path: root/src/lib/dns/tests/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 606 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/dns/tests/ b/src/lib/dns/tests/
index e810136068..8b13789179 100644
--- a/src/lib/dns/tests/
+++ b/src/lib/dns/tests/
@@ -1,607 +1 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC")
-// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-// file, You can obtain one at
-#include <config.h>
-#include <dns/master_lexer.h>
-#include <dns/master_lexer_inputsource.h>
-#include <dns/master_lexer_state.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <sstream>
-using namespace isc::dns;
-using namespace master_lexer_internal;
-namespace {
-typedef MasterToken Token; // shortcut
-class MasterLexerStateTest : public ::testing::Test {
- MasterLexerStateTest() : common_options(MasterLexer::INITIAL_WS),
- s_null(NULL),
- s_crlf(State::getInstance(State::CRLF)),
- s_string(State::getInstance(State::String)),
- s_qstring(State::getInstance(State::QString)),
- s_number(State::getInstance(State::Number)),
- options(MasterLexer::NONE),
- orig_options(options)
- {}
- // Specify INITIAL_WS as common initial options.
- const MasterLexer::Options common_options;
- MasterLexer lexer;
- const State* const s_null;
- const State& s_crlf;
- const State& s_string;
- const State& s_qstring;
- const State& s_number;
- std::stringstream ss;
- MasterLexer::Options options, orig_options;
-// Common check for the end-of-file condition.
-// Token is set to END_OF_FILE, and the lexer was NOT last eol state.
-// Passed state can be any valid one; they are stateless, just providing the
-// interface for inspection.
-eofCheck(const State& state, MasterLexer& lexer) {
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_FILE, state.getToken(lexer).getType());
- EXPECT_FALSE(state.wasLastEOL(lexer));
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, startAndEnd) {
- // A simple case: the input is empty, so we begin with start and
- // are immediately done.
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- eofCheck(s_crlf, lexer);
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, startToEOL) {
- ss << "\n";
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- EXPECT_TRUE(s_crlf.wasLastEOL(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_LINE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
- // The next lexer session will reach EOF. Same eof check should pass.
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- eofCheck(s_crlf, lexer);
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, space) {
- // repeat '\t\n' twice (see below), then space after EOL
- ss << " \t\n\t\n ";
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- // by default space characters and tabs will be ignored. We check this
- // twice; at the second iteration, it's a white space at the beginning
- // of line, but since we don't specify INITIAL_WS option, it's treated as
- // normal space and ignored.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, MasterLexer::NONE));
- EXPECT_TRUE(s_crlf.wasLastEOL(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_LINE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
- }
- // Now we specify the INITIAL_WS option. It will be recognized and the
- // corresponding token will be returned.
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, MasterLexer::INITIAL_WS));
- EXPECT_FALSE(s_crlf.wasLastEOL(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::INITIAL_WS, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, parentheses) {
- ss << "\n(\na\n )\n "; // 1st \n is to check if 'was EOL' is set to false
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // handle \n
- // Now handle '('. It skips \n and recognize 'a' as string
- EXPECT_EQ(0, s_crlf.getParenCount(lexer)); // check pre condition
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- EXPECT_EQ(1, s_crlf.getParenCount(lexer)); // check post condition
- EXPECT_FALSE(s_crlf.wasLastEOL(lexer));
- // skip 'a'
- s_string.handle(lexer);
- // Then handle ')'. '\n' before ')' isn't recognized because
- // it's canceled due to the '('. Likewise, the space after the '\n'
- // shouldn't be recognized but should be just ignored.
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, s_crlf.getParenCount(lexer));
- // Now, temporarily disabled options are restored: Both EOL and the
- // initial WS are recognized
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_LINE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::INITIAL_WS, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, nestedParentheses) {
- // This is an unusual, but allowed (in this implementation) case.
- ss << "(a(b)\n c)\n ";
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // consume '('
- s_string.handle(lexer); // consume 'a'
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // consume '('
- s_string.handle(lexer); // consume 'b'
- EXPECT_EQ(2, s_crlf.getParenCount(lexer)); // now the count is 2
- // Close the inner most parentheses. count will be decreased, but option
- // shouldn't be restored yet, so the intermediate EOL or initial WS won't
- // be recognized.
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // consume ')'
- s_string.handle(lexer); // consume 'c'
- EXPECT_EQ(1, s_crlf.getParenCount(lexer));
- // Close the outermost parentheses. count will be reset to 0, and original
- // options are restored.
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- // Now, temporarily disabled options are restored: Both EOL and the
- // initial WS are recognized
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_LINE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::INITIAL_WS, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, unbalancedParentheses) {
- // Only closing paren is provided. We prepend a \n to check if it's
- // correctly canceled after detecting the error.
- ss << "\n)";
- ss << "(a";
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // consume '\n'
- EXPECT_TRUE(s_crlf.wasLastEOL(lexer)); // this \n was remembered
- // Now checking ')'. The result should be error, count shouldn't be
- // changed. "last EOL" should be canceled.
- EXPECT_EQ(0, s_crlf.getParenCount(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, s_crlf.getParenCount(lexer));
- ASSERT_EQ(Token::ERROR, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::UNBALANCED_PAREN, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getErrorCode());
- EXPECT_FALSE(s_crlf.wasLastEOL(lexer));
- // Reach EOF with a dangling open parenthesis.
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // consume '('
- s_string.handle(lexer); // consume 'a'
- EXPECT_EQ(1, s_crlf.getParenCount(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // reach EOF
- ASSERT_EQ(Token::ERROR, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::UNBALANCED_PAREN, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getErrorCode());
- EXPECT_EQ(0, s_crlf.getParenCount(lexer)); // should be reset to 0
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, startToComment) {
- // Begin with 'start', detect space, then encounter a comment. Skip
- // the rest of the line, and recognize the new line. Note that the
- // second ';' is simply ignored.
- ss << " ;a;\n";
- ss << ";a;"; // Likewise, but the comment ends with EOF.
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- // Initial whitespace (asked for in common_options)
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::INITIAL_WS, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
- // Comment ending with EOL
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_LINE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
- // Comment ending with EOF
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_FILE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, commentAfterParen) {
- // comment after an opening parenthesis. The code that is tested by
- // other tests should also ensure that it works correctly, but we
- // check it explicitly.
- ss << "( ;this is a comment\na)\n";
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- // consume '(', skip comments, consume 'a', then consume ')'
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer);
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_LINE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, crlf) {
- ss << "\r\n"; // case 1
- ss << "\r "; // case 2
- ss << "\r;comment\na"; // case 3
- ss << "\r"; // case 4
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- // 1. A sequence of \r, \n is recognized as a single 'end-of-line'
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_crlf, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // recognize '\r'
- s_crlf.handle(lexer); // recognize '\n'
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_LINE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
- EXPECT_TRUE(s_crlf.wasLastEOL(lexer));
- // 2. Single '\r' (not followed by \n) is recognized as a single
- // 'end-of-line'. then there will be "initial WS"
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_crlf, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // recognize '\r'
- // see ' ', "unget" it
- s_crlf.handle(lexer);
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // recognize ' '
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::INITIAL_WS, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
- // 3. comment between \r and \n
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_crlf, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // recognize '\r'
- // skip comments, recognize '\n'
- s_crlf.handle(lexer);
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_LINE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // skip 'a'
- // 4. \r then EOF
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_crlf, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // recognize '\r'
- // see EOF, then "unget" it
- s_crlf.handle(lexer);
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // recognize EOF
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_FILE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
-// Commonly used check for string related test cases, checking if the given
-// token has expected values.
-stringTokenCheck(const std::string& expected, const MasterToken& token,
- bool quoted = false)
- EXPECT_EQ(quoted ? Token::QSTRING : Token::STRING, token.getType());
- EXPECT_EQ(expected, token.getString());
- const std::string actual(token.getStringRegion().beg,
- token.getStringRegion().beg +
- token.getStringRegion().len);
- EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual);
- // There should be "hidden" nul-terminator after the string data.
- ASSERT_NE(static_cast<const char*>(NULL), token.getStringRegion().beg);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, *(token.getStringRegion().beg + token.getStringRegion().len));
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, string) {
- // Check with simple strings followed by separate characters
- ss << "followed-by-EOL\n";
- ss << "followed-by-CR\r";
- ss << "followed-by-space ";
- ss << "followed-by-tab\t";
- ss << "followed-by-comment;this is comment and ignored\n";
- ss << "followed-by-paren(closing)";
- ss << "followed-by-EOF";
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see \n
- EXPECT_FALSE(s_string.wasLastEOL(lexer));
- stringTokenCheck("followed-by-EOL", s_string.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // skip \n
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see \r
- stringTokenCheck("followed-by-CR", s_string.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_crlf, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // handle \r...
- s_crlf.handle(lexer); // ...and skip it
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' '
- stringTokenCheck("followed-by-space", s_string.getToken(lexer));
- // skip ' ', then recognize the next string
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see \t
- stringTokenCheck("followed-by-tab", s_string.getToken(lexer));
- // skip \t, then recognize the next string
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see comment
- stringTokenCheck("followed-by-comment", s_string.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // skip \n after it
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see '('
- stringTokenCheck("followed-by-paren", s_string.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // str in ()
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize the str, see ')'
- stringTokenCheck("closing", s_string.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see EOF
- stringTokenCheck("followed-by-EOF", s_string.getToken(lexer));
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, stringEscape) {
- // some of the separate characters should be considered part of the
- // string if escaped.
- ss << "escaped\\ space ";
- ss << "escaped\\\ttab ";
- ss << "escaped\\(paren ";
- ss << "escaped\\)close ";
- ss << "escaped\\;comment ";
- ss << "escaped\\\\ backslash "; // second '\' shouldn't escape ' '
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' ' at end
- stringTokenCheck("escaped\\ space", s_string.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' ' at end
- stringTokenCheck("escaped\\\ttab", s_string.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' ' at end
- stringTokenCheck("escaped\\(paren", s_string.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' ' at end
- stringTokenCheck("escaped\\)close", s_string.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' ' at end
- stringTokenCheck("escaped\\;comment", s_string.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' ' in mid
- stringTokenCheck("escaped\\\\", s_string.getToken(lexer));
- // Confirm the word that follows the escaped '\' is correctly recognized.
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' ' at end
- stringTokenCheck("backslash", s_string.getToken(lexer));
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, quotedString) {
- ss << "\"ignore-quotes\"\n";
- ss << "\"quoted string\" "; // space is part of the qstring
- ss << "\"\" "; // empty quoted string
- // also check other separator characters. note that \r doesn't cause
- // UNBALANCED_QUOTES. Not sure if it's intentional, but that's how the
- // BIND 9 version works, so we follow it (it should be too minor to matter
- // in practice anyway)
- ss << "\"quoted()\t\rstring\" ";
- ss << "\"escape\\ in quote\" ";
- ss << "\"escaped\\\"\" ";
- ss << "\"escaped backslash\\\\\" ";
- ss << "\"no;comment\"";
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- // by default, '"' is unexpected (when QSTRING is not specified),
- // and it returns MasterToken::UNEXPECTED_QUOTES.
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::UNEXPECTED_QUOTES, s_string.getToken(lexer).getErrorCode());
- // Read it as a QSTRING.
- s_qstring.handle(lexer); // recognize quoted str, see \n
- stringTokenCheck("ignore-quotes", s_qstring.getToken(lexer), true);
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, common_options)); // skip \n after it
- EXPECT_TRUE(s_string.wasLastEOL(lexer));
- // If QSTRING is specified in option, '"' is regarded as a beginning of
- // a quoted string.
- const MasterLexer::Options options = common_options | MasterLexer::QSTRING;
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_qstring, State::start(lexer, options));
- EXPECT_FALSE(s_string.wasLastEOL(lexer)); // EOL is canceled due to '"'
- s_qstring.handle(lexer);
- stringTokenCheck("quoted string", s_string.getToken(lexer), true);
- // Empty string is okay as qstring
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_qstring, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_qstring.handle(lexer);
- stringTokenCheck("", s_string.getToken(lexer), true);
- // Also checks other separator characters within a qstring
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_qstring, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_qstring.handle(lexer);
- stringTokenCheck("quoted()\t\rstring", s_string.getToken(lexer), true);
- // escape character mostly doesn't have any effect in the qstring
- // processing
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_qstring, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_qstring.handle(lexer);
- stringTokenCheck("escape\\ in quote", s_string.getToken(lexer), true);
- // The only exception is the quotation mark itself. Note that the escape
- // only works on the quotation mark immediately after it.
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_qstring, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_qstring.handle(lexer);
- stringTokenCheck("escaped\"", s_string.getToken(lexer), true);
- // quoted '\' then '"'. Unlike the previous case '"' shouldn't be
- // escaped.
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_qstring, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_qstring.handle(lexer);
- stringTokenCheck("escaped backslash\\\\", s_string.getToken(lexer), true);
- // ';' has no meaning in a quoted string (not indicating a comment)
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_qstring, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_qstring.handle(lexer);
- stringTokenCheck("no;comment", s_string.getToken(lexer), true);
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, brokenQuotedString) {
- ss << "\"unbalanced-quote\n";
- ss << "\"quoted\\\n\" ";
- ss << "\"unclosed quote and EOF";
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- // EOL is encountered without closing the quote
- const MasterLexer::Options options = common_options | MasterLexer::QSTRING;
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_qstring, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_qstring.handle(lexer);
- ASSERT_EQ(Token::ERROR, s_qstring.getToken(lexer).getType());
- s_qstring.getToken(lexer).getErrorCode());
- // We can resume after the error from the '\n'
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, options));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_LINE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
- // \n is okay in a quoted string if escaped
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_qstring, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_qstring.handle(lexer);
- stringTokenCheck("quoted\\\n", s_string.getToken(lexer), true);
- // EOF is encountered without closing the quote
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_qstring, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_qstring.handle(lexer);
- ASSERT_EQ(Token::ERROR, s_qstring.getToken(lexer).getType());
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::UNEXPECTED_END, s_qstring.getToken(lexer).getErrorCode());
- // If we continue we'll simply see the EOF
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, options));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_FILE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, basicNumbers) {
- ss << "0 ";
- ss << "1 ";
- ss << "12345 ";
- ss << "4294967295 "; // 2^32-1
- ss << "4294967296 "; // Out of range
- ss << "340282366920938463463374607431768211456 ";
- // Very much out of range (2^128)
- ss << "005 "; // Leading zeroes are ignored
- ss << "42;asdf\n"; // Number with comment
- ss << "37"; // Simple number again, here to make
- // sure none of the above messed up
- // the tokenizer
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- // Ask the lexer to recognize numbers as well
- const MasterLexer::Options options = common_options | MasterLexer::NUMBER;
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer);
- EXPECT_EQ(0, s_number.getToken(lexer).getNumber());
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer);
- EXPECT_EQ(1, s_number.getToken(lexer).getNumber());
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer);
- EXPECT_EQ(12345, s_number.getToken(lexer).getNumber());
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer);
- EXPECT_EQ(4294967295u, s_number.getToken(lexer).getNumber());
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer);
- s_number.getToken(lexer).getErrorCode());
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer);
- s_number.getToken(lexer).getErrorCode());
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer);
- EXPECT_EQ(5, s_number.getToken(lexer).getNumber());
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer);
- EXPECT_EQ(42, s_number.getToken(lexer).getNumber());
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, options));
- EXPECT_TRUE(s_crlf.wasLastEOL(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_LINE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer);
- EXPECT_EQ(37, s_number.getToken(lexer).getNumber());
- // If we continue we'll simply see the EOF
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, options));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_FILE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
-// Test tokens that look like (or start out as) numbers,
-// but turn out to be strings. Tests include escaped characters.
-TEST_F(MasterLexerStateTest, stringNumbers) {
- ss << "123 "; // Should be read as a string if the
- // NUMBER option is not given
- ss << "-1 "; // Negative numbers are interpreted
- // as strings (unsigned integers only)
- ss << "123abc456 "; // 'Numbers' containing non-digits should
- // be interpreted as strings
- ss << "123\\456 "; // Numbers containing escaped digits are
- // interpreted as strings
- ss << "3scaped\\ space ";
- ss << "3scaped\\\ttab ";
- ss << "3scaped\\(paren ";
- ss << "3scaped\\)close ";
- ss << "3scaped\\;comment ";
- ss << "3scaped\\\\ 8ackslash "; // second '\' shouldn't escape ' '
- lexer.pushSource(ss);
- // Note that common_options does not include MasterLexer::NUMBER,
- // so the token should be recognized as a string
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, common_options));
- s_string.handle(lexer);
- stringTokenCheck("123", s_string.getToken(lexer), false);
- // Ask the lexer to recognize numbers as well
- const MasterLexer::Options options = common_options | MasterLexer::NUMBER;
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_string, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_string.handle(lexer);
- stringTokenCheck("-1", s_string.getToken(lexer), false);
- // Starts out as a number, but ends up being a string
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer);
- stringTokenCheck("123abc456", s_number.getToken(lexer), false);
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer);
- stringTokenCheck("123\\456", s_number.getToken(lexer), false);
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' ' at end
- stringTokenCheck("3scaped\\ space", s_number.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' ' at end
- stringTokenCheck("3scaped\\\ttab", s_number.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' ' at end
- stringTokenCheck("3scaped\\(paren", s_number.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' ' at end
- stringTokenCheck("3scaped\\)close", s_number.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' ' at end
- stringTokenCheck("3scaped\\;comment", s_number.getToken(lexer));
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' ' in mid
- stringTokenCheck("3scaped\\\\", s_number.getToken(lexer));
- // Confirm the word that follows the escaped '\' is correctly recognized.
- EXPECT_EQ(&s_number, State::start(lexer, options));
- s_number.handle(lexer); // recognize str, see ' ' at end
- stringTokenCheck("8ackslash", s_number.getToken(lexer));
- // If we continue we'll simply see the EOF
- EXPECT_EQ(s_null, State::start(lexer, options));
- EXPECT_EQ(Token::END_OF_FILE, s_crlf.getToken(lexer).getType());
-} // end anonymous namespace