path: root/src/lib/dhcpsrv/database_backends.dox
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authorTomek Mrugalski <>2014-03-11 15:42:26 +0100
committerTomek Mrugalski <>2014-03-11 15:42:26 +0100
commita3d6102cfa1c6e3756aca5c8d3bbf14ab239a10d (patch)
tree36ce3a176db83bff1cc4f0d2769b77df0db0f641 /src/lib/dhcpsrv/database_backends.dox
parent[master] ChangeLog for #3359 updated. (diff)
[3080] Initial PostgreSQL patch
- patch contributed by David Carlier (thanks!) - updated to current master - fixed compliation issues - written developer's guide (pgsql setup steps) - many smaller changes - still WIP
Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/dhcpsrv/database_backends.dox')
1 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dhcpsrv/database_backends.dox b/src/lib/dhcpsrv/database_backends.dox
index 174b5e22fc..94beadd35b 100644
--- a/src/lib/dhcpsrv/database_backends.dox
+++ b/src/lib/dhcpsrv/database_backends.dox
@@ -121,4 +121,78 @@
The unit tests are run automatically when "make check" is executed (providing
that BIND 10 has been build with the \--with-dhcp-mysql switch (see the installation
section in the <a href="">BIND 10 Guide</a>).
+ @subsection dhcp-pgsql-unittest PostgreSQL unit-tests
+ Conceptually, the steps required to run PostgreSQL unit-tests are the same as
+ in MySQL. First, a database called <i>keatest</i> must be created. A database
+ user, also called <i>keatest</i> (that will be allowed to log in using password
+ <i>keatest</i>) must be created and given full privileges in that database. The
+ unit tests create the schema in the database before each test and delete it
+ afterwards.
+ PostgreSQL set up differs from system to system. Please consult your OS-specific
+ PostgreSQL documentation. The remainder of that section uses Ubuntu 13.10 x64 as
+ example. On Ubuntu, after installing PostgreSQL (with <tt>sudo apt-get install
+ postgresql</tt>), it is installed as user <i>postgres</i>. To create new databases
+ or add new users, initial commands must be issued as user postgres:
+$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres
+[sudo] password for thomson:
+psql (9.1.12)
+Type "help" for help.
+postgres=# CREATE USER keatest WITH PASSWORD 'keatest';
+postgres=# CREATE DATABASE keatest;
+postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE keatest TO keatest;
+postgres=# \q
+ Now we are back to our regular, unprivileged user. Try to log into the newly
+ created database using keatest credentials:
+$ psql -d keatest -U keatest
+$ psql keatest -U keatest -W
+Password for user keatest:
+psql (9.1.12)
+Type "help" for help.
+ If instead of seeing keatest=> prompt, your login will be refused with error
+ code about failed peer or indent authentication, it means that PostgreSQL is
+ configured to check unix username and reject login attepts if PostgreSQL names
+ are different. To alter that, PostgreSQL configuration must be changed.
+ Alternatively, you may set up your environment, so the tests would be run from
+ unix account keatest. <tt>/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf</tt> config file
+ had to betweaked. It may be in a different location in your system. The following
+ lines:
+local all all peer
+host all all md5
+host all all ::1/128 md5
+ were replaced with:
+local all all password
+host all all password
+host all all ::1/128 password
+ Please consult your PostgreSQL user manual before applying those changes as
+ those changes may expose your other databases that you run on the same system.
+ In general case, it is a poor idea to run anything of value on a system
+ that runs tests. Use caution!
+ The unit tests are run automatically when "make check" is executed (providing
+ that BIND 10 has been build with the \--with-dhcp-pgsql switch (see the installation
+ section in the <a href="">BIND10 Guide</a>).