accepted. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, emptySubnet) { string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ ], " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 0 (success) checkResult(status, 0); } /// The goal of this test is to verify if defined subnet uses global /// parameter timer definitions. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, subnetGlobalDefaults) { string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"min-preferred-lifetime\": 2000," "\"max-preferred-lifetime\": 4000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000," "\"min-valid-lifetime\": 3000," "\"max-valid-lifetime\": 5000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // check if returned status is OK checkResult(status, 0); // Now check if the configuration was indeed handled and we have // expected pool configured. Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_EQ(1000, subnet->getT1()); EXPECT_EQ(2000, subnet->getT2()); EXPECT_EQ(3000, subnet->getPreferred()); EXPECT_EQ(2000, subnet->getPreferred().getMin()); EXPECT_EQ(4000, subnet->getPreferred().getMax()); EXPECT_EQ(4000, subnet->getValid()); EXPECT_EQ(3000, subnet->getValid().getMin()); EXPECT_EQ(5000, subnet->getValid().getMax()); // Check that subnet-id is 1 EXPECT_EQ(1, subnet->getID()); } // This test checks that multiple subnets can be defined and handled properly. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, multipleSubnets) { ConstElementPtr x; // Collection of four subnets for which ids should be autogenerated // - ids are unspecified or set to 0. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" " " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\", " " \"id\": 0" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:3::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\" " " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:4::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:4::/64\" " " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; int cnt = 0; // Number of reconfigurations ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); do { EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); CfgMgr::instance().commit(); const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets); ASSERT_EQ(4, subnets->size()); // We expect 4 subnets // Check subnet-ids of each subnet (it should be monotonously increasing) auto subnet = subnets->begin(); EXPECT_EQ(1, (*subnet)->getID()); EXPECT_EQ(2, (*++subnet)->getID()); EXPECT_EQ(3, (*++subnet)->getID()); EXPECT_EQ(4, (*++subnet)->getID()); // Repeat reconfiguration process 10 times and check that the subnet-id // is set to the same value. Technically, just two iterations would be // sufficient, but it's nice to have a test that exercises reconfiguration // a bit. } while (++cnt < 10); } // This test checks that it is possible to assign arbitrary ids for subnets. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, multipleSubnetsExplicitIDs) { ConstElementPtr x; // Four subnets with arbitrary subnet ids. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\", " " \"id\": 1024" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\", " " \"id\": 100" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:3::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\", " " \"id\": 1" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:4::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:4::/64\", " " \"id\": 34" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; int cnt = 0; // Number of reconfigurations ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); do { EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); CfgMgr::instance().commit(); const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets); ASSERT_EQ(4, subnets->size()); // We expect 4 subnets // Check that subnet ids are as expected. // Now the subnet order is the subnet id one. auto subnet = subnets->begin(); EXPECT_EQ(1, (*subnet)->getID()); EXPECT_EQ(34, (*++subnet)->getID()); EXPECT_EQ(100, (*++subnet)->getID()); EXPECT_EQ(1024, (*++subnet)->getID()); // Repeat reconfiguration process 10 times and check that the subnet-id // is set to the same value. } while (++cnt < 3); } // CHeck that the configuration with two subnets having the same id is rejected. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, multipleSubnetsOverlappingIDs) { ConstElementPtr x; // Four subnets, two of them have the same id. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\", " " \"id\": 1024" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\", " " \"id\": 100" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:3::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\", " " \"id\": 1024" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:4::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:4::/64\", " " \"id\": 34" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(x, "")); } // Goal of this test is to verify that a previously configured subnet can be // deleted in subsequent reconfiguration. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, reconfigureRemoveSubnet) { ConstElementPtr x; // All four subnets string config4 = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\", " " \"id\": 1" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\", " " \"id\": 2" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:3::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\", " " \"id\": 3" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:4::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:4::/64\", " " \"id\": 4" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; // Three subnets (the last one removed) string config_first3 = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\", " " \"id\": 1" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\", " " \"id\": 2" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:3::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\", " " \"id\": 3" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; // Second subnet removed string config_second_removed = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\", " " \"id\": 1" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:3::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\", " " \"id\": 3" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:4::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:4::/64\", " " \"id\": 4" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; // CASE 1: Configure 4 subnets, then reconfigure and remove the // last one. ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config4)); extractConfig(config4); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); CfgMgr::instance().commit(); const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets); ASSERT_EQ(4, subnets->size()); // We expect 4 subnets // Do the reconfiguration (the last subnet is removed) ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config_first3)); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); CfgMgr::instance().commit(); subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets); ASSERT_EQ(3, subnets->size()); // We expect 3 subnets now (4th is removed) auto subnet = subnets->begin(); EXPECT_EQ(1, (*subnet)->getID()); EXPECT_EQ(2, (*++subnet)->getID()); EXPECT_EQ(3, (*++subnet)->getID()); /// CASE 2: Configure 4 subnets, then reconfigure and remove one /// from in between (not first, not last) ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config4)); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); CfgMgr::instance().commit(); // Do reconfiguration ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config_second_removed)); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); CfgMgr::instance().commit(); subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets); ASSERT_EQ(3, subnets->size()); // We expect 4 subnets subnet = subnets->begin(); EXPECT_EQ(1, (*subnet)->getID()); // The second subnet (with subnet-id = 2) is no longer there EXPECT_EQ(3, (*++subnet)->getID()); EXPECT_EQ(4, (*++subnet)->getID()); } // This test checks if it is possible to override global values // on a per subnet basis. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, subnetLocal) { string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"min-preferred-lifetime\": 2000," "\"max-preferred-lifetime\": 4000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"renew-timer\": 1, " " \"rebind-timer\": 2, " " \"preferred-lifetime\": 3," " \"min-preferred-lifetime\": 2," " \"max-preferred-lifetime\": 4," " \"valid-lifetime\": 4," " \"min-valid-lifetime\": 3," " \"max-valid-lifetime\": 5," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000," "\"min-valid-lifetime\": 3000," "\"max-valid-lifetime\": 5000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 0 (configuration success) checkResult(status, 0); Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_EQ(1, subnet->getT1()); EXPECT_EQ(2, subnet->getT2()); EXPECT_EQ(3, subnet->getPreferred()); EXPECT_EQ(2, subnet->getPreferred().getMin()); EXPECT_EQ(4, subnet->getPreferred().getMax()); EXPECT_EQ(4, subnet->getValid()); EXPECT_EQ(3, subnet->getValid().getMin()); EXPECT_EQ(5, subnet->getValid().getMax()); } // This test checks if it is possible to define a subnet with an // interface defined. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, subnetInterface) { // There should be at least one interface // As far as I can tell, this is the first lambda in Kea code. Cool. auto config = [this](string iface) { return ("{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { " " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"interface\": \"" + iface + "\"," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"); }; cout << config(valid_iface_) << endl; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config(valid_iface_))); extractConfig(config("eth0")); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 0 (configuration success) checkResult(status, 0); Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_EQ(valid_iface_, subnet->getIface().get()); } // This test checks if invalid interface name will be rejected in // Subnet6 definition. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, subnetInterfaceBogus) { // There should be at least one interface string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"interface\": \"" + bogus_iface_ + "\"," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; cout << config << endl; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 1 (configuration error) checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); EXPECT_FALSE(subnet); } // This test checks if it is not allowed to define global interface // parameter. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, interfaceGlobal) { string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"interface\": \"" + valid_iface_ + "\"," // Not valid. Can be defined in subnet only "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; cout << config << endl; ConstElementPtr json = parseJSON(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 1 (parse error) checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); EXPECT_THROW(parseDHCP6(config), Dhcp6ParseError); } // This test checks if it is possible to define a subnet with an // interface-id option defined. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, subnetInterfaceId) { const string valid_interface_id = "foobar"; const string bogus_interface_id = "blah"; // There should be at least one interface const string config = "{ " "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"interface-id\": \"" + valid_interface_id + "\"," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // Returned value should be 0 (configuration success) checkResult(status, 0); // Try to get a subnet based on bogus interface-id option OptionBuffer tmp(bogus_interface_id.begin(), bogus_interface_id.end()); SubnetSelector selector; selector.first_relay_linkaddr_ = IOAddress("5000::1"); selector.interface_id_.reset(new Option(Option::V6, D6O_INTERFACE_ID, tmp)); Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(selector); EXPECT_FALSE(subnet); // Now try to get subnet for valid interface-id value tmp = OptionBuffer(valid_interface_id.begin(), valid_interface_id.end()); selector.interface_id_.reset(new Option(Option::V6, D6O_INTERFACE_ID, tmp)); subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(selector); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_TRUE(selector.interface_id_->equals(subnet->getInterfaceId())); } // This test checks if it is not allowed to define global interface // parameter. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, interfaceIdGlobal) { const string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"interface-id\": \"foobar\"," // Not valid. Can be defined in subnet only "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json = parseJSON(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // Returned value should be 1 (parse error) checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); EXPECT_THROW(parseDHCP6(config), Dhcp6ParseError); } // This test checks if it is not possible to define a subnet with an // interface (i.e. local subnet) and interface-id (remote subnet) defined. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, subnetInterfaceAndInterfaceId) { const string config = "{ \"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"interface\": \"" + valid_iface_ + "\"," " \"interface-id\": \"foobar\"," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // Returned value should be 1 (configuration error) checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); } // Goal of this test is to verify that invalid subnet fails to be parsed. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, badSubnetValues) { // Contains parts needed for a single test scenario. struct Scenario { std::string description_; std::string config_json_; std::string exp_error_msg_; }; // Vector of scenarios. std::vector scenarios = { { "IP is not an address", "{ \"subnet6\": [ { " " \"subnet\": \"not an address/64\" } ]}", "subnet configuration failed: " "Failed to convert string to address 'notanaddress': Invalid argument" }, { "IP is Invalid", "{ \"subnet6\": [ { " " \"subnet\": \"200175:db8::/64\" } ]}", "subnet configuration failed: " "Failed to convert string to address '200175:db8::': Invalid argument" }, { "Missing prefix", "{ \"subnet6\": [ { " " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::\" } ]}", "subnet configuration failed: " "Invalid subnet syntax (prefix/len expected):2001:db8:: (:1:30)" }, { "Prefix not an integer (2 slashes)", "{ \"subnet6\": [ { " " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:://64\" } ]}", "subnet configuration failed: " "prefix length: '/64' is not an integer (:1:30)" }, { "Prefix value is insane", "{ \"subnet6\": [ { " " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/43225\" } ]}", "subnet configuration failed: " "Invalid prefix length specified for subnet: 43225 (:1:30)" } }; // Iterate over the list of scenarios. Each should fail to parse with // a specific error message. for (auto scenario = scenarios.begin(); scenario != scenarios.end(); ++scenario) { { SCOPED_TRACE((*scenario).description_); ConstElementPtr config; ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCP6((*scenario).config_json_)) << "invalid json, broken test"; ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, config)); checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_EQ(comment_->stringValue(), (*scenario).exp_error_msg_); } } } // This test checks the configuration of the Rapid Commit option // support for the subnet. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, subnetRapidCommit) { { // rapid-commit implicitly set to false. SCOPED_TRACE("Default Rapid Commit setting"); testRapidCommit("{ \"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - " "2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }", false); } { // rapid-commit explicitly set to true. SCOPED_TRACE("Enable Rapid Commit"); testRapidCommit("{ \"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - " "2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"rapid-commit\": true," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }", true); } { // rapid-commit explicitly set to false. SCOPED_TRACE("Disable Rapid Commit"); testRapidCommit("{ \"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - " "2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"rapid-commit\": false," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }", false); } } // This test checks that multiple pools can be defined and handled properly. // The test defines 2 subnets, each with 2 pools. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, multiplePools) { // Collection with two subnets, each with 2 pools. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ " " { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/96\" }," " { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1:0:abcd::/112\" }" " ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" " " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ " " { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::1 - 2001:db8:2::ff\" }," " { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::300 - 2001:db8:2::3ff\" }" " ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\"" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; ASSERT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(status, 0); const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets); ASSERT_EQ(2, subnets->size()); // We expect 2 subnets // Check the first subnet auto subnet = subnets->begin(); const PoolCollection& pools1 = (*subnet)->getPools(Lease::TYPE_NA); ASSERT_EQ(2, pools1.size()); EXPECT_EQ("type=IA_NA, 2001:db8:1::-2001:db8:1::ffff:ffff, delegated_len=128", pools1[0]->toText()); EXPECT_EQ("type=IA_NA, 2001:db8:1:0:abcd::-2001:db8:1:0:abcd::ffff, delegated_len=128", pools1[1]->toText()); // There shouldn't be any TA or PD pools EXPECT_TRUE((*subnet)->getPools(Lease::TYPE_TA).empty()); EXPECT_TRUE((*subnet)->getPools(Lease::TYPE_PD).empty()); // Check the second subnet ++subnet; const PoolCollection& pools2 = (*subnet)->getPools(Lease::TYPE_NA); ASSERT_EQ(2, pools2.size()); EXPECT_EQ("type=IA_NA, 2001:db8:2::1-2001:db8:2::ff, delegated_len=128", pools2[0]->toText()); EXPECT_EQ("type=IA_NA, 2001:db8:2::300-2001:db8:2::3ff, delegated_len=128", pools2[1]->toText()); // There shouldn't be any TA or PD pools EXPECT_TRUE((*subnet)->getPools(Lease::TYPE_TA).empty()); EXPECT_TRUE((*subnet)->getPools(Lease::TYPE_PD).empty()); } // Test verifies that a subnet with pool values that do not belong to that // pool are rejected. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, poolOutOfSubnet) { string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"4001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value must be 1 (values error) // as the pool does not belong to that subnet checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); } // Goal of this test is to verify if pools can be defined // using prefix/length notation. There is no separate test for min-max // notation as it was tested in several previous tests. // Note this test also verifies that subnets can be configured without // prefix delegation pools. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, poolPrefixLen) { ConstElementPtr x; string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value must be 1 (configuration parse error) checkResult(x, 0); Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_EQ(1000, subnet->getT1()); EXPECT_EQ(2000, subnet->getT2()); EXPECT_EQ(3000, subnet->getPreferred()); EXPECT_EQ(4000, subnet->getValid()); } // Goal of this test is to verify if invalid pool definitions // return a location in the error message. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, badPools) { // not a prefix string config_bogus1 = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"foo/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; // not a length string config_bogus2 = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/foo\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; // invalid prefix length string config_bogus3 = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/200\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; // not a prefix nor a min-max string config_bogus4 = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"foo\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; // not an address string config_bogus5 = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"foo - bar\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; // min > max string config_bogus6 = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::ffff - 2001:db8:1::\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; // out of range prefix length (new check) string config_bogus7 = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/1104\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json1; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json1 = parseDHCP6(config_bogus1)); ConstElementPtr json2; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json2 = parseDHCP6(config_bogus2)); ConstElementPtr json3; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json3 = parseDHCP6(config_bogus3)); ConstElementPtr json4; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json4 = parseDHCP6(config_bogus4)); ConstElementPtr json5; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json5 = parseDHCP6(config_bogus5)); ConstElementPtr json6; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json6 = parseDHCP6(config_bogus6)); ConstElementPtr json7; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json7 = parseDHCP6(config_bogus7)); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json1)); // check if returned status is always a failure checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); CfgMgr::instance().clear(); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json2)); checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); CfgMgr::instance().clear(); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json3)); checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); CfgMgr::instance().clear(); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json4)); checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); CfgMgr::instance().clear(); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json5)); checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); CfgMgr::instance().clear(); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json6)); checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); CfgMgr::instance().clear(); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json7)); checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); } // Goal of this test is to verify the basic parsing of a prefix delegation // pool. It uses a single, valid pd pool. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, pdPoolBasics) { ConstElementPtr x; // Define a single valid pd pool. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"," " \"pd-pools\": [" " { \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:1::\", " " \"prefix-len\": 64, " " \"delegated-len\": 128" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }" "] }"; // Convert the JSON string into Elements. ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); // Verify that DHCP6 configuration processing succeeds. // Returned value must be non-empty ConstElementPtr to config result. // rcode should be 0 which indicates successful configuration processing. EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); // Test that we can retrieve the subnet. Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); // Fetch the collection of PD pools. It should have 1 entry. PoolCollection pc; ASSERT_NO_THROW(pc = subnet->getPools(Lease::TYPE_PD)); EXPECT_EQ(1, pc.size()); // Get a pointer to the pd pool instance, and verify its contents. Pool6Ptr p6; ASSERT_NO_THROW(p6 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(pc[0])); ASSERT_TRUE(p6); EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::", p6->getFirstAddress().toText()); EXPECT_EQ(128, p6->getLength()); // prefix-len is not directly accessible after pool construction, so // verify that it was interpreted correctly by checking the last address // value. isc::asiolink::IOAddress prefixAddress("2001:db8:1::"); EXPECT_EQ(lastAddrInPrefix(prefixAddress, 64), p6->getLastAddress()); } // This test verifies that it is possible to specify a prefix pool with an // excluded prefix (see RFC6603). TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, pdPoolPrefixExclude) { ConstElementPtr x; // Define a single valid pd pool. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"," " \"pd-pools\": [" " { \"prefix\": \"3000::\", " " \"prefix-len\": 48, " " \"delegated-len\": 64," " \"excluded-prefix\": \"3000:0:0:0:1000::\"," " \"excluded-prefix-len\": 72" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }" "] }"; // Convert the JSON string into Elements. ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); // Verify that DHCP6 configuration processing succeeds. // Returned value must be non-empty ConstElementPtr to config result. // rcode should be 0 which indicates successful configuration processing. EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); // Test that we can retrieve the subnet. Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); // Fetch the collection of PD pools. It should have 1 entry. PoolCollection pc; ASSERT_NO_THROW(pc = subnet->getPools(Lease::TYPE_PD)); EXPECT_EQ(1, pc.size()); // Get a pointer to the pd pool instance, and verify its contents. Pool6Ptr p6; ASSERT_NO_THROW(p6 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(pc[0])); ASSERT_TRUE(p6); EXPECT_EQ("3000::", p6->getFirstAddress().toText()); EXPECT_EQ(64, p6->getLength()); // This pool should have Prefix Exclude option associated. Option6PDExcludePtr pd_exclude_option = p6->getPrefixExcludeOption(); ASSERT_TRUE(pd_exclude_option); // Pick a delegated prefix of 3000:0:0:3:1000::/64 which belongs to our // pool of 3000::/48. For this prefix obtain a Prefix Exclude option and // verify that it is correct. EXPECT_EQ("3000:0:0:3:1000::", pd_exclude_option->getExcludedPrefix(IOAddress("3000:0:0:3::"), 64).toText()); EXPECT_EQ(72, static_cast(pd_exclude_option->getExcludedPrefixLength())); } // Goal of this test is verify that a list of PD pools can be configured. // It also verifies that a subnet may be configured with both regular pools // and pd pools. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, pdPoolList) { ConstElementPtr x; // We will configure three pools of prefixes for the subnet. Note that // the 3rd prefix is out of the subnet prefix (the prefix doesn't match // the subnet prefix). const char* prefixes[] = { "2001:db8:1:1::", "2001:db8:1:2::", "3000:1:3::" }; string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1:04::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/40\"," " \"pd-pools\": [" " { \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:1:01::\", " " \"prefix-len\": 72, " " \"delegated-len\": 80" " }," " { \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:1:02::\", " " \"prefix-len\": 72, " " \"delegated-len\": 88" " }," " { \"prefix\": \"3000:1:03::\", " " \"prefix-len\": 72, " " \"delegated-len\": 96" " }" "]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }" "] }"; // Convert the JSON string into Elements. ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); // Verify that DHCP6 configuration processing succeeds. // Returned value must be non-empty ConstElementPtr to config result. // rcode should be 0 which indicates successful configuration processing. EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); // Test that we can retrieve the subnet. Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); // Fetch the collection of NA pools. It should have 1 entry. PoolCollection pc; ASSERT_NO_THROW(pc = subnet->getPools(Lease::TYPE_NA)); EXPECT_EQ(1, pc.size()); // Fetch the collection of PD pools. It should have 3 entries. ASSERT_NO_THROW(pc = subnet->getPools(Lease::TYPE_PD)); EXPECT_EQ(3, pc.size()); // Loop through the pools and verify their contents. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Pool6Ptr p6; ASSERT_NO_THROW(p6 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(pc[i])); ASSERT_TRUE(p6); EXPECT_EQ(prefixes[i], p6->getFirstAddress().toText()); EXPECT_EQ((80 + (i * 8)), p6->getLength()); } } // Goal of this test is to verify the a whole prefix can be delegated and that // a whole subnet can be delegated. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, subnetAndPrefixDelegated) { ConstElementPtr x; // Define a single valid pd pool. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"," " \"pd-pools\": [" " { \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:1::\", " " \"prefix-len\": 64, " " \"delegated-len\": 64" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }" "] }"; // Convert the JSON string into Elements. ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); // Verify that DHCP6 configuration processing succeeds. // Returned value must be non-empty ConstElementPtr to config result. // rcode should be 0 which indicates successful configuration processing. EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); // Test that we can retrieve the subnet. Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); // Fetch the collection of PD pools. It should have 1 entry. PoolCollection pc; ASSERT_NO_THROW(pc = subnet->getPools(Lease::TYPE_PD)); EXPECT_EQ(1, pc.size()); // Get a pointer to the pd pool instance, and verify its contents. Pool6Ptr p6; ASSERT_NO_THROW(p6 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(pc[0])); ASSERT_TRUE(p6); EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:1::", p6->getFirstAddress().toText()); EXPECT_EQ(64, p6->getLength()); // prefix-len is not directly accessible after pool construction, so // verify that it was interpreted correctly by checking the last address // value. isc::asiolink::IOAddress prefixAddress("2001:db8:1::"); EXPECT_EQ(lastAddrInPrefix(prefixAddress, 64), p6->getLastAddress()); } // Goal of this test is check for proper handling of invalid prefix delegation // pool configuration. It uses an array of invalid configurations to check // a variety of configuration errors. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, invalidPdPools) { ConstElementPtr x; const char *config[] = { // No prefix. "{ \"interfaces-config\": { \"interfaces\": [ ] }," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"," " \"pd-pools\": [" " { " " \"prefix-len\": 64, " " \"delegated-len\": 128" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }" "] }", // No prefix-len. "{ \"interfaces-config\": { \"interfaces\": [ ] }," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"," " \"pd-pools\": [" " { \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:1::\", " " \"delegated-len\": 128" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }" "] }", // No delegated-len. "{ \"interfaces-config\": { \"interfaces\": [ ] }," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"," " \"pd-pools\": [" " { \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:1::\", " " \"prefix-len\": 64 " " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }" "] }", // Delegated length is too short. "{ \"interfaces-config\": { \"interfaces\": [ ] }," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"," " \"pd-pools\": [" " { \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:1::\", " " \"prefix-len\": 128, " " \"delegated-len\": 64" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }" "] }" }; ConstElementPtr json; int num_msgs = sizeof(config)/sizeof(char*); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_msgs; i++) { // Convert JSON string to Elements. // The 3 first configs should fail to parse. if (i < 3) { EXPECT_THROW(parseDHCP6(config[i]), Dhcp6ParseError); json = parseJSON(config[i]); } else { ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config[i])); } // Configuration processing should fail without a throw. ASSERT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // Returned value must be non-empty ConstElementPtr to config result. // rcode should be 1 which indicates configuration error. checkResult(x, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(x, "")); } } // The goal of this test is to check whether an option definition // that defines an option carrying an IPv6 address can be created. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDefIpv6Address) { // Configuration string. std::string config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"ipv6-address\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config)); extractConfig(config); // Make sure that the particular option definition does not exist. OptionDefinitionPtr def = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()-> getCfgOptionDef()->get("isc", 100); ASSERT_FALSE(def); // Use the configuration string to create new option definition. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); // We need to commit option definitions because later in this test we // will be checking if they get removed when "option-def" parameter // is removed from a configuration. LibDHCP::commitRuntimeOptionDefs(); // The option definition should now be available in the CfgMgr. def = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOptionDef()->get("isc", 100); ASSERT_TRUE(def); // Verify that the option definition data is valid. EXPECT_EQ("foo", def->getName()); EXPECT_EQ(100, def->getCode()); EXPECT_FALSE(def->getArrayType()); EXPECT_EQ(OPT_IPV6_ADDRESS_TYPE, def->getType()); // The copy of the option definition should be available in the libdhcp++. OptionDefinitionPtr def_libdhcp = LibDHCP::getRuntimeOptionDef("isc", 100); ASSERT_TRUE(def_libdhcp); // Both definitions should be held in distinct pointers but they should // be equal. EXPECT_TRUE(def_libdhcp != def); EXPECT_TRUE(*def_libdhcp == *def); // Let's apply empty configuration. This removes the option definitions // configuration and should result in removal of the option 100 from the // libdhcp++. Note DHCP6 or OPTION_DEFS parsers do not accept empty maps. json.reset(new MapElement()); ASSERT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(status, 0); EXPECT_FALSE(LibDHCP::getRuntimeOptionDef("isc", 100)); } // The goal of this test is to check whether an option definition // that defines an option carrying a record of data fields can // be created. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDefRecord) { // Configuration string. std::string config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"record\"," " \"record-types\": \"uint16, ipv4-address, ipv6-address, string\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config)); extractConfig(config); // Make sure that the particular option definition does not exist. OptionDefinitionPtr def = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()-> getCfgOptionDef()->get("isc", 100); ASSERT_FALSE(def); // Use the configuration string to create new option definition. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); // The option definition should now be available in the CfgMgr. def = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOptionDef()->get("isc", 100); ASSERT_TRUE(def); // Check the option data. EXPECT_EQ("foo", def->getName()); EXPECT_EQ(100, def->getCode()); EXPECT_EQ(OPT_RECORD_TYPE, def->getType()); EXPECT_FALSE(def->getArrayType()); // The option comprises the record of data fields. Verify that all // fields are present and they are of the expected types. const OptionDefinition::RecordFieldsCollection& record_fields = def->getRecordFields(); ASSERT_EQ(4, record_fields.size()); EXPECT_EQ(OPT_UINT16_TYPE, record_fields[0]); EXPECT_EQ(OPT_IPV4_ADDRESS_TYPE, record_fields[1]); EXPECT_EQ(OPT_IPV6_ADDRESS_TYPE, record_fields[2]); EXPECT_EQ(OPT_STRING_TYPE, record_fields[3]); } // The goal of this test is to verify that multiple option definitions // can be created. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDefMultiple) { // Configuration string. std::string config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"uint32\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo-2\"," " \"code\": 101," " \"type\": \"ipv4-address\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config)); extractConfig(config); // Make sure that the option definitions do not exist yet. ASSERT_FALSE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()-> getCfgOptionDef()->get("isc", 100)); ASSERT_FALSE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()-> getCfgOptionDef()->get("isc", 101)); // Use the configuration string to create new option definitions. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); // Check the first definition we have created. OptionDefinitionPtr def1 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()-> getCfgOptionDef()->get("isc", 100); ASSERT_TRUE(def1); // Check the option data. EXPECT_EQ("foo", def1->getName()); EXPECT_EQ(100, def1->getCode()); EXPECT_EQ(OPT_UINT32_TYPE, def1->getType()); EXPECT_FALSE(def1->getArrayType()); // Check the second option definition we have created. OptionDefinitionPtr def2 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()-> getCfgOptionDef()->get("isc", 101); ASSERT_TRUE(def2); // Check the option data. EXPECT_EQ("foo-2", def2->getName()); EXPECT_EQ(101, def2->getCode()); EXPECT_EQ(OPT_IPV4_ADDRESS_TYPE, def2->getType()); EXPECT_FALSE(def2->getArrayType()); } // The goal of this test is to verify that the duplicated option // definition is not accepted. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDefDuplicate) { // Preconfigure libdhcp++ with option definitions. The new configuration // should override it, but when the new configuration fails, it should // revert to this original configuration. OptionDefSpaceContainer defs; OptionDefinitionPtr def(new OptionDefinition("bar", 233, "string")); defs.addItem(def, "isc"); LibDHCP::setRuntimeOptionDefs(defs); LibDHCP::commitRuntimeOptionDefs(); // Configuration string. Both option definitions have // the same code and belong to the same option space. // This configuration should not be accepted. std::string config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"uint32\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo-2\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"ipv4-address\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config)); // Make sure that the option definition does not exist yet. ASSERT_FALSE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()-> getCfgOptionDef()->get("isc", 100)); // Use the configuration string to create new option definitions. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); // Specific check for incorrect report using default config pair // as option-def is parsed first. string expected = "failed to create or run parser for configuration "; expected += "element option-def: option definition with code '100' "; expected += "already exists in option space 'isc'"; EXPECT_EQ(1, countFile(expected)); // The new configuration should have inserted option 100, but // once configuration failed (on the duplicate option definition) // the original configuration in libdhcp++ should be reverted. EXPECT_FALSE(LibDHCP::getRuntimeOptionDef("isc", 100)); def = LibDHCP::getRuntimeOptionDef("isc", 233); ASSERT_TRUE(def); EXPECT_EQ("bar", def->getName()); EXPECT_EQ(233, def->getCode()); } // The goal of this test is to verify that the option definition // comprising an array of uint32 values can be created. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDefArray) { // Configuration string. Created option definition should // comprise an array of uint32 values. std::string config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"uint32\"," " \"array\": true," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config)); extractConfig(config); // Make sure that the particular option definition does not exist. OptionDefinitionPtr def = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()-> getCfgOptionDef()->get("isc", 100); ASSERT_FALSE(def); // Use the configuration string to create new option definition. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); // The option definition should now be available in the CfgMgr. def = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOptionDef()->get("isc", 100); ASSERT_TRUE(def); // Check the option data. EXPECT_EQ("foo", def->getName()); EXPECT_EQ(100, def->getCode()); EXPECT_EQ(OPT_UINT32_TYPE, def->getType()); EXPECT_TRUE(def->getArrayType()); } // The purpose of this test to verify that encapsulated option // space name may be specified. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDefEncapsulate) { // Configuration string. Included the encapsulated // option space name. std::string config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"uint32\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"," " \"encapsulate\": \"sub-opts-space\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config)); extractConfig(config); // Make sure that the particular option definition does not exist. OptionDefinitionPtr def = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()-> getCfgOptionDef()->get("isc", 100); ASSERT_FALSE(def); // Use the configuration string to create new option definition. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); // The option definition should now be available in the CfgMgr. def = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOptionDef()->get("isc", 100); ASSERT_TRUE(def); // Check the option data. EXPECT_EQ("foo", def->getName()); EXPECT_EQ(100, def->getCode()); EXPECT_EQ(OPT_UINT32_TYPE, def->getType()); EXPECT_FALSE(def->getArrayType()); EXPECT_EQ("sub-opts-space", def->getEncapsulatedSpace()); } /// The purpose of this test is to verify that the option definition /// with invalid name is not accepted. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDefInvalidName) { // Configuration string. The option name is invalid as it // contains the % character. std::string config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"invalid%name\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"string\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config)); // Use the configuration string to create new option definition. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); // Expecting parsing error (error code 1). checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); } /// The purpose of this test is to verify that the option definition /// with invalid type is not accepted. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDefInvalidType) { // Configuration string. The option type is invalid. It is // "sting" instead of "string". std::string config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"sting\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config)); // Use the configuration string to create new option definition. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); // Expecting parsing error (error code 1). checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); } /// The purpose of this test is to verify that the option definition /// with invalid type is not accepted. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDefInvalidRecordType) { // Configuration string. The third of the record fields // is invalid. It is "sting" instead of "string". std::string config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"record\"," " \"record-types\": \"uint32,uint8,sting\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config)); // Use the configuration string to create new option definition. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); // Expecting parsing error (error code 1). checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); } /// The purpose of this test is to verify that various integer types /// are supported. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionIntegerTypes) { // Configuration string. The third of the record fields // is invalid. It is "sting" instead of "string". std::string config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"record\"," " \"record-types\": \"uint8,uint16,uint32,int8,int16,int32\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config)); // Use the configuration string to create new option definition. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); // Expecting parsing error (error code 1). checkResult(status, 0); } /// The goal of this test is to verify that the invalid encapsulated /// option space name is not accepted. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDefInvalidEncapsulatedSpace) { // Configuration string. The encapsulated option space // name is invalid (% character is not allowed). std::string config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"uint32\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"," " \"encapsulate\": \"invalid%space%name\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config)); // Use the configuration string to create new option definition. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); // Expecting parsing error (error code 1). checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); } /// The goal of this test is to verify that the encapsulated /// option space name can't be specified for the option that /// comprises an array of data fields. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDefEncapsulatedSpaceAndArray) { // Configuration string. The encapsulated option space // name is set to non-empty value and the array flag // is set. std::string config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"uint32\"," " \"array\": true," " \"space\": \"isc\"," " \"encapsulate\": \"valid-space-name\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config)); // Use the configuration string to create new option definition. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); // Expecting parsing error (error code 1). checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); } /// The goal of this test is to verify that the option may not /// encapsulate option space it belongs to. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDefEncapsulateOwnSpace) { // Configuration string. Option is set to encapsulate // option space it belongs to. std::string config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"uint32\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"," " \"encapsulate\": \"isc\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config)); // Use the configuration string to create new option definition. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); // Expecting parsing error (error code 1). checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); } /// The purpose of this test is to verify that it is not allowed /// to override the standard option (that belongs to dhcp6 option /// space and has its definition) and that it is allowed to define /// option in the dhcp6 option space that has a code which is not /// used by any of the standard options. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionStandardDefOverride) { // Configuration string. The option code 100 is unassigned // so it can be used for a custom option definition in // dhcp6 option space. std::string config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"string\"," " \"space\": \"dhcp6\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config)); OptionDefinitionPtr def = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()-> getCfgOptionDef()->get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, 100); ASSERT_FALSE(def); // Use the configuration string to create new option definition. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); // The option definition should now be available in the CfgMgr. def = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()-> getCfgOptionDef()->get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, 100); ASSERT_TRUE(def); // Check the option data. EXPECT_EQ("foo", def->getName()); EXPECT_EQ(100, def->getCode()); EXPECT_EQ(OPT_STRING_TYPE, def->getType()); EXPECT_FALSE(def->getArrayType()); // The combination of option space and code is invalid. The 'dhcp6' // option space groups standard options and the code 3 is reserved // for one of them. config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 3," " \"type\": \"string\"," " \"space\": \"dhcp6\"" " } ]" "}"; json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config); // Use the configuration string to create new option definition. EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); // Expecting parsing error (error code 1). checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); /// @todo The option 63 is a standard DHCPv6 option. However, at this point /// there is no definition for this option in libdhcp++, so it should be /// allowed to define it from the configuration interface. This test will /// have to be removed once definitions for remaining standard options are /// created. config = "{ \"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"geolocation\"," " \"code\": 63," " \"type\": \"string\"," " \"space\": \"dhcp6\"" " } ]" "}"; json = parseOPTION_DEFS(config); // Use the configuration string to create new option definition. EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); // Expecting success. checkResult(status, 0); def = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()-> getCfgOptionDef()->get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, 63); ASSERT_TRUE(def); // Check the option data. EXPECT_EQ("geolocation", def->getName()); EXPECT_EQ(63, def->getCode()); EXPECT_EQ(OPT_STRING_TYPE, def->getType()); EXPECT_FALSE(def->getArrayType()); } // Goal of this test is to verify that global option data is configured TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDataDefaultsGlobal) { ConstElementPtr x; string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000," "\"renew-timer\": 1000," "\"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"subscriber-id\"," " \"data\": \"ABCDEF0105\"," " \"csv-format\": false" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"preference\"," " \"data\": \"01\"" " } ]," "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); // These options are global Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); OptionContainerPtr options = subnet->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_EQ(0, options->size()); options = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_EQ(2, options->size()); // Get the search index. Index #1 is to search using option code. const OptionContainerTypeIndex& idx = options->get<1>(); // Get the options for specified index. Expecting one option to be // returned but in theory we may have multiple options with the same // code so we get the range. std::pair range = idx.equal_range(D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID); // Expect single option with the code equal to 38. ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(range.first, range.second)); const uint8_t subid_expected[] = { 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0x01, 0x05 }; // Check if option is valid in terms of code and carried data. testOption(*range.first, D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID, subid_expected, sizeof(subid_expected)); range = idx.equal_range(D6O_PREFERENCE); ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(range.first, range.second)); // Do another round of testing with second option. const uint8_t pref_expected[] = { 0x01 }; testOption(*range.first, D6O_PREFERENCE, pref_expected, sizeof(pref_expected)); // Check that options with other option codes are not returned. for (uint16_t code = 47; code < 57; ++code) { range = idx.equal_range(code); EXPECT_EQ(0, std::distance(range.first, range.second)); } } // Goal of this test is to verify that subnet option data is configured TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDataDefaultsSubnet) { ConstElementPtr x; string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000," "\"renew-timer\": 1000," "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"," " \"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"subscriber-id\"," " \"data\": \"ABCDEF0105\"," " \"csv-format\": false" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"preference\"," " \"data\": \"01\"" " } ]" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); // These options are subnet options OptionContainerPtr options = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_EQ(0, options->size()); Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); options = subnet->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_EQ(2, options->size()); // Get the search index. Index #1 is to search using option code. const OptionContainerTypeIndex& idx = options->get<1>(); // Get the options for specified index. Expecting one option to be // returned but in theory we may have multiple options with the same // code so we get the range. std::pair range = idx.equal_range(D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID); // Expect single option with the code equal to 38. ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(range.first, range.second)); const uint8_t subid_expected[] = { 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF, 0x01, 0x05 }; // Check if option is valid in terms of code and carried data. testOption(*range.first, D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID, subid_expected, sizeof(subid_expected)); range = idx.equal_range(D6O_PREFERENCE); ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(range.first, range.second)); // Do another round of testing with second option. const uint8_t pref_expected[] = { 0x01 }; testOption(*range.first, D6O_PREFERENCE, pref_expected, sizeof(pref_expected)); // Check that options with other option codes are not returned. for (uint16_t code = 47; code < 57; ++code) { range = idx.equal_range(code); EXPECT_EQ(0, std::distance(range.first, range.second)); } } /// The goal of this test is to verify that two options having the same /// option code can be added to different option spaces. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDataTwoSpaces) { // This configuration string is to configure two options // sharing the code 56 and having different definitions // and belonging to the different option spaces. // The option definition must be provided for the // option that belongs to the 'isc' option space. // The definition is not required for the option that // belongs to the 'dhcp6' option space as it is the // standard option. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000," "\"renew-timer\": 1000," "\"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"subscriber-id\"," " \"data\": \"ABCDEF0105\"," " \"csv-format\": false" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"," " \"data\": \"1234\"" " } ]," "\"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 38," " \"type\": \"uint32\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " } ]," "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); // Options should be now available // Try to get the option from the space dhcp6. OptionDescriptor desc1 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOption()->get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, 38); ASSERT_TRUE(desc1.option_); EXPECT_EQ(38, desc1.option_->getType()); // Try to get the option from the space isc. OptionDescriptor desc2 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOption()->get("isc", 38); ASSERT_TRUE(desc2.option_); EXPECT_EQ(38, desc1.option_->getType()); // Try to get the non-existing option from the non-existing // option space and expect that option is not returned. OptionDescriptor desc3 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()-> getCfgOption()->get("non-existing", 38); ASSERT_FALSE(desc3.option_); } // The goal of this test is to verify that it is possible to // encapsulate option space containing some options with // another option. In this test we create base option that // encapsulates option space 'isc' that comprises two other // options. Also, for all options their definitions are // created. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDataEncapsulate) { // @todo DHCP configurations has many dependencies between // parameters. First of all, configuration for subnet is // inherited from the global values. Thus subnet has to be // configured when all global values have been configured. // Also, an option can encapsulate another option only // if the latter has been configured. For this reason in this // test we created two-stage configuration where first we // created options that belong to encapsulated option space. // In the second stage we add the base option. Also, the Subnet // object is configured in the second stage so it is created // at the very end (when all other parameters are configured). // Starting stage 1. Configure sub-options and their definitions. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000," "\"renew-timer\": 1000," "\"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"," " \"data\": \"1234\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo2\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"," " \"data\": \"\"" " } ]," "\"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 110," " \"type\": \"uint32\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo2\"," " \"code\": 111," " \"type\": \"ipv4-address\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); CfgMgr::instance().clear(); // Stage 2. Configure base option and a subnet. Please note that // the configuration from the stage 2 is repeated because BIND // configuration manager sends whole configuration for the lists // where at least one element is being modified or added. config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000," "\"renew-timer\": 1000," "\"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"base-option\"," " \"data\": \"11\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"," " \"data\": \"1234\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo2\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"," " \"data\": \"\"" " } ]," "\"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"base-option\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"uint8\"," " \"space\": \"dhcp6\"," " \"encapsulate\": \"isc\"" "}," "{" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 110," " \"type\": \"uint32\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo2\"," " \"code\": 111," " \"type\": \"ipv4-address\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " } ]," "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"" " } ]" "}"; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); // We should have one option available. OptionContainerPtr options = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_TRUE(options); ASSERT_EQ(1, options->size()); // Get the option. OptionDescriptor desc = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOption()->get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, 100); EXPECT_TRUE(desc.option_); EXPECT_EQ(100, desc.option_->getType()); // This option should comprise two sub-options. // Onf of them is 'foo' with code 110. OptionPtr option_foo = desc.option_->getOption(110); ASSERT_TRUE(option_foo); EXPECT_EQ(110, option_foo->getType()); // ...another one 'foo2' with code 111. OptionPtr option_foo2 = desc.option_->getOption(111); ASSERT_TRUE(option_foo2); EXPECT_EQ(111, option_foo2->getType()); } // Goal of this test is to verify options configuration // for multiple subnets. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDataInMultipleSubnets) { ConstElementPtr x; string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\", " " \"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"subscriber-id\"," " \"data\": \"0102030405060708090A\"," " \"csv-format\": false" " } ]" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\", " " \"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"user-class\"," " \"data\": \"FFFEFDFCFB\"," " \"csv-format\": false" " } ]" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); Subnet6Ptr subnet1 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet1); OptionContainerPtr options1 = subnet1->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_EQ(1, options1->size()); // Get the search index. Index #1 is to search using option code. const OptionContainerTypeIndex& idx1 = options1->get<1>(); // Get the options for specified index. Expecting one option to be // returned but in theory we may have multiple options with the same // code so we get the range. std::pair range1 = idx1.equal_range(D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID); // Expect single option with the code equal to 38. ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(range1.first, range1.second)); const uint8_t subid_expected[] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A }; // Check if option is valid in terms of code and carried data. testOption(*range1.first, D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID, subid_expected, sizeof(subid_expected)); // Test another subnet in the same way. Subnet6Ptr subnet2 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:2::4"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet2); OptionContainerPtr options2 = subnet2->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_EQ(1, options2->size()); const OptionContainerTypeIndex& idx2 = options2->get<1>(); std::pair range2 = idx2.equal_range(D6O_USER_CLASS); ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(range2.first, range2.second)); const uint8_t user_class_expected[] = { 0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFD, 0xFC, 0xFB }; testOption(*range2.first, D6O_USER_CLASS, user_class_expected, sizeof(user_class_expected)); } // This test verifies that it is possible to specify options on // pool levels. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDataMultiplePools) { ConstElementPtr x; string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { " " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::10 - 2001:db8:1::100\"," " \"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"subscriber-id\"," " \"data\": \"0102030405060708090A\"," " \"csv-format\": false" " } ]" " }," " {" " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::300 - 2001:db8:1::400\"," " \"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"user-class\"," " \"data\": \"FFFEFDFCFB\"," " \"csv-format\": false" " } ]" " } ]," " \"pd-pools\": [ { " " \"prefix\": \"3000::\"," " \"prefix-len\": 48," " \"delegated-len\": 64," " \"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"subscriber-id\"," " \"data\": \"112233445566\"," " \"csv-format\": false" " } ]" " }," " {" " \"prefix\": \"3001::\"," " \"prefix-len\": 48," " \"delegated-len\": 64," " \"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"user-class\"," " \"data\": \"aabbccddee\"," " \"csv-format\": false" " } ]" " } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"" " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); PoolPtr pool = subnet->getPool(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("3000::"), false); ASSERT_TRUE(pool); Pool6Ptr pool6 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(pool); ASSERT_TRUE(pool6); OptionContainerPtr options1 = pool6->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_EQ(1, options1->size()); // Get the search index. Index #1 is to search using option code. const OptionContainerTypeIndex& idx1 = options1->get<1>(); // Get the options for specified index. Expecting one option to be // returned but in theory we may have multiple options with the same // code so we get the range. std::pair range1 = idx1.equal_range(D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID); // Expect a single Subscriber ID option instance. ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(range1.first, range1.second)); const uint8_t subscriber_id_expected[] = { 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66 }; // Check if option is valid in terms of code and carried data. testOption(*range1.first, D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID, subscriber_id_expected, sizeof(subscriber_id_expected)); // Test another pool in the same way. pool = subnet->getPool(Lease::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("3001::"), false); ASSERT_TRUE(pool); pool6 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(pool); ASSERT_TRUE(pool6); OptionContainerPtr options2 = pool6->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_EQ(1, options2->size()); const OptionContainerTypeIndex& idx2 = options2->get<1>(); std::pair range2 = idx2.equal_range(D6O_USER_CLASS); ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(range2.first, range2.second)); const uint8_t user_class_expected[] = { 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE }; testOption(*range2.first, D6O_USER_CLASS, user_class_expected, sizeof(user_class_expected)); // Test options in NA pools. pool = subnet->getPool(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::10")); ASSERT_TRUE(pool); pool6 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(pool); ASSERT_TRUE(pool6); OptionContainerPtr options3 = pool6->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_EQ(1, options3->size()); const OptionContainerTypeIndex& idx3 = options3->get<1>(); std::pair range3 = idx3.equal_range(D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID); ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(range3.first, range3.second)); const uint8_t subscriber_id_expected2[] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A }; testOption(*range3.first, D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID, subscriber_id_expected2, sizeof(subscriber_id_expected2)); pool = subnet->getPool(Lease::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:1::300")); ASSERT_TRUE(pool); pool6 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(pool); ASSERT_TRUE(pool6); OptionContainerPtr options4 = pool6->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_EQ(1, options4->size()); const OptionContainerTypeIndex& idx4 = options4->get<1>(); std::pair range4 = idx4.equal_range(D6O_USER_CLASS); ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(range4.first, range4.second)); const uint8_t user_class_expected2[] = { 0xFF, 0xFE, 0xFD, 0xFC, 0xFB }; testOption(*range4.first, D6O_USER_CLASS, user_class_expected2, sizeof(user_class_expected2)); } // The goal of this test is to check that the option carrying a boolean // value can be configured using one of the values: "true", "false", "0" // or "1". TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDataBoolean) { // Create configuration. Use standard option 1000. std::map params; params["name"] = "bool-option"; params["space"] = DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE; params["code"] = "1000"; params["data"] = "true"; params["csv-format"] = "true"; std::string config = createConfigWithOption(params); ASSERT_TRUE(executeConfiguration(config, "parse configuration with a" " boolean value")); // The subnet should now hold one option with the code 1000. OptionDescriptor desc = getOptionFromSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), 1000); ASSERT_TRUE(desc.option_); // This option should be set to "true", represented as 0x1 in the option // buffer. uint8_t expected_option_data[] = { 0x1 }; testConfiguration(params, 1000, expected_option_data, sizeof(expected_option_data)); // Configure the option with the "1" value. This should have the same // effect as if "true" was specified. params["data"] = "1"; testConfiguration(params, 1000, expected_option_data, sizeof(expected_option_data)); // The value of "1" with a few leading zeros should work too. params["data"] = "00001"; testConfiguration(params, 1000, expected_option_data, sizeof(expected_option_data)); // Configure the option with the "false" value. params["data"] = "false"; // The option buffer should now hold the value of 0. expected_option_data[0] = 0; testConfiguration(params, 1000, expected_option_data, sizeof(expected_option_data)); // Specifying "0" should have the same effect as "false". params["data"] = "0"; testConfiguration(params, 1000, expected_option_data, sizeof(expected_option_data)); // The same effect should be for multiple 0 chars. params["data"] = "00000"; testConfiguration(params, 1000, expected_option_data, sizeof(expected_option_data)); // Bogus values should not be accepted. params["data"] = "bogus"; testInvalidOptionParam(params); params["data"] = "2"; testInvalidOptionParam(params); // Now let's test that it is possible to use binary format. params["data"] = "0"; params["csv-format"] = "false"; testConfiguration(params, 1000, expected_option_data, sizeof(expected_option_data)); // The binary 1 should work as well. params["data"] = "1"; expected_option_data[0] = 1; testConfiguration(params, 1000, expected_option_data, sizeof(expected_option_data)); // As well as an even number of digits. params["data"] = "01"; testConfiguration(params, 1000, expected_option_data, sizeof(expected_option_data)); } // Verify that empty option name is rejected in the configuration. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionNameEmpty) { // Empty option names not allowed. testInvalidOptionParam("", "name"); } // Verify that empty option name with spaces is rejected // in the configuration. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionNameSpaces) { // Spaces in option names not allowed. testInvalidOptionParam("option foo", "name"); } // Verify that negative option code is rejected in the configuration. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionCodeNegative) { // Check negative option code -4. This should fail too. testInvalidOptionParam("-4", "code"); } // Verify that out of bounds option code is rejected in the configuration. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionCodeNonUint16) { // The valid option codes are uint16_t values so passing // uint16_t maximum value incremented by 1 should result // in failure. testInvalidOptionParam("65536", "code"); } // Verify that out of bounds option code is rejected in the configuration. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionCodeHighNonUint16) { // Another check for uint16_t overflow but this time // let's pass even greater option code value. testInvalidOptionParam("70000", "code"); } // Verify that zero option code is rejected in the configuration. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionCodeZero) { // Option code 0 is reserved and should not be accepted // by configuration parser. testInvalidOptionParam("0", "code"); } // Verify that invalid hex literals for option data are detected. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDataInvalidHexLiterals) { testInvalidOptionParam("01020R", "data"); // non hex digit testInvalidOptionParam("0x01:02", "data"); // 0x prefix with colon separator testInvalidOptionParam("0x01 02", "data"); // 0x prefix with space separator testInvalidOptionParam("0X0102", "data"); // 0X upper case X in prefix testInvalidOptionParam("01.02", "data"); // invalid separator } // Verify the valid forms hex literals in option data are supported. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, optionDataValidHexLiterals) { std::vector valid_hexes = { "0a0b0C0D", // upper and lower case "0A:0B:0C:0D", // colon seperator "0A 0B 0C 0D", // space seperator "A0B0C0D", // odd number of digits "0xA0B0C0D" // 0x prefix }; for (auto valid_hex : valid_hexes) { ConstElementPtr x; std::string config = createConfigWithOption(valid_hex, "data"); ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); OptionContainerPtr options = subnet->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_EQ(1, options->size()); // Get the search index. Index #1 is to search using option code. const OptionContainerTypeIndex& idx = options->get<1>(); // Get the options for specified index. Expecting one option to be // returned but in theory we may have multiple options with the same // code so we get the range. std::pair range = idx.equal_range(D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID); // Expect single option with the code equal to 38. ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(range.first, range.second)); const uint8_t subid_expected[] = { 0x0A, 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D }; // Check if option is valid in terms of code and carried data. testOption(*range.first, D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID, subid_expected, sizeof(subid_expected)); // Clear configuration for the next pass. resetConfiguration(); } } // Verify that specific option object is returned for standard // option which has dedicated option class derived from Option. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, stdOptionData) { ConstElementPtr x; std::map params; params["name"] = "ia-na"; params["space"] = DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE; // Option code 3 means OPTION_IA_NA. params["code"] = "3"; params["data"] = "12345, 6789, 1516"; params["csv-format"] = "true"; std::string config = createConfigWithOption(params); ConstElementPtr json = parseDHCP6(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); OptionContainerPtr options = subnet->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_EQ(1, options->size()); // Get the search index. Index #1 is to search using option code. const OptionContainerTypeIndex& idx = options->get<1>(); // Get the options for specified index. Expecting one option to be // returned but in theory we may have multiple options with the same // code so we get the range. std::pair range = idx.equal_range(D6O_IA_NA); // Expect single option with the code equal to IA_NA option code. ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(range.first, range.second)); // The actual pointer to the option is held in the option field // in the structure returned. OptionPtr option = range.first->option_; ASSERT_TRUE(option); // Option object returned for here is expected to be Option6IA // which is derived from Option. This class is dedicated to // represent standard option IA_NA. boost::shared_ptr optionIA = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(option); // If cast is unsuccessful than option returned was of a // different type than Option6IA. This is wrong. ASSERT_TRUE(optionIA); // If cast was successful we may use accessors exposed by // Option6IA to validate that the content of this option // has been set correctly. EXPECT_EQ(12345, optionIA->getIAID()); EXPECT_EQ(6789, optionIA->getT1()); EXPECT_EQ(1516, optionIA->getT2()); } // Verify that specific option object is returned for standard // option with trailing domain list. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, rdnssOption) { ConstElementPtr x; std::map params; params["name"] = "rdnss-selection"; params["space"] = DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE; // Option code 74 is D6O_RDNSS_SELECTION params["code"] = "74"; params["data"] = "2001::1, 3, isc.org, example.org, example.com"; params["csv-format"] = "true"; std::string config = createConfigWithOption(params); ConstElementPtr json = parseDHCP6(config, true); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); OptionContainerPtr options = subnet->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_EQ(1, options->size()); // Get the search index. Index #1 is to search using option code. const OptionContainerTypeIndex& idx = options->get<1>(); // Get the options for specified index. Expecting one option to be // returned but in theory we may have multiple options with the same // code so we get the range. std::pair range = idx.equal_range(D6O_RDNSS_SELECTION); // Expect single option with the code equal to rndnss-selection option code. ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(range.first, range.second)); // The actual pointer to the option is held in the option field // in the structure returned. OptionPtr option = range.first->option_; ASSERT_TRUE(option); // Option object returned for here is expected to be OptionCustom // which is derived from Option. This class is dedicated to // represent standard option D6O_RDNSS_SELECTION. boost::shared_ptr optionCustom = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(option); // If cast is unsuccessful than option returned was of a // different type than optionCustom. This is wrong. ASSERT_TRUE(optionCustom); // If cast was successful we may use accessors exposed by // optionCustom to validate that the content of this option // has been set correctly. ASSERT_EQ(5, optionCustom->getDataFieldsNum()); EXPECT_EQ("2001::1", optionCustom->readAddress(0).toText()); EXPECT_EQ(3, optionCustom->readInteger(1)); EXPECT_EQ("isc.org.", optionCustom->readFqdn(2)); EXPECT_EQ("example.org.", optionCustom->readFqdn(3)); EXPECT_EQ("example.com.", optionCustom->readFqdn(4)); } // This test checks if vendor options can be specified in the config file // (in hex format), and later retrieved from configured subnet TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, vendorOptionsHex) { // This configuration string is to configure two options // sharing the code 1 and belonging to the different vendor spaces. // (different vendor-id values). string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000," "\"renew-timer\": 1000," "\"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"option-one\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-4491\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"data\": \"ABCDEF0105\"," " \"csv-format\": false" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"option-two\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-1234\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"data\": \"1234\"," " \"csv-format\": false" " } ]," "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); // Options should be now available // Try to get the option from the vendor space 4491 OptionDescriptor desc1 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOption()->get(4491, 100); ASSERT_TRUE(desc1.option_); EXPECT_EQ(100, desc1.option_->getType()); // Try to get the option from the vendor space 1234 OptionDescriptor desc2 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOption()->get(1234, 100); ASSERT_TRUE(desc2.option_); EXPECT_EQ(100, desc1.option_->getType()); // Try to get the non-existing option from the non-existing // option space and expect that option is not returned. OptionDescriptor desc3 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOption()->get(5678, 38); ASSERT_FALSE(desc3.option_); } // This test checks if vendor options can be specified in the config file, // (in csv format), and later retrieved from configured subnet TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, vendorOptionsCsv) { // This configuration string is to configure two options // sharing the code 1 and belonging to the different vendor spaces. // (different vendor-id values). string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000," "\"renew-timer\": 1000," "\"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-4491\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"data\": \"this is a string vendor-opt\"" " } ]," "\"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"string\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-4491\"" " } ]," "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr status; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); // Options should be now available. // Try to get the option from the vendor space 4491 OptionDescriptor desc1 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOption()->get(4491, 100); ASSERT_TRUE(desc1.option_); EXPECT_EQ(100, desc1.option_->getType()); // Try to get the non-existing option from the non-existing // option space and expect that option is not returned. OptionDescriptor desc2 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOption()->get(5678, 100); ASSERT_FALSE(desc2.option_); } /// @todo add tests similar to vendorOptionsCsv and vendorOptionsHex, but for /// vendor options defined in a subnet. // The goal of this test is to verify that the standard option can // be configured to encapsulate multiple other options. /// @todo This test is currently disabled because it relies on the option /// 17 which is treated differently than all other options. There are no /// other standard options used by Kea which would encapsulate other /// options and for which values could be configured here. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, DISABLED_stdOptionDataEncapsulate) { // The configuration is two stage process in this test. // In the first stage we create definitions of suboptions // that we will add to the base option. // Let's create some dummy options: foo and foo2. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000," "\"renew-timer\": 1000," "\"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-opts-space\"," " \"data\": \"1234\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo2\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-opts-space\"," " \"data\": \"\"" " } ]," "\"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 110," " \"type\": \"uint32\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-opts-space\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo2\"," " \"code\": 111," " \"type\": \"ipv4-address\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-opts-space\"" " } ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); CfgMgr::instance().clear(); // Once the definitions have been added we can configure the // standard option #17. This option comprises an enterprise // number and sub options. By convention (introduced in // std_option_defs.h) option named 'vendor-opts' // encapsulates the option space named 'vendor-opts-space'. // We add our dummy options to this option space and thus // they should be included as sub-options in the 'vendor-opts' // option. config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000," "\"renew-timer\": 1000," "\"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"vendor-opts\"," " \"data\": \"1234\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-opts-space\"," " \"data\": \"1234\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo2\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-opts-space\"," " \"data\": \"\"" " } ]," "\"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 110," " \"type\": \"uint32\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-opts-space\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo2\"," " \"code\": 111," " \"type\": \"ipv4-address\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-opts-space\"" " } ]," "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"" " } ]" "}"; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); // Get the subnet. Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::5"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); // We should have one option available. OptionContainerPtr options = subnet->getCfgOption()->getAll(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE); ASSERT_TRUE(options); ASSERT_EQ(1, options->size()); // Get the option. OptionDescriptor desc = subnet->getCfgOption()->get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, D6O_VENDOR_OPTS); EXPECT_TRUE(desc.option_); EXPECT_EQ(D6O_VENDOR_OPTS, desc.option_->getType()); // Option with the code 110 should be added as a sub-option. OptionPtr option_foo = desc.option_->getOption(110); ASSERT_TRUE(option_foo); EXPECT_EQ(110, option_foo->getType()); // This option comprises a single uint32_t value thus it is // represented by OptionInt class. Let's get the // object of this type. boost::shared_ptr > option_foo_uint32 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast >(option_foo); ASSERT_TRUE(option_foo_uint32); // Validate the value according to the configuration. EXPECT_EQ(1234, option_foo_uint32->getValue()); // Option with the code 111 should be added as a sub-option. OptionPtr option_foo2 = desc.option_->getOption(111); ASSERT_TRUE(option_foo2); EXPECT_EQ(111, option_foo2->getType()); // This option comprises the IPV4 address. Such option is // represented by OptionCustom object. OptionCustomPtr option_foo2_v4 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(option_foo2); ASSERT_TRUE(option_foo2_v4); // Get the IP address carried by this option and validate it. EXPECT_EQ("", option_foo2_v4->readAddress().toText()); // Option with the code 112 should not be added. EXPECT_FALSE(desc.option_->getOption(112)); } // Tests of the hooks libraries configuration. All tests have the pre- // condition (checked in the test fixture's SetUp() method) that no hooks // libraries are loaded at the start of the tests. // Helper function to return a configuration containing an arbitrary number // of hooks libraries. std::string buildHooksLibrariesConfig(const std::vector& libraries, bool multi_threading) { const string lbrace("{"); const string rbrace("}"); const string liblabel("\"library\": "); const string quote("\""); // Create the first part of the configuration string. string config = "{ \"interfaces-config\": { \"interfaces\": [] }," "\"hooks-libraries\": ["; // Append the libraries (separated by commas if needed) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < libraries.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { config += string(", "); } config += (lbrace + liblabel + quote + libraries[i] + quote + rbrace); } // Append the remainder of the configuration. config += string( "]," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000," "\"renew-timer\": 1000," "\"option-data\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-opts-space\"," " \"data\": \"1234\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo2\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-opts-space\"," " \"data\": \"\"" " } ]," "\"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 110," " \"type\": \"uint32\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-opts-space\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"foo2\"," " \"code\": 111," " \"type\": \"ipv4-address\"," " \"space\": \"vendor-opts-space\"" " } ]"); if (multi_threading) { config += string( "," "\"multi-threading\": {" " \"enable-multi-threading\": true" "}"); } config += string("}"); return (config); } // Convenience function for creating hooks library configuration with one or // two character string constants. std::string buildHooksLibrariesConfig(const char* library1 = NULL, const char* library2 = NULL) { std::vector libraries; if (library1 != NULL) { libraries.push_back(string(library1)); if (library2 != NULL) { libraries.push_back(string(library2)); } } return (buildHooksLibrariesConfig(libraries, false)); } // The goal of this test is to verify the configuration of hooks libraries if // none are specified. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, NoHooksLibraries) { // Parse a configuration containing no names. string config = buildHooksLibrariesConfig(); if (!executeConfiguration(config, "set configuration with no hooks libraries")) { FAIL() << "Unable to execute configuration"; } else { // No libraries should be loaded at the end of the test. std::vector libraries = HooksManager::getLibraryNames(); EXPECT_TRUE(libraries.empty()); } } // Verify parsing fails with one library that will fail validation. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, InvalidLibrary) { // Parse a configuration containing a failing library. string config = buildHooksLibrariesConfig(NOT_PRESENT_LIBRARY); ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); ConstElementPtr status; ASSERT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // The status object must not be NULL ASSERT_TRUE(status); // Returned value should not be 0 comment_ = parseAnswer(rcode_, status); EXPECT_NE(0, rcode_); } // Verify the configuration of hooks libraries with two being specified. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, LibrariesSpecified) { // Marker files should not be present. EXPECT_FALSE(checkMarkerFileExists(LOAD_MARKER_FILE)); EXPECT_FALSE(checkMarkerFileExists(UNLOAD_MARKER_FILE)); // Set up the configuration with two libraries and load them. string config = buildHooksLibrariesConfig(CALLOUT_LIBRARY_1, CALLOUT_LIBRARY_2); ASSERT_TRUE(executeConfiguration(config, "load two valid libraries")); // Expect two libraries to be loaded in the correct order (load marker file // is present, no unload marker file). std::vector libraries = HooksManager::getLibraryNames(); ASSERT_EQ(2, libraries.size()); EXPECT_TRUE(checkMarkerFile(LOAD_MARKER_FILE, "12")); EXPECT_FALSE(checkMarkerFileExists(UNLOAD_MARKER_FILE)); CfgMgr::instance().commit(); // Unload the libraries. The load file should not have changed, but // the unload one should indicate the unload() functions have been run. config = buildHooksLibrariesConfig(); ASSERT_TRUE(executeConfiguration(config, "unloading libraries")); EXPECT_TRUE(checkMarkerFile(LOAD_MARKER_FILE, "12")); EXPECT_TRUE(checkMarkerFile(UNLOAD_MARKER_FILE, "21")); // Expect the hooks system to say that none are loaded. libraries = HooksManager::getLibraryNames(); EXPECT_TRUE(libraries.empty()); } // Verify the configuration of hooks libraries which are not compatible with // multi threading is rejected. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, IncompatibleLibrary2Specified) { // Marker files should not be present. EXPECT_FALSE(checkMarkerFileExists(LOAD_MARKER_FILE)); EXPECT_FALSE(checkMarkerFileExists(UNLOAD_MARKER_FILE)); std::vector libraries; libraries.push_back(string(CALLOUT_LIBRARY_2)); // Set up the configuration with two libraries and load them. string config = buildHooksLibrariesConfig(libraries, true); ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); ConstElementPtr status; ASSERT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // The status object must not be NULL ASSERT_TRUE(status); // Returned value should not be 0 comment_ = parseAnswer(rcode_, status); EXPECT_NE(0, rcode_); // Expect the library to be rejected by the server (no load marker file, no // unload marker file). EXPECT_FALSE(checkMarkerFileExists(LOAD_MARKER_FILE)); EXPECT_FALSE(checkMarkerFileExists(UNLOAD_MARKER_FILE)); // Expect the hooks system to say that none are loaded. libraries = HooksManager::getLibraryNames(); EXPECT_TRUE(libraries.empty()); } // Verify the configuration of hooks libraries which are not compatible with // multi threading is rejected. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, IncompatibleLibrary3Specified) { // Marker files should not be present. EXPECT_FALSE(checkMarkerFileExists(LOAD_MARKER_FILE)); EXPECT_FALSE(checkMarkerFileExists(UNLOAD_MARKER_FILE)); std::vector libraries; libraries.push_back(string(CALLOUT_LIBRARY_3)); // Set up the configuration with two libraries and load them. string config = buildHooksLibrariesConfig(libraries, true); ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); ConstElementPtr status; ASSERT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // The status object must not be NULL ASSERT_TRUE(status); // Returned value should not be 0 comment_ = parseAnswer(rcode_, status); EXPECT_NE(0, rcode_); // Expect the library to be rejected by the server (no load marker file, no // unload marker file). EXPECT_FALSE(checkMarkerFileExists(LOAD_MARKER_FILE)); EXPECT_FALSE(checkMarkerFileExists(UNLOAD_MARKER_FILE)); // Expect the hooks system to say that none are loaded. libraries = HooksManager::getLibraryNames(); EXPECT_TRUE(libraries.empty()); } // This test verifies that it is possible to select subset of interfaces on // which server should listen. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, selectedInterfaces) { IfaceMgrTestConfig test_config(true); // Make sure there is no garbage interface configuration in the CfgMgr. ASSERT_FALSE(test_config.socketOpen("eth0", AF_INET6)); ASSERT_FALSE(test_config.socketOpen("eth1", AF_INET6)); string config = "{ \"interfaces-config\": {" " \"interfaces\": [ \"eth0\" ]" "}," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value must be 1 (values error) // as the pool does not belong to that subnet checkResult(status, 0); CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgIface()->openSockets(AF_INET6, 10000); // eth0 and eth1 were explicitly selected. eth2 was not. EXPECT_TRUE(test_config.socketOpen("eth0", AF_INET6)); EXPECT_FALSE(test_config.socketOpen("eth1", AF_INET6)); } // This test verifies that it is possible to configure the server to listen on // all interfaces. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, allInterfaces) { IfaceMgrTestConfig test_config(true); ASSERT_FALSE(test_config.socketOpen("eth0", AF_INET6)); ASSERT_FALSE(test_config.socketOpen("eth1", AF_INET6)); // This configuration specifies two interfaces on which server should listen // but also includes '*'. This keyword switches server into the // mode when it listens on all interfaces regardless of what interface names // were specified in the "interfaces" parameter. string config = "{ \"interfaces-config\": {" " \"interfaces\": [ \"eth0\", \"eth1\", \"*\" ]" "}," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(status, 0); CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgIface()->openSockets(AF_INET6, 10000); // All interfaces should be now active. EXPECT_TRUE(test_config.socketOpen("eth0", AF_INET6)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_config.socketOpen("eth1", AF_INET6)); } // This test checks if it is possible to specify relay information TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, subnetRelayInfo) { // A config with relay information. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"relay\": { " " \"ip-address\": \"2001:db8:1::abcd\"" " }," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000, " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 0 (configuration success) checkResult(status, 0); Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1"), classify_); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_TRUE(subnet->hasRelays()); EXPECT_TRUE(subnet->hasRelayAddress(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::abcd"))); } // This test checks if it is possible to specify a list of relays TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, subnetRelayInfoList) { // A config with relay information. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"relay\": { " " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db9::abcd\", \"2001:db9::abce\" ]" " }," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000, " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 0 (configuration success) checkResult(status, 0); Subnet6Ptr subnet = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()-> selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db9::abcd"), classify_, true); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_TRUE(subnet->hasRelays()); EXPECT_TRUE(subnet->hasRelayAddress(IOAddress("2001:db9::abcd"))); EXPECT_TRUE(subnet->hasRelayAddress(IOAddress("2001:db9::abce"))); } // Goal of this test is to verify that multiple subnets can be configured // with defined client classes. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, classifySubnets) { ConstElementPtr x; string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\", " " \"client-class\": \"alpha\" " " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\", " " \"client-class\": \"beta\" " " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:3::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\", " " \"client-class\": \"gamma\" " " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:4::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:4::/64\" " " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets); ASSERT_EQ(4, subnets->size()); // We expect 4 subnets // Let's check if client belonging to alpha class is supported in subnet[0] // and not supported in any other subnet (except subnet[3], which allows // everyone). ClientClasses classes; classes.insert("alpha"); auto subnet0 = subnets->begin(); auto subnet1 = std::next(subnet0); auto subnet2 = std::next(subnet1); auto subnet3 = std::next(subnet2); EXPECT_TRUE ((*subnet0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE((*subnet1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE((*subnet2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE ((*subnet3)->clientSupported(classes)); // Let's check if client belonging to beta class is supported in subnet[1] // and not supported in any other subnet (except subnet[3], which allows // everyone). classes.clear(); classes.insert("beta"); EXPECT_FALSE((*subnet0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE ((*subnet1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE((*subnet2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE ((*subnet3)->clientSupported(classes)); // Let's check if client belonging to gamma class is supported in subnet[2] // and not supported in any other subnet (except subnet[3], which allows // everyone). classes.clear(); classes.insert("gamma"); EXPECT_FALSE((*subnet0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE((*subnet1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE ((*subnet2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE ((*subnet3)->clientSupported(classes)); // Let's check if client belonging to some other class (not mentioned in // the config) is supported only in subnet[3], which allows everyone. classes.clear(); classes.insert("delta"); EXPECT_FALSE((*subnet0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE((*subnet1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE((*subnet2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE ((*subnet3)->clientSupported(classes)); // Finally, let's check class-less client. He should be allowed only in // the last subnet, which does not have any class restrictions. classes.clear(); EXPECT_FALSE((*subnet0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE((*subnet1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE((*subnet2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE ((*subnet3)->clientSupported(classes)); } // Goal of this test is to verify that multiple pools can be configured // with defined client classes. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, classifyPools) { ConstElementPtr x; string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { " " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\", " " \"client-class\": \"alpha\" " " }," " {" " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::/80\", " " \"client-class\": \"beta\" " " }," " {" " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:3::/80\", " " \"client-class\": \"gamma\" " " }," " {" " \"pool\": \"2001:db8:4::/80\" " " } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:0::/40\" " " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config, true)); extractConfig(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets); ASSERT_EQ(1, subnets->size()); const PoolCollection& pools = (*subnets->begin())->getPools(Lease::TYPE_NA); ASSERT_EQ(4, pools.size()); // We expect 4 pools // Let's check if client belonging to alpha class is supported in pool[0] // and not supported in any other pool (except pool[3], which allows // everyone). ClientClasses classes; classes.insert("alpha"); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(3)->clientSupported(classes)); // Let's check if client belonging to beta class is supported in pool[1] // and not supported in any other pool (except pool[3], which allows // everyone). classes.clear(); classes.insert("beta"); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(3)->clientSupported(classes)); // Let's check if client belonging to gamma class is supported in pool[2] // and not supported in any other pool (except pool[3], which allows // everyone). classes.clear(); classes.insert("gamma"); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(3)->clientSupported(classes)); // Let's check if client belonging to some other class (not mentioned in // the config) is supported only in pool[3], which allows everyone. classes.clear(); classes.insert("delta"); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(3)->clientSupported(classes)); // Finally, let's check class-less client. He should be allowed only in // the last pool, which does not have any class restrictions. classes.clear(); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(3)->clientSupported(classes)); } // Goal of this test is to verify that multiple pdpools can be configured // with defined client classes. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, classifyPdPools) { ConstElementPtr x; string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pd-pools\": [ { " " \"prefix-len\": 48, " " \"delegated-len\": 64, " " \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:1::\", " " \"client-class\": \"alpha\" " " }," " {" " \"prefix-len\": 48, " " \"delegated-len\": 64, " " \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:2::\", " " \"client-class\": \"beta\" " " }," " {" " \"prefix-len\": 48, " " \"delegated-len\": 64, " " \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:3::\", " " \"client-class\": \"gamma\" " " }," " {" " \"prefix-len\": 48, " " \"delegated-len\": 64, " " \"prefix\": \"2001:db8:4::\" " " } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/64\" " " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config, true)); extractConfig(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets); ASSERT_EQ(1, subnets->size()); const PoolCollection& pools = (*subnets->begin())->getPools(Lease::TYPE_PD); ASSERT_EQ(4, pools.size()); // We expect 4 pools // Let's check if client belonging to alpha class is supported in pool[0] // and not supported in any other pool (except pool[3], which allows // everyone). ClientClasses classes; classes.insert("alpha"); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(3)->clientSupported(classes)); // Let's check if client belonging to beta class is supported in pool[1] // and not supported in any other pool (except pool[3], which allows // everyone). classes.clear(); classes.insert("beta"); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(3)->clientSupported(classes)); // Let's check if client belonging to gamma class is supported in pool[2] // and not supported in any other pool (except pool[3], which allows // everyone). classes.clear(); classes.insert("gamma"); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(3)->clientSupported(classes)); // Let's check if client belonging to some other class (not mentioned in // the config) is supported only in pool[3], which allows everyone. classes.clear(); classes.insert("delta"); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(3)->clientSupported(classes)); // Finally, let's check class-less client. He should be allowed only in // the last pool, which does not have any class restrictions. classes.clear(); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(0)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(1)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_FALSE(pools.at(2)->clientSupported(classes)); EXPECT_TRUE (pools.at(3)->clientSupported(classes)); } // This test verifies that valid d2CliengConfig works correctly. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, d2ClientConfigValid) { // Verify that the D2 configuration can be fetched and is set to disabled. D2ClientConfigPtr d2_client_config = CfgMgr::instance().getD2ClientConfig(); EXPECT_FALSE(d2_client_config->getEnableUpdates()); // Verify that the convenience method agrees. ASSERT_FALSE(CfgMgr::instance().ddnsEnabled()); string config_str = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ], " " \"dhcp-ddns\" : {" " \"enable-updates\" : true, " " \"server-ip\" : \"3001::1\", " " \"server-port\" : 777, " " \"sender-ip\" : \"3001::2\", " " \"sender-port\" : 778, " " \"max-queue-size\" : 2048, " " \"ncr-protocol\" : \"UDP\", " " \"ncr-format\" : \"JSON\"}, " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; // Convert the JSON string to configuration elements. ConstElementPtr config; ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCP6(config_str)); extractConfig(config_str); // Pass the configuration in for parsing. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, config)); // check if returned status is OK checkResult(status, 0); // Verify that DHCP-DDNS updating is enabled. EXPECT_TRUE(CfgMgr::instance().ddnsEnabled()); // Verify that the D2 configuration can be retrieved. d2_client_config = CfgMgr::instance().getD2ClientConfig(); ASSERT_TRUE(d2_client_config); // Verify that the configuration values are correct. EXPECT_TRUE(d2_client_config->getEnableUpdates()); EXPECT_EQ("3001::1", d2_client_config->getServerIp().toText()); EXPECT_EQ(777, d2_client_config->getServerPort()); EXPECT_EQ("3001::2", d2_client_config->getSenderIp().toText()); EXPECT_EQ(778, d2_client_config->getSenderPort()); EXPECT_EQ(2048, d2_client_config->getMaxQueueSize()); EXPECT_EQ(dhcp_ddns::NCR_UDP, d2_client_config->getNcrProtocol()); EXPECT_EQ(dhcp_ddns::FMT_JSON, d2_client_config->getNcrFormat()); // ddns-send-updates should be global default checkGlobal("ddns-send-updates", true); // The following, deprecated dhcp-ddns parameters, // should all have global default values. checkGlobal("ddns-override-no-update", false); checkGlobal("ddns-override-client-update", false); checkGlobal("ddns-replace-client-name", "never"); checkGlobal("ddns-generated-prefix", "myhost"); checkGlobal("ddns-qualifying-suffix", ""); } // This test verifies that valid but deprecated dhcp-ddns parameters // get moved to the global scope when they do not already exist there. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, d2ClientConfigMoveToGlobal) { // Verify that the D2 configuration can be fetched and is set to disabled. D2ClientConfigPtr d2_client_config = CfgMgr::instance().getD2ClientConfig(); EXPECT_FALSE(d2_client_config->getEnableUpdates()); // Verify that the convenience method agrees. ASSERT_FALSE(CfgMgr::instance().ddnsEnabled()); string config_str = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ], " " \"dhcp-ddns\" : {" " \"enable-updates\" : true, " " \"server-ip\" : \"3001::1\", " " \"server-port\" : 777, " " \"sender-ip\" : \"3001::2\", " " \"sender-port\" : 778, " " \"max-queue-size\" : 2048, " " \"ncr-protocol\" : \"UDP\", " " \"ncr-format\" : \"JSON\", " " \"override-no-update\" : true, " " \"override-client-update\" : true, " " \"replace-client-name\" : \"when-present\", " " \"generated-prefix\" : \"test.prefix\", " " \"qualifying-suffix\" : \"test.suffix.\", " " \"hostname-char-set\" : \"[^A-Z]\", " " \"hostname-char-replacement\" : \"x\"}, " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; // Convert the JSON string to configuration elements. ConstElementPtr config; ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCP6(config_str)); extractConfig(config_str); // Pass the configuration in for parsing. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, config)); // check if returned status is OK checkResult(status, 0); // Verify that DHCP-DDNS updating is enabled. EXPECT_TRUE(CfgMgr::instance().ddnsEnabled()); // Verify that the D2 configuration can be retrieved. d2_client_config = CfgMgr::instance().getD2ClientConfig(); ASSERT_TRUE(d2_client_config); // Verify that the configuration values are correct. EXPECT_TRUE(d2_client_config->getEnableUpdates()); EXPECT_EQ("3001::1", d2_client_config->getServerIp().toText()); EXPECT_EQ(777, d2_client_config->getServerPort()); EXPECT_EQ("3001::2", d2_client_config->getSenderIp().toText()); EXPECT_EQ(778, d2_client_config->getSenderPort()); EXPECT_EQ(2048, d2_client_config->getMaxQueueSize()); EXPECT_EQ(dhcp_ddns::NCR_UDP, d2_client_config->getNcrProtocol()); EXPECT_EQ(dhcp_ddns::FMT_JSON, d2_client_config->getNcrFormat()); // ddns-send-updates should be global default checkGlobal("ddns-send-updates", true); // The following should all have been moved from dhcp-ddns. checkGlobal("ddns-override-no-update", true); checkGlobal("ddns-override-client-update", true); checkGlobal("ddns-replace-client-name", "when-present"); checkGlobal("ddns-generated-prefix", "test.prefix"); checkGlobal("ddns-qualifying-suffix", "test.suffix."); checkGlobal("hostname-char-set", "[^A-Z]"); checkGlobal("hostname-char-replacement", "x"); } // This test verifies that explicit global values override deprecated // dhcp-ddns parameters (i.e. global scope wins) TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, d2ClientConfigBoth) { // Verify that the D2 configuration can be fetched and is set to disabled. D2ClientConfigPtr d2_client_config = CfgMgr::instance().getD2ClientConfig(); EXPECT_FALSE(d2_client_config->getEnableUpdates()); // Verify that the convenience method agrees. ASSERT_FALSE(CfgMgr::instance().ddnsEnabled()); string config_str = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ], " " \"dhcp-ddns\" : {" " \"enable-updates\" : true, " " \"server-ip\" : \"3001::1\", " " \"server-port\" : 777, " " \"sender-ip\" : \"3001::2\", " " \"sender-port\" : 778, " " \"max-queue-size\" : 2048, " " \"ncr-protocol\" : \"UDP\", " " \"ncr-format\" : \"JSON\", " " \"override-no-update\" : false, " " \"override-client-update\" : false, " " \"replace-client-name\" : \"when-present\", " " \"generated-prefix\" : \"d2.prefix\", " " \"qualifying-suffix\" : \"d2.suffix.\", " " \"hostname-char-set\" : \"[^0-9]\", " " \"hostname-char-replacement\" : \"z\" }, " " \"ddns-send-updates\" : false, " " \"ddns-override-no-update\" : true, " " \"ddns-override-client-update\" : true, " " \"ddns-replace-client-name\" : \"always\", " " \"ddns-generated-prefix\" : \"global.prefix\", " " \"ddns-qualifying-suffix\" : \"global.suffix.\", " " \"hostname-char-set\" : \"[^A-Z]\", " " \"hostname-char-replacement\" : \"x\", " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; // Convert the JSON string to configuration elements. ConstElementPtr config; ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCP6(config_str)); extractConfig(config_str); // Pass the configuration in for parsing. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, config)); // check if returned status is OK checkResult(status, 0); // Verify that DHCP-DDNS updating is enabled. EXPECT_TRUE(CfgMgr::instance().ddnsEnabled()); // Verify that the D2 configuration can be retrieved. d2_client_config = CfgMgr::instance().getD2ClientConfig(); ASSERT_TRUE(d2_client_config); // Verify that the configuration values are correct. EXPECT_TRUE(d2_client_config->getEnableUpdates()); EXPECT_EQ("3001::1", d2_client_config->getServerIp().toText()); EXPECT_EQ(777, d2_client_config->getServerPort()); EXPECT_EQ("3001::2", d2_client_config->getSenderIp().toText()); EXPECT_EQ(778, d2_client_config->getSenderPort()); EXPECT_EQ(2048, d2_client_config->getMaxQueueSize()); EXPECT_EQ(dhcp_ddns::NCR_UDP, d2_client_config->getNcrProtocol()); EXPECT_EQ(dhcp_ddns::FMT_JSON, d2_client_config->getNcrFormat()); // Verify all global values won. checkGlobal("ddns-send-updates", false); checkGlobal("ddns-override-no-update", true); checkGlobal("ddns-override-client-update", true); checkGlobal("ddns-replace-client-name", "always"); checkGlobal("ddns-generated-prefix", "global.prefix"); checkGlobal("ddns-qualifying-suffix", "global.suffix."); checkGlobal("hostname-char-set", "[^A-Z]"); checkGlobal("hostname-char-replacement", "x"); } // This test checks the ability of the server to handle a configuration // containing an invalid dhcp-ddns (D2ClientConfig) entry. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, invalidD2ClientConfig) { // Configuration string with an invalid D2 client config, // "server-ip" is invalid. string config_str = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ], " " \"dhcp-ddns\" : {" " \"enable-updates\" : true, " " \"server-ip\" : \"bogus-value\", " " \"server-port\" : 5301, " " \"ncr-protocol\" : \"UDP\", " " \"ncr-format\" : \"JSON\", " " \"override-no-update\" : true, " " \"override-client-update\" : true, " " \"replace-client-name\" : \"when-present\", " " \"generated-prefix\" : \"test.prefix\", " " \"qualifying-suffix\" : \"test.suffix.\" }," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; // Convert the JSON string to configuration elements. ConstElementPtr config; ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCP6(config_str)); // Configuration should not throw, but should fail. ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, config)); // check if returned status is failed. checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); // Verify that the D2 configuration can be fetched and is set to disabled. D2ClientConfigPtr d2_client_config = CfgMgr::instance().getD2ClientConfig(); EXPECT_FALSE(d2_client_config->getEnableUpdates()); // Verify that the convenience method agrees. ASSERT_FALSE(CfgMgr::instance().ddnsEnabled()); } /// @brief Checks if the reservation is in the range of reservations. /// /// @param resrv Reservation to be searched for. /// @param range Range of reservations returned by the @c Host object /// in which the reservation will be searched. bool reservationExists(const IPv6Resrv& resrv, const IPv6ResrvRange& range) { for (IPv6ResrvIterator it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) { if (resrv == it->second) { return (true); } } return (false); } // This test verifies that the host reservations can be specified for // respective IPv6 subnets. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, reservations) { ConstElementPtr x; string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ " " { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\", " " \"id\": 123," " \"reservations\": [" " ]" " }," " {" " \"reservations\": [" " {" " \"duid\": \"01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0A\"," " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:2::1234\" ]," " \"hostname\": \"\"," " \"option-data\": [" " {" " \"name\": \"dns-servers\"," " \"data\": \"2001:db8:2::1111\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"preference\"," " \"data\": \"11\"" " }" " ]" " }," " {" " \"hw-address\": \"01:02:03:04:05:06\"," " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:2::abcd\" ]," " \"hostname\": \"\"," " \"option-data\": [" " {" " \"name\": \"dns-servers\"," " \"data\": \"2001:db8:2::abbc\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"preference\"," " \"data\": \"25\"" " }" " ]" " }" " ]," " \"pools\": [ ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\", " " \"id\": 234" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\", " " \"id\": 542," " \"reservations\": [" " {" " \"duid\": \"0A:09:08:07:06:05:04:03:02:01\"," " \"prefixes\": [ \"2001:db8:3:2::/96\" ]," " \"hostname\": \"\"," " \"option-data\": [" " {" " \"name\": \"dns-servers\"," " \"data\": \"2001:db8:3::3333\"" " }," " {" " \"name\": \"preference\"," " \"data\": \"33\"" " }" " ]" " }," " {" " \"hw-address\": \"06:05:04:03:02:01\"," " \"prefixes\": [ \"2001:db8:3:1::/96\" ]," " \"hostname\": \"\"" " }" " ]" " } " "], " "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); // Make sure all subnets have been successfully configured. There is no // need to sanity check the subnet properties because it should have // been already tested by other tests. const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets); ASSERT_EQ(3, subnets->size()); // Hosts configuration must be available. CfgHostsPtr hosts_cfg = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts(); ASSERT_TRUE(hosts_cfg); // Let's create an object holding hardware address of the host having // a reservation in the subnet having id of 234. For simplicity the // address is a collection of numbers from 1 to 6. std::vector hwaddr; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 7; ++i) { hwaddr.push_back(static_cast(i)); } // Retrieve the reservation and sanity check the address reserved. ConstHostPtr host = hosts_cfg->get6(234, Host::IDENT_HWADDR, &hwaddr[0], hwaddr.size()); ASSERT_TRUE(host); IPv6ResrvRange resrv = host->getIPv6Reservations(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA); ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(resrv.first, resrv.second)); EXPECT_TRUE(reservationExists(IPv6Resrv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::abcd")), resrv)); // This reservation should be solely assigned to the subnet 234, // and not to other two. EXPECT_FALSE(hosts_cfg->get6(123, Host::IDENT_HWADDR, &hwaddr[0], hwaddr.size())); EXPECT_FALSE(hosts_cfg->get6(542, Host::IDENT_HWADDR, &hwaddr[0], hwaddr.size())); // Check that options are assigned correctly. Option6AddrLstPtr opt_dns = retrieveOption(*host, D6O_NAME_SERVERS); ASSERT_TRUE(opt_dns); Option6AddrLst::AddressContainer dns_addrs = opt_dns->getAddresses(); ASSERT_EQ(1, dns_addrs.size()); EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:2::abbc", dns_addrs[0].toText()); OptionUint8Ptr opt_prf = retrieveOption(*host, D6O_PREFERENCE); ASSERT_TRUE(opt_prf); EXPECT_EQ(25, static_cast(opt_prf->getValue())); // Do the same test for the DUID based reservation. std::vector duid; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 0xb; ++i) { duid.push_back(static_cast(i)); } host = hosts_cfg->get6(234, Host::IDENT_DUID, &duid[0], duid.size()); ASSERT_TRUE(host); resrv = host->getIPv6Reservations(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA); ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(resrv.first, resrv.second)); EXPECT_TRUE(reservationExists(IPv6Resrv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::1234")), resrv)); EXPECT_FALSE(hosts_cfg->get6(123, Host::IDENT_DUID, &duid[0], duid.size())); EXPECT_FALSE(hosts_cfg->get6(542, Host::IDENT_DUID, &duid[0], duid.size())); // Check that options are assigned correctly. opt_dns = retrieveOption(*host, D6O_NAME_SERVERS); ASSERT_TRUE(opt_dns); dns_addrs = opt_dns->getAddresses(); ASSERT_EQ(1, dns_addrs.size()); EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:2::1111", dns_addrs[0].toText()); opt_prf = retrieveOption(*host, D6O_PREFERENCE); ASSERT_TRUE(opt_prf); EXPECT_EQ(11, static_cast(opt_prf->getValue())); // The HW address used for one of the reservations in the subnet 542 // consists of numbers from 6 to 1. So, let's just reverse the order // of the address from the previous test. std::vector hwaddr_r(hwaddr.rbegin(), hwaddr.rend()); host = hosts_cfg->get6(542, Host::IDENT_HWADDR, &hwaddr_r[0], hwaddr_r.size()); ASSERT_TRUE(host); resrv = host->getIPv6Reservations(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_PD); ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(resrv.first, resrv.second)); EXPECT_TRUE(reservationExists(IPv6Resrv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:3:1::"), 96), resrv)); // This reservation must not belong to other subnets. EXPECT_FALSE(hosts_cfg->get6(123, Host::IDENT_HWADDR, &hwaddr_r[0], hwaddr_r.size())); EXPECT_FALSE(hosts_cfg->get6(234, Host::IDENT_HWADDR, &hwaddr_r[0], hwaddr_r.size())); // Repeat the test for the DUID based reservation in this subnet. std::vector duid_r(duid.rbegin(), duid.rend()); host = hosts_cfg->get6(542, Host::IDENT_DUID, &duid_r[0], duid_r.size()); ASSERT_TRUE(host); resrv = host->getIPv6Reservations(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_PD); ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(resrv.first, resrv.second)); EXPECT_TRUE(reservationExists(IPv6Resrv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_PD, IOAddress("2001:db8:3:2::"), 96), resrv)); EXPECT_FALSE(hosts_cfg->get6(123, Host::IDENT_DUID, &duid_r[0], duid_r.size())); EXPECT_FALSE(hosts_cfg->get6(234, Host::IDENT_DUID, &duid_r[0], duid_r.size())); // Check that options are assigned correctly. opt_dns = retrieveOption(*host, D6O_NAME_SERVERS); ASSERT_TRUE(opt_dns); dns_addrs = opt_dns->getAddresses(); ASSERT_EQ(1, dns_addrs.size()); EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:3::3333", dns_addrs[0].toText()); opt_prf = retrieveOption(*host, D6O_PREFERENCE); ASSERT_TRUE(opt_prf); EXPECT_EQ(33, static_cast(opt_prf->getValue())); } // This test checks that it is possible to configure option data for a // host using a user defined option format. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, reservationWithOptionDefinition) { ConstElementPtr x; // The following configuration contains host declaration in which // a non-standard option is used. This option has option definition // specified in the configuration. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"option-def\": [ {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"code\": 100," " \"type\": \"uint32\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" "} ]," "\"subnet6\": [ " " {" " \"reservations\": [" " {" " \"duid\": \"01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0A\"," " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:2::1234\" ]," " \"hostname\": \"\"," " \"option-data\": [" " {" " \"name\": \"foo\"," " \"data\": \"11\"," " \"space\": \"isc\"" " }" " ]" " }" " ]," " \"pools\": [ ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\", " " \"id\": 234" " }" "]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); // Hosts configuration must be available. CfgHostsPtr hosts_cfg = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts(); ASSERT_TRUE(hosts_cfg); // Let's create an object holding DUID of the host. For simplicity the // address is a collection of numbers from 1 to A. std::vector duid; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 0xB; ++i) { duid.push_back(static_cast(i)); } // Retrieve the reservation and sanity check the address reserved. ConstHostPtr host = hosts_cfg->get6(234, Host::IDENT_DUID, &duid[0], duid.size()); ASSERT_TRUE(host); // Check if the option has been parsed. OptionUint32Ptr opt_foo = retrieveOption(*host, "isc", 100); ASSERT_TRUE(opt_foo); EXPECT_EQ(100, opt_foo->getType()); EXPECT_EQ(11, opt_foo->getValue()); } // This test verifies that the bogus host reservation would trigger a // server configuration error. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, reservationBogus) { // Case 1: misspelled "duid" parameter. ConstElementPtr x; string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ " " { " " \"pools\": [ ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\", " " \"id\": 542," " \"reservations\": [" " {" " \"dui\": \"0A:09:08:07:06:05:04:03:02:01\"," " \"prefixes\": [ \"2001:db8:3:2::/96\" ]," " \"hostname\": \"\"" " }" " ]" " } " "], " "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json = parseJSON(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 1); EXPECT_THROW(parseDHCP6(config), Dhcp6ParseError); // Case 2: DUID and HW Address both specified. config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ " " { " " \"pools\": [ ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\", " " \"id\": 542," " \"reservations\": [" " {" " \"hw-address\": \"01:02:03:04:05:06\"," " \"duid\": \"0A:09:08:07:06:05:04:03:02:01\"," " \"prefixes\": [ \"2001:db8:3:2::/96\" ]," " \"hostname\": \"\"" " }" " ]" " } " "], " "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; json = parseDHCP6(config); // Remove existing configuration, if any. CfgMgr::instance().clear(); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 1); // Case 3: Neither ip address nor hostname specified. config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ " " { " " \"pools\": [ ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\", " " \"id\": 542," " \"reservations\": [" " {" " \"duid\": \"0A:09:08:07:06:05:04:03:02:01\"" " }" " ]" " } " "], " "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; json = parseDHCP6(config); // Remove existing configuration, if any. CfgMgr::instance().clear(); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 1); // Case 4: Broken specification of option data. config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ " " { " " \"pools\": [ ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\", " " \"id\": 542," " \"reservations\": [" " {" " \"duid\": \"0A:09:08:07:06:05:04:03:02:01\"," " \"option-data\": [" " {" " \"name\": \"dns-servers\"," " \"data\": \"invalid-ip-address\"" " }" " ]" " }" " ]" " } " "], " "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; json = parseDHCP6(config); // Remove existing configuration, if any. CfgMgr::instance().clear(); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 1); } /// The goal of this test is to verify that configuration can include /// MAC/Hardware sources. This case uses RFC numbers to reference methods. /// Also checks if the aliases are handled properly (rfc6939 = client-addr-relay, /// rfc4649 = remote-id, rfc4580 = subscriber-id). TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, macSources1) { string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"mac-sources\": [ \"rfc6939\", \"rfc4649\", \"rfc4580\" ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ ], " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(status, 0); CfgMACSources sources = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getMACSources().get(); ASSERT_EQ(3, sources.size()); // Let's check the aliases. They should be recognized to their base methods. EXPECT_EQ(HWAddr::HWADDR_SOURCE_CLIENT_ADDR_RELAY_OPTION, sources[0]); EXPECT_EQ(HWAddr::HWADDR_SOURCE_REMOTE_ID, sources[1]); EXPECT_EQ(HWAddr::HWADDR_SOURCE_SUBSCRIBER_ID, sources[2]); } /// The goal of this test is to verify that configuration can include /// MAC/Hardware sources. This uses specific method names. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, macSources2) { string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"mac-sources\": [ \"client-link-addr-option\", \"remote-id\", " " \"subscriber-id\"]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ ], " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(status, 0); CfgMACSources sources = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getMACSources().get(); ASSERT_EQ(3, sources.size()); // Let's check the aliases. They should be recognized to their base methods. EXPECT_EQ(HWAddr::HWADDR_SOURCE_CLIENT_ADDR_RELAY_OPTION, sources[0]); EXPECT_EQ(HWAddr::HWADDR_SOURCE_REMOTE_ID, sources[1]); EXPECT_EQ(HWAddr::HWADDR_SOURCE_SUBSCRIBER_ID, sources[2]); } /// The goal of this test is to verify that empty MAC sources configuration /// is rejected. If specified, this has to have at least one value. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, macSourcesEmpty) { ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, parseJSON("{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"mac-sources\": [ ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ ], " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"))); // returned value should be 1 (failure), because the mac-sources must not // be empty when specified. checkResult(status, 1); } /// The goal of this test is to verify that MAC sources configuration can /// only use valid parameters. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, macSourcesBogus) { ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6("{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"mac-sources\": [ \"from-wire\" ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ ], " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }")); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 1 (failure) checkResult(status, 1); } /// The goal of this test is to verify that Host Reservation modes can be /// specified on a per-subnet basis. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, hostReservationPerSubnet) { /// - Configuration: /// - only addresses (no prefixes) /// - 5 subnets with: /// - 2001:db8:1::/64 (all reservations enabled) /// - 2001:db8:2::/64 (out-of-pool reservations) /// - 2001:db8:3::/64 (reservations disabled) /// - 2001:db8:4::/64 (global reservations) /// - 2001:db8:5::/64 (reservations not specified) const char* HR_CONFIG = "{" "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/48\", " " \"reservation-mode\": \"all\"" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/48\", " " \"reservation-mode\": \"out-of-pool\"" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/48\", " " \"reservation-mode\": \"disabled\"" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:4::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:4::/48\", " " \"reservation-mode\": \"global\"" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:5::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:5::/48\" " " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(HR_CONFIG)); extractConfig(HR_CONFIG); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 0 (success) checkResult(status, 0); CfgMgr::instance().commit(); // Let's get all subnets and check that there are 5 of them. ConstCfgSubnets6Ptr subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getCfgSubnets6(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets); const Subnet6Collection* subnet_col = subnets->getAll(); ASSERT_EQ(5, subnet_col->size()); // We expect 5 subnets // Let's check if the parsed subnets have correct HR modes. // Subnet 1 Subnet6Ptr subnet; subnet = subnets->selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1")); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_EQ(Network::HR_ALL, subnet->getHostReservationMode()); // Subnet 2 subnet = subnets->selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:2::1")); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_EQ(Network::HR_OUT_OF_POOL, subnet->getHostReservationMode()); // Subnet 3 subnet = subnets->selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:3::1")); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_EQ(Network::HR_DISABLED, subnet->getHostReservationMode()); // Subnet 4 subnet = subnets->selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:4::1")); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_EQ(Network::HR_GLOBAL, subnet->getHostReservationMode()); // Subnet 5 subnet = subnets->selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:5::1")); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_EQ(Network::HR_ALL, subnet->getHostReservationMode()); } /// The goal of this test is to verify that Host Reservation modes can be /// specified globally. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, hostReservationGlobal) { /// - Configuration: /// - only addresses (no prefixes) /// - 2 subnets with: /// - 2001:db8:1::/64 (all reservations enabled) /// - 2001:db8:2::/64 (reservations not specified) const char* HR_CONFIG = "{" "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"reservation-mode\": \"out-of-pool\", " "\"subnet6\": [ { " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/48\", " " \"reservation-mode\": \"all\"" " }," " {" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/48\" " " } ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(HR_CONFIG)); extractConfig(HR_CONFIG); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 0 (success) checkResult(status, 0); CfgMgr::instance().commit(); // Let's get all subnets and check that there are 2 of them. ConstCfgSubnets6Ptr subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getCfgSubnets6(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets); const Subnet6Collection* subnet_col = subnets->getAll(); ASSERT_EQ(2, subnet_col->size()); // We expect 2 subnets // Let's check if the parsed subnets have correct HR modes. // Subnet 1 Subnet6Ptr subnet; subnet = subnets->selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::1")); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_EQ(Network::HR_ALL, subnet->getHostReservationMode()); // Subnet 2 subnet = subnets->selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:2::1")); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_EQ(Network::HR_OUT_OF_POOL, subnet->getHostReservationMode()); } /// The goal of this test is to verify that configuration can include /// Relay Supplied options (specified as numbers). TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, rsooNumbers) { ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6("{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"relay-supplied-options\": [ \"10\", \"20\", \"30\" ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ ], " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }")); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 0 (success) checkResult(status, 0); // The following codes should be enabled now EXPECT_TRUE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgRSOO()->enabled(10)); EXPECT_TRUE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgRSOO()->enabled(20)); EXPECT_TRUE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgRSOO()->enabled(30)); // This option is on the IANA list, so it should be allowed all the time // (http://www.iana.org/assignments/dhcpv6-parameters/dhcpv6-parameters.xhtml) EXPECT_TRUE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgRSOO() ->enabled(D6O_ERP_LOCAL_DOMAIN_NAME)); // Those options are not enabled EXPECT_FALSE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgRSOO()->enabled(25)); EXPECT_FALSE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgRSOO()->enabled(1)); } /// The goal of this test is to verify that configuration can include /// Relay Supplied options (specified as names). TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, rsooNames) { string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"relay-supplied-options\": [ \"dns-servers\", \"remote-id\" ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ ], " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 0 (success) checkResult(status, 0); for (uint16_t code = 0; code < D6O_NAME_SERVERS; ++code) { EXPECT_FALSE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgRSOO() ->enabled(code)) << " for option code " << code; } // The following code should be enabled now EXPECT_TRUE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgRSOO() ->enabled(D6O_NAME_SERVERS)); for (uint16_t code = D6O_NAME_SERVERS + 1; code < D6O_REMOTE_ID; ++code) { EXPECT_FALSE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgRSOO() ->enabled(code)) << " for option code " << code; } // Check remote-id. It should be enabled. EXPECT_TRUE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgRSOO() ->enabled(D6O_REMOTE_ID)); for (uint16_t code = D6O_REMOTE_ID + 1; code < D6O_ERP_LOCAL_DOMAIN_NAME; ++code) { EXPECT_FALSE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgRSOO() ->enabled(code)) << " for option code " << code; } // This option is on the IANA list, so it should be allowed all the time // (http://www.iana.org/assignments/dhcpv6-parameters/dhcpv6-parameters.xhtml) EXPECT_TRUE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgRSOO() ->enabled(D6O_ERP_LOCAL_DOMAIN_NAME)); for (uint16_t code = D6O_ERP_LOCAL_DOMAIN_NAME + 1; code < 300; ++code) { EXPECT_FALSE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgRSOO() ->enabled(code)) << " for option code " << code; } } TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, rsooNegativeNumber) { ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6("{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"relay-supplied-options\": [ \"80\", \"-2\" ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ ], " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }")); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 0 (success) checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); } TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, rsooBogusName) { ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6("{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"relay-supplied-options\": [ \"bogus\", \"dns-servers\" ]," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ ], " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }")); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 0 (success) checkResult(status, 1); EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); } /// Check that not existent data directory returns an error. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, notExistDataDir) { string config_txt = "{\n" "\"data-directory\": \"/does-not-exist--\"\n" "}"; ConstElementPtr config; ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCP6(config_txt)); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, config)); // returned value should be 1 (error) int rcode; ConstElementPtr comment = parseAnswer(rcode, status); EXPECT_EQ(1, rcode); string text; ASSERT_NO_THROW(text = comment->stringValue()); EXPECT_EQ("Bad directory '/does-not-exist--': No such file or directory", text); } /// Check that not a directory data directory returns an error. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, notDirDataDir) { string config_txt = "{\n" "\"data-directory\": \"/dev/null\"\n" "}"; ConstElementPtr config; ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCP6(config_txt)); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, config)); // returned value should be 1 (error) int rcode; ConstElementPtr comment = parseAnswer(rcode, status); EXPECT_EQ(1, rcode); string text; ASSERT_NO_THROW(text = comment->stringValue()); EXPECT_EQ("'/dev/null' is not a directory", text); } /// Check that a valid data directory is accepted. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, testDataDir) { EXPECT_TRUE(CfgMgr::instance().getDataDir().unspecified()); string original_datadir(CfgMgr::instance().getDataDir()); string datadir(TEST_DATA_BUILDDIR); string config_txt = "{\n" "\"data-directory\": \"" + datadir + "\"\n" "}"; ConstElementPtr config; ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCP6(config_txt)); // Do not export it as it will keep the current TEST_DATA_BUILDDIR... ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, config)); // returned value should be 0 (success); checkResult(status, 0); // The value of data-directory was updated. EXPECT_FALSE(CfgMgr::instance().getDataDir().unspecified()); EXPECT_EQ(datadir, string(CfgMgr::instance().getDataDir())); EXPECT_NE(original_datadir, string(CfgMgr::instance().getDataDir())); } /// Check that the decline-probation-period value has a default value if not /// specified explicitly. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, declineTimerDefault) { string config_txt = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"subnet6\": [ ] " "}"; ConstElementPtr config; ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCP6(config_txt)); extractConfig(config_txt); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, config)); // returned value should be 0 (success) checkResult(status, 0); // The value of decline-probation-period must be equal to the // default value (86400). The default value is defined in GLOBAL6_DEFAULTS in // simple_parser6.cc. EXPECT_EQ(86400, CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getDeclinePeriod()); } /// Check that the dhcp4o6-port default value has a default value if not /// specified explicitly. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, dhcp4o6portDefault) { string config_txt = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"subnet6\": [ ] " "}"; ConstElementPtr config; ASSERT_NO_THROW(config = parseDHCP6(config_txt)); extractConfig(config_txt); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, config)); // returned value should be 0 (success) checkResult(status, 0); // The value of decline-probation-period must be equal to the // default value (0). The default value is defined in GLOBAL6_DEFAULTS in // simple_parser6.cc. EXPECT_EQ(0, CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getDhcp4o6Port()); } /// Check that the decline-probation-period value can be set properly. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, declineTimer) { string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"decline-probation-period\": 12345," "\"subnet6\": [ ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 0 (success) checkResult(status, 0); // The value of decline-probation-period must be equal to the // value specified. EXPECT_EQ(12345, CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getDeclinePeriod()); } /// Check that an incorrect decline-probation-period value will be caught. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, declineTimerError) { string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"decline-probation-period\": \"soon\"," "\"subnet6\": [ ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json = parseJSON(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // returned value should be 1 (error) checkResult(status, 1); // Check that the error contains error position. EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); // Check that the Dhcp6 parser catches the type error EXPECT_THROW(parseDHCP6(config), Dhcp6ParseError); } // Check that configuration for the expired leases processing may be // specified. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, expiredLeasesProcessing) { // Create basic configuration with the expiration specific parameters. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"expired-leases-processing\": " "{" " \"reclaim-timer-wait-time\": 20," " \"flush-reclaimed-timer-wait-time\": 35," " \"hold-reclaimed-time\": 1800," " \"max-reclaim-leases\": 50," " \"max-reclaim-time\": 100," " \"unwarned-reclaim-cycles\": 10" "}," "\"subnet6\": [ ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // Returned value should be 0 (success) checkResult(status, 0); // The value of decline-probation-period must be equal to the // value specified. CfgExpirationPtr cfg = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgExpiration(); ASSERT_TRUE(cfg); // Verify that parameters are correct. EXPECT_EQ(20, cfg->getReclaimTimerWaitTime()); EXPECT_EQ(35, cfg->getFlushReclaimedTimerWaitTime()); EXPECT_EQ(1800, cfg->getHoldReclaimedTime()); EXPECT_EQ(50, cfg->getMaxReclaimLeases()); EXPECT_EQ(100, cfg->getMaxReclaimTime()); EXPECT_EQ(10, cfg->getUnwarnedReclaimCycles()); } // Check that invalid configuration for the expired leases processing is // causing an error. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, expiredLeasesProcessingError) { // Create basic configuration with the expiration specific parameters. // One of the parameters holds invalid value. string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"expired-leases-processing\": " "{" " \"reclaim-timer-wait-time\": -5," " \"flush-reclaimed-timer-wait-time\": 35," " \"hold-reclaimed-time\": 1800," " \"max-reclaim-leases\": 50," " \"max-reclaim-time\": 100," " \"unwarned-reclaim-cycles\": 10" "}," "\"subnet6\": [ ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); // Returned value should be 0 (error) checkResult(status, 1); // Check that the error contains error position. EXPECT_TRUE(errorContainsPosition(status, "")); } // Verifies that simple list of valid classes parses and // is staged for commit. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, validClientClassDictionary) { string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000, \n" "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, \n" "\"renew-timer\": 1000, \n" "\"client-classes\" : [ \n" " { \n" " \"name\": \"one\" \n" " }, \n" " { \n" " \"name\": \"two\" \n" " }, \n" " { \n" " \"name\": \"three\" \n" " } \n" "], \n" "\"subnet6\": [ { \n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ], \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\" } ], \n" "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 } \n"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); checkResult(status, 0); // We check staging config because CfgMgr::commit hasn't been executed. ClientClassDictionaryPtr dictionary; dictionary = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getClientClassDictionary(); ASSERT_TRUE(dictionary); EXPECT_EQ(3, dictionary->getClasses()->size()); // Execute the commit ASSERT_NO_THROW(CfgMgr::instance().commit()); // Verify that after commit, the current config has the correct dictionary dictionary = CfgMgr::instance().getCurrentCfg()->getClientClassDictionary(); ASSERT_TRUE(dictionary); EXPECT_EQ(3, dictionary->getClasses()->size()); } // Verifies that a class list containing an invalid // class definition causes a configuration error. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, invalidClientClassDictionary) { string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000, \n" "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, \n" "\"renew-timer\": 1000, \n" "\"client-classes\" : [ \n" " { \n" " \"name\": \"one\", \n" " \"bogus\": \"bad\" \n" " } \n" "], \n" "\"subnet6\": [ { \n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::1 - 2001:db8::ffff\" } ], \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/64\" \n" " } ] \n" "} \n"; EXPECT_THROW(parseDHCP6(config), Dhcp6ParseError); } // Test verifies that regular configuration does not provide any user context // in the address pool. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, poolUserContextMissing) { extractConfig(PARSER_CONFIGS[0]); PoolPtr pool; getPool(string(PARSER_CONFIGS[0]), 0, 0, Lease::TYPE_NA, pool); ASSERT_TRUE(pool); EXPECT_FALSE(pool->getContext()); } // Test verifies that it's possible to specify empty user context in the // address pool. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, poolUserContextEmpty) { extractConfig(PARSER_CONFIGS[1]); PoolPtr pool; getPool(string(PARSER_CONFIGS[1]), 0, 0, Lease::TYPE_NA, pool); ASSERT_TRUE(pool); ConstElementPtr ctx = pool->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx); // The context should be of type map and not contain any parameters. EXPECT_EQ(Element::map, ctx->getType()); EXPECT_EQ(0, ctx->size()); } // Test verifies that it's possible to specify parameters in the user context // in the address pool. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, poolUserContextlw4over6) { extractConfig(PARSER_CONFIGS[2]); PoolPtr pool; getPool(string(PARSER_CONFIGS[2]), 0, 0, Lease::TYPE_NA, pool); ASSERT_TRUE(pool); ConstElementPtr ctx = pool->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx); // The context should be of type map and contain 4 parameters. EXPECT_EQ(Element::map, ctx->getType()); EXPECT_EQ(4, ctx->size()); ConstElementPtr ratio = ctx->get("lw4over6-sharing-ratio"); ConstElementPtr v4pool = ctx->get("lw4over6-v4-pool"); ConstElementPtr exclude = ctx->get("lw4over6-sysports-exclude"); ConstElementPtr v6len = ctx->get("lw4over6-bind-prefix-len"); ASSERT_TRUE(ratio); ASSERT_EQ(Element::integer, ratio->getType()); int64_t int_value; EXPECT_NO_THROW(ratio->getValue(int_value)); EXPECT_EQ(64L, int_value); ASSERT_TRUE(v4pool); ASSERT_EQ(Element::string, v4pool->getType()); EXPECT_EQ("", v4pool->stringValue()); ASSERT_TRUE(exclude); bool bool_value; ASSERT_EQ(Element::boolean, exclude->getType()); EXPECT_NO_THROW(exclude->getValue(bool_value)); EXPECT_EQ(true, bool_value); ASSERT_TRUE(v6len); ASSERT_EQ(Element::integer, v6len->getType()); EXPECT_NO_THROW(v6len->getValue(int_value)); EXPECT_EQ(56L, int_value); } // Test verifies that it's possible to specify parameters in the user context // in the min-max address pool. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, poolMinMaxUserContext) { extractConfig(PARSER_CONFIGS[3]); PoolPtr pool; getPool(string(PARSER_CONFIGS[3]), 0, 0, Lease::TYPE_NA, pool); ASSERT_TRUE(pool); ConstElementPtr ctx = pool->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx); // The context should be of type map and contain 4 parameters. EXPECT_EQ(Element::map, ctx->getType()); EXPECT_EQ(4, ctx->size()); ConstElementPtr ratio = ctx->get("lw4over6-sharing-ratio"); ConstElementPtr v4pool = ctx->get("lw4over6-v4-pool"); ConstElementPtr exclude = ctx->get("lw4over6-sysports-exclude"); ConstElementPtr v6len = ctx->get("lw4over6-bind-prefix-len"); ASSERT_TRUE(ratio); ASSERT_EQ(Element::integer, ratio->getType()); int64_t int_value; EXPECT_NO_THROW(ratio->getValue(int_value)); EXPECT_EQ(64L, int_value); ASSERT_TRUE(v4pool); ASSERT_EQ(Element::string, v4pool->getType()); EXPECT_EQ("", v4pool->stringValue()); ASSERT_TRUE(exclude); bool bool_value; ASSERT_EQ(Element::boolean, exclude->getType()); EXPECT_NO_THROW(exclude->getValue(bool_value)); EXPECT_EQ(true, bool_value); ASSERT_TRUE(v6len); ASSERT_EQ(Element::integer, v6len->getType()); EXPECT_NO_THROW(v6len->getValue(int_value)); EXPECT_EQ(56L, int_value); } // Test verifies that regular configuration does not provide any user context // in the address pool. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, pdPoolUserContextMissing) { extractConfig(PARSER_CONFIGS[4]); PoolPtr pool; getPool(string(PARSER_CONFIGS[4]), 0, 0, Lease::TYPE_PD, pool); ASSERT_TRUE(pool); EXPECT_FALSE(pool->getContext()); } // Test verifies that it's possible to specify empty user context in the // address pool. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, pdPoolUserContextEmpty) { extractConfig(PARSER_CONFIGS[5]); PoolPtr pool; getPool(string(PARSER_CONFIGS[5]), 0, 0, Lease::TYPE_PD, pool); ASSERT_TRUE(pool); ConstElementPtr ctx = pool->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx); // The context should be of type map and not contain any parameters. EXPECT_EQ(Element::map, ctx->getType()); EXPECT_EQ(0, ctx->size()); } // Test verifies that it's possible to specify parameters in the user context // in the address pool. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, pdPoolUserContextlw4over6) { extractConfig(PARSER_CONFIGS[6]); PoolPtr pool; getPool(string(PARSER_CONFIGS[6]), 0, 0, Lease::TYPE_PD, pool); ASSERT_TRUE(pool); ConstElementPtr ctx = pool->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx); // The context should be of type map and contain 4 parameters. EXPECT_EQ(Element::map, ctx->getType()); EXPECT_EQ(4, ctx->size()); ConstElementPtr ratio = ctx->get("lw4over6-sharing-ratio"); ConstElementPtr v4pool = ctx->get("lw4over6-v4-pool"); ConstElementPtr exclude = ctx->get("lw4over6-sysports-exclude"); ConstElementPtr v6len = ctx->get("lw4over6-bind-prefix-len"); ASSERT_TRUE(ratio); ASSERT_EQ(Element::integer, ratio->getType()); int64_t int_value; EXPECT_NO_THROW(ratio->getValue(int_value)); EXPECT_EQ(64L, int_value); ASSERT_TRUE(v4pool); ASSERT_EQ(Element::string, v4pool->getType()); EXPECT_EQ("", v4pool->stringValue()); ASSERT_TRUE(exclude); bool bool_value; ASSERT_EQ(Element::boolean, exclude->getType()); EXPECT_NO_THROW(exclude->getValue(bool_value)); EXPECT_TRUE(bool_value); ASSERT_TRUE(v6len); ASSERT_EQ(Element::integer, v6len->getType()); EXPECT_NO_THROW(v6len->getValue(int_value)); EXPECT_EQ(56L, int_value); } // Test verifies the error message for an incorrect pool range // is what we expect. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, invalidPoolRange) { string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + ", \n" + "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000, \n" "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000, \n" "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, \n" "\"renew-timer\": 1000, \n" "\"subnet6\": [ { \n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:: - 200:1db8::ffff\" } ], \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/32\" \n" " } ] \n" "} \n"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config, true)); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); int rcode; ConstElementPtr comment = parseAnswer(rcode, status); string text; ASSERT_NO_THROW(text = comment->stringValue()); EXPECT_EQ(1, rcode); string expected = "Failed to create pool defined by: " "2001:db8::-200:1db8::ffff (:7:26)"; EXPECT_EQ(expected, text); } // Test verifies the error message for an outside subnet pool range // is what we expect. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, outsideSubnetPool) { string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + ", \n" + "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000, \n" "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000, \n" "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, \n" "\"renew-timer\": 1000, \n" "\"subnet6\": [ { \n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:: - 2001:db8::ffff\" } ], \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:dc8::/32\" \n" " } ] \n" "} \n"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config, true)); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); ASSERT_TRUE(status); int rcode; ConstElementPtr comment = parseAnswer(rcode, status); string text; ASSERT_NO_THROW(text = comment->stringValue()); EXPECT_EQ(1, rcode); string expected = "subnet configuration failed: " "a pool of type IA_NA, with the following address range: " "2001:db8::-2001:db8::ffff does not match the prefix of a subnet: " "2001:dc8::/32 to which it is being added (:6:14)"; EXPECT_EQ(expected, text); } // Test verifies that empty shared networks are accepted. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, sharedNetworksEmpty) { string config = "{\n" "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000, \n" "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, \n" "\"renew-timer\": 1000, \n" "\"subnet6\": [ { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/48\" \n" " } ],\n" "\"shared-networks\": [ ]\n" "} \n"; configure(config, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, ""); } // Test verifies that if a shared network is defined, it at least has to have // a name. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, sharedNetworksNoName) { string config = "{\n" "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000, \n" "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, \n" "\"renew-timer\": 1000, \n" "\"subnet6\": [ { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/48\" \n" " } ],\n" "\"shared-networks\": [ { } ]\n" "} \n"; EXPECT_THROW(parseDHCP6(config, true), Dhcp6ParseError); } // Test verifies that empty shared networks are accepted. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, sharedNetworksEmptyName) { string config = "{\n" "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000, \n" "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, \n" "\"renew-timer\": 1000, \n" "\"subnet6\": [ { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/48\" \n" " } ],\n" "\"shared-networks\": [ { \"name\": \"\" } ]\n" "} \n"; configure(config, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, "Shared-network with subnets is missing mandatory 'name' parameter"); } // Test verifies that a degenerated shared-network (no subnets) is // accepted. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, sharedNetworksName) { string config = "{\n" "\"subnet6\": [ { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::1 - 2001:db8::ffff\" } ]\n" " } ],\n" "\"shared-networks\": [ { \"name\": \"foo\" } ]\n" "} \n"; configure(config, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, ""); // Now verify that the shared network was indeed configured. CfgSharedNetworks6Ptr cfg_net = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg() ->getCfgSharedNetworks6(); ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_net); const SharedNetwork6Collection* nets = cfg_net->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(nets); ASSERT_EQ(1, nets->size()); SharedNetwork6Ptr net = *(nets->begin()); ASSERT_TRUE(net); EXPECT_EQ("foo", net->getName()); // Verify that there are no subnets in this shared-network const Subnet6Collection * subs = net->getAllSubnets(); ASSERT_TRUE(subs); EXPECT_EQ(0, subs->size()); } // Test verifies that a degenerated shared-network (just one subnet) is // accepted. Also tests that, unless explicitly specified, the subnet // gets default values. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, sharedNetworks1subnet) { string config = "{\n" "\"shared-networks\": [ {\n" " \"name\": \"foo\"\n," " \"subnet6\": [ { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8::1 - 2001:db8::ffff\" } ]\n" " } ]\n" " } ]\n" "} \n"; configure(config, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, ""); // Now verify that the shared network was indeed configured. CfgSharedNetworks6Ptr cfg_net = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg() ->getCfgSharedNetworks6(); ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_net); // There should be exactly one shared subnet. const SharedNetwork6Collection* nets = cfg_net->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(nets); ASSERT_EQ(1, nets->size()); SharedNetwork6Ptr net = *(nets->begin()); ASSERT_TRUE(net); EXPECT_EQ("foo", net->getName()); // It should have one subnet. The subnet should have default values. const Subnet6Collection * subs = net->getAllSubnets(); ASSERT_TRUE(subs); EXPECT_EQ(1, subs->size()); checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db8::/48", 0, 0, 3600, 7200); // Now make sure the subnet was added to global list of subnets. CfgSubnets6Ptr subnets6 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets6); subs = subnets6->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(subs); checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db8::/48", 0, 0, 3600, 7200); } // Test verifies that a proper shared-network (three subnets) is // accepted. It verifies several things: // - that more than one subnet can be added to shared subnets // - that each subnet being part of the shared subnets is also stored in // global subnets collection // - that a subnet can inherit global values // - that subnet can override global parameters // - that overridden parameters only affect one subnet and not others TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, sharedNetworks3subnets) { string config = "{\n" "\"renew-timer\": 1000, \n" "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, \n" "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000, \n" "\"min-preferred-lifetime\": 2000, \n" "\"max-preferred-lifetime\": 4000, \n" "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000, \n" "\"min-valid-lifetime\": 3000, \n" "\"max-valid-lifetime\": 5000, \n" "\"shared-networks\": [ {\n" " \"name\": \"foo\"\n," " \"subnet6\": [\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db1::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db1::/64\" } ]\n" " },\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db2::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db2::/64\" } ],\n" " \"renew-timer\": 2,\n" " \"rebind-timer\": 22,\n" " \"preferred-lifetime\": 222,\n" " \"min-preferred-lifetime\": 111,\n" " \"max-preferred-lifetime\": 333,\n" " \"valid-lifetime\": 2222,\n" " \"min-valid-lifetime\": 1111,\n" " \"max-valid-lifetime\": 3333\n" " },\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db3::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db3::/64\" } ]\n" " }\n" " ]\n" " } ]\n" "} \n"; configure(config, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, ""); // Now verify that the shared network was indeed configured. CfgSharedNetworks6Ptr cfg_net = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg() ->getCfgSharedNetworks6(); // There is expected one shared subnet. ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_net); const SharedNetwork6Collection* nets = cfg_net->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(nets); ASSERT_EQ(1, nets->size()); SharedNetwork6Ptr net = *(nets->begin()); ASSERT_TRUE(net); EXPECT_EQ("foo", net->getName()); const Subnet6Collection * subs = net->getAllSubnets(); ASSERT_TRUE(subs); EXPECT_EQ(3, subs->size()); checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db1::/48", 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 2000, 4000, 3000, 5000); checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db2::/48", 2, 22, 222, 2222, 111, 333, 1111, 3333); checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db3::/48", 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 2000, 4000, 3000, 5000); // Now make sure the subnet was added to global list of subnets. CfgSubnets6Ptr subnets6 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets6); subs = subnets6->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(subs); checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db1::/48", 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 2000, 4000, 3000, 5000); checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db2::/48", 2, 22, 222, 2222, 111, 333, 1111, 3333); checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db3::/48", 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 2000, 4000, 3000, 5000); } // This test checks if parameters are derived properly: // - global to shared network // - shared network to subnet // Also, it tests that more than one shared network can be defined. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, sharedNetworksDerive) { // We need to fake the interfaces present, because we want to test // interface names inheritance. However, there are sanity checks // on subnet level that would refuse the value if the interface // is not present. IfaceMgrTestConfig iface_config(true); // Build some expected interface-id values. const string text1 = "oneone"; const string text2 = "twotwo"; OptionBuffer buffer1 = OptionBuffer(text1.begin(), text1.end()); OptionBuffer buffer2 = OptionBuffer(text2.begin(), text2.end()); Option iface_id1(Option::V6, D6O_INTERFACE_ID, buffer1); Option iface_id2(Option::V6, D6O_INTERFACE_ID, buffer2); string config = "{\n" "\"renew-timer\": 1, \n" "\"rebind-timer\": 2, \n" "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3,\n" "\"min-preferred-lifetime\": 2,\n" "\"max-preferred-lifetime\": 4,\n" "\"valid-lifetime\": 4, \n" "\"min-valid-lifetime\": 3, \n" "\"max-valid-lifetime\": 5, \n" "\"shared-networks\": [ {\n" " \"name\": \"foo\"\n," " \"renew-timer\": 10,\n" " \"rebind-timer\": 20, \n" " \"preferred-lifetime\": 30,\n" " \"min-preferred-lifetime\": 20,\n" " \"max-preferred-lifetime\": 40,\n" " \"valid-lifetime\": 40, \n" " \"min-valid-lifetime\": 30, \n" " \"max-valid-lifetime\": 50, \n" " \"interface-id\": \"oneone\",\n" " \"store-extended-info\": true,\n" " \"relay\": {\n" " \"ip-address\": \"1111::1\"\n" " },\n" " \"rapid-commit\": true,\n" " \"reservation-mode\": \"disabled\",\n" " \"subnet6\": [\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db1::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db1::/64\" } ]\n" " },\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db2::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db2::/64\" } ],\n" " \"renew-timer\": 100\n," " \"rebind-timer\": 200, \n" " \"preferred-lifetime\": 300,\n" " \"min-preferred-lifetime\": 200,\n" " \"max-preferred-lifetime\": 400,\n" " \"relay\": {\n" " \"ip-address\": \"2222::2\"\n" " },\n" " \"valid-lifetime\": 400, \n" " \"min-valid-lifetime\": 300, \n" " \"max-valid-lifetime\": 500, \n" " \"interface-id\": \"twotwo\",\n" " \"rapid-commit\": true,\n" " \"reservation-mode\": \"out-of-pool\"\n" " }\n" " ]\n" " },\n" "{ // second shared-network starts here\n" " \"name\": \"bar\",\n" " \"subnet6\": [\n" " {\n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db3::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db3::/64\" } ]\n" " }\n" " ]\n" "} ]\n" "} \n"; configure(config, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, ""); // Now verify that the shared network was indeed configured. CfgSharedNetworks6Ptr cfg_net = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg() ->getCfgSharedNetworks6(); // Two shared networks are expeced. ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_net); const SharedNetwork6Collection* nets = cfg_net->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(nets); ASSERT_EQ(2, nets->size()); // Let's check the first one. SharedNetwork6Ptr net = nets->at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(net); const Subnet6Collection * subs = net->getAllSubnets(); ASSERT_TRUE(subs); EXPECT_EQ(2, subs->size()); // For the first subnet, the renew-timer should be 10, because it was // derived from shared-network level. Other parameters a derived // from global scope to shared-network level and later again to // subnet6 level. Subnet6Ptr s = checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db1::/48", 10, 20, 30, 40, 20, 40, 30, 50); ASSERT_TRUE(s); ASSERT_TRUE(s->getInterfaceId()); EXPECT_TRUE(iface_id1.equals(s->getInterfaceId())); EXPECT_TRUE(s->hasRelayAddress(IOAddress("1111::1"))); EXPECT_TRUE(s->getRapidCommit()); EXPECT_EQ(Network::HR_DISABLED, s->getHostReservationMode()); EXPECT_TRUE(s->getStoreExtendedInfo()); // For the second subnet, the renew-timer should be 100, because it // was specified explicitly. Other parameters a derived // from global scope to shared-network level and later again to // subnet6 level. s = checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db2::/48", 100, 200, 300, 400, 200, 400, 300, 500); ASSERT_TRUE(s->getInterfaceId()); EXPECT_TRUE(iface_id2.equals(s->getInterfaceId())); EXPECT_TRUE(s->hasRelayAddress(IOAddress("2222::2"))); EXPECT_TRUE(s->getRapidCommit()); EXPECT_EQ(Network::HR_OUT_OF_POOL, s->getHostReservationMode()); EXPECT_TRUE(s->getStoreExtendedInfo()); // Ok, now check the second shared subnet. net = nets->at(1); ASSERT_TRUE(net); subs = net->getAllSubnets(); ASSERT_TRUE(subs); EXPECT_EQ(1, subs->size()); // This subnet should derive its renew-timer from global scope. s = checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db3::/48", 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 4, 3, 5); EXPECT_FALSE(s->getInterfaceId()); EXPECT_FALSE(s->hasRelays()); EXPECT_FALSE(s->getRapidCommit()); EXPECT_EQ(Network::HR_ALL, s->getHostReservationMode()); EXPECT_FALSE(s->getStoreExtendedInfo()); } // Since it is not allowed to define both interface-id and interface // for the same subnet, we need dedicated test that will check // interface separately. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, sharedNetworksDeriveInterfaces) { // We need to fake the interfaces present, because we want to test // interface names inheritance. However, there are sanity checks // on subnet level that would refuse the value if the interface // is not present. IfaceMgrTestConfig iface_config(true); string config = "{\n" "\"shared-networks\": [ {\n" " \"name\": \"foo\"\n," " \"interface\": \"eth0\",\n" " \"rebind-timer\": 10, \n" " \"subnet6\": [\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db1::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db1::/64\" } ]\n" " },\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db2::/48\",\n" " \"rebind-timer\": 100, \n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db2::/64\" } ],\n" " \"interface\": \"eth0\"\n" " }\n" " ]\n" " },\n" "{ // second shared-network starts here\n" " \"name\": \"bar\",\n" " \"subnet6\": [\n" " {\n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db3::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db3::/64\" } ]\n" " }\n" " ]\n" "} ]\n" "} \n"; configure(config, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, ""); // Now verify that the shared network was indeed configured. CfgSharedNetworks6Ptr cfg_net = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg() ->getCfgSharedNetworks6(); // Two shared networks are expeced. ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_net); const SharedNetwork6Collection* nets = cfg_net->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(nets); ASSERT_EQ(2, nets->size()); // Let's check the first one. SharedNetwork6Ptr net = nets->at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(net); const Subnet6Collection * subs = net->getAllSubnets(); ASSERT_TRUE(subs); EXPECT_EQ(2, subs->size()); // For the first subnet, the rebind-timer should be 10, because it was // derived from shared-network level. Other parameters a derived // from global scope to shared-network level and later again to // subnet6 level. Subnet6Ptr s = checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db1::/48", 0, 10, 3600, 7200); ASSERT_TRUE(s); EXPECT_EQ("eth0", s->getIface().get()); // For the second subnet, the rebind-timer should be 100, because it // was specified explicitly. Other parameters a derived // from global scope to shared-network level and later again to // subnet6 level. checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db2::/48", 0, 100, 3600, 7200); EXPECT_EQ("eth0", s->getIface().get()); // Ok, now check the second shared subnet. net = nets->at(1); ASSERT_TRUE(net); subs = net->getAllSubnets(); ASSERT_TRUE(subs); EXPECT_EQ(1, subs->size()); // This subnet should derive its rebind-timer from global scope. s = checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db3::/48", 0, 0, 3600, 7200); EXPECT_EQ("", s->getIface().get()); } // It is not allowed to have different values for interfaces names is subnets // in the same shared network. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, sharedNetworksInterfacesMixed) { // We need to fake the interfaces present, because we want to test // interface names inheritance. However, there are sanity checks // on subnet level that would refuse the value if the interface // is not present. IfaceMgrTestConfig iface_config(true); string config = "{\n" "\"shared-networks\": [ {\n" " \"name\": \"foo\"\n," " \"subnet6\": [\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db1::/48\",\n" " \"interface\": \"eth0\"\n" " },\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db2::/48\",\n" " \"interface\": \"eth1\"\n" " }\n" " ]\n" " } ]\n" "} \n"; configure(config, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, "Subnet 2001:db2::/48 has specified " "interface eth1, but earlier subnet in the same shared-network " "or the shared-network itself used eth0"); } // This test checks if client-class is derived properly. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, sharedNetworksDeriveClientClass) { string config = "{\n" "\"shared-networks\": [ {\n" " \"name\": \"foo\"\n," " \"client-class\": \"alpha\",\n" " \"subnet6\": [\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db1::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db1::/64\" } ]\n" " },\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db2::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db2::/64\" } ],\n" " \"client-class\": \"beta\"\n" " }\n" " ]\n" " },\n" "{ // second shared-network starts here\n" " \"name\": \"bar\",\n" " \"subnet6\": [\n" " {\n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db3::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db3::/64\" } ]\n" " }\n" " ]\n" "} ]\n" "} \n"; configure(config, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, ""); // Now verify that the shared network was indeed configured. CfgSharedNetworks6Ptr cfg_net = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg() ->getCfgSharedNetworks6(); // Two shared networks are expected. ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_net); const SharedNetwork6Collection* nets = cfg_net->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(nets); ASSERT_EQ(2, nets->size()); // Let's check the first one. SharedNetwork6Ptr net = nets->at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(net); EXPECT_EQ("alpha", net->getClientClass().get()); const Subnet6Collection * subs = net->getAllSubnets(); ASSERT_TRUE(subs); EXPECT_EQ(2, subs->size()); // For the first subnet, the client-class should be inherited from // shared-network level. Subnet6Ptr s = checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db1::/48", 0, 0, 3600, 7200); ASSERT_TRUE(s); EXPECT_EQ("alpha", s->getClientClass().get()); // For the second subnet, the values are overridden on subnet level. // The value should not be inherited. s = checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db2::/48", 0, 0, 3600, 7200); ASSERT_TRUE(s); EXPECT_EQ("beta", s->getClientClass().get()); // beta defined on subnet level // Ok, now check the second shared network. It doesn't have // anything defined on shared-network or subnet level, so // everything should have default values. net = nets->at(1); ASSERT_TRUE(net); subs = net->getAllSubnets(); ASSERT_TRUE(subs); EXPECT_EQ(1, subs->size()); // This subnet should derive its renew-timer from global scope. s = checkSubnet(*subs, "2001:db3::/48", 0, 0, 3600, 7200); EXPECT_TRUE(s->getClientClass().empty()); } // Tests if rapid-commit is derived properly. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, sharedNetworksRapidCommit) { string config = "{\n" "\"shared-networks\": [ {\n" " \"name\": \"frog\"\n," " \"rapid-commit\": true,\n" " \"subnet6\": [\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db1::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db1::/64\" } ]\n" " },\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db2::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db2::/64\" } ],\n" " \"client-class\": \"beta\"\n" " }\n" " ]\n" " },\n" "{ // second shared-network starts here\n" " \"name\": \"bar\",\n" " \"rapid-commit\": false,\n" " \"subnet6\": [\n" " {\n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db3::/48\",\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db3::/64\" } ]\n" " }\n" " ]\n" "} ]\n" "} \n"; configure(config, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, ""); // Now verify that the shared network was indeed configured. CfgSharedNetworks6Ptr cfg_net = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg() ->getCfgSharedNetworks6(); // Two shared networks are expeced. ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_net); const SharedNetwork6Collection* nets = cfg_net->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(nets); ASSERT_EQ(2, nets->size()); // Let's check the first one. SharedNetwork6Ptr net = nets->at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(net); const Subnet6Collection * subs = net->getAllSubnets(); ASSERT_TRUE(subs); ASSERT_EQ(2, subs->size()); auto sub = subs->begin(); EXPECT_TRUE((*sub)->getRapidCommit()); EXPECT_TRUE((*std::next(sub))->getRapidCommit()); // Ok, now check the second shared network. It doesn't have // anything defined on shared-network or subnet level, so // everything should have default values. net = nets->at(1); ASSERT_TRUE(net); subs = net->getAllSubnets(); ASSERT_TRUE(subs); EXPECT_EQ(1, subs->size()); // This subnet should derive its renew-timer from global scope. sub = subs->begin(); EXPECT_FALSE((*sub)->getRapidCommit()); } // Tests that non-matching rapid-commit setting for subnets belonging to a // shared network cause configuration error. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, sharedNetworksRapidCommitMix) { string config = "{\n" "\"shared-networks\": [ {\n" " \"name\": \"frog\"\n," " \"subnet6\": [\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db1::/48\",\n" " \"rapid-commit\": true,\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db1::/64\" } ]\n" " },\n" " { \n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db2::/48\",\n" " \"rapid-commit\": false,\n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db2::/64\" } ],\n" " \"client-class\": \"beta\"\n" " }\n" " ]\n" " } ]\n" "} \n"; configure(config, CONTROL_RESULT_ERROR, "All subnets in a shared network " "must have the same rapid-commit value. Subnet 2001:db2::/48 has " "specified rapid-commit false, but earlier subnet in the same " "shared-network or the shared-network itself used rapid-commit true"); } // This test checks multiple host data sources. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, hostsDatabases) { string config = PARSER_CONFIGS[7]; extractConfig(config); configure(config, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, ""); // Check database config ConstCfgDbAccessPtr cfgdb = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgDbAccess(); ASSERT_TRUE(cfgdb); const std::list& hal = cfgdb->getHostDbAccessStringList(); ASSERT_EQ(2, hal.size()); // Keywords are in alphabetical order EXPECT_EQ("name=keatest1 password=keatest type=mysql user=keatest", hal.front()); EXPECT_EQ("name=keatest2 password=keatest type=mysql user=keatest", hal.back()); } // This test checks comments. Please keep it last. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, comments) { string config = PARSER_CONFIGS[9]; extractConfig(config); configure(config, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, ""); // Check global user context. ConstElementPtr ctx = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx); ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"A DHCPv6 server\"", ctx->get("comment")->str()); // There is a server id. ConstCfgDUIDPtr duid = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgDUID(); ASSERT_TRUE(duid); EXPECT_EQ(DUID::DUID_LL, duid->getType()); // Check server id user context. ConstElementPtr ctx_duid = duid->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_duid); ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx_duid->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_duid->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"DHCPv6 specific\"", ctx_duid->get("comment")->str()); // There is a network interface configuration. ConstCfgIfacePtr iface = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgIface(); ASSERT_TRUE(iface); // Check network interface configuration user context. ConstElementPtr ctx_iface = iface->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_iface); ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx_iface->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_iface->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"Use wildcard\"", ctx_iface->get("comment")->str()); // There is a global option definition. const OptionDefinitionPtr& opt_def = LibDHCP::getRuntimeOptionDef("isc", 100); ASSERT_TRUE(opt_def); EXPECT_EQ("foo", opt_def->getName()); EXPECT_EQ(100, opt_def->getCode()); EXPECT_FALSE(opt_def->getArrayType()); EXPECT_EQ(OPT_IPV6_ADDRESS_TYPE, opt_def->getType()); EXPECT_TRUE(opt_def->getEncapsulatedSpace().empty()); // Check option definition user context. ConstElementPtr ctx_opt_def = opt_def->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_opt_def); ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx_opt_def->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_opt_def->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"An option definition\"", ctx_opt_def->get("comment")->str()); // There is an option descriptor aka option data. const OptionDescriptor& opt_desc = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOption()-> get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID); ASSERT_TRUE(opt_desc.option_); EXPECT_EQ(D6O_SUBSCRIBER_ID, opt_desc.option_->getType()); // Check option descriptor user context. ConstElementPtr ctx_opt_desc = opt_desc.getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_opt_desc); ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx_opt_desc->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_opt_desc->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"Set option value\"", ctx_opt_desc->get("comment")->str()); // And there are some client classes. const ClientClassDictionaryPtr& dict = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getClientClassDictionary(); ASSERT_TRUE(dict); EXPECT_EQ(3, dict->getClasses()->size()); ClientClassDefPtr cclass = dict->findClass("all"); ASSERT_TRUE(cclass); EXPECT_EQ("all", cclass->getName()); EXPECT_EQ("'' == ''", cclass->getTest()); // Check client class user context. ConstElementPtr ctx_class = cclass->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_class); ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx_class->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_class->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"match all\"", ctx_class->get("comment")->str()); // The 'none' class has no user-context/comment. cclass = dict->findClass("none"); ASSERT_TRUE(cclass); EXPECT_EQ("none", cclass->getName()); EXPECT_EQ("", cclass->getTest()); EXPECT_FALSE(cclass->getContext()); // The 'both' class has a user context and a comment. cclass = dict->findClass("both"); EXPECT_EQ("both", cclass->getName()); EXPECT_EQ("", cclass->getTest()); ctx_class = cclass->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_class); ASSERT_EQ(2, ctx_class->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_class->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"a comment\"", ctx_class->get("comment")->str()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_class->get("version")); EXPECT_EQ("1", ctx_class->get("version")->str()); // There is a control socket. ConstElementPtr socket = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getControlSocketInfo(); ASSERT_TRUE(socket); ASSERT_TRUE(socket->get("socket-type")); EXPECT_EQ("\"unix\"", socket->get("socket-type")->str()); ASSERT_TRUE(socket->get("socket-name")); EXPECT_EQ("\"/tmp/kea6-ctrl-socket\"", socket->get("socket-name")->str()); // Check control socket comment and user context. ConstElementPtr ctx_socket = socket->get("user-context"); ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx_socket->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_socket->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"Indirect comment\"", ctx_socket->get("comment")->str()); // Now verify that the shared network was indeed configured. const CfgSharedNetworks6Ptr& cfg_net = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSharedNetworks6(); ASSERT_TRUE(cfg_net); const SharedNetwork6Collection* nets = cfg_net->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(nets); ASSERT_EQ(1, nets->size()); SharedNetwork6Ptr net = nets->at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(net); EXPECT_EQ("foo", net->getName()); // Check shared network user context. ConstElementPtr ctx_net = net->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_net); ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx_net->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_net->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"A shared network\"", ctx_net->get("comment")->str()); // The shared network has a subnet. const Subnet6Collection* subs = net->getAllSubnets(); ASSERT_TRUE(subs); ASSERT_EQ(1, subs->size()); Subnet6Ptr sub = *subs->begin(); ASSERT_TRUE(sub); // Check subnet user context. ConstElementPtr ctx_sub = sub->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_sub); ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx_sub->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_sub->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"A subnet\"", ctx_sub->get("comment")->str()); EXPECT_EQ(100, sub->getID()); EXPECT_EQ("2001:db1::/48", sub->toText()); // The subnet has a pool. const PoolCollection& pools = sub->getPools(Lease::TYPE_NA); ASSERT_EQ(1, pools.size()); PoolPtr pool = pools.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(pool); // Check pool user context. ConstElementPtr ctx_pool = pool->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_pool); ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx_pool->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_pool->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"A pool\"", ctx_pool->get("comment")->str()); // The subnet has a prefix pool. const PoolCollection& pdpools = sub->getPools(Lease::TYPE_PD); ASSERT_EQ(1, pdpools.size()); PoolPtr pdpool = pdpools.at(0); ASSERT_TRUE(pdpool); // Check prefix pool user context. ConstElementPtr ctx_pdpool = pdpool->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_pdpool); ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx_pdpool->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_pdpool->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"A prefix pool\"", ctx_pdpool->get("comment")->str()); // The subnet has a host reservation. uint8_t hw[] = { 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF }; ConstHostPtr host = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts()-> get6(100, Host::IDENT_HWADDR, &hw[0], sizeof(hw)); ASSERT_TRUE(host); EXPECT_EQ(Host::IDENT_HWADDR, host->getIdentifierType()); EXPECT_EQ("aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", host->getHWAddress()->toText(false)); EXPECT_FALSE(host->getDuid()); EXPECT_EQ(SUBNET_ID_UNUSED, host->getIPv4SubnetID()); EXPECT_EQ(100, host->getIPv6SubnetID()); EXPECT_EQ("foo.example.com", host->getHostname()); // Check host user context. ConstElementPtr ctx_host = host->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_host); ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx_host->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_host->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"A host reservation\"", ctx_host->get("comment")->str()); // The host reservation has an option data. ConstCfgOptionPtr opts = host->getCfgOption6(); ASSERT_TRUE(opts); EXPECT_FALSE(opts->empty()); const OptionDescriptor& host_desc = opts->get(DHCP6_OPTION_SPACE, D6O_DOMAIN_SEARCH); ASSERT_TRUE(host_desc.option_); EXPECT_EQ(D6O_DOMAIN_SEARCH, host_desc.option_->getType()); // Check embedded option data user context. ConstElementPtr ctx_host_desc = host_desc.getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_host_desc); ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx_host_desc->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_host_desc->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"An option in a reservation\"", ctx_host_desc->get("comment")->str()); // Finally dynamic DNS update configuration. const D2ClientConfigPtr& d2 = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getD2ClientConfig(); ASSERT_TRUE(d2); EXPECT_FALSE(d2->getEnableUpdates()); // Check dynamic DNS update configuration user context. ConstElementPtr ctx_d2 = d2->getContext(); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_d2); ASSERT_EQ(1, ctx_d2->size()); ASSERT_TRUE(ctx_d2->get("comment")); EXPECT_EQ("\"No dynamic DNS\"", ctx_d2->get("comment")->str()); } // This test verifies that the global host reservations can be specified. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, globalReservations) { ConstElementPtr x; string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + ",\n" "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, \n" "\"renew-timer\": 1000, \n" "\"reservations\": [\n" " {\n" " \"duid\": \"01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0A\",\n" " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:2::1234\" ],\n" " \"hostname\": \"\",\n" " \"option-data\": [\n" " {\n" " \"name\": \"dns-servers\",\n" " \"data\": \"2001:db8:2::1111\"\n" " },\n" " {\n" " \"name\": \"preference\",\n" " \"data\": \"11\"\n" " }\n" " ]\n" " },\n" " {\n" " \"hw-address\": \"01:02:03:04:05:06\",\n" " \"ip-addresses\": [ \"2001:db8:2::abcd\" ],\n" " \"hostname\": \"\",\n" " \"option-data\": [\n" " {\n" " \"name\": \"dns-servers\",\n" " \"data\": \"2001:db8:2::abbc\"\n" " },\n" " {\n" " \"name\": \"preference\",\n" " \"data\": \"25\"\n" " }\n" " ]\n" " }\n" "],\n" "\"subnet6\": [ \n" " { \n" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::/80\" } ],\n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\", \n" " \"id\": 123,\n" " \"reservations\": [\n" " ]\n" " },\n" " {\n" " \"pools\": [ ],\n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\", \n" " \"id\": 234\n" " },\n" " {\n" " \"pools\": [ ],\n" " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:3::/64\", \n" " \"id\": 542\n" " }\n" "],\n" "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000,\n" "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }\n"; ConstElementPtr json; (json = parseDHCP6(config)); ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); EXPECT_NO_THROW(x = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(x, 0); // Make sure all subnets have been successfully configured. There is no // need to sanity check the subnet properties because it should have // been already tested by other tests. const Subnet6Collection* subnets = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6()->getAll(); ASSERT_TRUE(subnets); ASSERT_EQ(3, subnets->size()); // Hosts configuration must be available. CfgHostsPtr hosts_cfg = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgHosts(); ASSERT_TRUE(hosts_cfg); // Let's create an object holding hardware address of the host having // a reservation in the subnet having id of 234. For simplicity the // address is a collection of numbers from 1 to 6. std::vector hwaddr; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 7; ++i) { hwaddr.push_back(static_cast(i)); } // Retrieve the reservation and sanity check the address reserved. ConstHostPtr host = hosts_cfg->get6(SUBNET_ID_GLOBAL, Host::IDENT_HWADDR, &hwaddr[0], hwaddr.size()); ASSERT_TRUE(host); IPv6ResrvRange resrv = host->getIPv6Reservations(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA); ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(resrv.first, resrv.second)); EXPECT_TRUE(reservationExists(IPv6Resrv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::abcd")), resrv)); // This reservation should be solely assigned to the subnet 234, // and not to other two. EXPECT_FALSE(hosts_cfg->get6(123, Host::IDENT_HWADDR, &hwaddr[0], hwaddr.size())); EXPECT_FALSE(hosts_cfg->get6(542, Host::IDENT_HWADDR, &hwaddr[0], hwaddr.size())); // Check that options are assigned correctly. Option6AddrLstPtr opt_dns = retrieveOption(*host, D6O_NAME_SERVERS); ASSERT_TRUE(opt_dns); Option6AddrLst::AddressContainer dns_addrs = opt_dns->getAddresses(); ASSERT_EQ(1, dns_addrs.size()); EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:2::abbc", dns_addrs[0].toText()); OptionUint8Ptr opt_prf = retrieveOption(*host, D6O_PREFERENCE); ASSERT_TRUE(opt_prf); EXPECT_EQ(25, static_cast(opt_prf->getValue())); // Do the same test for the DUID based reservation. std::vector duid; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 0xb; ++i) { duid.push_back(static_cast(i)); } host = hosts_cfg->get6(SUBNET_ID_GLOBAL, Host::IDENT_DUID, &duid[0], duid.size()); ASSERT_TRUE(host); resrv = host->getIPv6Reservations(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA); ASSERT_EQ(1, std::distance(resrv.first, resrv.second)); EXPECT_TRUE(reservationExists(IPv6Resrv(IPv6Resrv::TYPE_NA, IOAddress("2001:db8:2::1234")), resrv)); EXPECT_FALSE(hosts_cfg->get6(123, Host::IDENT_DUID, &duid[0], duid.size())); EXPECT_FALSE(hosts_cfg->get6(542, Host::IDENT_DUID, &duid[0], duid.size())); // Check that options are assigned correctly. opt_dns = retrieveOption(*host, D6O_NAME_SERVERS); ASSERT_TRUE(opt_dns); dns_addrs = opt_dns->getAddresses(); ASSERT_EQ(1, dns_addrs.size()); EXPECT_EQ("2001:db8:2::1111", dns_addrs[0].toText()); opt_prf = retrieveOption(*host, D6O_PREFERENCE); ASSERT_TRUE(opt_prf); EXPECT_EQ(11, static_cast(opt_prf->getValue())); } // This test verifies that configuration control info gets populated. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, configControlInfo) { string config = PARSER_CONFIGS[8]; // Should be able to register a backend factory for "mysql". ASSERT_TRUE(TestConfigBackendDHCPv6:: registerBackendType(ConfigBackendDHCPv6Mgr::instance(), "mysql")); // Should parse ok, now that the factory has been registered. configure(config, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, ""); // Make sure the config control info is there. process::ConstConfigControlInfoPtr info = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getConfigControlInfo(); ASSERT_TRUE(info); // Fetch the list of config dbs. It should have two entries. const process::ConfigDbInfoList& dblist = info->getConfigDatabases(); ASSERT_EQ(2, dblist.size()); // Make sure the entries are what we expect and in the right order. // (DbAccessParser creates access strings with the keywords in // alphabetical order). EXPECT_EQ("name=keatest1 password=keatest type=mysql user=keatest", dblist.front().getAccessString()); EXPECT_EQ("name=keatest2 password=keatest type=mysql user=keatest", dblist.back().getAccessString()); // Verify that the config-fetch-wait-time is correct. EXPECT_FALSE(info->getConfigFetchWaitTime().unspecified()); EXPECT_EQ(10, info->getConfigFetchWaitTime().get()); } // Check whether it is possible to configure server-tag TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, serverTag) { // Config without server-tag string config_no_tag = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"subnet6\": [ ] " "}"; // Config with server-tag string config_tag = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"server-tag\": \"boo\", " "\"subnet6\": [ ] " "}"; // Config with an invalid server-tag string bad_tag = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"server-tag\": 777, " "\"subnet6\": [ ] " "}"; // Let's check the default. It should be empty. ASSERT_TRUE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getServerTag().empty()); // Configuration with no tag should default to an emtpy tag value. configure(config_no_tag, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, ""); EXPECT_TRUE(CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getServerTag().empty()); // Clear the config CfgMgr::instance().clear(); // Configuration with the tag should have the tag value. configure(config_tag, CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, ""); EXPECT_EQ("boo", CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getServerTag().get()); // Make sure a invalid server-tag fails to parse. ASSERT_THROW(parseDHCP6(bad_tag), std::exception); } // Check whether it is possible to configure packet queue TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, dhcpQueueControl) { struct Scenario { std::string description_; std::string json_; }; std::vector scenarios = { { "no entry", "" }, { "queue disabled", "{ \n" " \"enable-queue\": false \n" "} \n" }, { "queue disabled, arbitrary content allowed", "{ \n" " \"enable-queue\": false, \n" " \"foo\": \"bogus\", \n" " \"random-int\" : 1234 \n" "} \n" }, { "queue enabled, with queue-type", "{ \n" " \"enable-queue\": true, \n" " \"queue-type\": \"some-type\" \n" "} \n" }, { "queue enabled with queue-type and arbitrary content", "{ \n" " \"enable-queue\": true, \n" " \"queue-type\": \"some-type\", \n" " \"foo\": \"bogus\", \n" " \"random-int\" : 1234 \n" "} \n" } }; // Let's check the default. It should be empty. data::ConstElementPtr staged_control; staged_control = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getDHCPQueueControl(); ASSERT_FALSE(staged_control); // Iterate over the valid scenarios and verify they succeed. data::ElementPtr exp_control; for (auto scenario : scenarios) { SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.description_); { // Clear the config CfgMgr::instance().clear(); // Construct the config JSON std::stringstream os; os << "{ " + genIfaceConfig(); if (!scenario.json_.empty()) { os << ",\n \"dhcp-queue-control\": " << scenario.json_; } os << "} \n"; // Configure the server. This should succeed. configure(os.str(), CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCESS, ""); // Fetch the queue control info. staged_control = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getDHCPQueueControl(); // Make sure the staged queue config exists. ASSERT_TRUE(staged_control); // Now build the expected queue control content. if (scenario.json_.empty()) { exp_control = Element::createMap(); } else { try { exp_control = boost::const_pointer_cast(Element::fromJSON(scenario.json_)); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { ADD_FAILURE() << " cannot convert expected JSON, test is broken:" << ex.what(); } } // Add the defaults to expected queue control. SimpleParser6::setDefaults(exp_control, SimpleParser6::DHCP_QUEUE_CONTROL6_DEFAULTS); // Verify that the staged queue control equals the expected queue control. EXPECT_TRUE(staged_control->equals(*exp_control)); } } } // Check that we catch invalid dhcp-queue-control content TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, dhcpQueueControlInvalid) { struct Scenario { std::string description_; std::string json_; std::string exp_error_; }; std::vector scenarios = { { "not a map", "75 \n", ":2.24-25: syntax error, unexpected integer, expecting {" }, { "enable-queue missing", "{ \n" " \"enable-type\": \"some-type\" \n" "} \n", "missing parameter 'enable-queue' (:2:2) " "[dhcp-queue-control map between :2:24 and :4:1]" }, { "enable-queue not boolean", "{ \n" " \"enable-queue\": \"always\" \n" "} \n", ":3.20-27: syntax error, unexpected constant string, " "expecting boolean" }, { "queue enabled, type not a string", "{ \n" " \"enable-queue\": true, \n" " \"queue-type\": 7777 \n" "} \n", ":4.18-21: syntax error, unexpected integer, " "expecting constant string" } }; // Iterate over the incorrect scenarios and verify they // fail as expected. Note, we use parseDHCP6() directly // as all of the errors above are enforced by the grammar. for (auto scenario : scenarios) { SCOPED_TRACE(scenario.description_); { // Construct the config JSON std::stringstream os; os << "{ " + genIfaceConfig(); os << ",\n \"dhcp-queue-control\": " << scenario.json_; os << "} \n"; std::string error_msg = ""; try { ASSERT_TRUE(parseDHCP6(os.str(), false)) << "parser returned empty element"; } catch(const std::exception& ex) { error_msg = ex.what(); } ASSERT_FALSE(error_msg.empty()) << "parseDHCP6 should have thrown"; EXPECT_EQ(scenario.exp_error_, error_msg); } } } // Verifies the value of store-extended-info for subnets when there // is a global value defined. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, storeExtendedInfoGlobal) { const string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"store-extended-info\": true," "\"subnet6\": [ " "{ " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"," " \"store-extended-info\": false" "}," "{" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::1 - 2001:db8:2::ffff\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\" " "} ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json = parseJSON(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(status, 0); // First subnet should override the global value. CfgSubnets6Ptr cfg = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6(); Subnet6Ptr subnet = cfg->selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::")); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_FALSE(subnet->getStoreExtendedInfo()); // Second subnet should use the global value. subnet = cfg->selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:2::")); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_TRUE(subnet->getStoreExtendedInfo()); } // Verifies the value of store-extended-info for subnets when there // is no global value defined. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, storeExtendedInfoNoGlobal) { const string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"subnet6\": [ " "{ " " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:1::1 - 2001:db8:1::ffff\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:1::/64\"" "}," "{" " \"pools\": [ { \"pool\": \"2001:db8:2::1 - 2001:db8:2::ffff\" } ]," " \"subnet\": \"2001:db8:2::/64\"," " \"store-extended-info\": true" "} ]," "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json = parseJSON(config); ConstElementPtr status; EXPECT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(status, 0); // First subnet should use global default. CfgSubnets6Ptr cfg = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgSubnets6(); Subnet6Ptr subnet = cfg->selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:1::")); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_FALSE(subnet->getStoreExtendedInfo()); // Second subnet should use its own value. subnet = cfg->selectSubnet(IOAddress("2001:db8:2::")); ASSERT_TRUE(subnet); EXPECT_TRUE(subnet->getStoreExtendedInfo()); } /// This test checks that the statistic-default-sample-count and age /// global parameters are committed to the stats manager as expected. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, statsDefaultLimits) { std::string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"preferred-lifetime\": 3000," "\"rebind-timer\": 2000, " "\"renew-timer\": 1000, " "\"statistic-default-sample-count\": 10, " "\"statistic-default-sample-age\": 5, " "\"valid-lifetime\": 4000 }"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; ASSERT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(status, 0); CfgMgr::instance().commit(); stats::StatsMgr& stats_mgr = stats::StatsMgr::instance(); EXPECT_EQ(10, stats_mgr.getMaxSampleCountDefault()); EXPECT_EQ("00:00:05", util::durationToText(stats_mgr.getMaxSampleAgeDefault(), 0)); } // This test checks that using default multi threading settings works. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, multiThreadingDefaultSettings) { std::string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"subnet6\": [ ]" "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; ASSERT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(status, 0); ConstElementPtr cfg = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getDHCPMultiThreading(); ASSERT_TRUE(cfg); std::string content_json = "{" " \"enable-multi-threading\": false,\n" " \"thread-pool-size\": 0,\n" " \"packet-queue-size\": 64\n" "}"; ConstElementPtr param; ASSERT_NO_THROW(param = Element::fromJSON(content_json)) << "invalid context_json, test is broken"; ASSERT_TRUE(param->equals(*cfg)) << "expected: " << *(param) << std::endl << " actual: " << *(cfg) << std::endl; } // This test checks that adding multi threading settings works. TEST_F(Dhcp6ParserTest, multiThreadingSettings) { std::string content_json = "{" " \"enable-multi-threading\": true,\n" " \"thread-pool-size\": 48,\n" " \"packet-queue-size\": 1024\n" "}"; std::string config = "{ " + genIfaceConfig() + "," + "\"subnet6\": [ ], " "\"multi-threading\": " + content_json + "}"; ConstElementPtr json; ASSERT_NO_THROW(json = parseDHCP6(config)); extractConfig(config); ConstElementPtr status; ASSERT_NO_THROW(status = configureDhcp6Server(srv_, json)); checkResult(status, 0); ConstElementPtr cfg = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getDHCPMultiThreading(); ASSERT_TRUE(cfg); ConstElementPtr param; ASSERT_NO_THROW(param = Element::fromJSON(content_json)) << "invalid context_json, test is broken"; ASSERT_TRUE(param->equals(*cfg)) << "expected: " << *(param) << std::endl << " actual: " << *(cfg) << std::endl; } } // namespace