# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. $NAMESPACE isc::hooks % HOOKS_ALL_CALLOUTS_DEREGISTERED hook library at index %1 removed all callouts on hook %2 A debug message issued when all callouts on the specified hook registered by the library with the given index were removed. This is similar to the HOOKS_CALLOUTS_REMOVED message (and the two are likely to be seen together), but is issued at a lower-level in the hook framework. % HOOKS_CALLOUTS_BEGIN begin all callouts for hook %1 This debug message is issued when callout manager begins to invoke callouts for the hook. The argument specifies the hook name. % HOOKS_CALLOUTS_COMPLETE completed callouts for hook %1 (total callouts duration: %2) This debug message is issued when callout manager has completed execution of all callouts for the particular hook. The arguments specify the hook name and total execution time for all callouts in milliseconds. % HOOKS_CALLOUTS_REMOVED callouts removed from hook %1 for library %2 This is a debug message issued during library unloading. It notes that one of more callouts registered by that library have been removed from the specified hook. This is similar to the HOOKS_DEREGISTER_ALL_CALLOUTS message (and the two are likely to be seen together), but is issued at a higher-level in the hook framework. % HOOKS_CALLOUT_CALLED hooks library with index %1 has called a callout on hook %2 that has address %3 (callout duration: %4) Only output at a high debugging level, this message indicates that a callout on the named hook registered by the library with the given index (in the list of loaded libraries) has been called and returned a success state. The address of the callout is given in the message. The message includes the callout execution time in milliseconds. % HOOKS_CALLOUT_DEREGISTERED hook library at index %1 deregistered a callout on hook %2 A debug message issued when all instances of a particular callouts on the hook identified in the message that were registered by the library with the given index have been removed. % HOOKS_CALLOUT_ERROR error returned by callout on hook %1 registered by library with index %2 (callout address %3) (callout duration %4) If a callout returns an error status when called, this error message is issued. It identifies the hook to which the callout is attached, the index of the library (in the list of loaded libraries) that registered it and the address of the callout. The error is otherwise ignored. The error message includes the callout execution time in milliseconds. % HOOKS_CALLOUT_EXCEPTION exception thrown by callout on hook %1 registered by library with index %2 (callout address %3): %4 (callout duration: $5) If a callout throws an exception when called, this error message is issued. It identifies the hook to which the callout is attached, the index of the library (in the list of loaded libraries) that registered it and the address of the callout. The error is otherwise ignored. The error message includes the callout execution time in milliseconds. % HOOKS_CALLOUT_REGISTRATION hooks library with index %1 registering callout for hook '%2' This is a debug message, output when a library (whose index in the list of libraries (being) loaded is given) registers a callout. % HOOKS_CLOSE_ERROR failed to close hook library %1: %2 Kea has failed to close the named hook library for the stated reason. Although this is an error, this should not affect the running system other than as a loss of resources. If this error persists, you should restart Kea. % HOOKS_HOOK_LIST_RESET the list of hooks has been reset This is a message indicating that the list of hooks has been reset. While this is usual when running the Kea test suite, it should not be seen when running Kea in a production environment. If this appears, please report a bug through the usual channels. % HOOKS_INCORRECT_VERSION hook library %1 is at version %2, require version %3 Kea has detected that the named hook library has been built against a version of Kea that is incompatible with the version of Kea running on your system. It has not loaded the library. This is most likely due to the installation of a new version of Kea without rebuilding the hook library. A rebuild and re-install of the library should fix the problem in most cases. % HOOKS_LIBRARY_LOADED hooks library %1 successfully loaded This information message is issued when a user-supplied hooks library has been successfully loaded. % HOOKS_LIBRARY_LOADING loading hooks library %1 This is a debug message output just before the specified library is loaded. If the action is successfully, it will be followed by the HOOKS_LIBRARY_LOADED informational message. % HOOKS_LIBRARY_UNLOADED hooks library %1 successfully unloaded This information message is issued when a user-supplied hooks library has been successfully unloaded. % HOOKS_LIBRARY_UNLOADING unloading library %1 This is a debug message called when the specified library is being unloaded. If all is successful, it will be followed by the HOOKS_LIBRARY_UNLOADED informational message. % HOOKS_LIBRARY_VERSION hooks library %1 reports its version as %2 A debug message issued when the version check on the hooks library has succeeded. % HOOKS_LOAD_ERROR 'load' function in hook library %1 returned error %2 A "load" function was found in the library named in the message and was called. The function returned a non-zero status (also given in the message) which was interpreted as an error. The library has been unloaded and no callouts from it will be installed. % HOOKS_LOAD_EXCEPTION 'load' function in hook library %1 threw an exception A "load" function was found in the library named in the message and was called. The function threw an exception (an error indication) during execution, which is an error condition. The library has been unloaded and no callouts from it will be installed. % HOOKS_LOAD_FRAMEWORK_EXCEPTION 'load' function in hook library %1 threw an exception: reason %2 A "load" function was found in the library named in the message and was called. Either the hooks framework or the function threw an exception (an error indication) during execution, which is an error condition; the cause of the exception is recorded in the message. The library has been unloaded and no callouts from it will be installed. % HOOKS_LOAD_SUCCESS 'load' function in hook library %1 returned success This is a debug message issued when the "load" function has been found in a hook library and has been successfully called. % HOOKS_NO_LOAD no 'load' function found in hook library %1 This is a debug message saying that the specified library was loaded but no function called "load" was found in it. Providing the library contained some "standard" functions (i.e. functions with the names of the hooks for the given server), this is not an issue. % HOOKS_NO_UNLOAD no 'unload' function found in hook library %1 This is a debug message issued when the library is being unloaded. It merely states that the library did not contain an "unload" function. % HOOKS_NO_VERSION no 'version' function found in hook library %1 The shared library named in the message was found and successfully loaded, but Kea did not find a function named "version" in it. This function is required and should return the version of Kea against which the library was built. The value is used to check that the library was built against a compatible version of Kea. The library has not been loaded. % HOOKS_OPEN_ERROR failed to open hook library %1: %2 Kea failed to open the specified hook library for the stated reason. The library has not been loaded. Kea will continue to function, but without the services offered by the library. % HOOKS_STD_CALLOUT_REGISTERED hooks library %1 registered standard callout for hook %2 at address %3 This is a debug message, output when the library loading function has located a standard callout (a callout with the same name as a hook point) and registered it. The address of the callout is indicated. % HOOKS_UNLOAD_ERROR 'unload' function in hook library %1 returned error %2 During the unloading of a library, an "unload" function was found. It was called, but returned an error (non-zero) status, resulting in the issuing of this message. The unload process continued after this message and the library has been unloaded. % HOOKS_UNLOAD_EXCEPTION 'unload' function in hook library %1 threw an exception During the unloading of a library, an "unload" function was found. It was called, but in the process generated an exception (an error indication). The unload process continued after this message and the library has been unloaded. % HOOKS_UNLOAD_FRAMEWORK_EXCEPTION 'unload' function in hook library %1 threw an exception, reason %2 During the unloading of a library, an "unload" function was found. It was called, but in the process either it or the hooks framework generated an exception (an error indication); the cause of the error is recorded in the message. The unload process continued after this message and the library has been unloaded. % HOOKS_UNLOAD_SUCCESS 'unload' function in hook library %1 returned success This is a debug message issued when an "unload" function has been found in a hook library during the unload process, called, and returned success. % HOOKS_VERSION_EXCEPTION 'version' function in hook library %1 threw an exception This error message is issued if the version() function in the specified hooks library was called and generated an exception. The library is considered unusable and will not be loaded.