#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later # shellcheck disable=SC2235 set -eux set -o pipefail # TODO/FIXME: # - we should probably have something like "udevadm verify" but for .network files # (networkctl verify?) so we can check that all directives are in correct sections # - according to dracut.cmdline(7) address can also be followed by /CIDR, # but this doesn't seem to work with sd-network-generator if [[ -n "${1:-}" ]]; then GENERATOR_BIN=$1 elif [[ -x /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-network-generator ]]; then GENERATOR_BIN=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-network-generator elif [[ -x /lib/systemd/systemd-network-generator ]]; then GENERATOR_BIN=/lib/systemd/systemd-network-generator else exit 1 fi # See: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/29888#issuecomment-1796187440 unset NOTIFY_SOCKET WORK_DIR="$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir "test-network-generator-conversion.XXXXXX")" # shellcheck disable=SC2064 trap "rm -rf '$WORK_DIR'" EXIT # Convert octal netmask to CIDR notation (e.g. => 24) netmask_to_cidr() ( set +x local netmask="${1:?}" local x bits=0 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 x="0$(printf "%o" ${netmask//./ })" while [[ "$x" -gt 0 ]]; do ((bits += x % 2)) ((x >>= 1)) done echo "$bits" ) run_network_generator() { local stderr rm -rf "${WORK_DIR:?}"/* stderr="$WORK_DIR/stderr" if ! "$GENERATOR_BIN" --root "$WORK_DIR" 2>"$stderr"; then echo >&2 "Generator failed when parsing $SYSTEMD_PROC_CMDLINE" cat "$stderr" return 1 fi if [[ -s "$stderr" ]]; then echo >&2 "Generator generated unexpected messages on stderr" cat "$stderr" return 1 fi ls -l "$WORK_DIR/run/systemd/network/" rm -f "$stderr" return 0 } check_dhcp() { local dhcp="${1:?}" local network_file="${2:?}" case "$dhcp" in dhcp) grep -q "^DHCP=ipv4$" "$network_file" ;; dhcp6) grep -q "^DHCP=ipv6$" "$network_file" ;; on|any) grep -q "^DHCP=yes$" "$network_file" ;; none|off) grep -q "^DHCP=no$" "$network_file" grep -q "^LinkLocalAddressing=no$" "$network_file" grep -q "^IPv6AcceptRA=no$" "$network_file" ;; auto6|ibft) grep -q "^DHCP=no$" "$network_file" ;; either6) grep -q "^DHCP=ipv6$" "$network_file" ;; link6) grep -q "^DHCP=no$" "$network_file" grep -q "^LinkLocalAddressing=ipv6$" "$network_file" grep -q "^IPv6AcceptRA=no$" "$network_file" ;; link-local) grep -q "^DHCP=no$" "$network_file" grep -q "^LinkLocalAddressing=yes$" "$network_file" grep -q "^IPv6AcceptRA=no$" "$network_file" ;; *) echo >&2 "Invalid assignment $cmdline" return 1 esac return 0 } # Check the shortest ip= variant, i.e.: # ip={dhcp|on|any|dhcp6|auto6|either6|link6|link-local} # # Note: # - dracut also supports single-dhcp # - link-local is supported only by systemd-network-generator check_one_dhcp() { local cmdline="${1:?}" local dhcp="${cmdline#ip=}" local network_file SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug SYSTEMD_PROC_CMDLINE="$cmdline" run_network_generator network_file="${WORK_DIR:?}/run/systemd/network/71-default.network" cat "$network_file" check_dhcp "$dhcp" "$network_file" return 0 } # Similar to the previous one, but with slightly more fields: # ip=:{dhcp|on|any|dhcp6|auto6|link6|link-local}[:[][:]] # # Same notes apply as well. check_one_interface_dhcp() { local cmdline="${1:?}" local ifname dhcp mtu mac network_file IFS=":" read -r ifname dhcp mtu mac <<< "${cmdline#ip=}" SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug SYSTEMD_PROC_CMDLINE="$cmdline" run_network_generator network_file="${WORK_DIR:?}/run/systemd/network/70-$ifname.network" cat "$network_file" grep -q "^Name=$ifname$" "$network_file" check_dhcp "$dhcp" "$network_file" [[ -n "$mtu" ]] && grep -q "^MTUBytes=$mtu$" "$network_file" [[ -n "$mac" ]] && grep -q "^MACAddress=$mac$" "$network_file" return 0 } # Check the "long" ip= formats, i.e: # ip=:[]:::::{none|off|dhcp|on|any|dhcp6|auto6|ibft}[:[][:] # ip=:[]:::::{none|off|dhcp|on|any|dhcp6|auto6|ibft}[:[][:]] check_one_long() { local cmdline="${1:?}" local ip peer gateway netmask hostname ifname dhcp arg1 arg2 network_file cidr stderr tmp # To make parsing a bit easier when IPv6 is involved, replace all colons between [] with #, ... tmp="$(echo "${cmdline#ip=}" | sed -re ':l; s/(\[[^]:]*):/\1#/; tl')" # ... drop the now unnecessary [] and split the string into colon separated fields as usual, ... IFS=":" read -r ip peer gateway netmask hostname ifname dhcp arg1 arg2 <<<"${tmp//[\[\]]}" # ... and then replace # back to colons for fields that might contain an IPv6 address. ip="${ip//#/:}" peer="${peer//#/:}" gateway="${gateway//#/:}" arg1="${arg1//#/:}" arg2="${arg2//#/:}" SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug SYSTEMD_PROC_CMDLINE="$cmdline" run_network_generator if [[ -n "$ifname" ]]; then network_file="${WORK_DIR:?}/run/systemd/network/70-$ifname.network" grep -q "^Name=$ifname$" "$network_file" else network_file="${WORK_DIR:?}/run/systemd/network/71-default.network" grep -q "^Kind=!\*$" "$network_file" fi cat "$network_file" if [[ -n "$ip" && -n "$netmask" ]]; then # The "ip" and "netmask" fields are merged together into an IP/CIDR value if [[ "$netmask" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then cidr="$netmask" else cidr="$(netmask_to_cidr "$netmask")" fi grep -q "^Address=$ip/$cidr$" "$network_file" else (! grep -q "^Address=" "$network_file") fi # If the "dhcp" field is empty, it defaults to "off" [[ -z "$dhcp" ]] && dhcp="off" [[ -n "$peer" ]] && grep -q "^Peer=$peer$" "$network_file" [[ -n "$gateway" ]] && grep -q "^Gateway=$gateway$" "$network_file" [[ -n "$hostname" ]] && grep -q "^Hostname=$hostname$" "$network_file" check_dhcp "$dhcp" "$network_file" # If the first optional argument is empty, assume the first variant # See: https://github.com/dracutdevs/dracut/blob/4d594210d6ef4f04a9dbadacea73e9461ded352d/modules.d/40network/net-lib.sh#L533 if [[ -z "$arg1" || "$arg1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then # => [:[][:] [[ -n "$arg1" ]] && grep -q "^MTUBytes=$arg1$" "$network_file" [[ -n "$arg2" ]] && grep -q "^MACAddress=$arg2$" "$network_file" else # => [:[][:]] grep -q "^DNS=$arg1$" "$network_file" [[ -n "$arg2" ]] && grep -q "^DNS=$arg2$" "$network_file" fi return 0 } # Check if the generated .network files match the expected stored ones TEST_DATA="$(dirname "$0")/testdata/test-network-generator-conversion" for f in "$TEST_DATA"/test-*.input; do fname="${f##*/}" out="$(mktemp --directory "${WORK_DIR:?}/${fname%%.input}.XXX")" # shellcheck disable=SC2046 "$GENERATOR_BIN" --root "$out" -- $(cat "$f") if ! diff -u "$out/run/systemd/network" "${f%.input}.expected"; then echo "**** Unexpected output for $f" exit 1 fi rm -rf "${out:?}" done # Now generate bunch of .network units on the fly and check if they contain expected # directives & values # ip={dhcp|on|any|dhcp6|auto6|either6|link6|link-local} for dhcp in dhcp on any dhcp6 auto6 either6 link6 link-local off none ibft; do check_one_dhcp "ip=$dhcp" done # ip=:{dhcp|on|any|dhcp6|auto6|link6|link-local}[:[][:]] COMMAND_LINES=( "ip=foo:dhcp" "ip=bar:dhcp6" "ip=linklocal99:link-local" "ip=baz1:any:666" "ip=baz1:any:128:52:54:00:a7:8f:ac" ) for cmdline in "${COMMAND_LINES[@]}"; do check_one_interface_dhcp "$cmdline" done # ip=:[]:::::{none|off|dhcp|on|any|dhcp6|auto6|ibft}[:[][:] # ip=:[]:::::{none|off|dhcp|on|any|dhcp6|auto6|ibft}[:[][:]] COMMAND_LINES=( "ip=" "ip=" "ip=" "ip=" "ip=" "ip=" "ip=" "ip=" "ip=" "ip=" "ip=" "ip=[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::2]::[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::1]:64::ipv6:off" "ip=[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::2]:[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::99]::64::ipv6:off" "ip=[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::2]::[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::1]:64::ipv6:off:666" "ip=[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::2]::[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::1]:64::ipv6:off:666:52:54:00:a7:8f:ac" "ip=[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::2]::[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::1]:64::ipv6:off::52:54:00:a7:8f:ac" "ip=[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::2]::[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::1]:64::ipv6:off::" "ip=[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::2]::[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::1]:64::ipv6:off:[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::aaaa]" "ip=[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::2]::[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::1]:64::ipv6:off:[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::aaaa]:[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::bbbb]" "ip=:::::dhcp99:any" "ip=:::::dhcp99:dhcp6:666" "ip=:::::dhcp99:dhcp6:666:52:54:00:a7:8f:ac" "ip=:::::dhcp99:dhcp6:" "ip=:::::dhcp99:dhcp6:" "ip=:::::dhcp99:dhcp6:[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::bbbb]" "ip=::::::any" "ip=::::::ibft" ) for cmdline in "${COMMAND_LINES[@]}"; do check_one_long "$cmdline" done INVALID_COMMAND_LINES=( "ip=foo" "ip=:::::::" "ip=:::::::foo" "ip=10.0.0:::" "ip=" "ip=" "ip=" "ip=:::::dhcp99:dhcp6:0" "ip=:::::dhcp99:dhcp6:-1" "ip=:::::dhcp99:dhcp6:666:52:54:00" "ip=fdef:c400:bd01:1096::2::[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::1]:64::ipv6:off:[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::aaaa]" "ip=[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::2]::[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::1]:64::ipv6:off:foo" "ip=[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::2]::[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::1]:64::ipv6:off:[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::aaaa]:foo" "ip=[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::2]::[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::1]:64::ipv6:off:[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::aaaa]:[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::bbbb]:" "ip=:::::dhcp99:dhcp6:" "ip=:::::dhcp99:dhcp6:[fdef:c400:bd01:1096::bbbb]:" ) for cmdline in "${INVALID_COMMAND_LINES[@]}"; do (! SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug SYSTEMD_PROC_CMDLINE="$cmdline" "$GENERATOR_BIN" --root "$WORK_DIR") done