#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later set -eux set -o pipefail # shellcheck source=test/units/util.sh . "$(dirname "$0")"/util.sh export SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug export PAGER= SD_PCREXTEND="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-pcrextend" SD_PCRLOCK="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-pcrlock" SD_MEASURE="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-measure" if [[ ! -x "${SD_PCREXTEND:?}" ]] || [[ ! -x "${SD_PCRLOCK:?}" ]] || [[ ! -x "${SD_MEASURE:?}" ]] ; then echo "$SD_PCREXTEND or $SD_PCRLOCK or $SD_MEASURE not found, skipping pcrlock tests" exit 0 fi at_exit() { if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then # Dump the event log on fail, to make debugging a bit easier [[ -e /run/log/systemd/tpm2-measure.log ]] && jq --seq --slurp /tmp/borked set +e SYSTEMD_MEASURE_LOG_USERSPACE=/tmp/borked "$SD_PCRLOCK" cel --no-pager --json=pretty ret=$? set -e # If it crashes the exit code will be 149 test $ret -eq 1 SYSTEMD_COLORS=256 "$SD_PCRLOCK" "$SD_PCRLOCK" cel --no-pager --json=pretty "$SD_PCRLOCK" log --pcr="$PCRS" "$SD_PCRLOCK" log --json=pretty --pcr="$PCRS" "$SD_PCRLOCK" list-components "$SD_PCRLOCK" list-components --location=250- "$SD_PCRLOCK" list-components --location=250-:350- "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-firmware-config "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-gpt "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-machine-id "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-file-system "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-file-system / "$SD_PCRLOCK" predict --pcr="$PCRS" "$SD_PCRLOCK" predict --pcr="0x1+0x3+4" "$SD_PCRLOCK" predict --json=pretty --pcr="$PCRS" SD_STUB="$(find /usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/ -name "systemd-boot*.efi" | head -n1)" if [[ -n "$SD_STUB" ]]; then "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-pe "$SD_STUB" "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-pe <"$SD_STUB" "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-uki "$SD_STUB" "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-uki <"$SD_STUB" fi PIN=huhu "$SD_PCRLOCK" make-policy --pcr="$PCRS" --recovery-pin=query # Repeat immediately (this call will have to reuse the nvindex, rather than create it) "$SD_PCRLOCK" make-policy --pcr="$PCRS" "$SD_PCRLOCK" make-policy --pcr="$PCRS" --force img="/tmp/pcrlock.img" truncate -s 20M "$img" echo -n hoho >/tmp/pcrlockpwd chmod 0600 /tmp/pcrlockpwd cryptsetup luksFormat -q --pbkdf pbkdf2 --pbkdf-force-iterations 1000 --use-urandom "$img" /tmp/pcrlockpwd systemd-cryptenroll --unlock-key-file=/tmp/pcrlockpwd --tpm2-device=auto --tpm2-pcrlock=/var/lib/systemd/pcrlock.json --tpm2-public-key= --wipe-slot=tpm2 "$img" systemd-cryptsetup attach pcrlock "$img" - tpm2-device=auto,tpm2-pcrlock=/var/lib/systemd/pcrlock.json,headless systemd-cryptsetup detach pcrlock # Ensure systemd-pcrlock not crashing on empty variant directory mkdir -p /var/lib/pcrlock.d/123-empty.pcrlock.d "$SD_PCRLOCK" predict --pcr="$PCRS" rm -rf /var/lib/pcrlock.d/123-empty.pcrlock.d # Measure something into PCR 16 (the "debug" PCR), which should make the activation fail "$SD_PCREXTEND" --pcr=16 test70 "$SD_PCRLOCK" cel --json=pretty (! systemd-cryptsetup attach pcrlock "$img" - tpm2-device=auto,tpm2-pcrlock=/var/lib/systemd/pcrlock.json,headless ) # Now add a component for it, rebuild policy and it should work (we'll rebuild # once like that, but don't provide the recovery pin. This should fail, since # the PCR is hosed after all. But then we'll use recovery pin, and it should # work. echo -n test70 | "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-raw --pcrlock=/var/lib/pcrlock.d/910-test70.pcrlock --pcr=16 (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" make-policy --pcr="$PCRS") PIN=huhu "$SD_PCRLOCK" make-policy --pcr="$PCRS" --recovery-pin=query systemd-cryptsetup attach pcrlock "$img" - tpm2-device=auto,tpm2-pcrlock=/var/lib/systemd/pcrlock.json,headless systemd-cryptsetup detach pcrlock # And now let's do it the clean way, and generate the right policy ahead of time. echo -n test70-take-two | "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-raw --pcrlock=/var/lib/pcrlock.d/920-test70.pcrlock --pcr=16 "$SD_PCRLOCK" make-policy --pcr="$PCRS" # the next one should be skipped because redundant "$SD_PCRLOCK" make-policy --pcr="$PCRS" # but this one should not be skipped, even if redundant, because we force it "$SD_PCRLOCK" make-policy --pcr="$PCRS" --force --recovery-pin=show "$SD_PCREXTEND" --pcr=16 test70-take-two "$SD_PCRLOCK" cel --json=pretty systemd-cryptsetup attach pcrlock "$img" - tpm2-device=auto,tpm2-pcrlock=/var/lib/systemd/pcrlock.json,headless systemd-cryptsetup detach pcrlock # Now combined pcrlock and signed PCR # Generate key pair openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 -out "$img".private.pem openssl rsa -pubout -in "$img".private.pem -out "$img".public.pem systemd-cryptenroll --unlock-tpm2-device=auto --tpm2-device=auto --tpm2-pcrlock=/var/lib/systemd/pcrlock.json --tpm2-public-key="$img".public.pem --wipe-slot=tpm2 "$img" "$SD_MEASURE" sign --current --bank=sha256 --private-key="$img".private.pem --public-key="$img".public.pem --phase=: | tee "$img".pcrsign SYSTEMD_CRYPTSETUP_USE_TOKEN_MODULE=0 systemd-cryptsetup attach pcrlock "$img" - "tpm2-device=auto,tpm2-pcrlock=/var/lib/systemd/pcrlock.json,tpm2-signature=$img.pcrsign,headless" systemd-cryptsetup detach pcrlock systemd-cryptenroll --unlock-key-file=/tmp/pcrlockpwd --tpm2-device=auto --tpm2-pcrlock=/var/lib/systemd/pcrlock.json --tpm2-public-key= --wipe-slot=tpm2 "$img" rm "$img".public.pem "$img".private.pem "$img".pcrsign # Now use the root fs support, i.e. make the tool write a copy of the pcrlock # file as service credential to some temporary dir and remove the local copy, so that # it has to use the credential version. mkdir /tmp/fakexbootldr SYSTEMD_XBOOTLDR_PATH=/tmp/fakexbootldr SYSTEMD_RELAX_XBOOTLDR_CHECKS=1 "$SD_PCRLOCK" make-policy --pcr="$PCRS" --force mv /var/lib/systemd/pcrlock.json /var/lib/systemd/pcrlock.json.gone ls -al /tmp/fakexbootldr/loader/credentials CREDENTIAL_FILE="$(echo /tmp/fakexbootldr/loader/credentials/pcrlock.*.cred)" test -f "$CREDENTIAL_FILE" # Strip dir and .cred suffix from file name. CREDENTIAL_NAME=${CREDENTIAL_FILE#/tmp/fakexbootldr/loader/credentials/} CREDENTIAL_NAME=${CREDENTIAL_NAME%.cred} systemd-creds decrypt --name="$CREDENTIAL_NAME" "$CREDENTIAL_FILE" ln -s "$CREDENTIAL_FILE" /tmp/fakexbootldr/loader/credentials/"$CREDENTIAL_NAME" test -f /tmp/fakexbootldr/loader/credentials/"$CREDENTIAL_NAME" SYSTEMD_ENCRYPTED_SYSTEM_CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY=/tmp/fakexbootldr/loader/credentials systemd-cryptsetup attach pcrlock "$img" - tpm2-device=auto,headless systemd-cryptsetup detach pcrlock mv /var/lib/systemd/pcrlock.json.gone /var/lib/systemd/pcrlock.json SYSTEMD_XBOOTLDR_PATH=/tmp/fakexbootldr SYSTEMD_RELAX_XBOOTLDR_CHECKS=1 "$SD_PCRLOCK" remove-policy "$SD_PCRLOCK" unlock-firmware-config "$SD_PCRLOCK" unlock-gpt "$SD_PCRLOCK" unlock-machine-id "$SD_PCRLOCK" unlock-file-system "$SD_PCRLOCK" unlock-raw --pcrlock=/var/lib/pcrlock.d/910-test70.pcrlock "$SD_PCRLOCK" unlock-raw --pcrlock=/var/lib/pcrlock.d/920-test70.pcrlock (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" "") (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" predict --pcr=-1) (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" predict --pcr=foo) (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" predict --pcr=1+1) (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" predict --pcr=1+++++1) (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" make-policy --nv-index=0) (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" make-policy --nv-index=foo) (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" list-components --location=:) (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-gpt "") (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-gpt /dev/sr0) (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-pe /dev/full) (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-pe /bin/true) (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-uki /dev/full) (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-uki /bin/true) (! "$SD_PCRLOCK" lock-file-system "") # Exercise Varlink API a bit (but first turn off condition) mkdir -p /run/systemd/system/systemd-pcrlock.socket.d cat > /run/systemd/system/systemd-pcrlock.socket.d/50-no-condition.conf <