// Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #include #include #include #include namespace isc { namespace util { /********************************** State *******************************/ State::State(const int value, const std::string& label, StateHandler handler, const StatePausing& state_pausing) : LabeledValue(value, label), handler_(handler), pausing_(state_pausing), was_paused_(false) { } State::~State() { } void State::run() { (handler_)(); } bool State::shouldPause() { if ((pausing_ == STATE_PAUSE_ALWAYS) || ((pausing_ == STATE_PAUSE_ONCE) && (!was_paused_))) { was_paused_ = true; return (true); } return (false); } /********************************** StateSet *******************************/ StateSet::StateSet() { } StateSet::~StateSet() { } void StateSet::add(const int value, const std::string& label, StateHandler handler, const StatePausing& state_pausing) { try { LabeledValueSet::add(LabeledValuePtr(new State(value, label, handler, state_pausing))); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { isc_throw(StateModelError, "StateSet: cannot add state :" << ex.what()); } } const StatePtr StateSet::getState(int value) { if (!isDefined(value)) { isc_throw(StateModelError," StateSet: state is undefined"); } // Since we have to use dynamic casting, to get a state pointer // we can't return a reference. StatePtr state = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(get(value)); return (state); } /********************************** StateModel *******************************/ // Common state model states const int StateModel::NEW_ST; const int StateModel::END_ST; const int StateModel::SM_DERIVED_STATE_MIN; // Common state model events const int StateModel::NOP_EVT; const int StateModel::START_EVT; const int StateModel::END_EVT; const int StateModel::FAIL_EVT; const int StateModel::SM_DERIVED_EVENT_MIN; StateModel::StateModel() : events_(), states_(), dictionaries_initted_(false), curr_state_(NEW_ST), prev_state_(NEW_ST), last_event_(NOP_EVT), next_event_(NOP_EVT), on_entry_flag_(false), on_exit_flag_(false), paused_(false) { } StateModel::~StateModel(){ } void StateModel::startModel(const int start_state) { // Initialize dictionaries of events and states. initDictionaries(); // Set the current state to starting state and enter the run loop. setState(start_state); // Start running the model. runModel(START_EVT); } void StateModel::runModel(unsigned int run_event) { /// If the dictionaries aren't built bail out. if (!dictionaries_initted_) { abortModel("runModel invoked before model has been initialized"); } try { // Seed the loop with the given event as the next to process. postNextEvent(run_event); do { // Invoke the current state's handler. It should consume the // next event, then determine what happens next by setting // current state and/or the next event. getState(curr_state_)->run(); // Keep going until a handler sets next event to a NOP_EVT. } while (!isModelDone() && getNextEvent() != NOP_EVT); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { // The model has suffered an unexpected exception. This constitutes // a model violation and indicates a programmatic shortcoming. // In theory, the model should account for all error scenarios and // deal with them accordingly. Transition to END_ST with FAILED_EVT // via abortModel. abortModel(ex.what()); } } void StateModel::nopStateHandler() { } void StateModel::initDictionaries() { // First let's build and verify the dictionary of events. try { defineEvents(); verifyEvents(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { isc_throw(StateModelError, "Event set is invalid: " << ex.what()); } // Next let's build and verify the dictionary of states. try { defineStates(); verifyStates(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { isc_throw(StateModelError, "State set is invalid: " << ex.what()); } // Record that we are good to go. dictionaries_initted_ = true; } void StateModel::defineEvent(unsigned int event_value, const std::string& label) { if (!isModelNew()) { // Don't allow for self-modifying models. isc_throw(StateModelError, "Events may only be added to a new model." << event_value << " - " << label); } // Attempt to add the event to the set. try { events_.add(event_value, label); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { isc_throw(StateModelError, "Error adding event: " << ex.what()); } } const EventPtr& StateModel::getEvent(unsigned int event_value) { if (!events_.isDefined(event_value)) { isc_throw(StateModelError, "Event value is not defined:" << event_value); } return (events_.get(event_value)); } void StateModel::defineState(unsigned int state_value, const std::string& label, StateHandler handler, const StatePausing& state_pausing) { if (!isModelNew()) { // Don't allow for self-modifying maps. isc_throw(StateModelError, "States may only be added to a new model." << state_value << " - " << label); } // Attempt to add the state to the set. try { states_.add(state_value, label, handler, state_pausing); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { isc_throw(StateModelError, "Error adding state: " << ex.what()); } } const StatePtr StateModel::getState(unsigned int state_value) { if (!states_.isDefined(state_value)) { isc_throw(StateModelError, "State value is not defined:" << state_value); } return (states_.getState(state_value)); } void StateModel::defineEvents() { defineEvent(NOP_EVT, "NOP_EVT"); defineEvent(START_EVT, "START_EVT"); defineEvent(END_EVT, "END_EVT"); defineEvent(FAIL_EVT, "FAIL_EVT"); } void StateModel::verifyEvents() { getEvent(NOP_EVT); getEvent(START_EVT); getEvent(END_EVT); getEvent(FAIL_EVT); } void StateModel::defineStates() { defineState(NEW_ST, "NEW_ST", boost::bind(&StateModel::nopStateHandler, this)); defineState(END_ST, "END_ST", boost::bind(&StateModel::nopStateHandler, this)); } void StateModel::verifyStates() { getState(NEW_ST); getState(END_ST); } void StateModel::onModelFailure(const std::string&) { // Empty implementation to make deriving classes simpler. } void StateModel::transition(unsigned int state, unsigned int event) { setState(state); postNextEvent(event); } void StateModel::endModel() { transition(END_ST, END_EVT); } void StateModel::unpauseModel() { paused_ = false; } void StateModel::abortModel(const std::string& explanation) { transition(END_ST, FAIL_EVT); std::ostringstream stream ; stream << explanation << " : " << getContextStr(); onModelFailure(stream.str()); } void StateModel::setState(unsigned int state) { if (state != END_ST && !states_.isDefined(state)) { isc_throw(StateModelError, "Attempt to set state to an undefined value: " << state ); } prev_state_ = curr_state_; curr_state_ = state; // Set the "do" flags if we are transitioning. on_entry_flag_ = ((state != END_ST) && (prev_state_ != curr_state_)); // At this time they are calculated the same way. on_exit_flag_ = on_entry_flag_; // If we're entering the new state we need to see if we should // pause the state model in this state. if (on_entry_flag_ && !paused_ && (getState(state)->shouldPause())) { paused_ = true; } } void StateModel::postNextEvent(unsigned int event_value) { // Check for FAIL_EVT as special case of model error before events are // defined. if (event_value != FAIL_EVT && !events_.isDefined(event_value)) { isc_throw(StateModelError, "Attempt to post an undefined event, value: " << event_value); } last_event_ = next_event_; next_event_ = event_value; } bool StateModel::doOnEntry() { bool ret = on_entry_flag_; on_entry_flag_ = false; return (ret); } bool StateModel::doOnExit() { bool ret = on_exit_flag_; on_exit_flag_ = false; return (ret); } unsigned int StateModel::getCurrState() const { return (curr_state_); } unsigned int StateModel::getPrevState() const { return (prev_state_); } unsigned int StateModel::getLastEvent() const { return (last_event_); } unsigned int StateModel::getNextEvent() const { return (next_event_); } bool StateModel::isModelNew() const { return (curr_state_ == NEW_ST); } bool StateModel::isModelRunning() const { return ((curr_state_ != NEW_ST) && (curr_state_ != END_ST)); } bool StateModel::isModelWaiting() const { return (isModelRunning() && (next_event_ == NOP_EVT)); } bool StateModel::isModelDone() const { return (curr_state_ == END_ST); } bool StateModel::didModelFail() const { return (isModelDone() && (next_event_ == FAIL_EVT)); } bool StateModel::isModelPaused() const { return (paused_); } std::string StateModel::getStateLabel(const int state) const { return (states_.getLabel(state)); } std::string StateModel::getEventLabel(const int event) const { return (events_.getLabel(event)); } std::string StateModel::getContextStr() const { std::ostringstream stream; stream << "current state: [ " << curr_state_ << " " << getStateLabel(curr_state_) << " ] next event: [ " << next_event_ << " " << getEventLabel(next_event_) << " ]"; return(stream.str()); } std::string StateModel::getPrevContextStr() const { std::ostringstream stream; stream << "previous state: [ " << prev_state_ << " " << getStateLabel(prev_state_) << " ] last event: [ " << next_event_ << " " << getEventLabel(last_event_) << " ]"; return(stream.str()); } } // namespace isc::util } // namespace isc