# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later conf.set10('ENABLE_EFI', get_option('efi')) conf.set10('HAVE_GNU_EFI', false) efi_config_h_dir = meson.current_build_dir() if not get_option('efi') or get_option('gnu-efi') == 'false' if get_option('gnu-efi') == 'true' error('gnu-efi support requested, but general efi support is disabled') endif subdir_done() endif efi_arch = host_machine.cpu_family() if efi_arch == 'x86' and '-m64' in get_option('efi-cflags') efi_arch = 'x86_64' elif efi_arch == 'x86_64' and '-m32' in get_option('efi-cflags') efi_arch = 'x86' endif efi_arch = { # host_cc_arch: [efi_arch (see Table 3-2 in UEFI spec), gnu_efi_inc_arch] 'x86': ['ia32', 'ia32'], 'x86_64': ['x64', 'x86_64'], 'arm': ['arm', 'arm'], 'aarch64': ['aa64', 'aarch64'], 'riscv64': ['riscv64', 'riscv64'], }.get(efi_arch, []) efi_incdir = get_option('efi-includedir') if efi_arch.length() > 0 and not cc.has_header( '@0@/@1@/efibind.h'.format(efi_incdir, efi_arch[1]), args: get_option('efi-cflags')) efi_arch = [] endif if efi_arch.length() == 0 if get_option('gnu-efi') == 'true' error('gnu-efi support requested, but headers not found or efi arch is unknown') endif warning('gnu-efi headers not found or efi arch is unknown, disabling gnu-efi support') subdir_done() endif if not cc.has_header_symbol('efi.h', 'EFI_IMAGE_MACHINE_X64', args: ['-nostdlib', '-ffreestanding', '-fshort-wchar'] + get_option('efi-cflags'), include_directories: include_directories(efi_incdir, efi_incdir / efi_arch[1])) if get_option('gnu-efi') == 'true' error('gnu-efi support requested, but found headers are too old (3.0.5+ required)') endif warning('gnu-efi headers are too old (3.0.5+ required), disabling gnu-efi support') subdir_done() endif objcopy = run_command(cc.cmd_array(), '-print-prog-name=objcopy', check: true).stdout().strip() efi_ld = get_option('efi-ld') if efi_ld == 'auto' efi_ld = cc.get_linker_id().split('.')[1] if efi_ld not in ['bfd', 'gold'] message('Not using @0@ as efi-ld, falling back to bfd'.format(efi_ld)) efi_ld = 'bfd' endif endif efi_multilib = run_command( cc.cmd_array(), '-print-multi-os-directory', get_option('efi-cflags'), check: false ).stdout().strip() efi_multilib = run_command( 'realpath', '-e', '/usr/lib' / efi_multilib, check: false ).stdout().strip() efi_libdir = '' foreach dir : [get_option('efi-libdir'), '/usr/lib/gnuefi' / efi_arch[0], efi_multilib] if dir != '' and fs.is_dir(dir) efi_libdir = dir break endif endforeach if efi_libdir == '' if get_option('gnu-efi') == 'true' error('gnu-efi support requested, but efi-libdir was not found') endif warning('efi-libdir was not found, disabling gnu-efi support') subdir_done() endif efi_lds = '' foreach location : [ # New locations first introduced with gnu-efi 3.0.11 [efi_libdir / 'efi.lds', efi_libdir / 'crt0.o'], # Older locations... [efi_libdir / 'gnuefi' / 'elf_@0@_efi.lds'.format(efi_arch[1]), efi_libdir / 'gnuefi' / 'crt0-efi-@0@.o'.format(efi_arch[1])], [efi_libdir / 'elf_@0@_efi.lds'.format(efi_arch[1]), efi_libdir / 'crt0-efi-@0@.o'.format(efi_arch[1])]] if fs.is_file(location[0]) and fs.is_file(location[1]) efi_lds = location[0] efi_crt0 = location[1] break endif endforeach if efi_lds == '' if get_option('gnu-efi') == 'true' error('gnu-efi support requested, but cannot find efi.lds') endif warning('efi.lds was not found, disabling gnu-efi support') subdir_done() endif conf.set10('HAVE_GNU_EFI', true) conf.set_quoted('EFI_MACHINE_TYPE_NAME', efi_arch[0]) efi_conf = configuration_data() efi_conf.set_quoted('EFI_MACHINE_TYPE_NAME', efi_arch[0]) efi_conf.set10('ENABLE_TPM', get_option('tpm')) efi_conf.set10('EFI_TPM_PCR_COMPAT', get_option('efi-tpm-pcr-compat')) foreach ctype : ['color-normal', 'color-entry', 'color-highlight', 'color-edit'] c = get_option('efi-' + ctype).split(',') efi_conf.set(ctype.underscorify().to_upper(), 'EFI_TEXT_ATTR(@0@, @1@)'.format( 'EFI_' + c[0].strip().underscorify().to_upper(), 'EFI_' + c[1].strip().underscorify().to_upper())) endforeach if meson.is_cross_build() and get_option('sbat-distro') == 'auto' warning('Auto detection of SBAT information not supported when cross-building, disabling SBAT.') elif get_option('sbat-distro') != '' efi_conf.set_quoted('SBAT_PROJECT', meson.project_name()) efi_conf.set_quoted('PROJECT_VERSION', meson.project_version()) efi_conf.set('PROJECT_URL', conf.get('PROJECT_URL')) if get_option('sbat-distro-generation') < 1 error('SBAT Distro Generation must be a positive integer') endif efi_conf.set('SBAT_DISTRO_GENERATION', get_option('sbat-distro-generation')) foreach sbatvar : [['sbat-distro', 'ID'], ['sbat-distro-summary', 'NAME'], ['sbat-distro-url', 'BUG_REPORT_URL']] value = get_option(sbatvar[0]) if (value == '' or value == 'auto') and not meson.is_cross_build() cmd = 'if [ -e /etc/os-release ]; then . /etc/os-release; else . /usr/lib/os-release; fi; echo $@0@'.format(sbatvar[1]) value = run_command(sh, '-c', cmd, check: true).stdout().strip() endif if value == '' error('Required @0@ option not set and autodetection failed'.format(sbatvar[0])) endif efi_conf.set_quoted(sbatvar[0].underscorify().to_upper(), value) endforeach pkgname = get_option('sbat-distro-pkgname') if pkgname == '' pkgname = meson.project_name() endif efi_conf.set_quoted('SBAT_DISTRO_PKGNAME', pkgname) pkgver = get_option('sbat-distro-version') if pkgver == '' efi_conf.set('SBAT_DISTRO_VERSION', 'GIT_VERSION') # This is determined during build, not configuration, so we can't display it yet. sbat_distro_version_display = '(git version)' else efi_conf.set_quoted('SBAT_DISTRO_VERSION', pkgver) sbat_distro_version_display = pkgver endif endif efi_config_h = configure_file( output : 'efi_config.h', configuration : efi_conf) efi_cflags = [ '-DGNU_EFI_USE_MS_ABI', '-DSD_BOOT', '-ffreestanding', '-fshort-wchar', '-fvisibility=hidden', '-I', fundamental_path, '-I', meson.current_source_dir(), '-include', efi_config_h, '-include', version_h, '-isystem', efi_incdir / efi_arch[1], '-isystem', efi_incdir, '-std=gnu11', '-Wall', '-Wextra', ] + cc.get_supported_arguments( basic_disabled_warnings + possible_common_cc_flags + [ '-fno-stack-protector', '-fno-strict-aliasing', '-fpic', '-fwide-exec-charset=UCS2', ] ) # On some distros, sd-boot/-stub may trigger some bug somewhere that will cause # kernel execution to fail. The cause seems to be purely based on code size and # always compiling with at least -O1 will work around that. # https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/24202 efi_cflags += '-O1' efi_cflags += cc.get_supported_arguments({ 'ia32': ['-mno-sse', '-mno-mmx'], 'x86_64': ['-mno-red-zone', '-mno-sse', '-mno-mmx'], 'arm': ['-mgeneral-regs-only', '-mfpu=none'], }.get(efi_arch[1], [])) # We are putting the efi_cc command line together ourselves, so make sure to pull any # relevant compiler flags from meson/CFLAGS as povided by the user or distro. if get_option('werror') efi_cflags += ['-Werror'] endif if get_option('debug') and get_option('mode') == 'developer' efi_cflags += ['-ggdb', '-DEFI_DEBUG'] endif if get_option('optimization') != '0' efi_cflags += ['-O' + get_option('optimization')] endif if get_option('b_ndebug') == 'true' or ( get_option('b_ndebug') == 'if-release' and get_option('buildtype') in ['plain', 'release']) efi_cflags += ['-DNDEBUG'] endif if get_option('b_lto') efi_cflags += cc.has_argument('-flto=auto') ? ['-flto=auto'] : ['-flto'] endif foreach arg : get_option('c_args') if arg in [ '-DNDEBUG', '-fno-lto', '-O1', '-O2', '-O3', '-Og', '-Os', '-Werror', ] or arg.split('=')[0] in [ '-ffile-prefix-map', '-flto', ] or (get_option('mode') == 'developer' and arg in [ '-DEFI_DEBUG', '-g', '-ggdb', ]) message('Using "@0@" from c_args for EFI compiler'.format(arg)) efi_cflags += arg endif endforeach efi_cflags += get_option('efi-cflags') efi_ldflags = [ '-fuse-ld=' + efi_ld, '-L', efi_libdir, '-nostdlib', '-T', efi_lds, '-Wl,--build-id=sha1', '-Wl,--fatal-warnings', '-Wl,--no-undefined', '-Wl,--warn-common', '-Wl,-Bsymbolic', '-z', 'nocombreloc', efi_crt0, ] foreach arg : ['-Wl,--no-warn-execstack', '-Wl,--no-warn-rwx-segments'] # We need to check the correct linker for supported args. This is what # cc.has_multi_link_arguments() is for, but it helpfully overrides our # choice of linker by putting its own -fuse-ld= arg after ours. if run_command('bash', '-c', 'exec "$@" -x c -o/dev/null <(echo "int main(void){return 0;}")' + ' -fuse-ld=' + efi_ld + ' -Wl,--fatal-warnings ' + arg, 'bash', cc.cmd_array(), check : false).returncode() == 0 efi_ldflags += arg endif endforeach if efi_arch[1] in ['aarch64', 'arm', 'riscv64'] efi_ldflags += ['-shared'] # Aarch64, ARM32 and 64bit RISC-V don't have an EFI capable objcopy. # Use 'binary' instead, and add required symbols manually. efi_ldflags += ['-Wl,--defsym=EFI_SUBSYSTEM=0xa'] efi_format = ['-O', 'binary'] else efi_ldflags += ['-pie'] if efi_ld == 'bfd' efi_ldflags += '-Wl,--no-dynamic-linker' endif efi_format = ['--target=efi-app-@0@'.format(efi_arch[1])] endif if efi_arch[1] == 'arm' # On arm, the compiler (correctly) warns about wchar_t size mismatch. This # is because libgcc is not compiled with -fshort-wchar, but it does not # have any occurrences of wchar_t in its sources or the documentation, so # it is safe to assume that we can ignore this warning. efi_ldflags += ['-Wl,--no-wchar-size-warning'] endif if run_command('grep', '-q', '__CTOR_LIST__', efi_lds, check: false).returncode() == 0 # fedora has a patched gnu-efi that adds support for ELF constructors. # If ld is called by gcc something about these symbols breaks, resulting # in sd-boot freezing when gnu-efi runs the constructors. Force defining # them seems to work around this. efi_ldflags += [ '-Wl,--defsym=_init_array=0', '-Wl,--defsym=_init_array_end=0', '-Wl,--defsym=_fini_array=0', '-Wl,--defsym=_fini_array_end=0', '-Wl,--defsym=__CTOR_LIST__=0', '-Wl,--defsym=__CTOR_END__=0', '-Wl,--defsym=__DTOR_LIST__=0', '-Wl,--defsym=__DTOR_END__=0', ] endif if cc.get_id() == 'clang' and cc.version().split('.')[0].to_int() <= 10 # clang <= 10 doesn't pass -T to the linker and then even complains about it being unused efi_ldflags += ['-Wl,-T,' + efi_lds, '-Wno-unused-command-line-argument'] endif summary({ 'EFI machine type' : efi_arch[0], 'EFI LD' : efi_ld, 'EFI lds' : efi_lds, 'EFI crt0' : efi_crt0, 'EFI include directory' : efi_incdir}, section : 'Extensible Firmware Interface') if efi_conf.get('SBAT_DISTRO', '') != '' summary({ 'SBAT distro': efi_conf.get('SBAT_DISTRO'), 'SBAT distro generation': efi_conf.get('SBAT_DISTRO_GENERATION'), 'SBAT distro version': sbat_distro_version_display, 'SBAT distro summary': efi_conf.get('SBAT_DISTRO_SUMMARY'), 'SBAT distro URL': efi_conf.get('SBAT_DISTRO_URL')}, section : 'Extensible Firmware Interface') endif ############################################################ efi_headers = files( 'bcd.h', 'console.h', 'cpio.h', 'devicetree.h', 'disk.h', 'drivers.h', 'efi-string.h', 'graphics.h', 'initrd.h', 'linux.h', 'measure.h', 'missing_efi.h', 'pe.h', 'random-seed.h', 'secure-boot.h', 'shim.h', 'splash.h', 'ticks.h', 'util.h', 'xbootldr.h', ) common_sources = files( 'assert.c', 'console.c', 'devicetree.c', 'disk.c', 'efi-string.c', 'graphics.c', 'initrd.c', 'measure.c', 'pe.c', 'secure-boot.c', 'ticks.c', 'util.c', ) systemd_boot_sources = files( 'boot.c', 'drivers.c', 'random-seed.c', 'shim.c', 'xbootldr.c', ) stub_sources = files( 'cpio.c', 'splash.c', 'stub.c', ) if efi_arch[1] in ['ia32', 'x86_64'] stub_sources += files('linux_x86.c') else stub_sources += files('linux.c') endif tests += [ [files('test-efi-string.c', 'efi-string.c')], ] # BCD parser only makes sense on arches that Windows supports. if efi_arch[1] in ['ia32', 'x86_64', 'arm', 'aarch64'] systemd_boot_sources += files('bcd.c') tests += [ [files('test-bcd.c', 'efi-string.c'), [], [libzstd], [], 'HAVE_ZSTD'], ] fuzzers += [ [files('fuzz-bcd.c', 'efi-string.c')], ] endif systemd_boot_objects = [] stub_objects = [] foreach file : fundamental_source_paths + common_sources + systemd_boot_sources + stub_sources # FIXME: replace ''.format(file) with fs.name(file) when meson_version requirement is >= 0.59.0 o_file = custom_target('@0@.o'.format(file).split('/')[-1], input : file, output : '@0@.o'.format(file).split('/')[-1], command : [cc.cmd_array(), '-c', '@INPUT@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@', efi_cflags], depend_files : efi_headers + fundamental_headers) if (fundamental_source_paths + common_sources + systemd_boot_sources).contains(file) systemd_boot_objects += o_file endif if (fundamental_source_paths + common_sources + stub_sources).contains(file) stub_objects += o_file endif endforeach foreach tuple : [['systemd-boot@0@.@1@', systemd_boot_objects, false, 'systemd-boot'], ['linux@0@.@1@.stub', stub_objects, true, 'systemd-stub']] elf = custom_target( tuple[0].format(efi_arch[0], 'elf'), input : tuple[1], output : tuple[0].format(efi_arch[0], 'elf'), command : [cc.cmd_array(), '-o', '@OUTPUT@', efi_cflags, efi_ldflags, '@INPUT@', '-lefi', '-lgnuefi', '-lgcc'], install : tuple[2], install_tag: tuple[3], install_dir : bootlibdir) efi = custom_target( tuple[0].format(efi_arch[0], 'efi'), input : elf, output : tuple[0].format(efi_arch[0], 'efi'), command : [objcopy, '-j', '.bss*', '-j', '.data', '-j', '.dynamic', '-j', '.dynsym', '-j', '.osrel', '-j', '.rel*', '-j', '.sbat', '-j', '.sdata', '-j', '.sdmagic', '-j', '.text', '--section-alignment=512', efi_format, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'], install : true, install_tag: tuple[3], install_dir : bootlibdir) alias_target(tuple[3], efi) endforeach