path: root/drivers/net/sfc/falcon_boards.c
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1 files changed, 82 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/net/sfc/falcon_boards.c b/drivers/net/sfc/falcon_boards.c
index 3d950c2cf205..cfc6a5b5a477 100644
--- a/drivers/net/sfc/falcon_boards.c
+++ b/drivers/net/sfc/falcon_boards.c
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
/* Board types */
#define FALCON_BOARD_SFE4001 0x01
#define FALCON_BOARD_SFE4002 0x02
-#define FALCON_BOARD_SFN4111T 0x51
+#define FALCON_BOARD_SFE4003 0x03
#define FALCON_BOARD_SFN4112F 0x52
/* Board temperature is about 15°C above ambient when air flow is
@@ -142,17 +142,17 @@ static inline int efx_check_lm87(struct efx_nic *efx, unsigned mask)
#endif /* CONFIG_SENSORS_LM87 */
- * Support for the SFE4001 and SFN4111T NICs.
+ * Support for the SFE4001 NIC.
* The SFE4001 does not power-up fully at reset due to its high power
* consumption. We control its power via a PCA9539 I/O expander.
- * Both boards have a MAX6647 temperature monitor which we expose to
+ * It also has a MAX6647 temperature monitor which we expose to
* the lm90 driver.
* This also provides minimal support for reflashing the PHY, which is
* initiated by resetting it with the FLASH_CFG_1 pin pulled down.
* On SFE4001 rev A2 and later this is connected to the 3V3X output of
- * the IO-expander; on the SFN4111T it is connected to Falcon's GPIO3.
+ * the IO-expander.
* We represent reflash mode as PHY_MODE_SPECIAL and make it mutually
* exclusive with the network device being open.
@@ -304,34 +304,6 @@ fail_on:
return rc;
-static int sfn4111t_reset(struct efx_nic *efx)
- struct falcon_board *board = falcon_board(efx);
- efx_oword_t reg;
- /* GPIO 3 and the GPIO register are shared with I2C, so block that */
- i2c_lock_adapter(&board->i2c_adap);
- /* Pull RST_N (GPIO 2) low then let it up again, setting the
- * FLASH_CFG_1 strap (GPIO 3) appropriately. Only change the
- * output enables; the output levels should always be 0 (low)
- * and we rely on external pull-ups. */
- efx_reado(efx, &reg, FR_AB_GPIO_CTL);
- efx_writeo(efx, &reg, FR_AB_GPIO_CTL);
- msleep(1000);
- !!(efx->phy_mode & PHY_MODE_SPECIAL));
- efx_writeo(efx, &reg, FR_AB_GPIO_CTL);
- msleep(1);
- i2c_unlock_adapter(&board->i2c_adap);
- ssleep(1);
- return 0;
static ssize_t show_phy_flash_cfg(struct device *dev,
struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
@@ -363,10 +335,7 @@ static ssize_t set_phy_flash_cfg(struct device *dev,
efx->phy_mode = new_mode;
if (new_mode & PHY_MODE_SPECIAL)
- if (falcon_board(efx)->type->id == FALCON_BOARD_SFE4001)
- err = sfe4001_poweron(efx);
- else
- err = sfn4111t_reset(efx);
+ err = sfe4001_poweron(efx);
if (!err)
err = efx_reconfigure_port(efx);
if (!(new_mode & PHY_MODE_SPECIAL))
@@ -479,83 +448,6 @@ fail_hwmon:
return rc;
-static int sfn4111t_check_hw(struct efx_nic *efx)
- s32 status;
- /* If XAUI link is up then do not monitor */
- if (EFX_WORKAROUND_7884(efx) && !efx->xmac_poll_required)
- return 0;
- /* Test LHIGH, RHIGH, FAULT, EOT and IOT alarms */
- status = i2c_smbus_read_byte_data(falcon_board(efx)->hwmon_client,
- if (status < 0)
- return -EIO;
- if (status & 0x57)
- return -ERANGE;
- return 0;
-static void sfn4111t_fini(struct efx_nic *efx)
- netif_info(efx, drv, efx->net_dev, "%s\n", __func__);
- device_remove_file(&efx->pci_dev->dev, &dev_attr_phy_flash_cfg);
- i2c_unregister_device(falcon_board(efx)->hwmon_client);
-static struct i2c_board_info sfn4111t_a0_hwmon_info = {
- I2C_BOARD_INFO("max6647", 0x4e),
-static struct i2c_board_info sfn4111t_r5_hwmon_info = {
- I2C_BOARD_INFO("max6646", 0x4d),
-static void sfn4111t_init_phy(struct efx_nic *efx)
- if (!(efx->phy_mode & PHY_MODE_SPECIAL)) {
- if (sft9001_wait_boot(efx) != -EINVAL)
- return;
- efx->phy_mode = PHY_MODE_SPECIAL;
- falcon_stop_nic_stats(efx);
- }
- sfn4111t_reset(efx);
- sft9001_wait_boot(efx);
-static int sfn4111t_init(struct efx_nic *efx)
- struct falcon_board *board = falcon_board(efx);
- int rc;
- board->hwmon_client =
- i2c_new_device(&board->i2c_adap,
- (board->minor < 5) ?
- &sfn4111t_a0_hwmon_info :
- &sfn4111t_r5_hwmon_info);
- if (!board->hwmon_client)
- return -EIO;
- rc = device_create_file(&efx->pci_dev->dev, &dev_attr_phy_flash_cfg);
- if (rc)
- goto fail_hwmon;
- if (efx->phy_mode & PHY_MODE_SPECIAL)
- /* PHY may not generate a 156.25 MHz clock and MAC
- * stats fetch will fail. */
- falcon_stop_nic_stats(efx);
- return 0;
- i2c_unregister_device(board->hwmon_client);
- return rc;
* Support for the SFE4002
@@ -691,6 +583,75 @@ static int sfn4112f_init(struct efx_nic *efx)
return efx_init_lm87(efx, &sfn4112f_hwmon_info, sfn4112f_lm87_regs);
+ * Support for the SFE4003
+ *
+ */
+static u8 sfe4003_lm87_channel = 0x03; /* use AIN not FAN inputs */
+static const u8 sfe4003_lm87_regs[] = {
+ LM87_IN_LIMITS(0, 0x67, 0x7f), /* 2.5V: 1.5V +/- 10% */
+ LM87_IN_LIMITS(1, 0x4c, 0x5e), /* Vccp1: 1.2V +/- 10% */
+ LM87_IN_LIMITS(2, 0xac, 0xd4), /* 3.3V: 3.3V +/- 10% */
+ LM87_IN_LIMITS(4, 0xac, 0xe0), /* 12V: 10.8-14V */
+ LM87_IN_LIMITS(5, 0x3f, 0x4f), /* Vccp2: 1.0V +/- 10% */
+ 0
+static struct i2c_board_info sfe4003_hwmon_info = {
+ I2C_BOARD_INFO("lm87", 0x2e),
+ .platform_data = &sfe4003_lm87_channel,
+/* Board-specific LED info. */
+#define SFE4003_RED_LED_GPIO 11
+#define SFE4003_LED_ON 1
+#define SFE4003_LED_OFF 0
+static void sfe4003_set_id_led(struct efx_nic *efx, enum efx_led_mode mode)
+ struct falcon_board *board = falcon_board(efx);
+ /* The LEDs were not wired to GPIOs before A3 */
+ if (board->minor < 3 && board->major == 0)
+ return;
+ falcon_txc_set_gpio_val(
+ efx, SFE4003_RED_LED_GPIO,
+ (mode == EFX_LED_ON) ? SFE4003_LED_ON : SFE4003_LED_OFF);
+static void sfe4003_init_phy(struct efx_nic *efx)
+ struct falcon_board *board = falcon_board(efx);
+ /* The LEDs were not wired to GPIOs before A3 */
+ if (board->minor < 3 && board->major == 0)
+ return;
+ falcon_txc_set_gpio_dir(efx, SFE4003_RED_LED_GPIO, TXC_GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT);
+ falcon_txc_set_gpio_val(efx, SFE4003_RED_LED_GPIO, SFE4003_LED_OFF);
+static int sfe4003_check_hw(struct efx_nic *efx)
+ struct falcon_board *board = falcon_board(efx);
+ /* A0/A1/A2 board rev. 4003s report a temperature fault the whole time
+ * (bad sensor) so we mask it out. */
+ unsigned alarm_mask =
+ (board->major == 0 && board->minor <= 2) ?
+ ~LM87_ALARM_TEMP_EXT1 : ~0;
+ return efx_check_lm87(efx, alarm_mask);
+static int sfe4003_init(struct efx_nic *efx)
+ return efx_init_lm87(efx, &sfe4003_hwmon_info, sfe4003_lm87_regs);
static const struct falcon_board_type board_types[] = {
@@ -713,14 +674,14 @@ static const struct falcon_board_type board_types[] = {
.monitor = sfe4002_check_hw,
- .id = FALCON_BOARD_SFN4111T,
- .ref_model = "SFN4111T",
- .gen_type = "100/1000/10GBASE-T adapter",
- .init = sfn4111t_init,
- .init_phy = sfn4111t_init_phy,
- .fini = sfn4111t_fini,
- .set_id_led = tenxpress_set_id_led,
- .monitor = sfn4111t_check_hw,
+ .id = FALCON_BOARD_SFE4003,
+ .ref_model = "SFE4003",
+ .gen_type = "10GBASE-CX4 adapter",
+ .init = sfe4003_init,
+ .init_phy = sfe4003_init_phy,
+ .fini = efx_fini_lm87,
+ .set_id_led = sfe4003_set_id_led,
+ .monitor = sfe4003_check_hw,