diff options
2 files changed, 75 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/plugins/shell/ b/lib/ansible/plugins/shell/
index 24f11e21eb..4a81a594cc 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/plugins/shell/
+++ b/lib/ansible/plugins/shell/
@@ -364,7 +364,13 @@ Function Run($payload) {
- $proc.Start() | Out-Null # will always return $true for non shell-exec cases
+ Try {
+ $proc.Start() | Out-Null # will always return $true for non shell-exec cases
+ }
+ Catch {
+ Write-Output $_.Exception.InnerException
+ return
+ }
$payload_string = $payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99 -Compress
@@ -494,7 +500,7 @@ Function Run($payload) {
IntPtr lpEnvironment,
string lpCurrentDirectory,
- STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo,
+ STARTUPINFOEX lpStartupInfo,
out PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
@@ -516,6 +522,18 @@ Function Run($payload) {
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
public static extern bool SetHandleInformation(IntPtr hObject, HandleFlags dwMask, int dwFlags);
+ [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
+ public static extern bool InitializeProcThreadAttributeList(IntPtr lpAttributeList, int dwAttributeCount, int dwFlags, ref int lpSize);
+ [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
+ public static extern bool UpdateProcThreadAttribute(
+ IntPtr lpAttributeList,
+ uint dwFlags,
+ IntPtr Attribute,
+ IntPtr lpValue,
+ IntPtr cbSize,
+ IntPtr lpPreviousValue,
+ IntPtr lpReturnSize);
public static string SearchPath(string findThis)
@@ -618,6 +636,17 @@ Function Run($payload) {
+ public class STARTUPINFOEX {
+ public STARTUPINFO startupInfo;
+ public IntPtr lpAttributeList;
+ public STARTUPINFOEX() {
+ startupInfo = new STARTUPINFO();
+ startupInfo.cb = Marshal.SizeOf(this);
+ }
+ }
+ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
public IntPtr hProcess;
@@ -669,22 +698,24 @@ Function Run($payload) {
# FUTURE: create under new job to ensure all children die on exit?
- # FUTURE: move these flags into C# enum
+ # FUTURE: move these flags into C# enum?
# start process suspended + breakaway so we can record the watchdog pid without worrying about a completion race
Set-Variable CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB -Value ([uint32]0x01000000) -Option Constant
Set-Variable CREATE_SUSPENDED -Value ([uint32]0x00000004) -Option Constant
Set-Variable CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT -Value ([uint32]0x000000400) -Option Constant
Set-Variable CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE -Value ([uint32]0x00000010) -Option Constant
+ Set-Variable EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT -Value ([uint32]0x00080000) -Option Constant
- # execute the dynamic watchdog as a breakway process, which will in turn exec the module
- $si = New-Object Ansible.Async.STARTUPINFO
+ # execute the dynamic watchdog as a breakway process to free us from the WinRM job, which will in turn exec the module
+ $si = New-Object Ansible.Async.STARTUPINFOEX
# setup stdin redirection, we'll leave stdout/stderr as normal
- $si.dwFlags = [Ansible.Async.StartupInfoFlags]::USESTDHANDLES
- $si.hStdOutput = [Ansible.Async.NativeProcessUtil]::GetStdHandle([Ansible.Async.StandardHandleValues]::STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
- $si.hStdError = [Ansible.Async.NativeProcessUtil]::GetStdHandle([Ansible.Async.StandardHandleValues]::STD_ERROR_HANDLE)
+ $si.startupInfo.dwFlags = [Ansible.Async.StartupInfoFlags]::USESTDHANDLES
+ $si.startupInfo.hStdOutput = [Ansible.Async.NativeProcessUtil]::GetStdHandle([Ansible.Async.StandardHandleValues]::STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
+ $si.startupInfo.hStdError = [Ansible.Async.NativeProcessUtil]::GetStdHandle([Ansible.Async.StandardHandleValues]::STD_ERROR_HANDLE)
$stdin_read = $stdin_write = 0
@@ -697,7 +728,35 @@ Function Run($payload) {
If(-not [Ansible.Async.NativeProcessUtil]::SetHandleInformation($stdin_write, [Ansible.Async.HandleFlags]::INHERIT, 0)) {
throw "Stdin handle setup failed, Win32Error: $([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error())"
- $si.hStdInput = $stdin_read
+ $si.startupInfo.hStdInput = $stdin_read
+ # create an attribute list with our explicit handle inheritance list to pass to CreateProcess
+ [int]$buf_sz = 0
+ # determine the buffer size necessary for our attribute list
+ If(-not [Ansible.Async.NativeProcessUtil]::InitializeProcThreadAttributeList([IntPtr]::Zero, 1, 0, [ref]$buf_sz)) {
+ $last_err = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error()
+ If($last_err -ne 122) { # ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER
+ throw "Attribute list size query failed, Win32Error: $last_err"
+ }
+ }
+ $si.lpAttributeList = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($buf_sz)
+ # initialize the attribute list
+ If(-not [Ansible.Async.NativeProcessUtil]::InitializeProcThreadAttributeList($si.lpAttributeList, 1, 0, [ref]$buf_sz)) {
+ throw "Attribute list init failed, Win32Error: $([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error())"
+ }
+ $handles_to_inherit = [IntPtr[]]@($stdin_read)
+ $pinned_handles = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle]::Alloc($handles_to_inherit, [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType]::Pinned)
+ # update the attribute list with the handles we want to inherit
+ If(-not [Ansible.Async.NativeProcessUtil]::UpdateProcThreadAttribute($si.lpAttributeList, 0, 0x20002 <# PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST #>, `
+ $pinned_handles.AddrOfPinnedObject(), [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf([type][IntPtr]) * $handles_to_inherit.Length, `
+ [System.IntPtr]::Zero, [System.IntPtr]::Zero)) {
+ throw "Attribute list update failed, Win32Error: $([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::GetLastWin32Error())"
+ }
# need to use a preamble-free version of UTF8Encoding
$utf8_encoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding @($false)
@@ -894,12 +953,8 @@ class ShellModule(object):
# TODO: implement module transfer
# TODO: implement #Requires -Modules parser/locator
- # TODO: add raw failure + errcode preservation (all success right now)
# TODO: add KEEP_REMOTE_FILES support + debug wrapper dump
- # TODO: add become support
# TODO: add binary module support
- # TODO: figure out non-pipelined path (or force pipelining)
def assert_safe_env_key(self, key):
if not self.safe_envkey.match(key):
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/win_async_wrapper/tasks/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/win_async_wrapper/tasks/main.yml
index 8a2fd351ab..fc8f154f14 100644
--- a/test/integration/targets/win_async_wrapper/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/test/integration/targets/win_async_wrapper/tasks/main.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+- name: capture timestamp before fire and forget
+ set_fact:
+ start_timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%s') }}"
- name: async fire and forget
sleep_delay_sec: 5
@@ -12,6 +16,8 @@
- asyncresult.started == 1
- asyncresult.finished == 0
- asyncresult.results_file is search('\.ansible_async.+\d+\.\d+')
+ # ensure that async is actually async- this test will fail if # hosts > forks or if the target host is VERY slow
+ - (lookup('pipe', 'date +%s') | int) - (start_timestamp | int) < 5
- name: async poll immediate success