diff options
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/awx/ui/static/js/helpers/Groups.js b/awx/ui/static/js/helpers/Groups.js
index fe180554c5..a5dfcd0d70 100644
--- a/awx/ui/static/js/helpers/Groups.js
+++ b/awx/ui/static/js/helpers/Groups.js
@@ -804,7 +804,8 @@ angular.module('GroupsHelper', [ 'RestServices', 'Utilities', 'ListGenerator', '
- url: GetBasePath('credentials') + '?cloud=true',
+ url: GetBasePath('credentials') +
+ '?cloud=true&kind=' + [(scope.source.value == 'rackspace') ? 'rax' : 'aws'],
scope: scope,
form: form,
list: CredentialList,
@@ -987,30 +988,6 @@ angular.module('GroupsHelper', [ 'RestServices', 'Utilities', 'ListGenerator', '
scope.sourceChange = function() {
- /*if (scope['source'].value == 'ec2' || scope['source'].value == 'rackspace') {
- scope.sourcePasswordRequired = true;
- scope.sourceUsernameRequired = true;
- if (scope['source'].value == 'ec2') {
- scope.sourceUsernameLabel = 'Access Key ID';
- scope.sourcePasswordLabel = 'Secret Access Key';
- scope.sourcePasswordConfirmLabel = 'Confirm Secret Access Key';
- }
- else {
- scope.sourceUsernameLabel = 'Username';
- scope.sourcePasswordLabel = 'Password';
- scope.sourcePasswordConfirmLabel = 'Confirm Password';
- }
- }
- else {
- scope.sourcePasswordRequired = false;
- scope.sourceUsernameRequired = false;
- // reset fields
- scope.source_password = '';
- scope.source_password_confirm = '';
- scope.source_username = '';
- scope[ + '_form']['source_username'].$setValidity('required',true);
- }*/
if (scope['source'].value == 'file') {
scope.sourcePathRequired = true;
@@ -1019,39 +996,19 @@ angular.module('GroupsHelper', [ 'RestServices', 'Utilities', 'ListGenerator', '
// reset fields
scope.source_path = '';
scope[ + '_form']['source_path'].$setValidity('required',true);
+ scope['credential'] = '';
+ scope['credential_name'] = '';
+ LookUpInit({
+ url: GetBasePath('credentials') +
+ '?cloud=true&kind=' + [(scope.source.value == 'rackspace') ? 'rax' : 'aws'],
+ scope: scope,
+ form: form,
+ list: CredentialList,
+ field: 'credential'
+ });
- // Password change
- /*scope.clearPWConfirm = function(fld) {
- // If password value changes, make sure password_confirm must be re-entered
- scope[fld] = '';
- scope[ + '_form'][fld].$setValidity('awpassmatch', false);
- }
- // Respond to 'Ask at runtime?' checkbox
- scope.ask = function(fld, associated) {
- if (scope[fld + '_ask']) {
- scope[fld] = 'ASK';
- scope[associated] = '';
- scope[ + '_form'][associated].$setValidity('awpassmatch', true);
- }
- else {
- scope[fld] = '';
- scope[associated] = '';
- scope[ + '_form'][associated].$setValidity('awpassmatch', true);
- }
- }
- // Click clear button
- scope.clear = function(fld, associated) {
- scope[fld] = '';
- scope[associated] = '';
- scope[ + '_form'][associated].$setValidity('awpassmatch', true);
- scope[ + '_form'].$setDirty();
- }
- */
// Start the update process
scope.updateGroup = function() {
if (scope.source == "" || scope.source == null) {