// Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH // REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY // AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, // INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM // LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE // OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR // PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace isc::asiolink; using namespace isc::data; using namespace isc::hooks; namespace isc { namespace dhcp { // *********************** ParserContext ************************* ParserContext::ParserContext(Option::Universe universe): boolean_values_(new BooleanStorage()), uint32_values_(new Uint32Storage()), string_values_(new StringStorage()), options_(new OptionStorage()), hooks_libraries_(), universe_(universe) { } ParserContext::ParserContext(const ParserContext& rhs): boolean_values_(), uint32_values_(), string_values_(), options_(), hooks_libraries_(), universe_(rhs.universe_) { copyContext(rhs); } ParserContext& // The cppcheck version 1.56 doesn't recognize that copyContext // copies all context fields. // cppcheck-suppress operatorEqVarError ParserContext::operator=(const ParserContext& rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { copyContext(rhs); } return (*this); } void ParserContext::copyContext(const ParserContext& ctx) { copyContextPointer(ctx.boolean_values_, boolean_values_); copyContextPointer(ctx.uint32_values_, uint32_values_); copyContextPointer(ctx.string_values_, string_values_); copyContextPointer(ctx.options_, options_); copyContextPointer(ctx.hooks_libraries_, hooks_libraries_); // Copy universe. universe_ = ctx.universe_; } template void ParserContext::copyContextPointer(const boost::shared_ptr& source_ptr, boost::shared_ptr& dest_ptr) { if (source_ptr) { dest_ptr.reset(new T(*source_ptr)); } else { dest_ptr.reset(); } } // **************************** DebugParser ************************* DebugParser::DebugParser(const std::string& param_name) :param_name_(param_name) { } void DebugParser::build(ConstElementPtr new_config) { value_ = new_config; std::cout << "Build for token: [" << param_name_ << "] = [" << value_->str() << "]" << std::endl; } void DebugParser::commit() { // Debug message. The whole DebugParser class is used only for parser // debugging, and is not used in production code. It is very convenient // to keep it around. Please do not turn this cout into logger calls. std::cout << "Commit for token: [" << param_name_ << "] = [" << value_->str() << "]" << std::endl; } // **************************** BooleanParser ************************* template<> void ValueParser::build(isc::data::ConstElementPtr value) { // Invoke common code for all specializations of build(). buildCommon(value); // The Config Manager checks if user specified a // valid value for a boolean parameter: True or False. // We should have a boolean Element, use value directly try { value_ = value->boolValue(); } catch (const isc::data::TypeError &) { isc_throw(BadValue, " Wrong value type for " << param_name_ << " : build called with a non-boolean element " << "(" << value->getPosition() << ")."); } } // **************************** Uin32Parser ************************* template<> void ValueParser::build(ConstElementPtr value) { // Invoke common code for all specializations of build(). buildCommon(value); int64_t check; string x = value->str(); try { check = boost::lexical_cast(x); } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &) { isc_throw(BadValue, "Failed to parse value " << value->str() << " as unsigned 32-bit integer " "(" << value->getPosition() << ")."); } if (check > std::numeric_limits::max()) { isc_throw(BadValue, "Value " << value->str() << " is too large" " for unsigned 32-bit integer " "(" << value->getPosition() << ")."); } if (check < 0) { isc_throw(BadValue, "Value " << value->str() << " is negative." << " Only 0 or larger are allowed for unsigned 32-bit integer " "(" << value->getPosition() << ")."); } // value is small enough to fit value_ = static_cast(check); } // **************************** StringParser ************************* template <> void ValueParser::build(ConstElementPtr value) { // Invoke common code for all specializations of build(). buildCommon(value); value_ = value->str(); boost::erase_all(value_, "\""); } // ******************** InterfaceListConfigParser ************************* InterfaceListConfigParser:: InterfaceListConfigParser(const std::string& param_name, ParserContextPtr global_context) : param_name_(param_name), global_context_(global_context) { if (param_name_ != "interfaces") { isc_throw(BadValue, "Internal error. Interface configuration " "parser called for the wrong parameter: " << param_name); } } void InterfaceListConfigParser::build(ConstElementPtr value) { CfgIface cfg_iface; BOOST_FOREACH(ConstElementPtr iface, value->listValue()) { std::string iface_name = iface->stringValue(); try { cfg_iface.use(global_context_->universe_ == Option::V4 ? AF_INET : AF_INET6, iface_name); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "Failed to select interface: " << ex.what() << " (" << value->getPosition() << ")"); } } CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->setCfgIface(cfg_iface); } void InterfaceListConfigParser::commit() { // Nothing to do. } // ******************** HooksLibrariesParser ************************* HooksLibrariesParser::HooksLibrariesParser(const std::string& param_name) : libraries_(), changed_(false) { // Sanity check on the name. if (param_name != "hooks-libraries") { isc_throw(BadValue, "Internal error. Hooks libraries " "parser called for the wrong parameter: " << param_name); } } void HooksLibrariesParser::build(ConstElementPtr value) { // Initialize. libraries_.clear(); changed_ = false; // Extract the list of libraries. BOOST_FOREACH(ConstElementPtr iface, value->listValue()) { string libname = iface->str(); boost::erase_all(libname, "\""); libraries_.push_back(libname); } // Check if the list of libraries has changed. If not, nothing is done // - the command "DhcpN libreload" is required to reload the same // libraries (this prevents needless reloads when anything else in the // configuration is changed). vector current_libraries = HooksManager::getLibraryNames(); if (current_libraries == libraries_) { return; } // Library list has changed, validate each of the libraries specified. vector error_libs = HooksManager::validateLibraries(libraries_); if (!error_libs.empty()) { // Construct the list of libraries in error for the message. string error_list = error_libs[0]; for (int i = 1; i < error_libs.size(); ++i) { error_list += (string(", ") + error_libs[i]); } isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "hooks libraries failed to validate - " "library or libraries in error are: " << error_list << " (" << value->getPosition() << ")"); } // The library list has changed and the libraries are valid, so flag for // update when commit() is called. changed_ = true; } void HooksLibrariesParser::commit() { /// Commits the list of libraries to the configuration manager storage if /// the list of libraries has changed. if (changed_) { // TODO Delete any stored CalloutHandles before reloading the // libraries HooksManager::loadLibraries(libraries_); } } // Method for testing void HooksLibrariesParser::getLibraries(std::vector& libraries, bool& changed) { libraries = libraries_; changed = changed_; } // **************************** OptionDataParser ************************* OptionDataParser::OptionDataParser(const std::string&, OptionStoragePtr options, ParserContextPtr global_context) : boolean_values_(new BooleanStorage()), string_values_(new StringStorage()), uint32_values_(new Uint32Storage()), options_(options), option_descriptor_(false), global_context_(global_context) { if (!options_) { isc_throw(isc::dhcp::DhcpConfigError, "parser logic error: " << "options storage may not be NULL"); } if (!global_context_) { isc_throw(isc::dhcp::DhcpConfigError, "parser logic error: " << "context may may not be NULL"); } } void OptionDataParser::build(ConstElementPtr option_data_entries) { BOOST_FOREACH(ConfigPair param, option_data_entries->mapValue()) { ParserPtr parser; if (param.first == "name" || param.first == "data" || param.first == "space") { StringParserPtr name_parser(new StringParser(param.first, string_values_)); parser = name_parser; } else if (param.first == "code") { Uint32ParserPtr code_parser(new Uint32Parser(param.first, uint32_values_)); parser = code_parser; } else if (param.first == "csv-format") { BooleanParserPtr value_parser(new BooleanParser(param.first, boolean_values_)); parser = value_parser; } else { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "option-data parameter not supported: " << param.first << " (" << param.second->getPosition() << ")"); } parser->build(param.second); // Before we can create an option we need to get the data from // the child parsers. The only way to do it is to invoke commit // on them so as they store the values in appropriate storages // that this class provided to them. Note that this will not // modify values stored in the global storages so the configuration // will remain consistent even parsing fails somewhere further on. parser->commit(); } // Try to create the option instance. createOption(option_data_entries); } void OptionDataParser::commit() { if (!option_descriptor_.option) { // Before we can commit the new option should be configured. If it is // not than somebody must have called commit() before build(). isc_throw(isc::InvalidOperation, "parser logic error: no option has been configured and" " thus there is nothing to commit. Has build() been called?"); } uint16_t opt_type = option_descriptor_.option->getType(); Subnet::OptionContainerPtr options = options_->getItems(option_space_); // The getItems() should never return NULL pointer. If there are no // options configured for the particular option space a pointer // to an empty container should be returned. assert(options); Subnet::OptionContainerTypeIndex& idx = options->get<1>(); // Try to find options with the particular option code in the main // storage. If found, remove these options because they will be // replaced with new one. Subnet::OptionContainerTypeRange range = idx.equal_range(opt_type); if (std::distance(range.first, range.second) > 0) { idx.erase(range.first, range.second); } // Append new option to the main storage. options_->addItem(option_descriptor_, option_space_); } void OptionDataParser::createOption(ConstElementPtr option_data) { // Check if mandatory parameters are specified. uint32_t code; std::string name; std::string data; try { code = uint32_values_->getParam("code"); name = string_values_->getParam("name"); data = string_values_->getParam("data"); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, ex.what() << "(" << option_data->getPosition() << ")"); } // Check parameters having default values. std::string space = string_values_->getOptionalParam("space", global_context_->universe_ == Option::V4 ? "dhcp4" : "dhcp6"); bool csv_format = boolean_values_->getOptionalParam("csv-format", false); // Option code is held in the uint32_t storage but is supposed to // be uint16_t value. We need to check that value in the configuration // does not exceed range of uint8_t for DHCPv4, uint16_t for DHCPv6 and // is not zero. if (code == 0) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "option code must not be zero " "(" << uint32_values_->getPosition("code") << ")"); } else if (global_context_->universe_ == Option::V4 && code > std::numeric_limits::max()) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid option code '" << code << "', it must not exceed '" << static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max()) << "' (" << uint32_values_->getPosition("code") << ")"); } else if (global_context_->universe_ == Option::V6 && code > std::numeric_limits::max()) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid option code '" << code << "', it must not exceed '" << std::numeric_limits::max() << "' (" << uint32_values_->getPosition("code") << ")"); } // Check that the option name is non-empty and does not contain spaces if (name.empty()) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "name of the option with code '" << code << "' is empty (" << string_values_->getPosition("name") << ")"); } else if (name.find(" ") != std::string::npos) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid option name '" << name << "', space character is not allowed (" << string_values_->getPosition("name") << ")"); } if (!OptionSpace::validateName(space)) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid option space name '" << space << "' specified for option '" << name << "', code '" << code << "' (" << string_values_->getPosition("space") << ")"); } // Find the Option Definition for the option by its option code. // findOptionDefinition will throw if not found, no need to test. // Find the definition for the option by its code. This function // may throw so we catch exceptions to log the culprit line of the // configuration. OptionDefinitionPtr def; try { def = findServerSpaceOptionDefinition(space, code); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, ex.what() << " (" << string_values_->getPosition("space") << ")"); } if (!def) { // If we are not dealing with a standard option then we // need to search for its definition among user-configured // options. They are expected to be in the global storage // already. OptionDefContainerPtr defs = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOptionDef()->getAll(space); // The getItems() should never return the NULL pointer. If there are // no option definitions for the particular option space a pointer // to an empty container should be returned. assert(defs); const OptionDefContainerTypeIndex& idx = defs->get<1>(); OptionDefContainerTypeRange range = idx.equal_range(code); if (std::distance(range.first, range.second) > 0) { def = *range.first; } // It's ok if we don't have option format if the option is // specified as hex if (!def && csv_format) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "definition for the option '" << space << "." << name << "' having code '" << code << "' does not exist (" << string_values_->getPosition("name") << ")"); } } // Transform string of hexadecimal digits into binary format. std::vector binary; std::vector data_tokens; if (csv_format) { // If the option data is specified as a string of comma // separated values then we need to split this string into // individual values - each value will be used to initialize // one data field of an option. data_tokens = isc::util::str::tokens(data, ","); } else { // Otherwise, the option data is specified as a string of // hexadecimal digits that we have to turn into binary format. try { // The decodeHex function expects that the string contains an // even number of digits. If we don't meet this requirement, // we have to insert a leading 0. if (!data.empty() && data.length() % 2) { data = data.insert(0, "0"); } util::encode::decodeHex(data, binary); } catch (...) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "option data is not a valid" << " string of hexadecimal digits: " << data << " (" << string_values_->getPosition("data") << ")"); } } OptionPtr option; if (!def) { if (csv_format) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "the CSV option data format can be" " used to specify values for an option that has a" " definition. The option with code " << code << " does not have a definition (" << boolean_values_->getPosition("csv-format") << ")"); } // @todo We have a limited set of option definitions initalized at // the moment. In the future we want to initialize option definitions // for all options. Consequently an error will be issued if an option // definition does not exist for a particular option code. For now it is // ok to create generic option if definition does not exist. OptionPtr option(new Option(global_context_->universe_, static_cast(code), binary)); // The created option is stored in option_descriptor_ class member // until the commit stage when it is inserted into the main storage. // If an option with the same code exists in main storage already the // old option is replaced. option_descriptor_.option = option; option_descriptor_.persistent = false; } else { // Option name should match the definition. The option name // may seem to be redundant but in the future we may want // to reference options and definitions using their names // and/or option codes so keeping the option name in the // definition of option value makes sense. if (def->getName() != name) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "specified option name '" << name << "' does not match the " << "option definition: '" << space << "." << def->getName() << "' (" << string_values_->getPosition("name") << ")"); } // Option definition has been found so let's use it to create // an instance of our option. try { OptionPtr option = csv_format ? def->optionFactory(global_context_->universe_, code, data_tokens) : def->optionFactory(global_context_->universe_, code, binary); Subnet::OptionDescriptor desc(option, false); option_descriptor_.option = option; option_descriptor_.persistent = false; } catch (const isc::Exception& ex) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "option data does not match" << " option definition (space: " << space << ", code: " << code << "): " << ex.what() << " (" << string_values_->getPosition("data") << ")"); } } // All went good, so we can set the option space name. option_space_ = space; } // **************************** OptionDataListParser ************************* OptionDataListParser::OptionDataListParser(const std::string&, OptionStoragePtr options, ParserContextPtr global_context, OptionDataParserFactory* optionDataParserFactory) : options_(options), local_options_(new OptionStorage()), global_context_(global_context), optionDataParserFactory_(optionDataParserFactory) { if (!options_) { isc_throw(isc::dhcp::DhcpConfigError, "parser logic error: " << "options storage may not be NULL"); } if (!options_) { isc_throw(isc::dhcp::DhcpConfigError, "parser logic error: " << "context may not be NULL"); } if (!optionDataParserFactory_) { isc_throw(isc::dhcp::DhcpConfigError, "parser logic error: " << "option data parser factory may not be NULL"); } } void OptionDataListParser::build(ConstElementPtr option_data_list) { BOOST_FOREACH(ConstElementPtr option_value, option_data_list->listValue()) { boost::shared_ptr parser((*optionDataParserFactory_)("option-data", local_options_, global_context_)); // options_ member will hold instances of all options thus // each OptionDataParser takes it as a storage. // Build the instance of a single option. parser->build(option_value); // Store a parser as it will be used to commit. parsers_.push_back(parser); } } void OptionDataListParser::commit() { BOOST_FOREACH(ParserPtr parser, parsers_) { parser->commit(); } // Parsing was successful and we have all configured // options in local storage. We can now replace old values // with new values. std::swap(*local_options_, *options_); } // ******************************** OptionDefParser **************************** OptionDefParser::OptionDefParser(const std::string&, ParserContextPtr global_context) : boolean_values_(new BooleanStorage()), string_values_(new StringStorage()), uint32_values_(new Uint32Storage()), global_context_(global_context) { } void OptionDefParser::build(ConstElementPtr option_def) { // Parse the elements that make up the option definition. BOOST_FOREACH(ConfigPair param, option_def->mapValue()) { std::string entry(param.first); ParserPtr parser; if (entry == "name" || entry == "type" || entry == "record-types" || entry == "space" || entry == "encapsulate") { StringParserPtr str_parser(new StringParser(entry, string_values_)); parser = str_parser; } else if (entry == "code") { Uint32ParserPtr code_parser(new Uint32Parser(entry, uint32_values_)); parser = code_parser; } else if (entry == "array") { BooleanParserPtr array_parser(new BooleanParser(entry, boolean_values_)); parser = array_parser; } else { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid parameter '" << entry << "' (" << param.second->getPosition() << ")"); } parser->build(param.second); parser->commit(); } // Create an instance of option definition. createOptionDef(option_def); try { CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg()->getCfgOptionDef()-> add(option_definition_, option_space_name_); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { // Append position if there is a failure. isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, ex.what() << " (" << option_def->getPosition() << ")"); } } void OptionDefParser::commit() { // Do nothing. } void OptionDefParser::createOptionDef(ConstElementPtr option_def_element) { // Check if mandatory parameters have been specified. std::string name; uint32_t code; std::string type; try { name = string_values_->getParam("name"); code = uint32_values_->getParam("code"); type = string_values_->getParam("type"); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, ex.what() << " (" << option_def_element->getPosition() << ")"); } bool array_type = boolean_values_->getOptionalParam("array", false); std::string record_types = string_values_->getOptionalParam("record-types", ""); std::string space = string_values_->getOptionalParam("space", global_context_->universe_ == Option::V4 ? "dhcp4" : "dhcp6"); std::string encapsulates = string_values_->getOptionalParam("encapsulate", ""); if (!OptionSpace::validateName(space)) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid option space name '" << space << "' (" << string_values_->getPosition("space") << ")"); } // Create option definition. OptionDefinitionPtr def; // We need to check if user has set encapsulated option space // name. If so, different constructor will be used. if (!encapsulates.empty()) { // Arrays can't be used together with sub-options. if (array_type) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "option '" << space << "." << "name" << "', comprising an array of data" << " fields may not encapsulate any option space (" << option_def_element->getPosition() << ")"); } else if (encapsulates == space) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "option must not encapsulate" << " an option space it belongs to: '" << space << "." << name << "' is set to" << " encapsulate '" << space << "' (" << option_def_element->getPosition() << ")"); } else { def.reset(new OptionDefinition(name, code, type, encapsulates.c_str())); } } else { def.reset(new OptionDefinition(name, code, type, array_type)); } // Split the list of record types into tokens. std::vector record_tokens = isc::util::str::tokens(record_types, ","); // Iterate over each token and add a record type into // option definition. BOOST_FOREACH(std::string record_type, record_tokens) { try { boost::trim(record_type); if (!record_type.empty()) { def->addRecordField(record_type); } } catch (const Exception& ex) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid record type values" << " specified for the option definition: " << ex.what() << " (" << string_values_->getPosition("record-types") << ")"); } } // Validate the definition. try { def->validate(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, ex.what() << " (" << option_def_element->getPosition() << ")"); } // Option definition has been created successfully. option_space_name_ = space; option_definition_ = def; } // ******************************** OptionDefListParser ************************ OptionDefListParser::OptionDefListParser(const std::string&, ParserContextPtr global_context) : global_context_(global_context) { } void OptionDefListParser::build(ConstElementPtr option_def_list) { if (!option_def_list) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "parser error: a pointer to a list of" << " option definitions is NULL (" << option_def_list->getPosition() << ")"); } BOOST_FOREACH(ConstElementPtr option_def, option_def_list->listValue()) { boost::shared_ptr parser(new OptionDefParser("single-option-def", global_context_)); parser->build(option_def); } } void OptionDefListParser::commit() { // Do nothing. } //****************************** RelayInfoParser ******************************** RelayInfoParser::RelayInfoParser(const std::string&, const isc::dhcp::Subnet::RelayInfoPtr& relay_info, const Option::Universe& family) :storage_(relay_info), local_(isc::asiolink::IOAddress( family == Option::V4 ? "" : "::")), string_values_(new StringStorage()), family_(family) { if (!relay_info) { isc_throw(isc::dhcp::DhcpConfigError, "parser logic error: " << "relay-info storage may not be NULL"); } }; void RelayInfoParser::build(ConstElementPtr relay_info) { BOOST_FOREACH(ConfigPair param, relay_info->mapValue()) { ParserPtr parser(createConfigParser(param.first)); parser->build(param.second); parser->commit(); } // Get the IP address boost::scoped_ptr ip; try { ip.reset(new asiolink::IOAddress(string_values_->getParam("ip-address"))); } catch (...) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "Failed to parse ip-address " "value: " << string_values_->getParam("ip-address") << " (" << string_values_->getPosition("ip-address") << ")"); } if ( (ip->isV4() && family_ != Option::V4) || (ip->isV6() && family_ != Option::V6) ) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "ip-address field " << ip->toText() << "does not have IP address of expected family type: " << (family_ == Option::V4 ? "IPv4" : "IPv6") << " (" << string_values_->getPosition("ip-address") << ")"); } local_.addr_ = *ip; } isc::dhcp::ParserPtr RelayInfoParser::createConfigParser(const std::string& parameter) { DhcpConfigParser* parser = NULL; if (parameter.compare("ip-address") == 0) { parser = new StringParser(parameter, string_values_); } else { isc_throw(NotImplemented, "parser error: RelayInfoParser parameter not supported: " << parameter); } return (isc::dhcp::ParserPtr(parser)); } void RelayInfoParser::commit() { *storage_ = local_; } //****************************** PoolsListParser ******************************** PoolsListParser::PoolsListParser(const std::string&, PoolStoragePtr pools) :pools_(pools), local_pools_(new PoolStorage()) { if (!pools_) { isc_throw(isc::dhcp::DhcpConfigError, "parser logic error: " << "storage may not be NULL"); } } void PoolsListParser::build(ConstElementPtr pools) { BOOST_FOREACH(ConstElementPtr pool, pools->listValue()) { // Iterate over every structure on the pools list and invoke // a separate parser for it. ParserPtr parser = poolParserMaker(local_pools_); parser->build(pool); // Let's store the parser, but do not commit anything yet parsers_.push_back(parser); } } void PoolsListParser::commit() { // Commit each parser first. It will store the pool structure // in pools_. BOOST_FOREACH(ParserPtr parser, parsers_) { parser->commit(); } if (pools_) { // local_pools_ holds the values produced by the build function. // At this point parsing should have completed successfuly so // we can append new data to the supplied storage. pools_->insert(pools_->end(), local_pools_->begin(), local_pools_->end()); } } //****************************** PoolParser ******************************** PoolParser::PoolParser(const std::string&, PoolStoragePtr pools) :pools_(pools) { if (!pools_) { isc_throw(isc::dhcp::DhcpConfigError, "parser logic error: " << "storage may not be NULL"); } } void PoolParser::build(ConstElementPtr pool_structure) { ConstElementPtr text_pool = pool_structure->get("pool"); if (!text_pool) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "Mandatory 'pool' entry missing in " "definition: (" << text_pool->getPosition() << ")"); } // That should be a single pool representation. It should contain // text is form prefix/len or first - last. Note that spaces // are allowed string txt = text_pool->stringValue(); // first let's remove any whitespaces boost::erase_all(txt, " "); // space boost::erase_all(txt, "\t"); // tabulation // Is this prefix/len notation? size_t pos = txt.find("/"); if (pos != string::npos) { isc::asiolink::IOAddress addr("::"); uint8_t len = 0; try { addr = isc::asiolink::IOAddress(txt.substr(0, pos)); // start with the first character after / string prefix_len = txt.substr(pos + 1); // It is lexical cast to int and then downcast to uint8_t. // Direct cast to uint8_t (which is really an unsigned char) // will result in interpreting the first digit as output // value and throwing exception if length is written on two // digits (because there are extra characters left over). // No checks for values over 128. Range correctness will // be checked in Pool4 constructor. len = boost::lexical_cast(prefix_len); } catch (...) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "Failed to parse pool " "definition: " << text_pool->stringValue() << " (" << text_pool->getPosition() << ")"); } PoolPtr pool(poolMaker(addr, len)); local_pools_.push_back(pool); return; } // Is this min-max notation? pos = txt.find("-"); if (pos != string::npos) { // using min-max notation isc::asiolink::IOAddress min(txt.substr(0,pos)); isc::asiolink::IOAddress max(txt.substr(pos + 1)); PoolPtr pool(poolMaker(min, max)); local_pools_.push_back(pool); return; } isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "invalid pool definition: " << text_pool->stringValue() << ". There are two acceptable formats " " or (" << text_pool->getPosition() << ")"); } void PoolParser::commit() { if (pools_) { // local_pools_ holds the values produced by the build function. // At this point parsing should have completed successfuly so // we can append new data to the supplied storage. pools_->insert(pools_->end(), local_pools_.begin(), local_pools_.end()); } } //****************************** SubnetConfigParser ************************* SubnetConfigParser::SubnetConfigParser(const std::string&, ParserContextPtr global_context, const isc::asiolink::IOAddress& default_addr) : uint32_values_(new Uint32Storage()), string_values_(new StringStorage()), pools_(new PoolStorage()), options_(new OptionStorage()), global_context_(global_context), relay_info_(new isc::dhcp::Subnet::RelayInfo(default_addr)) { // The first parameter should always be "subnet", but we don't check // against that here in case some wants to reuse this parser somewhere. if (!global_context_) { isc_throw(isc::dhcp::DhcpConfigError, "parser logic error: " << "context storage may not be NULL"); } } void SubnetConfigParser::build(ConstElementPtr subnet) { BOOST_FOREACH(ConfigPair param, subnet->mapValue()) { ParserPtr parser; // When unsupported parameter is specified, the function called // below will thrown an exception. We have to catch this exception // to append the line number where the parameter is. try { parser.reset(createSubnetConfigParser(param.first)); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, ex.what() << " (" << param.second->getPosition() << ")"); } parser->build(param.second); parsers_.push_back(parser); } // In order to create new subnet we need to get the data out // of the child parsers first. The only way to do it is to // invoke commit on them because it will make them write // parsed data into storages we have supplied. // Note that triggering commits on child parsers does not // affect global data because we supplied pointers to storages // local to this object. Thus, even if this method fails // later on, the configuration remains consistent. BOOST_FOREACH(ParserPtr parser, parsers_) { parser->commit(); } // Create a subnet. try { createSubnet(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "subnet configuration failed (" << subnet->getPosition() << "): " << ex.what()); } } void SubnetConfigParser::appendSubOptions(const std::string& option_space, OptionPtr& option) { // Only non-NULL options are stored in option container. // If this option pointer is NULL this is a serious error. assert(option); OptionDefinitionPtr def; if (isServerStdOption(option_space, option->getType())) { def = getServerStdOptionDefinition(option->getType()); // Definitions for some of the standard options hasn't been // implemented so it is ok to leave here. if (!def) { return; } } else { OptionDefContainerPtr defs = CfgMgr::instance().getStagingCfg() ->getCfgOptionDef()->getAll(option_space); const OptionDefContainerTypeIndex& idx = defs->get<1>(); const OptionDefContainerTypeRange& range = idx.equal_range(option->getType()); // There is no definition so we have to leave. if (std::distance(range.first, range.second) == 0) { return; } def = *range.first; // If the definition exists, it must be non-NULL. // Otherwise it is a programming error. assert(def); } // We need to get option definition for the particular option space // and code. This definition holds the information whether our // option encapsulates any option space. // Get the encapsulated option space name. std::string encapsulated_space = def->getEncapsulatedSpace(); // If option space name is empty it means that our option does not // encapsulate any option space (does not include sub-options). if (!encapsulated_space.empty()) { // Get the sub-options that belong to the encapsulated // option space. const Subnet::OptionContainerPtr sub_opts = global_context_->options_->getItems(encapsulated_space); // Append sub-options to the option. BOOST_FOREACH(Subnet::OptionDescriptor desc, *sub_opts) { if (desc.option) { option->addOption(desc.option); } } } } void SubnetConfigParser::createSubnet() { std::string subnet_txt; try { subnet_txt = string_values_->getParam("subnet"); } catch (const DhcpConfigError &) { // rethrow with precise error isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "mandatory 'subnet' parameter is missing for a subnet being" " configured"); } // Remove any spaces or tabs. boost::erase_all(subnet_txt, " "); boost::erase_all(subnet_txt, "\t"); // The subnet format is prefix/len. We are going to extract // the prefix portion of a subnet string to create IOAddress // object from it. IOAddress will be passed to the Subnet's // constructor later on. In order to extract the prefix we // need to get all characters preceding "/". size_t pos = subnet_txt.find("/"); if (pos == string::npos) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "Invalid subnet syntax (prefix/len expected):" << subnet_txt << " (" << string_values_->getPosition("subnet") << ")"); } // Try to create the address object. It also validates that // the address syntax is ok. isc::asiolink::IOAddress addr(subnet_txt.substr(0, pos)); uint8_t len = boost::lexical_cast(subnet_txt.substr(pos + 1)); // Call the subclass's method to instantiate the subnet initSubnet(addr, len); // Add pools to it. for (PoolStorage::iterator it = pools_->begin(); it != pools_->end(); ++it) { subnet_->addPool(*it); } // Configure interface, if defined // Get interface name. If it is defined, then the subnet is available // directly over specified network interface. std::string iface; try { iface = string_values_->getParam("interface"); } catch (const DhcpConfigError &) { // iface not mandatory so swallow the exception } if (!iface.empty()) { if (!IfaceMgr::instance().getIface(iface)) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "Specified interface name " << iface << " for subnet " << subnet_->toText() << " is not present" << " in the system (" << string_values_->getPosition("interface") << ")"); } subnet_->setIface(iface); } // We are going to move configured options to the Subnet object. // Configured options reside in the container where options // are grouped by space names. Thus we need to get all space names // and iterate over all options that belong to them. std::list space_names = options_->getOptionSpaceNames(); BOOST_FOREACH(std::string option_space, space_names) { // Get all options within a particular option space. BOOST_FOREACH(Subnet::OptionDescriptor desc, *options_->getItems(option_space)) { // The pointer should be non-NULL. The validation is expected // to be performed by the OptionDataParser before adding an // option descriptor to the container. assert(desc.option); // We want to check whether an option with the particular // option code has been already added. If so, we want // to issue a warning. Subnet::OptionDescriptor existing_desc = subnet_->getOptionDescriptor("option_space", desc.option->getType()); if (existing_desc.option) { duplicate_option_warning(desc.option->getType(), addr); } // Add sub-options (if any). appendSubOptions(option_space, desc.option); // Check if the option space defines a vendor-option uint32_t vendor_id = optionSpaceToVendorId(option_space); if (vendor_id) { // This is a vendor option subnet_->addVendorOption(desc.option, false, vendor_id); } else { // This is a normal option subnet_->addOption(desc.option, false, option_space); } } } // Check all global options and add them to the subnet object if // they have been configured in the global scope. If they have been // configured in the subnet scope we don't add global option because // the one configured in the subnet scope always takes precedence. space_names = global_context_->options_->getOptionSpaceNames(); BOOST_FOREACH(std::string option_space, space_names) { // Get all global options for the particular option space. BOOST_FOREACH(Subnet::OptionDescriptor desc, *(global_context_->options_->getItems(option_space))) { // The pointer should be non-NULL. The validation is expected // to be performed by the OptionDataParser before adding an // option descriptor to the container. assert(desc.option); // Check if the particular option has been already added. // This would mean that it has been configured in the // subnet scope. Since option values configured in the // subnet scope take precedence over globally configured // values we don't add option from the global storage // if there is one already. Subnet::OptionDescriptor existing_desc = subnet_->getOptionDescriptor(option_space, desc.option->getType()); if (!existing_desc.option) { // Add sub-options (if any). appendSubOptions(option_space, desc.option); uint32_t vendor_id = optionSpaceToVendorId(option_space); if (vendor_id) { // This is a vendor option subnet_->addVendorOption(desc.option, false, vendor_id); } else { // This is a normal option subnet_->addOption(desc.option, false, option_space); } } } } } uint32_t SubnetConfigParser::optionSpaceToVendorId(const std::string& option_space) { if (option_space.size() < 8) { // 8 is a minimal length of "vendor-X" format return (0); } if (option_space.substr(0,7) != "vendor-") { return (0); } // text after "vendor-", supposedly numbers only string x = option_space.substr(7); int64_t check; try { check = boost::lexical_cast(x); } catch (const boost::bad_lexical_cast &) { /// @todo: Should we throw here? // isc_throw(BadValue, "Failed to parse vendor-X value (" << x // << ") as unsigned 32-bit integer."); return (0); } if (check > std::numeric_limits::max()) { /// @todo: Should we throw here? //isc_throw(BadValue, "Value " << x << "is too large" // << " for unsigned 32-bit integer."); return (0); } if (check < 0) { /// @todo: Should we throw here? // isc_throw(BadValue, "Value " << x << "is negative." // << " Only 0 or larger are allowed for unsigned 32-bit integer."); return (0); } // value is small enough to fit return (static_cast(check)); } isc::dhcp::Triplet SubnetConfigParser::getParam(const std::string& name) { uint32_t value = 0; try { // look for local value value = uint32_values_->getParam(name); } catch (const DhcpConfigError &) { try { // no local, use global value value = global_context_->uint32_values_->getParam(name); } catch (const DhcpConfigError &) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, "Mandatory parameter " << name << " missing (no global default and no subnet-" << "specific value)"); } } return (Triplet(value)); } isc::dhcp::Triplet SubnetConfigParser::getOptionalParam(const std::string& name) { try { return (getParam(name)); } catch (const DhcpConfigError &) { // No error. We will return an unspecified value. } return (Triplet()); } //**************************** D2ClientConfigParser ********************** D2ClientConfigParser::D2ClientConfigParser(const std::string& entry_name) : entry_name_(entry_name), boolean_values_(new BooleanStorage()), uint32_values_(new Uint32Storage()), string_values_(new StringStorage()), local_client_config_() { } D2ClientConfigParser::~D2ClientConfigParser() { } void D2ClientConfigParser::build(isc::data::ConstElementPtr client_config) { BOOST_FOREACH(ConfigPair param, client_config->mapValue()) { ParserPtr parser; try { parser = createConfigParser(param.first); } catch (std::exception& ex) { // Catch exception in case the configuration contains the // unsupported parameter. In this case, we will need to // append the position of this element. isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, ex.what() << " (" << param.second->getPosition() << ")"); } parser->build(param.second); parser->commit(); } /// @todo Create configuration from the configuration parameters. Because /// the validation of the D2 configuration is atomic, there is no way to /// tell which parameter is invalid. Therefore, we catch all exceptions /// and append the line number of the parent element. In the future we /// may should extend D2ClientConfig code so as it returns the name of /// the invalid parameter. try { bool enable_updates = boolean_values_->getParam("enable-updates"); if (!enable_updates && (client_config->mapValue().size() == 1)) { // If enable-updates is the only parameter and it is false then // we're done. This allows for an abbreviated configuration entry // that only contains that flag. Use the default D2ClientConfig // constructor to a create a disabled instance. local_client_config_.reset(new D2ClientConfig()); return; } // Get all parameters that are needed to create the D2ClientConfig. IOAddress server_ip = IOAddress(string_values_->getOptionalParam("server-ip", D2ClientConfig:: DFT_SERVER_IP)); uint32_t server_port = uint32_values_->getOptionalParam("server-port", D2ClientConfig::DFT_SERVER_PORT); // The default sender IP depends on the server IP family asiolink::IOAddress sender_ip(string_values_-> getOptionalParam("sender-ip", (server_ip.isV4() ? D2ClientConfig::DFT_V4_SENDER_IP : D2ClientConfig::DFT_V6_SENDER_IP))); uint32_t sender_port = uint32_values_->getOptionalParam("sender-port", D2ClientConfig:: DFT_SENDER_PORT); uint32_t max_queue_size = uint32_values_->getOptionalParam("max-queue-size", D2ClientConfig:: DFT_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE); dhcp_ddns::NameChangeProtocol ncr_protocol = dhcp_ddns::stringToNcrProtocol(string_values_-> getOptionalParam("ncr-protocol", D2ClientConfig:: DFT_NCR_PROTOCOL)); dhcp_ddns::NameChangeFormat ncr_format = dhcp_ddns::stringToNcrFormat(string_values_-> getOptionalParam("ncr-format", D2ClientConfig:: DFT_NCR_FORMAT)); std::string generated_prefix = string_values_->getOptionalParam("generated-prefix", D2ClientConfig:: DFT_GENERATED_PREFIX); std::string qualifying_suffix = string_values_->getOptionalParam("qualifying-suffix", D2ClientConfig:: DFT_QUALIFYING_SUFFIX); bool always_include_fqdn = boolean_values_->getOptionalParam("always-include-fqdn", D2ClientConfig:: DFT_ALWAYS_INCLUDE_FQDN); bool override_no_update = boolean_values_->getOptionalParam("override-no-update", D2ClientConfig:: DFT_OVERRIDE_NO_UPDATE); bool override_client_update = boolean_values_->getOptionalParam("override-client-update", D2ClientConfig:: DFT_OVERRIDE_CLIENT_UPDATE); bool replace_client_name = boolean_values_->getOptionalParam("replace-client-name", D2ClientConfig:: DFT_REPLACE_CLIENT_NAME); // Attempt to create the new client config. local_client_config_.reset(new D2ClientConfig(enable_updates, server_ip, server_port, sender_ip, sender_port, max_queue_size, ncr_protocol, ncr_format, always_include_fqdn, override_no_update, override_client_update, replace_client_name, generated_prefix, qualifying_suffix)); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { isc_throw(DhcpConfigError, ex.what() << " (" << client_config->getPosition() << ")"); } } isc::dhcp::ParserPtr D2ClientConfigParser::createConfigParser(const std::string& config_id) { DhcpConfigParser* parser = NULL; if ((config_id.compare("server-port") == 0) || (config_id.compare("sender-port") == 0) || (config_id.compare("max-queue-size") == 0)) { parser = new Uint32Parser(config_id, uint32_values_); } else if ((config_id.compare("server-ip") == 0) || (config_id.compare("ncr-protocol") == 0) || (config_id.compare("ncr-format") == 0) || (config_id.compare("generated-prefix") == 0) || (config_id.compare("sender-ip") == 0) || (config_id.compare("qualifying-suffix") == 0)) { parser = new StringParser(config_id, string_values_); } else if ((config_id.compare("enable-updates") == 0) || (config_id.compare("always-include-fqdn") == 0) || (config_id.compare("allow-client-update") == 0) || (config_id.compare("override-no-update") == 0) || (config_id.compare("override-client-update") == 0) || (config_id.compare("replace-client-name") == 0)) { parser = new BooleanParser(config_id, boolean_values_); } else { isc_throw(NotImplemented, "parser error: D2ClientConfig parameter not supported: " << config_id); } return (isc::dhcp::ParserPtr(parser)); } void D2ClientConfigParser::commit() { // @todo if local_client_config_ is empty then shutdown the listener... // @todo Should this also attempt to start a listener? // In keeping with Interface, Subnet, and Hooks parsers, then this // should initialize the listener. Failure to init it, should cause // rollback. This gets sticky, because who owns the listener instance? // Does CfgMgr maintain it or does the server class? If the latter // how do we get that value here? // I'm thinkikng D2ClientConfig could contain the listener instance CfgMgr::instance().setD2ClientConfig(local_client_config_); } }; // namespace dhcp }; // namespace isc