/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ #include #include "sd-varlink.h" #include "errno-util.h" #include "fd-util.h" #include "fuzz.h" #include "hexdecoct.h" #include "iovec-util.h" #include "log.h" static FILE *null = NULL; static int method_something(sd_varlink *v, sd_json_variant *p, sd_varlink_method_flags_t flags, void *userdata) { sd_json_variant_dump(p, SD_JSON_FORMAT_NEWLINE|SD_JSON_FORMAT_PRETTY, null, NULL); return 0; } static int reply_callback(sd_varlink *v, sd_json_variant *p, const char *error_id, sd_varlink_reply_flags_t flags, void *userdata) { sd_json_variant_dump(p, SD_JSON_FORMAT_NEWLINE|SD_JSON_FORMAT_PRETTY, null, NULL); return 0; } static int io_callback(sd_event_source *s, int fd, uint32_t revents, void *userdata) { struct iovec *iov = ASSERT_PTR(userdata); bool write_eof = false, read_eof = false; assert(s); assert(fd >= 0); if ((revents & (EPOLLOUT|EPOLLHUP|EPOLLERR)) && iov->iov_len > 0) { ssize_t n; /* never write more than 143 bytes a time, to make broken up recv()s on the other side more * likely, and thus test some additional code paths. */ n = send(fd, iov->iov_base, MIN(iov->iov_len, 143U), MSG_NOSIGNAL|MSG_DONTWAIT); if (n < 0) { if (ERRNO_IS_DISCONNECT(errno)) write_eof = true; else assert_se(errno == EAGAIN); } else iovec_increment(iov, 1, n); } if (revents & EPOLLIN) { char c[137]; ssize_t n; n = recv(fd, c, sizeof(c), MSG_DONTWAIT); if (n < 0) { if (ERRNO_IS_DISCONNECT(errno)) read_eof = true; else assert_se(errno == EAGAIN); } else if (n == 0) read_eof = true; else hexdump(null, c, (size_t) n); } /* After we wrote everything we could turn off EPOLLOUT. And if we reached read EOF too turn off the * whole thing. */ if (write_eof || iov->iov_len == 0) { if (read_eof) assert_se(sd_event_source_set_enabled(s, SD_EVENT_OFF) >= 0); else assert_se(sd_event_source_set_io_events(s, EPOLLIN) >= 0); } return 0; } static int idle_callback(sd_event_source *s, void *userdata) { assert(s); /* Called as idle callback when there's nothing else to do anymore */ sd_event_exit(sd_event_source_get_event(s), 0); return 0; } int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { struct iovec server_iov = IOVEC_MAKE((void*) data, size), client_iov = IOVEC_MAKE((void*) data, size); /* Important: the declaration order matters here! we want that the fds are closed on return after the * event sources, hence we declare the fds first, the event sources second */ _cleanup_close_pair_ int server_pair[2] = EBADF_PAIR, client_pair[2] = EBADF_PAIR; _cleanup_(sd_event_source_unrefp) sd_event_source *idle_event_source = NULL, *server_event_source = NULL, *client_event_source = NULL; _cleanup_(sd_varlink_server_unrefp) sd_varlink_server *s = NULL; _cleanup_(sd_varlink_flush_close_unrefp) sd_varlink *c = NULL; _cleanup_(sd_event_unrefp) sd_event *e = NULL; fuzz_setup_logging(); assert_se(null = fopen("/dev/null", "we")); assert_se(sd_event_default(&e) >= 0); /* Test one: write the data as method call to a server */ assert_se(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, server_pair) >= 0); assert_se(sd_varlink_server_new(&s, 0) >= 0); assert_se(sd_varlink_server_set_description(s, "myserver") >= 0); assert_se(sd_varlink_server_attach_event(s, e, 0) >= 0); assert_se(sd_varlink_server_add_connection(s, server_pair[0], NULL) >= 0); TAKE_FD(server_pair[0]); assert_se(sd_varlink_server_bind_method(s, "io.test.DoSomething", method_something) >= 0); assert_se(sd_event_add_io(e, &server_event_source, server_pair[1], EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT, io_callback, &server_iov) >= 0); /* Test two: write the data as method response to a client */ assert_se(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, client_pair) >= 0); assert_se(sd_varlink_connect_fd(&c, client_pair[0]) >= 0); TAKE_FD(client_pair[0]); assert_se(sd_varlink_set_description(c, "myclient") >= 0); assert_se(sd_varlink_attach_event(c, e, 0) >= 0); assert_se(sd_varlink_bind_reply(c, reply_callback) >= 0); assert_se(sd_varlink_invoke(c, "io.test.DoSomething", NULL) >= 0); assert_se(sd_event_add_io(e, &client_event_source, client_pair[1], EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT, io_callback, &client_iov) >= 0); assert_se(sd_event_add_defer(e, &idle_event_source, idle_callback, NULL) >= 0); assert_se(sd_event_source_set_priority(idle_event_source, SD_EVENT_PRIORITY_IDLE) >= 0); assert_se(sd_event_loop(e) >= 0); null = safe_fclose(null); return 0; }