path: root/contrib/inventory/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/inventory/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 472 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/inventory/ b/contrib/inventory/
deleted file mode 100755
index 483fd42318..0000000000
--- a/contrib/inventory/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-VMware Inventory Script
-Retrieve information about virtual machines from a vCenter server or
-standalone ESX host. When `group_by=false` (in the INI file), host systems
-are also returned in addition to VMs.
-This script will attempt to read configuration from an INI file with the same
-base filename if present, or `vmware.ini` if not. It is possible to create
-symlinks to the inventory script to support multiple configurations, e.g.:
-* `` (this script)
-* `vmware.ini` (default configuration, will be read by ``)
-* `` (symlink to ``)
-* `vmware_test.ini` (test configuration, will be read by ``)
-* `` (symlink to ``, will read `vmware.ini` since no
- `vmware_other.ini` exists)
-The path to an INI file may also be specified via the `VMWARE_INI` environment
-variable, in which case the filename matching rules above will not apply.
-Host and authentication parameters may be specified via the `VMWARE_HOST`,
-`VMWARE_USER` and `VMWARE_PASSWORD` environment variables; these options will
-take precedence over options present in the INI file. An INI file is not
-required if these options are specified using environment variables.
-from __future__ import print_function
-import json
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import ssl
-import sys
-import time
-from ansible.module_utils.common._collections_compat import MutableMapping
-from ansible.module_utils.six import integer_types, text_type, string_types
-from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
-# Disable logging message trigged by pSphere/suds.
- from logging import NullHandler
-except ImportError:
- from logging import Handler
- class NullHandler(Handler):
- def emit(self, record):
- pass
-from psphere.client import Client
-from psphere.errors import ObjectNotFoundError
-from psphere.managedobjects import HostSystem, VirtualMachine, ManagedObject, Network, ClusterComputeResource
-from suds.sudsobject import Object as SudsObject
-class VMwareInventory(object):
- def __init__(self, guests_only=None):
- self.config = configparser.SafeConfigParser()
- if os.environ.get('VMWARE_INI', ''):
- config_files = [os.environ['VMWARE_INI']]
- else:
- config_files = [os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]).rstrip('.py') + '.ini', 'vmware.ini']
- for config_file in config_files:
- if os.path.exists(config_file):
- break
- # Retrieve only guest VMs, or include host systems?
- if guests_only is not None:
- self.guests_only = guests_only
- elif self.config.has_option('defaults', 'guests_only'):
- self.guests_only = self.config.getboolean('defaults', 'guests_only')
- else:
- self.guests_only = True
- # Read authentication information from VMware environment variables
- # (if set), otherwise from INI file.
- auth_host = os.environ.get('VMWARE_HOST')
- if not auth_host and self.config.has_option('auth', 'host'):
- auth_host = self.config.get('auth', 'host')
- auth_user = os.environ.get('VMWARE_USER')
- if not auth_user and self.config.has_option('auth', 'user'):
- auth_user = self.config.get('auth', 'user')
- auth_password = os.environ.get('VMWARE_PASSWORD')
- if not auth_password and self.config.has_option('auth', 'password'):
- auth_password = self.config.get('auth', 'password')
- sslcheck = os.environ.get('VMWARE_SSLCHECK')
- if not sslcheck and self.config.has_option('auth', 'sslcheck'):
- sslcheck = self.config.get('auth', 'sslcheck')
- if not sslcheck:
- sslcheck = True
- else:
- if sslcheck.lower() in ['no', 'false']:
- sslcheck = False
- else:
- sslcheck = True
- # Limit the clusters being scanned
- self.filter_clusters = os.environ.get('VMWARE_CLUSTERS')
- if not self.filter_clusters and self.config.has_option('defaults', 'clusters'):
- self.filter_clusters = self.config.get('defaults', 'clusters')
- if self.filter_clusters:
- self.filter_clusters = [x.strip() for x in self.filter_clusters.split(',') if x.strip()]
- # Override certificate checks
- if not sslcheck:
- if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):
- ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
- # Create the VMware client connection.
- self.client = Client(auth_host, auth_user, auth_password)
- def _put_cache(self, name, value):
- '''
- Saves the value to cache with the name given.
- '''
- if self.config.has_option('defaults', 'cache_dir'):
- cache_dir = os.path.expanduser(self.config.get('defaults', 'cache_dir'))
- if not os.path.exists(cache_dir):
- os.makedirs(cache_dir)
- cache_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, name)
- with open(cache_file, 'w') as cache:
- json.dump(value, cache)
- def _get_cache(self, name, default=None):
- '''
- Retrieves the value from cache for the given name.
- '''
- if self.config.has_option('defaults', 'cache_dir'):
- cache_dir = self.config.get('defaults', 'cache_dir')
- cache_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, name)
- if os.path.exists(cache_file):
- if self.config.has_option('defaults', 'cache_max_age'):
- cache_max_age = self.config.getint('defaults', 'cache_max_age')
- else:
- cache_max_age = 0
- cache_stat = os.stat(cache_file)
- if (cache_stat.st_mtime + cache_max_age) >= time.time():
- with open(cache_file) as cache:
- return json.load(cache)
- return default
- def _flatten_dict(self, d, parent_key='', sep='_'):
- '''
- Flatten nested dicts by combining keys with a separator. Lists with
- only string items are included as is; any other lists are discarded.
- '''
- items = []
- for k, v in d.items():
- if k.startswith('_'):
- continue
- new_key = parent_key + sep + k if parent_key else k
- if isinstance(v, MutableMapping):
- items.extend(self._flatten_dict(v, new_key, sep).items())
- elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
- if all([isinstance(x, string_types) for x in v]):
- items.append((new_key, v))
- else:
- items.append((new_key, v))
- return dict(items)
- def _get_obj_info(self, obj, depth=99, seen=None):
- '''
- Recursively build a data structure for the given pSphere object (depth
- only applies to ManagedObject instances).
- '''
- seen = seen or set()
- if isinstance(obj, ManagedObject):
- try:
- obj_unicode = text_type(getattr(obj, 'name'))
- except AttributeError:
- obj_unicode = ()
- if obj in seen:
- return obj_unicode
- seen.add(obj)
- if depth <= 0:
- return obj_unicode
- d = {}
- for attr in dir(obj):
- if attr.startswith('_'):
- continue
- try:
- val = getattr(obj, attr)
- obj_info = self._get_obj_info(val, depth - 1, seen)
- if obj_info != ():
- d[attr] = obj_info
- except Exception as e:
- pass
- return d
- elif isinstance(obj, SudsObject):
- d = {}
- for key, val in iter(obj):
- obj_info = self._get_obj_info(val, depth, seen)
- if obj_info != ():
- d[key] = obj_info
- return d
- elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
- l = []
- for val in iter(obj):
- obj_info = self._get_obj_info(val, depth, seen)
- if obj_info != ():
- l.append(obj_info)
- return l
- elif isinstance(obj, (type(None), bool, float) + string_types + integer_types):
- return obj
- else:
- return ()
- def _get_host_info(self, host, prefix='vmware'):
- '''
- Return a flattened dict with info about the given host system.
- '''
- host_info = {
- 'name':,
- }
- for attr in ('datastore', 'network', 'vm'):
- try:
- value = getattr(host, attr)
- host_info['%ss' % attr] = self._get_obj_info(value, depth=0)
- except AttributeError:
- host_info['%ss' % attr] = []
- for k, v in self._get_obj_info(host.summary, depth=0).items():
- if isinstance(v, MutableMapping):
- for k2, v2 in v.items():
- host_info[k2] = v2
- elif k != 'host':
- host_info[k] = v
- try:
- host_info['ipAddress'] =[0].spec.ip.ipAddress
- except Exception as e:
- print(e, file=sys.stderr)
- host_info = self._flatten_dict(host_info, prefix)
- if ('%s_ipAddress' % prefix) in host_info:
- host_info['ansible_ssh_host'] = host_info['%s_ipAddress' % prefix]
- return host_info
- def _get_vm_info(self, vm, prefix='vmware'):
- '''
- Return a flattened dict with info about the given virtual machine.
- '''
- vm_info = {
- 'name':,
- }
- for attr in ('datastore', 'network'):
- try:
- value = getattr(vm, attr)
- vm_info['%ss' % attr] = self._get_obj_info(value, depth=0)
- except AttributeError:
- vm_info['%ss' % attr] = []
- try:
- vm_info['resourcePool'] = self._get_obj_info(vm.resourcePool, depth=0)
- except AttributeError:
- vm_info['resourcePool'] = ''
- try:
- vm_info['guestState'] = vm.guest.guestState
- except AttributeError:
- vm_info['guestState'] = ''
- for k, v in self._get_obj_info(vm.summary, depth=0).items():
- if isinstance(v, MutableMapping):
- for k2, v2 in v.items():
- if k2 == 'host':
- k2 = 'hostSystem'
- vm_info[k2] = v2
- elif k != 'vm':
- vm_info[k] = v
- vm_info = self._flatten_dict(vm_info, prefix)
- if ('%s_ipAddress' % prefix) in vm_info:
- vm_info['ansible_ssh_host'] = vm_info['%s_ipAddress' % prefix]
- return vm_info
- def _add_host(self, inv, parent_group, host_name):
- '''
- Add the host to the parent group in the given inventory.
- '''
- p_group = inv.setdefault(parent_group, [])
- if isinstance(p_group, dict):
- group_hosts = p_group.setdefault('hosts', [])
- else:
- group_hosts = p_group
- if host_name not in group_hosts:
- group_hosts.append(host_name)
- def _add_child(self, inv, parent_group, child_group):
- '''
- Add a child group to a parent group in the given inventory.
- '''
- if parent_group != 'all':
- p_group = inv.setdefault(parent_group, {})
- if not isinstance(p_group, dict):
- inv[parent_group] = {'hosts': p_group}
- p_group = inv[parent_group]
- group_children = p_group.setdefault('children', [])
- if child_group not in group_children:
- group_children.append(child_group)
- inv.setdefault(child_group, [])
- def get_inventory(self, meta_hostvars=True):
- '''
- Reads the inventory from cache or VMware API via pSphere.
- '''
- # Use different cache names for guests only vs. all hosts.
- if self.guests_only:
- cache_name = '__inventory_guests__'
- else:
- cache_name = '__inventory_all__'
- inv = self._get_cache(cache_name, None)
- if inv is not None:
- return inv
- inv = {'all': {'hosts': []}}
- if meta_hostvars:
- inv['_meta'] = {'hostvars': {}}
- default_group = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]).rstrip('.py')
- if not self.guests_only:
- if self.config.has_option('defaults', 'hw_group'):
- hw_group = self.config.get('defaults', 'hw_group')
- else:
- hw_group = default_group + '_hw'
- if self.config.has_option('defaults', 'vm_group'):
- vm_group = self.config.get('defaults', 'vm_group')
- else:
- vm_group = default_group + '_vm'
- if self.config.has_option('defaults', 'prefix_filter'):
- prefix_filter = self.config.get('defaults', 'prefix_filter')
- else:
- prefix_filter = None
- if self.filter_clusters:
- # Loop through clusters and find hosts:
- hosts = []
- for cluster in ClusterComputeResource.all(self.client):
- if in self.filter_clusters:
- for host in
- hosts.append(host)
- else:
- # Get list of all physical hosts
- hosts = HostSystem.all(self.client)
- # Loop through physical hosts:
- for host in hosts:
- if not self.guests_only:
- self._add_host(inv, 'all',
- self._add_host(inv, hw_group,
- host_info = self._get_host_info(host)
- if meta_hostvars:
- inv['_meta']['hostvars'][] = host_info
- self._put_cache(, host_info)
- # Loop through all VMs on physical host.
- for vm in host.vm:
- if prefix_filter:
- if
- continue
- self._add_host(inv, 'all',
- self._add_host(inv, vm_group,
- vm_info = self._get_vm_info(vm)
- if meta_hostvars:
- inv['_meta']['hostvars'][] = vm_info
- self._put_cache(, vm_info)
- # Group by resource pool.
- vm_resourcePool = vm_info.get('vmware_resourcePool', None)
- if vm_resourcePool:
- self._add_child(inv, vm_group, 'resource_pools')
- self._add_child(inv, 'resource_pools', vm_resourcePool)
- self._add_host(inv, vm_resourcePool,
- # Group by datastore.
- for vm_datastore in vm_info.get('vmware_datastores', []):
- self._add_child(inv, vm_group, 'datastores')
- self._add_child(inv, 'datastores', vm_datastore)
- self._add_host(inv, vm_datastore,
- # Group by network.
- for vm_network in vm_info.get('vmware_networks', []):
- self._add_child(inv, vm_group, 'networks')
- self._add_child(inv, 'networks', vm_network)
- self._add_host(inv, vm_network,
- # Group by guest OS.
- vm_guestId = vm_info.get('vmware_guestId', None)
- if vm_guestId:
- self._add_child(inv, vm_group, 'guests')
- self._add_child(inv, 'guests', vm_guestId)
- self._add_host(inv, vm_guestId,
- # Group all VM templates.
- vm_template = vm_info.get('vmware_template', False)
- if vm_template:
- self._add_child(inv, vm_group, 'templates')
- self._add_host(inv, 'templates',
- self._put_cache(cache_name, inv)
- return inv
- def get_host(self, hostname):
- '''
- Read info about a specific host or VM from cache or VMware API.
- '''
- inv = self._get_cache(hostname, None)
- if inv is not None:
- return inv
- if not self.guests_only:
- try:
- host = HostSystem.get(self.client, name=hostname)
- inv = self._get_host_info(host)
- except ObjectNotFoundError:
- pass
- if inv is None:
- try:
- vm = VirtualMachine.get(self.client, name=hostname)
- inv = self._get_vm_info(vm)
- except ObjectNotFoundError:
- pass
- if inv is not None:
- self._put_cache(hostname, inv)
- return inv or {}
-def main():
- parser = optparse.OptionParser()
- parser.add_option('--list', action='store_true', dest='list',
- default=False, help='Output inventory groups and hosts')
- parser.add_option('--host', dest='host', default=None, metavar='HOST',
- help='Output variables only for the given hostname')
- # Additional options for use when running the script standalone, but never
- # used by Ansible.
- parser.add_option('--pretty', action='store_true', dest='pretty',
- default=False, help='Output nicely-formatted JSON')
- parser.add_option('--include-host-systems', action='store_true',
- dest='include_host_systems', default=False,
- help='Include host systems in addition to VMs')
- parser.add_option('--no-meta-hostvars', action='store_false',
- dest='meta_hostvars', default=True,
- help='Exclude [\'_meta\'][\'hostvars\'] with --list')
- options, args = parser.parse_args()
- if options.include_host_systems:
- vmware_inventory = VMwareInventory(guests_only=False)
- else:
- vmware_inventory = VMwareInventory()
- if is not None:
- inventory = vmware_inventory.get_host(
- else:
- inventory = vmware_inventory.get_inventory(options.meta_hostvars)
- json_kwargs = {}
- if options.pretty:
- json_kwargs.update({'indent': 4, 'sort_keys': True})
- json.dump(inventory, sys.stdout, **json_kwargs)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()