Re-watching pids on cgroup v1 (needed because of unreliability of cgroup
empty notifications in containers) is handled bellow at the end of
service_sigchld_event() and depends on value main_pid_known flag.
In CentOS Stream 8 container on cgroup v1 the stop action would get stuck
indefinitely on unit like this,
$ cat /run/systemd/system/foo.service
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'trap "nohup sleep 1 & exit 0" TERM; sleep infinity'
ExecStop=/bin/bash -c 'kill -s TERM $MAINPID'
However, upstream works "fine" because in upstream version of systemd we
actually never wait on processes killed in containers and proceed
immediately to sending SIGKILL hence re-watching of pids in the cgroup
is not necessary. But for the sake of correctness we should merge the
patch also upstream.